The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 218: -gossip


In the Huayanju in the south of the capital city, there is an endless stream of customers who come to buy rouge and gouache.

This shop is divided into two fronts, front and back, the front one is open to all customers, no matter ordinary people or dignitaries, men, women and children are treated equally; as for the back one, only those who pay attention to sexuality are served. It is also afraid that other guests will bump into those female guests with identities.

"Madam Wang, Madam Liu, this way please!" Yimei personally led the two elegantly dressed ladies to the back.

The back room is decorated quietly and elegantly, and the decoration will be slightly changed according to the seasons.

For example, now, when the two ladies entered the door, they could smell the faint fragrance of peach blossoms.

Mrs. Wang couldn't help asking suspiciously: "Shopkeeper, it's only March, where does the peach blossom fragrance come from?"

Yimei explained with a smile: "Madam Wang, this is the fragrance from the peach blossom essential oil made from last year's peach blossoms in the shop."

"This scent is quite elegant." Mrs. Liu also nodded,

"Mrs. Liu, my peach blossom essential oil doesn't have much weight. If you are interested, you should hurry up." Yimei said with a smile on her face, a flash of light flashed in her eyes, "Recently, Cheng Shilang's mansion is going to marry a daughter, so I bought it all I bought half of the peach blossom essential oil in my small shop."

"Cheng Shilang wants to marry a daughter?" Mrs. Liu couldn't help looking at Yimei thoughtfully.

Yimei nodded and said: "I heard it's the third girl from Cheng Shilang's residence."

Mrs. Liu frowned. She remembered that Miss Cheng San was as old as her daughter, and she also participated in the flower viewing party in the palace, but after the flower viewing party, Miss Cheng San was dismissed, and she However, his daughter was "fortunate" to go to the autumn hunt with Yujia.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Liu was so regretful that her intestines were green. At the beginning, she wanted to choose a good marriage for her daughter through thousands of choices, but she thought that her daughter was still young and had time to choose slowly, but who knew that she was choosing slowly... and unexpectedly met the prince's choice... concubine.

Mrs. Liu did not intend to let her daughter marry the prince. After all, as a daughter, even if she was chosen, she would barely be a prince's side concubine. How could my daughter understand the schemes in the back house when she was brought up like a pearl like a treasure since she was a child!

I thought it would be fine to survive the autumn hunting, but who knows that the epidemic suddenly broke out, so that the selection of the prince and concubine was full of twists and turns, and it has been dragged on until now without a result.

Now, Ms. Liu can only spend so much time. Before the royal family speaks, if she engages in marriage without authorization, it will be disrespectful to the royal family. But if this drags on, Miss Liu will get older and older!

Thinking of this, Mrs. Liu was really worried and worried to death.

Yimei seemed to have thought of something, and said to Madam Liu with a smile: "Madam Liu, I remember that Miss Liu is fifteen this year, right? I wonder if she has been betrothed?"

Mrs. Liu looked a little ugly, Mrs. Wang glanced at Mrs. Liu, sighed and said: "Shopkeeper, you are talking about my sister Liu's sad things..." After Mrs. Wang, she told the story of Miss Liu exactly. I read it again, with sympathy in my eyes.

To be honest, Mrs. Wang was once jealous of Mrs. Liu, thinking that maybe the girl of the Liu family would become a princess concubine, and Mrs. Wang even regretted that she had booked her daughter's marriage early... But to this day, Mrs. Wang is very fond of her. Mrs. Liu has nothing but sympathy.

There was also a hint of sympathy on Yimei's face. She looked around and said in a low voice: "If we didn't know each other well, I wouldn't dare to say something..."

Mrs. Wang's eyes lit up immediately, her curiosity was aroused, and she hurriedly asked: "Shopkeeper, don't you know something inside?"

Yimei pretended to be mysterious and said: "I just heard that the marriage of the three princes should be finalized soon, and the third prince seems to be..." She paused for a moment before she could speak.

As soon as Madam Liu heard that the matter of the prince's choice of concubine was coming to a conclusion, she felt relieved. Mrs. Wang asked eagerly: "How is the third prince?"

Yimei hesitated again and said: "Madam Wang, Madam Liu, I just want to talk to you, you can just listen to it."

Mrs. Wang smiled knowingly: "Don't worry, shopkeeper, I understand."

Only then did Yimei whisper to the two of them: "I heard that the third prince seems to marry a girl with a very low status..."

A lowly girl!

Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Liu looked at each other. How could this low-status girl get into the eyes of the emperor, empress, and concubine Zhang? There were only a few girls who accompanied the autumn hunt last time. It's clear at a glance...

Yimei smiled at the side and said nothing, according to her understanding, this Mrs. Wang is a famous gossip woman in Wangdu, if any rumors get into her ears, most of the officials and aristocratic families in the capital must know about it!

As Yimei expected, in just three days, the news that the third prince was going to marry a girl with a very low status as his concubine spread throughout the capital. How many people are there in the Autumn Hunt? Someone with more good intentions analyzed the girls who participated in the Autumn Hunt last time, and quickly locked on Bai Muxiao, a cousin girl from Nangong Mansion.

There are not many girls who meet the conditions, this white girl is almost the only one, right

At last year's Fang Banquet, Miss Bai awed the envoys of Xirong with a heroic sword dance, and made Dayu look good. At that time, the third prince personally accompanied her!

Thinking about it this way, more and more people think that this white girl is about to fly up the branches and become a phoenix!

It's just that this girl's status is too low... Several wives who intend to make their daughters princesses all frowned, if even such a girl can marry into the royal family, but her own daughter is not selected, It’s too much to say!

Therefore, under the deliberate action of these ladies, the rumors spread more and more widely, and even added a bit of a strange flavor——

The girl from the Bai family behaved indiscreetly, going in and out of the restaurant from time to time, meeting the third prince privately;

The girl of the Bai family and the third prince have a deep affection, and they keep saying that they are not married to the king;

The girl of the Bai family claimed that the third prince admired her very much, and begged her hard to marry her as the prince's official concubine;

Miss Bai...

The rumors flew into the palace as if they had grown wings, and even reached the ears of the emperor.

The emperor was a little unhappy, and told the empress about the rumors that had been raging, and said with a half-smile: "It seems that someone is thinking about my third emperor."

"Is there such a thing?" The queen frowned slightly, and responded, "The concubine has never heard of it."

The queen lowered her eyelids slightly to hide the strange light in her pupils. During this period of time, Han Lingfu suddenly changed his previous style, restrained his edge, and kept a low profile, which made the emperor look at him differently.

The queen just didn't know how to deal with Han Lingfu, and now a chance came to her door...

"Your majesty, do you want to call the third emperor over to ask?" The queen said worriedly, "Although it is a rumor in the market, it is groundless, and it may not be without reason. Maybe the third emperor really has someone on his mind." Miss, but because of her thin skin, she dare not tell the emperor. However, according to my concubine, the status of this Bai family girl is too low, and she is really not suitable for the third emperor."

"What the queen said is true." The emperor said thoughtfully, "Due to the epidemic, the selection of the prince and concubine has been delayed for a long time. This is why those unruly girls cling to the prince. Opportunity." The emperor had a good impression of Bai Muxiao at first, but this time the rumors made him feel bad, just like what the empress said, "There is no reason for it, and it may not be without reason." For it!

The emperor frowned slightly, and said decisively: "I think it's better to settle the marriage of the three princes as soon as possible!"

"What the emperor said is that it should be finalized." The queen quickly nodded in agreement.

"Speaking of which, apart from the three emperors, Brother Bai, Brother Jun, and Brother He are also of marriageable age." The emperor stopped thinking about unpleasant rumors and said with enthusiasm, " I also have to help them pick and choose, and make sure that they all live in harmony and beauty, just like Yue girl and Yi brother." Speaking of the marriage between Nangong Yue and Xiao Yi, the emperor was in a very good mood, which was his The matchmaking done by myself, the marriage referred to, can really be called a natural match!

The queen complimented her with a smile: "The emperor's gift of marriage is naturally a blessing from heaven. I think Yue girl and brother Yi really get along very well."

The emperor stroked his beard triumphantly, "Of course my vision is the same." He seemed to have thought of something, and said with some emotion, "At first, I thought that Brother Jun of Qi Wang's family was about the same age as sister Xi of our family. It looks like a good match, but it's a pity that Brother Jun is a concubine, otherwise, I will personally decide to give them a marriage." It's a pity that there is a difference between concubine and concubine, even if the emperor has the heart, he still has to take care of the queen and grace The face of the Duke's Mansion.

Brother Jun and Sister Xi... The queen was stunned, her eyes a little sad. It turned out that Brother Jun was not good enough for Sister Xi, but now it is different from the past. Jiang Yixi's body was broken due to an epidemic, and even Divine Doctor Lin said that it would be difficult for her to have children in the future, whether it is a wealthy noble or a small family, for a woman, children are the most important thing...

The queen made up her mind, and said nonchalantly: "Your Majesty, since you want to choose a wife for the prince and Brother Bai, why don't the concubines hold another small banquet and invite the girls into the palace, and the girl from the Bai family... How about I draw up a list for the emperor to have a look at?"

"Miss Bai family?" The emperor frowned, thought for a while and said, "Empress, you can decide this matter." He paused, and then said, "You don't have to think about the big girl in Nangong Mansion."

The queen was startled, not understanding how the emperor would suddenly mention Nangong Cheng.

The emperor seemed to see the doubts on the queen's face, and explained: "After the court today, Nangong Qin came to the imperial study to see me, saying that his eldest daughter has been betrothed to the son of Jian'an Bo." So sad.

Among those honorable children, the son of Jian'an Bo was originally an extremely outstanding one. The emperor planned to cultivate and reuse him, but he didn't want an accident in the autumn hunt to ruin a young hero!

The emperor couldn't help sighing: "The Minister of Nangong really has the pride of the Nangong family. Although the two families were discussing marriage before, but the current situation of Prince Jian'an, it is really not easy for the Minister of Nangong to keep his promise and betroth his beloved daughter!" Nangong Cheng is the eldest daughter of the Nangong family, and her appearance is extraordinary.

The empress kept silent, she just felt that Nangong Cheng and Jiang Yixi were both children with hard lives, and that in the days to come, Lianzi would know how miserable her heart was!

While the empress was sighing, Nangong Mansion on the other side of the capital was making a commotion about Nangong Cheng's marriage...

In the middle of Rong'an Hall, Mrs. Lin was kneeling on the cold ground with her head half lowered.

With a "snap", a teacup was thrown at Lin's feet, it fell to pieces, and the tea splashed everywhere, splashing on Lin's skirt.

"Is there someone like you who is an aunt like you?" Su Shi angrily scolded with a cold face, "Sister Cheng is the eldest daughter of the family, and you actually arranged such a marriage for Miss Cheng!"

Lin's head drooped even lower. She had always felt guilty towards Nangong Cheng, so she didn't dare to refute Su's accusation.

Mrs. Lin's silence only made Mrs. Su more annoyed, and she said harshly: "Mrs. Lin, you are so unkind, how can you be the head mistress of my Nangong Mansion? I want to take back your power of giving and choose someone else."

Lin's body trembled twice, she didn't miss the host, but Su's reprimand made her feel extremely embarrassed and humiliated. She is a woman with sons and daughters. If she is given such an unkind reputation, how will her brother Xin and sister Yue stand in the world in the future.

"Meet the three girls!"

Suddenly the sound of a maid saluting came from outside the house, Nangong Yue opened the curtain and hurried in.

"Please calm down, grandma!"

After curtseying to Mrs. Su, she bent down to help Mrs. Lin, "Mother, your clothes are wet and the ground is cold. Get up quickly, don't catch the cold. If you are sick, let the outsiders who don't know why If people find out and think that grandma is scolding you, that would be a great disobedience."

If someone else said that this kind of needle is hidden in the cotton, Su's face would definitely be turned upside down, but she had to give Nangong Yue some face.

Su's face softened slightly, and he raised his hand coldly and said: "Second daughter-in-law, get up."

"Thank you, mother." Supported by Nangong Yue, Lin stood up stiffly.

The weather in March was still cold. Although there was a brazier in the room, Mrs. Lin knelt on the ground, her skirt was wet with tea, and her knees were cold and hard.

After Nangong Yue helped Lin Shi to sit down, she suppressed the anger in her heart and said to Su Shi calmly: "Yue'er just heard a few words outside the house. Grandmother is worried about the big sister?"

Speaking of this, Su's heart was filled with anger, and he said: "Sister Yue, then Prince Pei is already paralyzed, how can he be worthy of your elder sister, your mother actually made such a decision and decided on such a family Marriage, you simply don't pay attention to me!" Su Shi's face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, and her sharp eyes shot towards Lin Shi with arrow-like eyes.

Nangong Yue's face was calm, and she replied unhurriedly: "I also ask my grandmother to enlighten me, my mother will definitely not dare to make claims about the elder sister's marriage. Since ancient times, marriage has been a major event, the order of the parents, and the words of the matchmaker. According to Yue'er You know, the eldest sister's marriage is decided by the uncle's father, and my mother is at most just following her word. If grandma thinks that the elder sister's marriage is inappropriate, why not ask the eldest uncle to discuss it. What do you think?"

Su Shi stared at a pair of cloudy eyes, the corners of his eyes twitched a few times, his face was blue and white, but he couldn't say a word of rebuttal.

Of course she understood that if Nangong Cheng's marriage had not been approved by Nangong Qin, Lin would not have dared to make an arbitrarily assertive decision. The reason why she first challenged Lin was just a persimmon, and at the same time, she wanted to take the opportunity to accept Lin. Butler Quan, the second house is too popular now, and there is a tendency to faintly overwhelm the head of the long house. For a family like the Nangong family, that is not a good thing...

As for Nangong Cheng's marriage, the Su family would naturally find another way to mess things up.

Nangong Yue didn't understand what Su Shi was thinking, and when she saw her words stopped, she said flatly: "Grandmother, granddaughter first take mother back to change into clean clothes, and then leave first."

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside the door.

"Let me in! Who dares to stop me!"

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw Mrs. Zhao rushing in in a stone blue skirt and jacket, followed by a few maidservants with pale faces.

Nangong Yue hasn't seen Mrs. Zhao for more than half a year. She looks a lot thinner, and her body shape has become almost the same as before. It's just that she has aged several years, and her complexion is bleak. The scratched scar had already healed to the point where only a faint white mark remained.

As soon as Mrs. Zhao entered the room, a pair of empty and dark eyes looked straight at Mrs. Lin, which made Mrs. Lin's heart skip a beat.

Mrs. Zhao stepped forward quickly, knelt down in front of Mrs. Su with a "plop", and begged, "Mother, you must make the decision for Sister Cheng!"

"Boss, daughter-in-law, what are you doing? Speak up if you have something to say!" Su Shi hurriedly said.

"Mother, if you don't promise me, I won't get up." Sobbing, Zhao took a few steps, "Mother, you must not let Sister Cheng marry that Prince Pei, won't this ruin her life?!" When Mrs. Zhao heard that her beloved daughter was betrothed to Pei Yuanchen, the eldest son of Bo Jian'an who was paralyzed in bed, she almost went crazy.

Mrs. Zhao wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, and said: "Mother, I did something wrong before, and I accepted the punishment. Since I returned to the mansion a year ago, I have ignored everything and never disputed anything. I just want to atone for my sins. I don’t want anything, but I really can’t ignore Sister Cheng’s marriage! How can I just watch her jump into the fire!"

Mrs. Zhao didn't say anything about Mrs. Lin from the beginning to the end, but every sentence had something to say, and every sentence was punitive.

Nangong Yue on the side trembled slightly with anger, and said bluntly: "Auntie, don't criticize Sang Huai, if you have anything to say, you can talk to uncle!"

Su said helplessly: "Boss daughter-in-law, you should get up first."

"I won't get up! Mother, if you refuse to agree, I won't get up!" Zhao Shiqiang stayed where she was, only feeling that there seemed to be an evil fire burning and rising in her body, and her daughter was like a jewel. Raised, but forced to marry a paralyzed man, it's too deceitful!

At this moment, the voice of a servant girl saluting came from outside the house: "I've seen you!"

As soon as the words were finished, a blue figure walked into the east room quickly, it was Nangong Cheng!

She came here in a hurry after hearing that Mrs. Lin was being scolded for her marriage.

She glanced at Mrs Lin apologetically, then knelt heavily on the ground, and looked at Mrs Zhao pleadingly, "Mother, this matter has nothing to do with the second aunt. Just do what my daughter wants."

As she said that, she looked at Lin apologetically, and said, "Second Aunt, I'm sorry, it was Cheng'er who caused you trouble, and I will apologize to you on behalf of my mother."

Lin hurriedly said: "Miss Cheng, don't be like this, get up quickly!"

Nangong Cheng didn't get up, but turned to Mrs. Zhao on the spot, and said: "Mother, please don't blame the second aunt anymore. This matter really has nothing to do with the second aunt. If the mother has any resentment or anger, she will come to her daughter." Bar."

"Sister Cheng, don't be confused! This is related to your life's happiness!" Mrs. Zhao eagerly took Nangong Cheng's hand, trying to persuade her.

"Mother, my daughter has already made up her mind." Nangong Cheng said again without hesitation.

Zhao's complexion turned pale, she clutched her chest, and swayed twice, while the servant girl hurriedly supported her.

"Sister Cheng, you are digging out my mother's heart and your life!" Zhao Shi said with red eyes, "You were born from my October pregnancy, a piece of flesh that fell from my body. Mother Now there is nothing to hope for, I just hope you can live a good life!" But why is God not willing to grant her even such a small wish

"Mother, I'm sorry." Nangong Cheng sighed guiltily, she knew that her decision made Zhao Shi sad, but... she had to do this!

Su Shi was also deeply shocked, she took a deep breath, and every word seemed to be squeezed out from between her teeth: "Sister Cheng, grandma will ask you again, have you really thought it through?" Su Shi faced Nangong Cheng had never spoken so harshly before.

"Grandmother." Nangong Cheng kowtowed heavily at Su Shi, "This is a decision my granddaughter made after careful consideration, and she has no regrets!"

Su looked at Nangong Cheng with a sinking face, without saying a word.

"Grandmother, Nangong Mansion and Jian'anbo Mansion had a marriage discussion before, and the granddaughter can't go back and interrupt the marriage deal just because something happened to Prince Pei." Nangong Cheng looked at Su Shi firmly, and kowtowed again, "Grandmother, please." Complete."

Do you want to be perfect by yourself?! Su Shi was angry and bitter in her heart, and felt that Nangong Cheng regarded all her loving heart as a donkey's liver and lungs.

"Are you determined?" Su's fingers tremblingly pointed at Nangong Cheng.

Ever since she was a child, Nangong Cheng has never violated Su's intentions, and Su's never thought that Nangong Cheng would have a ambiguity with her on this important matter of marriage.

Before Nangong Cheng could speak, Mrs. Zhao had already pulled her sleeve and said in a hurry: "Sister Cheng, I know you are kind, and I think Mr. Pei saved you, so I want to repay your kindness, but you can't repay your kindness with your own life. We can use other methods..." Mrs. Zhao seemed to have thought of something, her eyes lit up, and she said happily, "By the way, we can let Sister Yan marry in your place. Although Sister Yan is a concubine, she is also from Nangong Mansion. Girl, you don't think you have insulted Prince Pei..."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Su was also overjoyed, thinking that Mrs. Zhao's idea was good.

Nangong Cheng looked at Mrs. Zhao disappointedly, then slowly but firmly withdrew his hand from her, and said word by word: "Grandmother, granddaughter has made up her mind."

Su couldn't believe her ears, her lips trembled with anger, she pointed at Nangong Cheng and said angrily, "Ridiculous! Really ridiculous! Sister Cheng, go to the ancestral hall and kneel for me. When you figure it out, give it to me again." When will it come out!"

"Yes, grandma." Nangong Cheng didn't argue, kowtowed respectfully to Mrs. Su, stood up and bowed to Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Lin, and left Rong'an Hall.

Naturally, Mrs. Zhao was not willing to be punished by Nangong Cheng, but she couldn't bear her daughter marrying a paralyzed man, so she was so cruel that she didn't intercede for her daughter.

Although Mrs. Zhao is also grateful to Pei Yuanchen for saving Nangong Cheng's life, Mrs. Zhao is absolutely unwilling to ask her to pay for Nangong Cheng's life happiness. Now Mrs. Zhao can only pray secretly in her heart, hoping that Nangong Cheng can figure it out by herself and stop this idea. No, she still has to talk to the master, but they can't let their father and daughter be confused!

Lin wanted to ask for love, but was stopped by Nangong Yue. Su's family is in a fit of anger, it's useless to ask for mercy now, it's better to find someone to send a message to Nangong Qin.

Afterwards, Nangong Yue and Mrs. Lin bid farewell to Mrs. Su and left Rong'an Hall.

Nangong Yue accompanied Mrs. Lin back to the Qianyun Courtyard. When she saw Mrs. Lin's wet skirt, she knew that she had been wronged again in Rong'an Hall. The bowl of ginger soup watched Lin finish his drink before leaving the room.

Mrs. Lin sat on the beauty's couch, sighed a long time, and said: "Sister Yue, don't blame your grandmother and eldest aunt, it's no wonder they are so angry about this matter. In the current situation of Prince Pei, sister Cheng Marrying him is really a grievance... and this sympathy can't last a lifetime." Lin also has a daughter, and she cares about her heart. If it were her, she would naturally be reluctant to marry a husband with bad legs, and even have children. Might be a problem.

But Nangong Yue knew that Nangong Cheng had already made up her mind when she was in Hunting Palace in October last year, and it has been almost half a year now, since Nangong Cheng still has not changed her mind, it means that she has made up her mind and will not do it easily for anyone Change.

Nangong Yue didn't want Lin to be upset by this, and said softly: "Mother, you don't have to think so much, you are just an aunt, and the elder sister's marriage is decided by the elder uncle, you just follow the orders of the elder uncle. If you are looking for you, you will push everything to the uncle."

Lin groaned for a moment, thinking about it, this relationship is not something she can get rid of if she says she can't get married, in the final analysis it still depends on what Nangong Qin and Nangong Cheng mean. Lin nodded and said, "Sister Yue, what you said is true."

Next, the mother and daughter chatted and chatted to pass the time. In the evening, the two went to Rong'an Hall to pay their respects to Mrs. Su, but they were blocked outside the courtyard.

The old lady guarding the door said respectfully: "Second madam, third young lady, the elder is talking to the old madam about something, so I will excuse you if I ask you tonight."

Nangong Yue and Lin Shi looked at each other, said nothing, and turned back to Qianyun Courtyard the same way.

On this day, after having dinner in Qianyun Courtyard, Nangong Yue returned to Black Bamboo Courtyard under the moonlight.

After washing and changing clothes, Que'er, who went out to inquire about the news, came in and reported: "Third Miss, the Eldest Miss has already returned to Wanqing Courtyard. In the evening, the Eldest Master stayed in Rong'an Hall for a full hour, and when he came out, he personally took the eldest The girl was picked up from the ancestral hall. Afterwards, the elder went to the small Buddhist hall and had a big fight with the eldest lady, saying that she should not come out when she had nothing to do! I heard that the eldest lady cried terribly. Two troubles, three hangings, all of them..."

Que'er spoke vividly, as if he saw it with his own eyes.

Nangong Yue was not surprised. Few people can hold back what the uncle wants to insist on. She only hoped that her aunt would stop harassing her mother... She only hoped that the elder sister-in-law would take over some of the mid-career matters after confinement. It is right.

Time passed like a passing time, and three days passed in the blink of an eye, and it was the day when Nangong Mansion and Jian'anbo Mansion officially exchanged Geng Tie.

This time, Mrs. Jian Anbo didn't keep Mrs. Lin waiting long, and came to the door in person early in the morning.

Although Mrs. Lin had been keeping the secrets to herself before, but Mrs. Jian Anbo had come to her door, so she couldn't hide the matter anymore. In the small Buddhist hall of Jinhuayuan, Mrs. Zhao finally learned about Mrs. Jian Anbo's visit to exchange Geng Tie.

"What did you say?" Mrs. Zhao was kneeling on the futon and praying to Buddha, but when she heard the report from the nanny, she stood up abruptly, "You said Mrs. Jian Anbo came to pick up Sister Cheng's invitation?!"

"Yes, Da Furen," said Nanny Ying anxiously, "what can I do, if this is exchanged with Geng Tie, then the marriage can be regarded as a certainty."

Mrs. Zhao didn't understand this truth, she frowned and asked eagerly, "Then where is Mrs. Jian Anbo now?"

"The second lady is leading the way to the flower hall!"

Mrs. Zhao's heart is slightly relaxed, as long as the Geng Tie has not been exchanged, no, as long as Mrs. Jian Anbo has not left the Nangong Mansion, then he still has a chance to destroy this marriage!

"Nurse Ying, quickly follow me to the flower hall!" Mrs. Zhao rushed out of the small Buddhist hall anxiously, but was blocked by two gatekeepers at the gate of Jinhua courtyard.

"Ma'am, the lord said that Ma'am is not in good health, so don't walk around the yard at will." One of the women seemed respectful, but there was a trace of contempt hidden in his eyes. It is rare for a lady like Da Furen to be able to live such a good life like this!

Zhao felt a chill in her heart, Nangong Qin was obviously guarding against her. But if you think you can stop her in this way, then you underestimate her too much!

Mrs. Zhao didn't talk nonsense with these two lowly women. With a flash of eyes, she decisively pulled out a gold hairpin from her head and pressed it against her throat, threateningly: "If something happens to me, look at the master. , Young Master and Miss, I will spare you!"

The two women jumped in shock. The faint white mark on Zhao's face clearly reminded them that it was not the first time that Zhao had self-harmed. The fate of the master is also not good. If it doesn't work out, the whole family will be unlucky!

The two women were hesitant, but Mrs. Zhao seized the moment of their hesitation and rushed out of the courtyard door like lightning. Nanny Ying pushed one of the women away fiercely and chased after her. The master and servant were agile, turned a corner, and disappeared.

"Ma'am!" The two women came to their senses and hurriedly chased after her. Oops, if the eldest lady really ruins this marriage, then they will be the ones who are unlucky!

The two women were terrified, but to their surprise, as soon as they turned the corner, they found Mrs. Zhao and Nanny Ying lying on the ground with their eyes closed, unconscious.

How is this going?!

The two women exchanged glances, and one of them boldly stepped forward, tested Zhao Shi's breath, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"The eldest lady fainted..."

Although they couldn't figure out how Mrs. Zhao could "faint" together with Nanny Ying, the two wives didn't intend to go against their good luck, so they hurriedly carried Mrs. Zhao back to Jinhua Courtyard.

As soon as they left, Lily jumped down from a big tree with a smile, with a tuft of black hair curled around her ears, she looked proudly at Nanny Ying who had fainted on the ground, and said in her heart: Fortunately, the third girl was early. Be on guard, I'm afraid that the old master's people won't be useful, so let me stay here, otherwise today's mansion may not be peaceful again!

Well, I have done such a beautiful thing, I have to ask the third girl for a reward!

Lily went briskly to the Black Bamboo Courtyard, but Mrs. Lin didn't know anything about what happened here. At this time, she had already greeted Mrs. Jian'anbo to the flower hall in the backyard. After the maids offered refreshments in a courteous and thoughtful manner, they retreated to one side.

Mrs. Jian'an looked at Mrs. Lin with mixed feelings in her heart. How could she have been deceived by lard at the beginning? She didn't know the whole story before she let Mrs. Zheng humiliate Mrs. Lin.

Mrs. Jian Anbo gathered herself together, and said to herself: Since the two families want to get married, then they have to do what should be done by themselves!

"Second Madam Nangong." Madam Jian'an bowed to Mrs. Lin with a face of shame, "What happened last time was my fault, Madam, please don't take offense."

"Mrs. Uncle, you don't need to be like this." Mrs. Lin hurriedly helped Mrs. Jian'an, "I can't blame Madam for that matter, Madam was just deceived by villains. Now that the matter is over, Madam don't need to worry about it. After all, our two families They are also in-laws, so there is no overnight hatred."

Lin's being so reasonable made Mrs. Jian'an feel even more ashamed.

After the two sat down, they said a few words of courtesy, and then quickly got down to business, formally exchanging the Geng invitations between Nangong Cheng and Pei Yuanchen.

Until she got Nangong Cheng's Geng Tie, Mrs. Jian'an finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as the posts are exchanged, the marriage is officially settled!

A huge stone fell from the hearts of both of them, and they began to gossip... At this moment, Linglong suddenly walked into the flower hall, came to Lin's side and whispered in her ear: "Second madam, the old madam of the Bai family and the second madam Bai are here. "

There was a flash of surprise in Lin's eyes, it was really impolite to come to the door rashly like Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Bai, no matter how you say it, you should send a greeting card in advance. However, the Bai family is actually the in-laws of the Nangong family. Even if the eldest aunt returns home, they are also the direct grandmother and aunt of Baibiao girl, so it is not good to just keep them out.

After pondering for a while, Mrs. Lin said to Linglong: "Arrange them to sit in the main hall for a while, and then send someone to inform the old lady."

Linglong responded and quietly retreated.

-off topic-

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