The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 213: - miracle doctor


"To the princess!"

In the main hall of Qing Xia Zhai, the Deputy Commander Lin of the Imperial Forest Army came to report in a hurry, "The princess has a clever plan, and the culprits have all been captured."

Nangong Yue sat on the main seat and asked calmly, "Are there any casualties?"

"Ten people were slightly injured, and two fell into a coma. No one was killed." Deputy Commander Lin said, and he couldn't help but rejoice in his heart. If it wasn't for Princess Yaoguang's ingenious calculations, he calculated that there would be a night attack by thieves and asked them to ambush them in advance. , How could this battle be won so easily.

"I'll let the imperial doctor take a look at the injured person." Nangong Yue breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, "Who is the attacker?"

Deputy Commander Lin hesitated for a moment. Since ancient times, women have not been allowed to participate in politics, but Princess Yaoguang is the person appointed by the emperor to be fully responsible for the hunting palace epidemic. Moreover, it was she who ordered an ambush to catch the thief...

Nangong Yue saw his hesitation, smiled slightly and said, "It's Chang Di, right?"

Seeing that she already knew, Deputy Commander Lin naturally had nothing to hide, and said, "It's Changdi's General Qilu. He brought 300 elite soldiers and came here at night, trying to take us down in one fell swoop." He paused and asked Out of doubt, "How does the princess know it's Changdi?"

"I originally planned to report to the emperor after returning to the capital, but since Deputy Commander Lin asked, I will not hide it." Nangong Yue deliberately paused and said, "The epidemic in the Hunting Palace this time was caused by Chang Di... "

Nangong Yue briefly explained everything she knew, and Deputy Commander Lin looked shocked, just like when Nangong Yue first learned about it.

"...Obviously, Changdi's original target should be the emperor. If the emperor is infected with this disease, Dayu will fall into chaos, and if Changdi leads the army to attack..." Nangong Yue didn't finish her sentence, and the conversation started Turning around, he said, "Fortunately, God bless me, Dayu, the epidemic was discovered in time, and the emperor was able to return to the palace safely. However, since Chang Di painstakingly arranged this situation, wouldn't it be a joke if it ended so hastily?"

This conversation was said by Guan Yubai to her and Xiao Yi not long ago.

Indeed, it is not Nangong Yue who is really resourceful, but Guan Yubai! Guan Yubai has figured out Chang Di's plan, and asked Si Lin to investigate a few times, and then set up the situation with Nangong Yue's hand , Let the Changdi people throw themselves into the trap.

Deputy Commander Lin sincerely praised: "The princess is really clever!"

Nangong Yue smiled, Guan Yubai couldn't show up, Xiao Yi couldn't be too flamboyant, but she had the cheek to accept all the compliments, and said: "Even if the deputy commander knows the cause and effect, then I don't need to interrogate him." That's it. This time you and Xiaoqiying have made great contributions, and when you return to the capital, the emperor will definitely reward you."

Deputy Commander Lin couldn't help but be ecstatic, knowing that Princess Yaoguang gave them credit for his achievements.

After Deputy Commander Lin withdrew, Nangong Yue let out a breath, and Bai He, who was waiting on the side, came over with a smile and rubbed her forehead for her. Soon, Xiao Yi left behind a mess and came back, showing her how wise and powerful he was, Nangong Yue kept smiling and listening quietly.

Such a peaceful day made Nangong Yue feel more comfortable and cherished.

The interrogation of the Changdi people came to fruition soon. According to the report of Deputy Commander Lin, everything was as expected by the official saying. Taking advantage of the autumn hunting, Changdi spread the disease by using lightning to control the horse farm. If it goes well, the Dayu Building will be hectares, and Changdi can also drive straight in and take down this great river and mountain.

It's a pity that the emperor returned to the capital in a hurry before he contracted the disease, so Chang Di had no choice but to take the next best thing and set his sights on the officials and noble children who were left in the hunting palace.

Originally, Changdi planned to appear when they were desperate and waiting to die, and healed them as an exchange to achieve an ulterior purpose. Unexpectedly, the epidemic was brought under control and even cured completely...

Changdi attacked at night, trying to take them down in one fell swoop and use them to threaten Dayu.

Originally, General Qilu had spent several days carefully checking the guards of the Hunting Palace. He felt that his actions were absolutely foolproof, but he did not expect to end up in a trap.

Nangong Yue couldn't help but be afraid, Changdi's plot was a series of loops, if it wasn't for the timely arrival of Guan Yubai, I'm afraid none of them would have escaped this catastrophe.

After Nangong Yue discussed with Xiao Yi and Guan Yubai, she asked Deputy Commander Lin not to report the matter of Changdi to the emperor for the time being, and to discuss everything after returning to the capital.

On December 25th, the imperial decree arrived, approving Nangong Yue's memorial and allowing everyone to return to the capital, and everyone in the hunting palace cheered.

On December 28th, everyone in Hunting Palace set off. Before that, Guan Yubai had already left the hunting palace one step ahead.

In order to take care of the patients who had just recovered, they traveled slowly all the way, and it took them more than twenty days to arrive at the capital, even celebrating the New Year on the road.

Because they came back from the epidemic area, the emperor ordered them to temporarily stay in Yulin Palace, the palace outside the royal capital. Quarantine for at least ten days, and you can enter the royal capital after consultation with the Imperial Hospital.

Yulin Palace is located near Cuiwei Mountain a few miles away from the royal capital. This palace is naturally not bad. The pavilions and pavilions are magnificent, but it is already the 23rd of the first lunar month. Wintersweet scrambles to open up.

Everyone was exhausted from traveling and traveling, and they were all exhausted, so let's just cultivate their health and rest in this palace.

On the second day, people from Yulin Palace came to the door one after another, most of them were servants in charge of various mansions, mainly to deliver clothes and daily necessities to their masters. These people came to the palace, so naturally they couldn't go back for the time being.

In order to avoid the resurgence of the epidemic, most of the belongings brought by the patients were burned on the spot when they left the hunting palace, and most of the things used now are newly purchased.

When Nangong Yue learned that someone from Nangong Mansion came to visit her, she didn't pay much attention to it, she just thought that her parents ordered someone to bring something to her, but when Baihui led the visitor into the main room, Nangong Yue's eyes suddenly blurred.

The visitor looked to be in his early forties, tall and thin, wearing a simple gray straight gown, with a clear appearance, a pair of black eyes that were piercing, and the wrinkles at the corners of his mouth and eyes could not be concealed when he smiled, but in Nangong Yue's eyes, But so kind and warm.


She blurted out involuntarily, and threw herself into the arms of the other party, weeping with joy.

In an instant, Nangong Yue felt as if she had become the little girl who lost her mother in her previous life. At that time, after she had been mourning for her mother for a year, her grandfather took her to live in the Lin Mansion in Qingzhou. , that is, a few years.

My grandfather has always had the temperament of a wild crane. For many years, he has been traveling and practicing medicine everywhere, but for her, my grandfather has stayed in Qingzhou since then and lived with her. In those few years, her grandfather not only taught her medical skills, but also taught her piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and cooking skills, and even took her out for half a year to practice medicine, traveling around the world...every day was deeply engraved in her heart, and she never forgot it.

Those days were the happiest time in her previous life, and she finally walked out of the haze of her mother's death, and walked into the sunshine again, making her shine brightly.

For the granddaughter's intimacy and excitement, Lin Jingchen was a little surprised at first, but then thought that Sister Yue had just experienced a life-and-death disaster, and now it was hard to see her relatives, and it was inevitable that she would become agitated.

He patted Nangong Yue's back tenderly, and said with a smile: "Sister Yue, my grandfather hasn't seen you for more than three years. You have grown taller and grown up!"

Nangong Yue had been buried in his arms for a long time before she took half a step back and greedily looked up at her grandfather's familiar yet unfamiliar face. A few years old. But now the grandfather is frank and unrestrained, he acts casually, and always has a little smile in his eyes.

"Grandfather, why are you here?" Nangong Yue pulled Lin Jingchen to sit down, and Baihe hurriedly served hot tea, pretending to casually look at Lin Jingchen, thinking in her heart: So the number one genius doctor in the world looks like this !

After Lin Jingchen took a sip of hot tea, he said with a smile: "I arrived more than half a month ago. I came to the capital to see your mother and you brothers and sisters. Who knows that you are not in the capital..." He looked at Nangong complicatedly. Yue took a look, "I was planning to go to Hunting Palace to look for you, but your uncle said that you are already on your way back, so I stayed in the capital and waited for you." After a pause, he asked, " Sister Yue, tell me about what happened this time, I heard that you found a cure for the epidemic?"

"That's just a coincidence." Nangong Yue followed up and told the story of the emperor's departure in detail. She didn't even hide the matter of Guan Yubai from Lin Jingchen, but told her not to spread it to the outside world.

Following Nangong Yue's narration, Lin Jingchen was sometimes worried, sometimes relieved, sometimes nervous, and finally praised: "Sister Yue, you really are the blood of my Lin family!"

Sister Yue is young, and she can acquire such outstanding medical skills only by self-study... If Sister Yue's surname is Lin, he will definitely take her by his side and pass on all his medical skills to her. It is a pity that sister Yue's surname is Nangong. I am afraid that even if he is willing, his daughter and Nangong's family will not agree!

"That's natural!" Nangong Yue replied as a matter of course, and couldn't help but smile, showing a little pride like a child who was praised.

Lin Jingchen was startled, feeling that Nangong Yue seemed to be different from the reserved and shy little girl in his memory, clapped his hands and praised: "This is how my Lin family's children should be!... Your father and your mother know how to teach You are a lady of everyone, and you are the same, so what personality do you have!" After thinking about it, it seems that Sister Yue, the granddaughter, is the most similar to me!

Nangong Yue smiled and said nothing, thinking in her heart: She was originally taught by her grandfather! Her grandfather is probably the person who influenced her the most!

At this time, Lily came to report suddenly: "Master Lin, third girl, third son-in-law is here."

Lin Jingchen raised his brows, and immediately remembered: "Sister Yue, could it be the son of the Zhennan Prince?"

Lin Jingchen had already heard about Nangong Yue being married to the Prince of Zhennan by the emperor as soon as he arrived in the capital, and he had also heard about Xiao Yi's reputation, but reputation is easy to be misrepresented. Lin Jingchen has been traveling around the world these years Having seen all kinds of life, of course I understand that the rumors are not credible, but I still have to confirm for myself to know whether it is true or not.

Soon, Baihui ushered in Xiao Yi, who was dressed in moon-white robes. Lin Jingchen sized Xiao Yi up with a slightly critical look, and felt that the future grandson-in-law would be a good match for his granddaughter. His gaze finally settled on Xiao Yi's eyes.

You can tell people by sight.

That pair of peach blossom eyes looked a bit too beautiful, but finally the eyes were clear, Zhou Zheng.

Lin Jingchen nodded inwardly, but did not reveal anything on his face.

"Grandfather." Xiao Yi bowed to Lin Jingchen familiarly, with a bright smile on his face.

As soon as they met, Xiao Yi had a good impression of this future grandfather, not only because Nangong Yue liked this grandfather the most, but also because he felt that his stinky girl looked a bit similar to the future grandfather at a glance, not only It's between the eyebrows, and there are even some similarities in temperament.

Nangong Yue introduced with a smile: "Grandfather, this is A Yi."

As soon as Lin Jingchen heard Nangong Yue's address, he knew that the relationship between the young unmarried couple was not bad, and Xiao Yi hurried over as soon as he learned that he was coming, which also showed that he took sister Yue seriously. Lin Jingchen felt a little relieved, it seems that the confused emperor did not match up a pair of resentful couples indiscriminately.

"Sit down." Lin Jingchen said calmly.

"Thank you, grandfather." Xiao Yi salivated and smiled.

After Xiao Yi sat down, Lin Jingchen said indifferently: "Stretch out your wrist."

Xiao Yi was stunned, thinking that in the future his grandfather would be known as the world's number one genius doctor, so he would naturally take his own pulse, so he obediently stretched out his right wrist immediately.

Lin Jingchen put three fingers on Xiao Yi's wrist, feeling it carefully.

The pulsation under the fingertips is strong and powerful, calm and gentle, neither floating nor sinking, neither late nor counting, neither thin nor loud, with an even rhythm...


Lin Jingchen raised his eyebrows slightly, and glanced at Xiao Yi in surprise. Although this child's reputation is not very good, he unexpectedly cleans himself up, very good! He doesn't have too many bad habits in life, not bad...

"How old is this year?" He asked suddenly.

Xiao Yi hurriedly replied: "Soon to be sixteen."

At this age, in the mansions of those princes and nobles, it is rare to be able to do this. A smile finally appeared on Lin Jingchen's face, things that pretend to be on the outside can fool people's eyes, but things inside the body can't fool him, a doctor!

Xiao Yi is not a dull nerd, so he naturally feels that he has somehow passed the test of his future grandfather. He couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He still remembered the last time his future father-in-law took a hard exam on his knowledge. This time, thanks to his mental preparation of 120,000 points, he didn't expect to pass the test before it was too late. up

He touched his nose suspiciously.

Nangong Yue silently saw everything in her eyes, knowing that her grandfather was like her, of course she knew the purpose of her grandfather to get Xiao Yi's pulse. Hui.

Xiao Yi squinted at Nangong Yue, and asked with his eyes: What's going on

Nangong Yue deliberately raised her eyebrows provocatively: I won't tell you!

Xiao Yi blinked, and asked again with a coquettish look: Tell me, tell me!

Lin Jingchen looked at a pair of young children flirting with each other with a smile, and the smile climbed from the corner of his mouth to the tip of his brow.

In the main room, the atmosphere was warm and beautiful, until Lily broke it, saying that several imperial physicians had heard that Miracle Doctor Lin was coming, and came to pay a special visit.

Nangong Yue and several imperial physicians were friends in need this time, so it was natural that Lily invited them.

The four imperial physicians headed by Imperial Physician Wu rushed over with smiles on their faces. The several imperial physicians first expressed their admiration, and then asked Lin Jingchen some doubts that had been puzzling for many years, and then they talked about the topic of "medicine". They chatted happily, while Nangong Yue and Xiao Yi sat aside. Nangong Yue could still catch up with a few words from time to time, but Xiao Yi only cared about seeing his stinky girl beaming with delight, and couldn't bear to move her eyes away.

They chatted endlessly, forgot to sleep and eat, and finally moved their positions to diagnose the pulse of those who had suffered from the epidemic.

Lin Jingchen diagnosed their pulse one by one, prescribed prescriptions, and decided on a future treatment plan. This busy work lasted for more than two hours. By the time they arrived at Jiang Yixi's place, the sun had already moved to the western sky.

Lin Jingchen pondered for a moment, frowned slightly, and withdrew his hand.

Looking at the pulse, this Miss Jiang has already been damaged by this serious illness, and it may affect her children in the future!

For the girl's family, the issue of heirs is particularly important, but it is not easy to say it casually.

Lin Jingchen glanced at Nangong Yue, and saw that she couldn't hide the solemn look in her eyes, so she obviously knew it too.

The eye contact between the two grandfathers and grandchildren failed to hide Jiang Yixi, Jiang Yixi's heart sank, she had long felt that Nangong Yue seemed to be hiding something from her, and it seemed so.

"Sister Yue, let me see the prescription you prescribed!"

After Lin Jingchen said a word, Qingyi hurriedly took over the prescription Nangong Yue had prescribed earlier.

Lin Jingchen took a quick look, nodded in relief and said, "Not bad!... But, these two things can be adjusted." After he gave Nangong Yue a few words, he wrote a new prescription and handed it to Qing Yi.

"Sister Yue," Jiang Yixi said with a wry smile at this moment, "If I have any questions, just tell me, and I won't have to think about it."

Nangong Yue still hesitated, seeing this, the four imperial physicians glanced at each other, and retreated out simply to avoid suspicion.

The same goes for Lin Jingchen.

Looking at Jiang Yixi's firm eyes, Nangong Yue finally told her about her illness. Jiang Yixi's face turned pale immediately, while Qingyi's eyes were already red. Escaping from the dead, unexpectedly there is such a catastrophe!

"Sister Xi, my grandfather's medical skills are excellent, and we will definitely find a way." Nangong Yue tried to comfort her, and this was not just comfort. Nangong Yue really had confidence in her grandfather's medical skills, but at the moment Jiang Yixi seemed a little If you can't listen, you can't keep your mind.

Nangong Yue didn't say much anymore, what Jiang Yixi needed now was to calm down.

When Lin Jingchen came, he naturally couldn't leave Yulin Palace... For this, the four imperial physicians were ecstatic, and they came to Lin Jingchen every day to discuss the way of medicine. Nangong Yue naturally accompanied him, so that Xiao Yi also came every day. Seeing how much he cared about his granddaughter, Lin Jingchen felt more than a little satisfied.

The days like this did not end until nine days later, when the emperor sent all the imperial physicians from the imperial hospital to the palace to conduct consultations for everyone, and after confirming that there were indeed no patients with the epidemic, they were finally allowed to enter the capital.

On that day, the servants of all the prefectures waited at the gate of the city early to welcome the return of their master, but Nangong Yue, Xiao Yi, the imperial physicians, the deputy commander of the Yulin Army and the deputy commander of the Xiaoqi Battalion still needed to enter the palace to meet with him. emperor.

Nangong Yue and Lin Jingchen parted temporarily at the gate of the city. After Lin Jingchen told Nangong Yue where he lived temporarily, he rode away on his horse.

Nangong Yue was not surprised that Lin Jingchen did not live in Nangong Mansion. Apart from his grandfather's casual and uninhibited temperament, how could he live in Nangong Mansion, where the rules are everywhere!

Zhu Luncart soon arrived at the gate of the palace, Nangong Yue got out of the carriage, and went to the Imperial Study Room with Xiao Yi and others.

The deputy commander of the Yulin Army explained the details of the epidemic to the emperor, and said: "...the emperor, the ministers and others are afraid that Chief Di has other plans, so they didn't go up first, and only reported to the emperor in person after returning to the capital. Everyone in Changdi is being imprisoned in the palace right now!"

In fact, according to the original words of Guan Yubai, if there is Chang Di Neiying in the court, if they were in the hunting palace, they would have ordered people to come back and report the matter early, and they were not in the capital, and they might be punished. Frame. ... After all, the emperor is soft-eared and suspicious by nature, so it is more appropriate to report in person.


The emperor barely endured until Deputy Commander Lin finished speaking, and finally couldn't help but slapped the imperial case heavily.

"Chang Di!" The emperor was furious, "It turned out to be Chang Di!" Thinking that even he was almost killed by the epidemic, the emperor trembled with anger, and hurriedly told Eunuch Liu, "Huairen, send me a message. According to the decree of Jin Yiwei, he ordered Jin Yiwei to arrest King Cheng immediately!" The emperor thought that the King Cheng of Changdi had treated him well since he arrived in Dayu, but he didn't expect that Changdi was indeed a barbarian, and he was ambitious and wanted to kill him in one fell swoop. It is really abominable to destroy his Dayu Jiangshan!

Eunuch Liu immediately took orders and delivered the decree.

The emperor asked them a few more questions, and praised the Yulin Army and Xiaoqi Battalion for capturing Changdi prisoners alive and Nangong Yue for solving the epidemic. After that, he ordered everyone to go back to the residence to rest.

Nangong Yue, Xiao Yi and others thanked En and left.

As soon as she left the palace gate, Nangong Yue found that the whole city was already under martial law. Xiao Yi quietly told Nangong Yue that Jin Yiwei had not caught King Cheng, and King Cheng was no longer in the mansion bestowed by the emperor, so the emperor ordered the whole city to be under martial law and arrested. King Cheng. He also sighed that it might not be easy for King Cheng to escape now.

What Xiao Yi said was right, King Cheng might be hard-pressed to fly.

At this moment, Jinyiwei's men and horses can be seen everywhere in the streets of Wangdu, hunting and arresting in groups, but Nangong Yue, relying on her Zhulun chariot and Xiao Yi's face as the son of Zhennan Prince, did not encounter unnecessary harassment.

Zhu Luncar, who had been watching Nangong Yue, drove into Nangong Mansion, and Xiao Yi reluctantly said goodbye to her and left.

Nangong Yue got off the Zhulun carriage outside the second gate. Nanny Liu, An Niang and Que'er were already looking forward to it, and their eyes turned red when they saw Nangong Yue.

"Third Miss, you are finally back."

"Second Madam and Second Young Master are waiting for the girl in Rong'an Hall."


Several people surrounded Nangong Yue and talked with each other, and surrounded her all the way to Rong'an Hall.

The female family members of the Nangong family, as well as Nangong Xin and Nangong Hao, were all there. Nangong Yue greeted Su and Lin and apologized, and then gave a general account of what happened after Nangong Cheng and Bai Muxiao left. But deliberately skipped the thrills and crises, and of course did not mention the official language.

Lin didn't know whether her daughter was announcing good news but not worrying, so she frequently wiped the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief.

"Second aunt," Bai Muxiao, who was sitting next to Lin, said affectionately, "Cousin Yue has returned safely, you should be smiling, why are you still crying! Xiao'er is right, Yue Cousin Jiren has a fortune, so she will be fine."

She couldn't help but sigh in her heart, this cousin Yue, for the sake of a marriage contract that only has a name, she is so affectionate and loyal, and will never change until death. It's a pity that this dude, the son of the Prince of Zhennan, is not worthy of Cousin Yue's sacrifice at all. In the future, when her cousin Yue is caught up in a wives and concubines struggle, she wonders if she will regret her resoluteness...

"Sister Xiao is right." Lin nodded repeatedly, patted Bai Muxiao's hand and said.

Nangong Yue's gaze paused for a moment on the overlapping hands of the two, with a half-smile.

Nearly an hour later, Nangong Yue and Lin Shi left Rong'an Hall and went back to Mozhuyuan together. On the way, Nangong Yue asked Bai Muxiao pretending to be casual.

Lin said with a smile: "Your elder sister and cousin Xiao are also interested. Since returning to the capital, they have come to Qianyun Courtyard to see me and talk to me every day for the past few months, rain or shine..." In fact, at first Lin I also wanted to blame them for leaving Nangong Yue alone, but I soon realized that once my daughter made a decision, how could she listen to persuasion, and she gradually let go of it.

This Bai Muxiao still knows how to behave like this... A gleam flashed in Nangong Yue's eyes, but she smiled silently.

Mrs. Lin sent Nangong Yue back to Mozhuyuan, and after a few more reminders, she left.

Nangong Yue washed up under the service of the maid, and went to bed early.

After finally returning home, this night, Nangong Yue slept on the familiar bed, smelling the warm sun from the quilt that had just been dried, and had no dreams all night.

Because she just came back, Su Shi was spared today's morning and evening meditation, so after breakfast, Nangong Yue sat on the beauty's couch by the window and played her net slowly, going through the terrible three months. , She now misses this peaceful life very much.

At this time, Huamei came in and reported: "Third girl, the eldest girl is here."

Nangong Yue quickly put down the zipper in her hand, and got up to welcome Nangong Cheng in.

The servant girl withdrew after serving tea and snacks.

The two sisters sat side by side holding hands, Nangong Cheng looked at Nangong Yue with complicated eyes, and then said with fear: "Third sister, luckily you came back safely."

Since leaving the Hunting Palace, Nangong Cheng has regretted and blamed himself countless times. As the elder sister, he left the third younger sister in the Hunting Palace where the epidemic broke out. If Nangong Yue can't come back safely this time, not only will she have trouble in her heart, but she will never be able to face her second uncle, second aunt and second brother!

Nangong Yue didn't intend to recount the dangers that followed with Nangong Cheng, so she pretended to be relaxed and said with a smile: "Big sister, can you still trust my medical skills?"

Nangong Cheng knew that Nangong Yue was just comforting herself, but she also smiled cooperatively. She picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip of tea, and said, "Sister San, I want to ask you to do me a favor."

"Big sister, why should you be so polite, just tell me what you want." Nangong Yue hurriedly said.

"I would like to invite your grandfather to visit Prince Pei." Nangong Cheng seemed to have hesitated for a moment, but said again, "Sister, I have already told my father that I want to discuss marriage with the Jian'anbo Mansion. Dad agrees."

Nangong Yue was taken aback by Nangong Cheng's last sentence. It seemed that Nangong Cheng really planned to marry Pei Yuanchen. But it's not surprising that the eldest uncle would agree with Nangong Yue, after all, Pei Yuanchen became like that because he saved his eldest sister. With his eldest uncle's temperament, although he would not force his elder sister to marry Pei Yuanchen, since his elder sister chose so, he would definitely not stop him.

Nangong Cheng continued with a calm expression: "My father means that after you return to the capital safely, third sister, you will go to Jian'anbo Mansion to test your words."

Now that the epidemic is over and Nangong Yue is back, it means that the marriage between Nangong Cheng and Pei Yuanchen may be put on the agenda soon.

"Third Sister, don't worry, I will tell my grandfather about it." Nangong Yue agreed, and she could imagine that if this marriage was brought up again, there would be an uproar in the house again.

"Big sister," Nangong Yue held Nangong Cheng's hand tightly, "my mother once told me that life is lived by myself, and what kind of life I live depends on myself, not on the other party. I believe no matter what , as long as you are determined, you will be able to live well!"

"Thank you, third sister." Nangong Cheng couldn't help smiling, there was no sadness on his face, only open-mindedness.

Looking at this Nangong Cheng who was much more mature than before, Nangong Yue suddenly thought about something. Although it was only overnight, that incident might have spread throughout the capital.

Even if I don't say it now, Nangong Cheng will know sooner or later, it's better to tell her by myself, so that she can be mentally prepared in advance.

"Third sister, there is something, I think it's better to tell the eldest sister." Nangong Yue said slowly, "... King Cheng was wanted by the emperor."

As if a thunder exploded on the ground, Nangong Cheng didn't recover for a long time.

She looked at Nangong Yue in shock and said, "Third sister, are you kidding me? How is this possible?" Prince Cheng is Changdi's prince, how could he be picked up by Dayu

"It's true." Nangong Yue nodded affirmatively, "This epidemic was actually caused by Chang Di secretly."

The epidemic was spread by Chang Di?! Nangong Cheng's mind was almost a mess, and then a chill came into his heart.

She didn't think that Nangong Yue would tell her something unfounded. Since Nangong Yue said that this matter was related to Changdi, it must be. Changdi actually tried to create an epidemic in Dayu, which would involve thousands or even tens of thousands of lives... Nangong Cheng felt creepy just thinking about it.

If I really ran away with King Cheng in a moment of confusion, what would happen now

Thinking of this, Nangong Cheng's complexion was as pale as paper, and he was terrified.

Nangong Yue didn't explain too much about some matters after all, she just said: "...the emperor has ordered martial law in the whole city to arrest King Cheng."

Nangong Cheng clenched his fists tightly and did not speak for a long time.

Nangong Cheng was bitter in his heart.

In the past, King Cheng was the one she admired, but it happened that he was the one who hurt her.

From that day on, she never thought about that man again. She thought that marriage between men and women would be irrelevant from now on, but she never thought that she would hear such news today.

Fortunately, the third sister stopped her impulse in time, otherwise, the current Nangong Mansion might also be in deep quagmire, and she would become a sinner who destroyed her family!

Nangong Cheng didn't have the heart to speak anymore, and said a few more words in a restless state, then bid farewell to Nangong Yue and left Mozhuyuan in a hurry.

She was in a trance all the way, and she didn't notice that Shuxiang behind her was looking at her worriedly.

After returning to Wanqing Courtyard, Nangong Cheng locked himself in the room and sat there for a long time, for a long time...

Until late at night, I was still tossing and turning, and I didn't fall asleep after the second watch.

She thought that the matter of King Cheng was over like this, but she didn't expect that it would make waves in her heart again in such a way.

She opened her eyes without sleepiness, and couldn't help but smile bitterly in her heart.

Where is King Cheng now

Has he been captured? Or has he escaped from the capital

Does this epidemic have anything to do with him

These questions lingered in Nangong Cheng's mind over and over again, but no one could answer her, which also made her mood fluctuate.

Tonight is bound to be a sleepless night.

Nangong Cheng was about to get up to drink a glass of water, but heard a "creaking" sound.

Nangong Cheng's heart skipped a beat, he sat up suddenly from the bed, and followed the prestige to look over.

The hazy moonlight shines through the window lattice like broken silver spilled all over the floor. With the soft moonlight, Nangong Cheng clearly saw a black shadow.

Nangong Cheng was horrified, and couldn't help opening his mouth to scream, but the black figure came to the bed one step faster than her, and covered her mouth with his hand like lightning.

Nangong Cheng's eyes were frightened, and he met the black eyes of the man in black outside the mask, and his body froze immediately, with no trace of blood on his face.

these eyes...

It's him!

Once in a dream at midnight, these eyes appeared many times in her dreams, but it was also the owner of these eyes, which hurt her deeply and made her heart and lungs ache.

King Cheng, what is he trying to do here so late!

-off topic-

Thank you for the flowers you sent! Miyamado (9 flowers), 137**3921 (1 flower), Zhuxuan Yaxia (1 flower), zhujing_999 (1 flower), 158**1471 (1 flower), Lingqin (9 flowers).