The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 209: - don't give up


In the Mansion of Marquis Anyi in Wangdu, Guan Yubai was dressed in plain clothes, standing in front of a map. This was a map of the whole territory of Dayu. more detailed maps.

There was a piece of paper on his desk, on which a lot of content was densely written, and on the other side were some books that were spread out.

Guan Yubai's fingers slowly slid across a corner of the map, his eyes revealing deep thought.

"Yubai." At this moment, the door of the study was pushed open, and Si Lin, who was still dressed in black, walked in. Seeing that he was still next to the map, he couldn't help but shrugged a little bored. I thought that Guan Yubai, who was immersed in thinking, would not talk to him as usual, but unexpectedly, Guan Yubai spoke uncharacteristically, and said unhurriedly: "You came just in time, I found something very interesting. "

"Interesting?" Si Lin walked over, looked at the map for a while, then spread his hands with some headaches and said, "You can just say it. Anyway, I didn't see anything."

Guan Yubai asked instead, "Si Lin, what do you think of this epidemic?"

Si Lin said without thinking, "A comeback?"

"These are the three villages where the epidemic first occurred in the previous dynasty..." Guan Yu pointed his slender fingers over the map, "From here to here, it was the place where the disease was most severely affected. Their locations are as follows: One thing in common...the granary!"

Si Lin's complexion changed, and he blurted out: "Gancang?"

Guan Yubai nodded, with a gentle and calm expression: "These counties were the granaries of the former dynasty in the northwest. Back then, these counties and towns were sealed off due to the epidemic, and everything was burned down, including the court. A large amount of military rations hoarded..." He said, pointing to Shenlong Mountain again, and said, "And this time, the same epidemic happened here again, and the timing happened to be the emperor's autumn hunting..."

Si Lin's expression tightened, and he said solemnly: "You mean, this is not just an epidemic?"

"After the epidemic in the previous dynasty, there was a five-year war that almost wiped out the country."


"I'm going to visit Shenlong Mountain."

"Are you crazy?!" Si Lin said disapprovingly, "You are no longer a general. Although you have the title of Lord Marquis, you are nothing more than a son and daughter of the quack. What will Dayu have to do with you? Changing dynasties, the rivers and lakes are still rivers and lakes, it will not have any impact.... Well, even if you miss that little girl, maybe she is already on her way back to the capital. Let’s wait for news from Xiao Si... "

Guan Yubai said in a gentle voice: "I have just received Xiao Si's letter from Fei Ge. A Yi has been to the Lei Shu Racecourse, and Princess Yaoguang stayed with him."

Si Lin stroked his forehead and said helplessly, "You must go?"

Guan Yubai nodded slightly, his expression as warm as ever, but he was very determined, "This time it's not just an epidemic, it's just treated according to the method of the epidemic. Progress. So, I have to go…”

Just when Guan Yubai was about to leave for Shenlong Mountain, the emperor had already arranged everything and drove back to the palace.

A total of eight imperial physicians accompanied the autumn hunt this time, four of them returned to the capital with the emperor, and the remaining four imperial physicians headed by Wu imperial physician stayed in the hunting palace to treat patients, and the emperor ordered most of them to stay herbs.

In the Hunting Palace, there are already fifteen sick patients after detailed statistics. Except for the six people at the beginning, the rest are mostly servant girls and servants who are close to them. Most of them just had a fever, and because of their low status, It is also impossible to summon the imperial physician, but they just ate some ginger tea to suppress it, and they were not found out until the epidemic happened.

In addition to these fifteen people, more than 20 people who had been to Leichu Racecourse, fifty or sixty people who had close contact with patients or sick horses, and hundreds of people who had slight contact were also left behind. The Hunting Palace is temporarily isolated and is not allowed to leave.

In addition, all the close servants of the patients, half of the Imperial Forest Army, thousands of Xiaoqi Battalion, and all the nearly 200 maids who were originally staying in the hunting palace were also left behind.

For a moment, the people in the Hunting Palace were panicked, filled with an almost desperate atmosphere.

Everyone knows that unless the epidemic is completely brought under control, those who are left behind will probably find it difficult to leave due to the spread of the immune disease until they die...

On the day the emperor got up to drive back to the palace, Nangong Yue went to Qingfeng Pavilion early in the morning to give Pei Yuanchen the last pulse before leaving, and told Jian Anbo and his wife that she had given the plaster prescription to Imperial Physician Zhang, and also communicated with Imperial Physician Zhang Treatment options are explained.

Jian Anbo and his wife obviously breathed a sigh of relief. While being grateful, they told Nangong Yue to be careful and rushed to Lietai together with her.

It was just past Chen's hour, but most of the people were already at the hunting platform ready to go.

Nangong Yue came to Lietai specially to bid farewell to everyone.

"Third sister, you should go with us." Nangong Chengliu frowned, hesitantly said, "Second uncle and second aunt will be very worried if they find out." She bit her slightly pale cherry lips, I can't hide my worry. She actually suspected that Nangong Yue's wanting to stay might have something to do with Xiao Yi... Thinking of this, Nangong Cheng frowned even tighter, and only hoped that Prince Xiao would not disappoint the third sister's wishes in the future.

"Big sister, don't worry, I'll be fine." Nangong Yue comforted her with a smile, "Can you still trust my medical skills? I will take preventive measures and nothing will happen."

Her tone is very relaxed, but no one knows that these words are only used to comfort people, this epidemic has not yet found a cure, no matter who is infected with this disease, it is just waiting to die.

"But… "

Nangong Cheng wanted to persuade her again, but Nangong Yue clenched her hands and said, "Big Sister, I know you are worried about me, but Ayi, Sister Yi, Sister Xi...they are all here, and there are so many more... People who have the disease are waiting for treatment, since I have learned medical skills, how can I shrink back because of the fear of the disease!"

"Third sister..." Nangong Cheng's eyes were a little wet, and he was so choked up that he couldn't speak.

Nangong Yue continued: "Big sister, I will trouble you to bring a message to my father and mother, so that they don't worry, I will be fine. When the epidemic is over, I will go back with A Yi to personally Plead guilty to them!" Having said this, Nangong Yue felt sour...

"Cousin Cheng," Bai Muxiao suddenly said, "Since Cousin Yue has made up her mind, let's stop trying to persuade her."

Bai Muxiao looked at Nangong Yue with a trace of complexity in her eyes. She never thought that Nangong Yue would be able to love Xiao Yi so much that life and death would accompany her because of the marriage contract facilitated by this imperial decree... so much so that even she didn't know what to do. I admire Nangong Yue for not fearing life and death, but I should say she is stupid.

Bai Muxiao took a step closer to Nangong Yue, looked at her for a moment, and said seriously: "Cousin Yue, you must be careful, we will wait for you in the capital!"

"Thank you, Cousin Xiao Jiyan." Nangong Yue smiled slightly, "I will definitely go back." Finally, with the current happiness, how could she be willing to die!

Seeing Nangong Yue's firm attitude, Nangong Cheng stopped talking and said worriedly: "Third sister, take care!"

Nangong Yue personally sent Nangong Cheng and Bai Muxiao into the carriage. At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind:

"Ah Yue!"

Nangong Yue looked back and saw Yong Yang, Yun Cheng and Fu Yunyan were standing not far away, it was Fu Yunyan who called her, and Han Qixia was also walking towards her from the other direction.

Nangong Yue rushed up to meet her, but after walking a few steps, she saw a round-faced nun behind Han Qixia grab her and walked towards the Zhulun cart behind.

Han Qixia turned her head frequently, and could only cast apologetic looks at Nangong Yue, and mouthed two words: "Take care!"

Nangong Yue nodded slightly at her, meaning that she would be fine, and so would her elder brother Han Huaijun.

On the side, Princess Qi looked at Nangong Yue coldly, with obvious gloating in her eyes, she obviously wished that Han Huaijun would die in this epidemic.

Nangong Yue looked at Princess Qi calmly, confident and firm.

Princess Qi tossed her head annoyedly, and got on the Zhulun carriage.

"My brother and sister, I'm really narrow-minded!" Yun Cheng said with a sullen face, she didn't look down on Princess Qi at all, it's this time, and she's still thinking about it.

Yuncheng frowned, thinking that her two sons and daughters were being isolated in the hunting palace, her heart throbbed with pain. Ten thousand people in Yuncheng were unwilling to leave, but the emperor issued a strict order, and even she couldn't resist. If something happened to Brother Bo and Sister Yi, she wouldn't be able to live anymore!

As the eldest sister of the emperor, Yuncheng could criticize Princess Qi like this, but Nangong Yue couldn't say anything, so she could only keep silent.

"Ah Yue," Fu Yunyan, who was always cheerful, couldn't laugh at the moment, and said with a sad face, "Second brother, will they be all right?"

She knew in her heart that Nangong Yue couldn't guarantee anything, but she couldn't help but seek guarantees, as if this would give her peace of mind.

A few days ago, they had made an appointment to go to Leizhu Racecourse together. She and Nangong Yue escaped by not going, but now... she was the only one who left the Hunting Palace!

Fu Yunyan didn't think she was lucky, on the contrary, she felt a little guilty, as if she left everyone behind and ran away alone...

"Ah Yue..."

Fu Yunyan took a deep breath and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Nangong Yue: "Liu Niang, don't worry." Nangong Yue looked at her for a moment, and solemnly assured her, "I will definitely not let them something happened!"

Nangong Yue's words were not only for Fu Yunyan, but also for Yongyang and Yuncheng.

With tears in her eyes, Fu Yunyan said with difficulty: "Ah Yue, I leave everything to you."

The eyes of Yun Cheng and Yong Yang on the side were filled with tears, and Yong Yang said in a deep voice, "Let's go."


After saying goodbye solemnly, the three of Yong Yang got on their respective Zhulun carriages.

A long convoy of carriages lined up in order of grade, left in a mighty way under the guard of the Imperial Forest Army.

Before leaving, the emperor made a decree that Nangong Yue was fully responsible for the epidemic. Therefore, all the people who stayed in the hunting palace followed her lead.

But Nangong Yue knew that the emperor must have another way, this epidemic is so terrifying, once the epidemic situation in the Hunting Palace gets out of control, what awaits them all is probably just a big fire, and everything will be destroyed!

However, all of this does not need to be considered for the time being. The key to the problem now is to control the epidemic.

Nangong Yue ordered the maids to sew a large number of improved masks, so that everyone wore masks, and then ordered everyone to divide those people who were quarantined into several groups, namely severe illness, early symptoms, moderate symptoms, asymptomatic, etc. Symptoms, close contacts and non-close contacts, these people are separated into different palaces according to classification and men and women.

Nangong Yue and the imperial physicians have roughly discussed it, and plan to judge the specific isolation time based on the actual onset of the disease. Now the preliminary plan is to isolate and observe at least ten days to half a month.

The maids and servants also acted quickly, not only classifying the isolated people, but also sprinkled quicklime and sprayed wormwood water in the hunting palace again... For a while, wherever everyone went, there was a strong medicinal fragrance Mixed with lime flavor, people can't help but dignified and depressed.

The fifteen patients were the focus of attention of Nangong Yue and the imperial physicians. Each patient was equipped with two maids, who took care of and checked the patients' conditions at all times, and reported them to the imperial physicians.

The imperial doctor inspected the patients once a day, looked, smelled and inquired about them, then took a bath and changed clothes, then went to Xinglin Hall to consult with Nangong Yue, discussed several prescriptions, and gave different patients to take according to the course of the disease.

But even so, the situation is still getting worse day by day...

On the day the emperor left, two people who had been to Leichu Racecourse showed signs of fever and were transferred to the courtyard with "initial symptoms".

On the second day, a court lady who was taking care of a seriously ill patient also started to have a fever, and those court ladies were already panicking. If the emperor hadn't issued an order to kill those who escaped without mercy, some people might have fled...

On the third day, five more people showed symptoms of fever, and three patients with moderate symptoms coughed, vomited and vomited, and one of them even had symptoms of vomiting blood. A seriously ill patient was unconscious and had difficulty breathing. …

When Nangong Yue heard the news, she was having a consultation with the imperial physician in Xinglin Hall. She pondered for a while and said lightly: "Let me go and see Miss Li." Ms. Li, Ms. Li is the seriously ill patient who is unconscious.

For a moment, all eyes were on Nangong Yue, and Lily blurted out in disbelief: "Third Miss!?"

Lily wanted to say something, but Baihui stopped her and gave her a look, and she swallowed her words reluctantly.

"Princess, have you thought about it clearly?" Imperial Physician Wu looked at Nangong Yue deeply. He had always admired Nangong Yue's medical skills, but at this moment, besides admiration, there was also a trace of respect.

Nangong Yue nodded firmly, she had already considered it clearly. Although they have done what they can, the epidemic is still spreading with an unstoppable momentum. Unless all the patients and quarantined people are burned to death now, otherwise, it will eventually lead to an uncontrollable ending... So far, the imperial physicians have been telling the pulse and symptoms. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she probably wouldn't be able to make the most accurate diagnosis.

Now that she has stayed, in order for her and A Yi to go back alive, she can't just hide "comfortably" in Xinglin Hall like this, waiting for the pulse report sent by the imperial physician every day.

Nangong Yue changed into a dress soaked in wormwood water, covered her mouth and nose with a mask, wrapped her hair, put on gloves, and went to Muyuan Hall where Miss Li was.

The atmosphere of Muyuantang is heavier than the outside, even the air seems gloomy, no matter it is the Imperial Forest Army guarding the gate of the courtyard, or the maids walking in the courtyard all have gloomy faces, the whole courtyard is like a Yizhuang.

The maid leading the way led them to a room facing west, and said: "Princess, Imperial Physician Wu, this is Miss Li's room." Then she said to the two maids guarding the door, "Open the door quickly. , the Princess and Imperial Physician Wu want to go in and see Miss Li."

The eyes of the two maids looking at Nangong Yue couldn't hide their shock. They had no choice but to stay in the hunting palace, but Nangong Yue, as a high-ranking princess, had no need to stay, let alone committing a crime with her own body. risky contact with patients. Now, more than half of all the patients are girls' families. The imperial physicians have long said that the old, the weak and the sick are the most susceptible to the epidemic. The development of the past few days has indeed proved this point.

Seeing the two maids standing on the spot blankly, the maid leading the way couldn't help but frowned, raised her voice and urged: "Don't open the door yet!"

"Yes!" The two maids came to their senses and opened the door in a panic.

With a "squeak", the two doors were slowly pushed open, and the room was dark, as if exuding a breath of death.

Nangong Yue walked in with her skirt in hand. Apart from the smell of wormwood, there was also a stench in the room.

"I've met the Princess, Imperial Physician Wu." Miss Li's two personal maids hurriedly saluted. They looked very tired, and they couldn't hide their worries, worries and fears in their eyes.

"Free gift."

Under the guidance of the maid, Nangong Yue arrived at the sick bed, her eyes froze.

After only a few days of seeing each other, Miss Li was so thin that she was out of shape, her cheeks were so thin that they were sunken in, her complexion was withered and yellow, but flushed, her breathing was extremely difficult, her eyes were closed tightly, and she obviously lost consciousness.

If she hadn't known that she was Miss Li, Nangong Yue would have been unable to recognize that the person in front of her was Miss Li who was once as delicate as a spring flower.

Even though Nangong Yue had seen a lot of life and death in her previous life, her heart was still shocked at this moment.

Doctor Wu saw Nangong Yue standing there in a daze for a while, thinking that she was frightened, and thought: Princess Yaoguang has always acted intellectually and maturely, but she is only a twelve-year-old girl after all, she was frightened when she saw such a scene. Here we go.

"Princess..." Physician Wu called out cautiously, already considering whether to persuade Nangong Yue to go back, but saw Nangong Yue sitting down on the twig beside the couch.

She first checked Miss Li's pulse, her heart sank, judging from the pulse...

She stabilized her mind, and lifted Miss Li's eyelids to look again. Her eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, her neck and arms were covered with green spots, and her body was slightly swollen...

Nangong Yue stood up expressionlessly, and Miss Li's two servant girls were hesitant to speak, but they were finally overwhelmed by Nangong Yue's aura, and did not dare to ask.

After leaving Miss Li's room, Imperial Physician Wu finally asked: "Princess, Miss Li..." Although Imperial Physician Wu did not give Miss Li a pulse, but from Miss Li's complexion, she could faintly feel that she was dying. Can't last long.

Nangong Yue said in a deep voice: "Doctor Wu, if my diagnosis is correct, Ms. Li might not last till dawn..."

Although I knew that death would come sooner or later, it was still earlier than Nangong Yue expected, and this was just the beginning. I am afraid that the patients who suffer from vomiting and diarrhea will gradually follow the same path...

On the other hand, what Nangong Yue was more worried about was that people in the Hunting Palace were already panicked, and Miss Li's death did not know how much water would be splashed in everyone's hearts.

"Baihe," Nangong Yue ordered, "Go and inform Deputy Commander Liu of the Imperial Forest Army to strengthen the vigilance in the Hunting Palace!"

Physician Wu obviously thought of it too, and his face was also solemn. In this battle of the epidemic, what they have to deal with is not only the disease, but also the hearts of the people who are driven crazy by the disease!

"Yes, third girl."

Lily left in a hurry. After Nangong Yue and Wu Taiyi parted, they went back to Qingxiazhai, bathed and changed clothes with hot wormwood water...

This night, Nangong Yue didn't feel sleepy, but she didn't dare not to sleep. At this time, lack of sleep will only make the body tired, and finally the resistance will become weak, and the disease will invade. She simply got up by herself and lit the tranquilizing incense, and finally she went away in a heavy voice.

Early the next morning, Baihui sent a message: Ms. Li passed away before dawn.

Nangong Yue sat quietly for a long time before slowly saying: "Order Deputy Commander Lin to burn the corpse as soon as possible!"

"Yes, third girl."

Baihui was about to lead her away, when Nangongyue suddenly stopped her again: "When you are ready, call me too, and I will go too." Miss Li had no relatives here, so she let herself see her off for the last time. Let's go!

Death is like a lamp being extinguished, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

But death will leave a deep imprint on the hearts of the living, just like what Nangong Yue feared before, two court ladies and a servant tried to escape from the hunting palace that night, and were finally killed by the Imperial Forest Army staff, as a warning to others .

Although everyone was stunned by the Imperial Forest Army for a while, three more people died in the next two days, and their bodies were also burned to ashes... The entire Hunting Palace was shrouded in the shadow of death, and the air was filled with an atmosphere of despair. In the face of the epidemic, human life is like nothing.

Every day, people tried to escape from the Hunting Palace, and they were all killed with a stick. Under such circumstances, the atmosphere in the Hunting Palace was even more depressing...

Although Nangong Yue and all the imperial physicians were very anxious, they felt powerless before the serious illness.

This day was already the sixth day after the emperor left. Yuan Lingbai developed a fever and was transferred and isolated to Bayongtang—Bayongtang is one of the palace rooms that isolates patients with early symptoms.

The news caused Nangong Yue to recover for a long time.

Although Nangong Yue knew that the nightmare of the epidemic was likely to befall Xiao Yi, Yuan Lingbai and the others, but the moment she really learned the news, she still felt unacceptable.

Baihui looked at Nangong Yue worriedly, but didn't say anything, just stood aside quietly.

"Baihe, Baihui," Nangong Yue said suddenly, "Let's go to Xinglin Hall."

The two servant girls quickly responded, Baihui picked up a cloak and put it on for her, and they went out of Qingxia Zhai together.

It was already dark outside, and the autumn wind blowing against the wind was chilling. Nangong Yue took a deep breath to calm herself down, and quickened her pace.

In Xinglin Hall, as soon as they saw Nangong Yue, the four imperial physicians stood up to greet them and saluted respectfully. Afterwards, Imperial Physician Wu hesitated and said, "Princess! The matter of the second son..."

Everyone knows that Nangong Yue has a good relationship with Princess Liushuang, Yuan Lingbai and others.

"I already know." Nangong Yue said lightly, her calm reaction surprised everyone, they couldn't help but look at each other.

But immediately afterwards, Nangong Yue said something that shocked them in the same calm tone: "I'm planning to go to the Thunderbolt Racecourse tomorrow morning!"


"Three girls!"

The voices of the four imperial physicians and Lily overlapped, especially Lily's tone was full of disapproval.

Baihui tugged on Baihe's sleeve, but at this moment, Baihe didn't want to be depressed anymore, and raised her voice slightly: "Cousin, we can't let the third girl do things like this!" She hurriedly said to Nangong Yue, "Third girl, you I can't go, it's too dangerous!" Everyone here knows that the Thunderbolt Racecourse is the source of the epidemic, and everyone avoids it, so why did the third girl run into it

Nangong Yue said in an unbelievably calm tone: "Tracing back to the source. Only by finding out the real source of the epidemic can we find the cure. I must do this!"

How could the imperial physicians not understand this point? In ancient times, there was a Shennong who tasted all kinds of herbs. The way of this medical skill is to save people in the hands of the king of hell. If you want to gain something, you will naturally have to pay the corresponding risks and prices!

It's just that the little girl Nangong Yue was the first to figure this out.

"The old man will go with the Princess." Imperial Physician Wu said with a relaxed smile, looking at Nangong Yue lovingly, already seeing her as a grandchild. At his age, he has long put life and death aside.

Nangong Yue didn't refuse. This epidemic is an unknown disease. After all, she will make some omissions by herself. Doctor Wu is willing to go with her, that's the best.

"We'll leave early tomorrow morning." Nangong Yue said, nodded slightly to them, explained some medicines for Yuan Lingbai, then turned and left.

"Third Miss." After walking out of Xinglin, Lily still said disapprovingly, "You'd better not go..."

"If the epidemic can't be controlled, what will happen?" Nangong Yue said calmly, "All the patients will die, the second elder brother Yuan will die, even we will be infected with the epidemic sooner or later, and then die here... In the end, in order to control the spread of the epidemic, the emperor decreed that the Hunting Palace and all the villages, towns and counties near Shenlong Mountain and Jiugong Mountain should be set on fire."

Lily was shocked for a while, and her voice trembled, "Third Miss?"

"Lily. I know you are worried about me, but I didn't stay here to wait for death." Nangong Yue's lips curled up slightly, and she said with a trace of tenderness in her eyes, "I stay here to be with A Yi , in order to go back alive with you.”

Nangong Yue said in a soft voice: "There is not much time left for us, some risks must be taken, otherwise, maybe there will be no chance of taking risks in the future."

Lily and Baihui looked at each other, and after a while, they said in unison: "Third Miss, let's go too."

Staying in the Hunting Palace meant a narrow escape, and there was nothing to be taboo about. Nangong Yue thought about it and nodded in agreement.

She didn't go back to Qing Xia Zhai, but turned around and went directly to the direction of Yonghua Palace.

Xiao Yi was isolated in Yonghua Palace.

According to the records and research conducted by Nangong Yue and the imperial physicians these days, it can be basically confirmed that if a person is infected with the epidemic, the initial symptoms of the disease will appear within seven to ten days, that is, fever. Ten days later, if there is no problem, it can be basically determined to be healthy.

This news was also clearly communicated to everyone who was quarantined, and almost everyone was counting the days.

As for Xiao Yi and the others, as of today, nine full days have passed since going to Lei Chu Racecourse.

Ever since he was quarantined, Nangong Yue would go to Yonghua Palace to meet him every morning and evening, so that when the bamboo guarding the door saw her, she retreated wisely.

"soy Mujer!"

As soon as Nangong Yue walked outside the door, Xiao Yi spoke out.

"Ah Yi." Nangong Yue didn't say what she did today with a smile as usual, but said in a slightly low voice, "Second Brother Yuan has a fever."

Xiao Yi will be able to leave here soon, Nangong Yue would rather choose to tell him personally than to learn about it from others.

Nangong Yue never thought of cheating Xiao Yi, nor did she think of hiding anything from him. Regardless of good intentions or malice, deception is deception after all, and it will only plant seeds of doubt in their hearts, like white paper splashed with ink, even if it is only the size of a sesame seed, it may gradually smear, leaving behind a scar that can never be cleared. trace.

Xiao Yi was silent for a while, then asked: " many more days?"

Nangong Yue lowered her eyes slightly, and replied: "The first Miss Li who died of illness took ten days from the time she had a fever, and the other two also took nine days, or ten days..." After a pause, Said, "Ayi, although all the medicines have not had any effect so far, we still have time, and I will not give up until the last moment."

Xiao Yi knew her better than anyone else, and asked in a deep voice, "Are you going to the Thunder Racecourse?"

Nangong Yue put her palm on the window paper, and said to him through the window: "... I'm not here to say goodbye to you, but to ask you if you want to go with me."

Xiao Yi in the room smiled, and the smile reached his eyes.

Through the window paper, Xiao Yi pressed his hand to hers. He seemed to be able to feel the temperature of her palm. It was so warm that he was unwilling to let go no matter when.

Xiao Yi said without hesitation: "Of course. Of course we will go together."

No matter what they will face, whether it is life or death, they will never be separated.

-off topic-

Thank you for the monthly pass! I have received a lot at the beginning of this month, thank you!

Thank you! 摎jiu sent 1 flower; Zhuxuan Yaxia sent 1 flower; Suiren sent 10 flowers2014-12-13*/