The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 226: - Misdiagnosis


When Nangong Yue came back from Jian'anbo Mansion, it was almost Shen time.

She went back to her room and changed her clothes, then went directly to Qianyunyuan.


Lin was sitting in front of the desk, holding a brush and didn't know what she was writing. When she heard Nangong Yue calling her, she put down the pen and turned her head.

"Sister Yue, you're back." After a pause, she asked worriedly, "Is your eldest sister okay?"

"Big sister is fine, mother don't have to worry." Nangong Yue walked behind Lin, rubbed her shoulders to comfort her, then her eyes were attracted by a list on the table, and she asked, "Mother, what are you writing?" what?"

"I'm writing your dowry list." As soon as this was mentioned, Mrs. Lin beamed with joy and said with a smile, "Although there are still a few years before you reach Jiji, many things have to be prepared in advance, otherwise wouldn't it be In a hurry... not to mention that some objects are hard to come by but hard to find!"

Nangong Yue went over to look at it interestingly, and saw Lin pointing to the dowry list, and said seriously: "Sister Yue, look, the clothes, jewelry, antique calligraphy and paintings, spices and medicinal materials, furniture, etc. are all indispensable. "

Looking at the dense dowry list, Nangong Yue's eyes were dazzled.

In the previous life, her mother died young, so how could her stepmother bother her, she just perfunctorily bought her some dowry that looked beautiful on the surface but was actually useless.

And on the current list, there are several pages of various kinds of jewelry, not to mention clothes for the four seasons, furs, and all kinds of wooden furniture, decorations, antique calligraphy and paintings, medicinal materials and spices, field shops...

"It's so much." Nangong Yue couldn't help being speechless, "Mother, so much, it will cost a lot of money, right?" The share given to her by the public is only 10,000 taels of silver, which is definitely not enough.

"You don't need to worry about the money." Lin smiled and nodded her forehead, "Mother can still afford this dowry. I will buy you two Zhuangzi at that time, so you can go and relax if you have nothing to do."

Nangong Yue naturally understood Lin's love for daughters, and a warm current rushed through her heart, saying: "Mother, I already have Huangzhuang and fiefs, you don't need to prepare so much for me."

"Then how can it be the same!" Lin said as a matter of course, "One yard belongs to one yard. Your Huangzhuang and fief land were given by the emperor, and these two Zhuangzi were given to you by your mother. Besides, Huangzhuang and fief land cannot be passed on to you." Your children, what your mother prepares for you can be passed down from generation to generation."

Nangong Yue's eye sockets were slightly moist, and she stared blankly at Lin.

Mrs. Lin was still rambling on: "I heard that a batch of red sandalwood, agarwood, and iron-winged wood have recently been shipped from Jiangnan. Mother will send them to have a look, and then invite the carpenters from Jiangnan to To make furniture for your new house, the craftsmanship in the south of the Yangtze River is much more exquisite than that in the north... By the way, by the way, let people go to the south to buy some pearls, jade, jadeite, etc., and make some fashionable jewelry. "

As she said that, Lin thought of something again, and said to Nangong Yue: "Sister Yue, although there is still some time before you get married, you still have to spend some time doing needlework. Those quilt covers, bed sheets, purses, Things like shoes and socks should also be prepared... "

Nangong Yue was still moved at first, but when she heard Lin's talking about needlework, her head grew dizzy. She rolled her eyes, and thought to herself: Just do it, except for the ones for A Yi, which she does by herself, and for the rest, she embroiders a stitch, and then throws it to Huamei and the others...

With a look from Nangong Yue, Lin knew what she was planning. He nodded her forehead and said, "Sister Yue, do you want the servant girls to help?"

Nangong Yue looked away guiltily, and was thinking about how to bring this topic to the past, when Huamei rushed into the room in a hurry, and shouted: "Second Madam, Third Miss, it's not good!" The look made Lin frowned slightly.

Seeing this, Huamei quickly nodded and lowered her eyebrows, blessed her body with an impeccable posture, and said respectfully, "Second madam, third young lady, just now Guangbai, a servant of the Lin family, came to report that it was Master Lin Biao's clinic. The doctor died, and someone is making trouble there now." The young master Lin Biao she was referring to was naturally Lin Ziran.

"What!?" Lin's face paled immediately, and she jumped up anxiously. She had forgotten all about the thrush's unruly behavior before, and asked in a panic, "Where is Guangbai now? Brother Ran Is there anything wrong? How is the situation in the hospital now?"

"Guangbai is waiting at the second gate." Huamei hurriedly replied, "He said that Master Biao is fine for the time being, and someone has already reported to the official..."

"No, I have to go and have a look." Mrs. Lin was in a hurry, and was about to order someone to prepare the carriage, but was stopped by Nangong Yue.

"Mother, don't be impatient, let me go and have a look first." Nangong Yue quickly got up to appease Lin.

"You go..." Mrs. Lin hesitated, "You are a girl, it's not good to get involved in this kind of right and wrong, or you should find someone to inform your father immediately and let him go and have a look." Although Nangong Yue is capable, although He has the title of princess, but those people in the market place can't be reasonable, what should they do if they offend their daughter!

Nangong Yue didn't understand Lin's worry, she smiled and said: "Mother, don't worry, I can go there in men's clothes... If you are still not at ease, I'll ask someone to inform Ayi, so that he can go there too."

Baihui also said from the side: "Second Madam, don't worry, the slaves will follow Third Miss closely."

Mrs. Lin hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded and agreed: "Sister Yue, then you must be careful. There is a saying in the market, barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, you should take care of yourself first in everything."

Nangong Yue hurriedly responded, and took Baihui and Huamei back to Mozhuyuan first.

After she left, Mrs. Lin suddenly came back to her senses. What's the matter with the men's clothes? Listening to Sister Yue's tone, she often wears men's clothes to go out? And Xiao Yi still knows about it

Thinking of this, Lin's head hurts. For a moment, she feels that fortunately her daughter's husband's family has settled down, and the young couple seem to be getting along well...

After Nangong Yue returned to the Black Bamboo Courtyard, she ordered Baihe to inform Xiao Yi, and at the same time asked Huamei to serve her to change into men's clothes. After that, she and Baihui, who also changed into men's clothes, and Guangbai, a servant of the Lin family, rode the horses first. Rush to the south of the city.

Lin Ziran's medical clinic - Baicaolu is on Yongding Street in the south of the city. As soon as Nan Gongyue and Baihui's horse turned into Yongding Street, they saw a large group of people densely surrounded in front of Baicaolu, and they couldn't see the inside. Condition.

Nangong Yue dismounted slowly, and dismounted a few steps away from the crowd.

Baihui and Guangbai hurriedly opened the way in front of Nangong Yue, and they squeezed in with difficulty.

I saw a dilapidated door panel on the floor of the medical hall. On the door panel lay a middle-aged man in gray clothes with sallow skin. His eyes were closed, his face was ashen, and his facial features were distorted, as if he had been severely injured before his death. torture.

With just one glance, Nangong Yue can already confirm that this person is indeed dead!

"Father...Father, you left like this, what can you do if you leave your daughter alone!" A girl in a white coarse cloth dress was kneeling on the ground and sobbing in a mournful and mournful voice. The girl looked about fourteen or fifteen years old, her skin was as flawless as jade, she didn't use makeup, and the only jewelry on her body was a wooden hairpin on her head. Although her facial features are very beautiful, she has a kind of charming and pitiful charm, especially now that she is crying like pear blossoms with rain, which makes the viewer feel pity.

Lin Ziran stood aside awkwardly, his brows furrowed.

The crowd watching around had already exploded, talking in one voice:

"What happened?"

"I heard that after taking the medicine prescribed in the clinic, I lost my breath!"

"What? Dead? Isn't that the doctor who died in the hospital?!"

"You're wrong. This person died of illness, how can it be blamed on the doctor? If this is true, those doctors won't need to see a doctor."

"But I heard that that person died after taking the medicine from the clinic. I think the clinic must have sold fake medicines and killed him..."

"Selling counterfeit medicine? Then you have to report to the authorities!"

"Someone has already gone!... It is estimated that the government will come soon."

The more the crowd talked, the more lively it became, and the more they talked, the more it seemed that Baicaolu sold fake medicines to cure the dead.

Nangong Yue frowned, not to mention that she still had some confidence in Lin Ziran's medical skills, if his medical skills were not enough to become a teacher, Lin Jingchen would not let him out to open a medical clinic; let alone Lin Ziran was absolutely impossible Fake drugs!

Nangong Yue's eyes darkened slightly, and she felt that something was wrong.

"Young master!" Guangbai walked into the clinic in a hurry, "I called my cousin...Young master." He finally remembered that Nangong Yue was disguised as a man, and at the last moment he insisted on changing "cousin girl" to "Master Biao".

Lin Ziran had already seen Nangong Yue who was disguised as a woman behind Guangbai. He was taken aback and frowned and said, "Cousin...cousin, why are you here? It's very chaotic here now, go back quickly." With a glance at Bai, this matter was originally waiting for the government to come, so he could be cleared of his innocence, but he didn't expect Guangbai to invite all his cousins over.

Naturally, Nangong Yue couldn't just be sent away like this, she said in a deep voice, "But cousin, if I just go back like this, how can I explain to my mother?"

A trace of shame appeared on Lin Ziranjun's face, and he said, "Let my aunt and cousin... worry."

Nangong Yue pulled Lin Ziran over, glanced at the weeping girl in white, and asked in a low voice, "Cousin Ran, what's going on here? Tell me about it quickly, so we can study it to the end." What should we do to solve this matter as soon as possible.”

Lin Ziran hesitated for a moment, always felt that as a cousin and a masculine man, how could he rely on and trouble his cousin when something happened! It was not a man's doing.

Seeing Lin Ziran's thoughts, Nangong Yue rolled her eyes nimbly, and deliberately threatened: "Cousin Ran, if you don't tell me, I will send someone to find my grandfather..."

"Cousin... brother!" Naturally, Lin Ziran didn't want Lin Jingchen to worry about this, so he said quickly, "Okay, I'll tell you that."

"Cousin, the more detailed you say, the better."

Lin Ziran pondered for a moment, and then slowly said: "... The matter should start from yesterday evening. I was going back to the medical office after seeing a doctor from a family. I happened to see a group of people surrounded by Yong'an Street in front. After asking Only then did I realize that there was a girl, that is, Miss Li, who planned to sell herself to save her father..."

Selling one's body to save one's father at Dajiekou? Nangong Yue's eyes flickered twice, this scene is really familiar.

Moreover, Miss Li... seems to have heard it somewhere...

Lin Ziran continued: "At that time, there was a dude who tried to buy her by force and failed, but actually wanted to rob her by force. I really couldn't see it, so I went to help out."

"Then what happened later? Then Miss Li said she would sell herself to repay her cousin?" Nangong Yue's eyes flickered slightly.

"Cousin... How do you know?" Lin Ziran blurted out, nodded and said, "Ms. Li thanked me first, and then said that I saved her, and she wanted to sell herself to repay her father... How could I do such a thing that took advantage of others' danger? , Naturally, he didn't agree, and after talking with Ms. Li for a few words, I realized that Ms. Li's father was ill and hadn't recovered. My father sought medical treatment. I saw that Miss Li is a very filial daughter, and I met once again, and the goodbye is also a fate, so I naturally want to help..."

"Wait!" Nangong Yue hurriedly interrupted him, she remembered something, and then confirmed, "But cousin, have you met this Miss Li before? When did it happen?"

"It was February, the day when we went shopping with my grandfather..." Lin Ziran couldn't help but tangle his brows, and gave Nangong Yue a complicated look, "The son's horse scared Miss Li..." he said His eldest son is Xiao Yi.

Of course Nangong Yue knew about this, no wonder she found Miss Li so familiar, it turned out to be "this" girl... The corners of her lips curled up slightly.

Lin Ziran went on to say: "I asked Guangbai to help Miss Li carry her father into the medical clinic, check her father's pulse personally, prescribe the medicine, pack the medicine and give it to her. I didn't take any money, but I also explained it to her specially. I learned how to decoct the medicine and the taboos of taking the medicine, but I never thought that the girl would bring her father here today and say that her father is dead."

Lin Ziran was really puzzled, "I checked Uncle Li's pulse yesterday, and he was suffering from tuberculosis, so I prescribed him a prescription for relieving cough and asthma. Although tuberculosis is an incurable disease, but According to my prescription, it will not be fatal in the short term. Cousin, I am confident that I have not prescribed the wrong prescription!"

"Cousin, I naturally believe in you." Nangong Yue hurriedly comforted her. Tuberculosis is not a rare disease, and it is impossible for Lin Ziran to make a wrong diagnosis.

Since there is no wrong diagnosis, and there is no problem with the prescription and medicine, the problem is actually very clear...

Just, why would you want to do this

Nangong Yue's eyes became darker, and she said with deep meaning: "Actually, as long as the cause of his death is found out, everything will be solved. I'll go and see the deceased." As she spoke, she strode towards the corpse on the door panel Lin Ziran couldn't let Nangong Yue face all this alone, so naturally he kept up.

Nangong Yue squatted down on the other side of the corpse. It was midsummer, and the corpse had already begun to emit a stench, which made people want to vomit.

If this was an ordinary woman, her face would have paled, but Nangong Yue did not change her face. Lin Ziran saw it, and admired the princess's cousin even more in her heart. No wonder she was able to find a cure for the epidemic on her own.

Nangong Yue leaned over slightly, and was about to examine the face of the deceased, when she heard a mournful sob: "Father, it's all because of my daughter's unfilial piety..." That Miss Li fell on the corpse in grief, crying even more horribly, her frail shoulders trembling endlessly.

If there hadn't been a man disguised as a woman today, Nangong Yue would have asked Baihui to pull this girl away, but now it is not easy to do anything.

At this moment, there was a burst of impatient shouting outside the door: "The official is handling the case, don't let it go!"

"The official messenger is here, the official messenger is here."

The crowd of onlookers outside shouted and hurriedly parted to make way.

Five yamen servants of uneven stature swaggered into the Baicao Cottage, followed by a man in his fifties with a short beard in coarse cloth and a short beard, carrying a wooden toolbox on his shoulders.

"My lord, please uphold justice for the daughter of the people and my late father!" Miss Li finally straightened up, crying to the servants, weak and pitiful.

A bearded yamen leader at the head said to the short-bearded man, "Huang Wuzuo, I will trouble you."

It turned out that the middle-aged man who came with the yamen was the yamen's assistant.

Is this an on-the-spot autopsy? The spectators looked at each other in blank dismay, and became more and more unwilling to leave.

Huang Wuzuo walked up to the corpse and knelt down, skillfully performed a simple autopsy on the corpse, and said in a flat voice while doing the examination: "The deceased, male, aged about thirty-five to forty-five Ten, there is no fatal trauma on the body, and the feet have old diseases, presumably at least ten years... Suffering from asthma... "

"Asthma?!" Miss Li repeated it incredulously, and looked at Lin Ziran, "Doctor Lin, you clearly said yesterday that my father suffers from tuberculosis..."

Someone in the crowd immediately whispered to each other and commented:

"Did you misdiagnose asthma as tuberculosis?"

"This is really quackery!"

"With poor medical skills, you dare to come out to practice medicine. It's really harmful!"


The bearded man squinted his triangular eyes, looked at Lin Ziran, and asked, "Hey, is what she said true?"

Lin Ziran was shocked. He looked at the corpse on the ground for a while, and then at Huang Yuzuo, and said, "Impossible, I can't make a wrong diagnosis. Uncle Li is indeed suffering from tuberculosis." He begged Huang Wuzuo, " Can you please check again, this Huang Zuo?"

Before Huang Yuzuo could speak, the bearded clerk's face darkened, and he shouted: "Doctor Lin, since you have admitted to misdiagnosing, come with me." With a wave of his big arm, he ordered a few clerks Said, "If you don't take people, seal this clinic!"

The rest of the yamen responded, and rushed towards Lin Ziran like wolves like tigers...

"Yo! Why is it so lively?" At this moment, a male voice came from outside the door and said with a smile, "Why don't you let me play together?"

"Who dares to stop the official from handling the case?" the bearded yamen said in a rough voice, turned to look outside the door, and saw a beautiful young man in a purple brocade robe swaggering in with four followers.

When the bearded Yacha saw the young man, his heart sank, and his old face almost froze.

How did this ancestor come here

Thinking this way in his heart, he greeted him with a smile on his face, bowed his head and said: "So it's the Shizi, why did the Shizi come here when he has time?"

It was Xiao Yi who had heard the news and walked into Baicao Cottage.

Xiao Yi casually scanned half a circle in the medical hall, from the corpse on the door panel to the girl Li who was kneeling on the ground, her peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, with a hint of meaning in them, and then looked at Lin Ziran, In the end, his eyes were fixed on Nangong Yue who was disguised as a man.

Nangong Yue blinked at him, and the smile on Xiao Yi's face became brighter again. He nodded slightly, then quickly looked away, and said impatiently to the bearded servant: "This is my job. The medical clinic opened by the grandfather of the prince, why can't the prince come here?"

The bearded yamen secretly thought that it was unlucky, so he could only explain flatteringly: "My lord, this hospital has killed people now, even if it was opened by my grandfather, this state-owned state law, according to the rules, you little ones..."

"What killed someone?!" Xiao Yi looked at Miss Li and sneered, looking like a dandy, and said disdainfully, "According to my son, it is clear that there are unscrupulous people who want to extort money!" He said sharply He shot his gaze at the bearded Yacha, and the threat in it was beyond words.

The bearded clerk hesitated for a moment, and immediately bowed and smiled and said: "What the son said is true, it is clear that this unscrupulous person wants to extort money!... The little ones will leave!" He tried a few clerks With a wink, they planned to retreat in desperation.

Lin Ziran frowned at Xiao Yi, hesitant to speak.

It's not that he doesn't know what's good and what's wrong, and he also knows that Xiao Yi came here to help him because of his cousin's face, but Xiao Yi's use of such arbitrarily and unreasonable means to suppress the matter is not the solution to the matter at all, and even only Let everyone think that he, Lin Ziran, diagnosed the wrong disease and cured him to death!

"Master!" Miss Li looked at the servants in disbelief, took a few steps on her knees, grabbed the corner of the robe of the bearded servant, and begged, "Master, you can't go! You have to serve the people!" The daughter and the late father uphold justice!"

The bearded clerk felt that this girl was really ignorant. Didn't he see that even their clerk dared not offend the elder son? He kicked Miss Li impatiently, and said angrily: "It's really tricky!" Min, things are going to be messed up even now!" He said "Bah", and then ran away with his subordinates, fearing that they would be called down.

Miss Li cried out in pain and was kicked to the ground.

"Miss Li, are you okay?"

Lin Ziran stepped forward quickly, leaned over and tried to help Miss Li, but seeing her disgusted face, she vigorously shook off Lin Ziran's hand, and scolded: "Don't touch me! I thought you were a good person, If you killed my father, you will definitely suffer retribution!"

"Cousin, what do you want to do with such a troublesome person?" Xiao Yi contemptuously looked down at Miss Li who was kneeling on the ground, "Isn't she just asking for money?" He threw the ticket on Ms. Li casually, "Take the money and leave quickly! Don't be an eyesore in front of this prince! Next time, this prince will not be so polite!"

"no I do not… "

Miss Li burst into tears, as if she had been greatly humiliated, but she was interrupted by Xiao Yi before she could finish her sentence: "Five hundred taels, that's a lot, you have to be content!...Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you, a troublemaker!" Say more."

As he said that, he ordered the followers behind him, "What are you waiting for? Drag people out to this prince, this kind of mourning star really pollutes this prince's eyes!"

"Yes, Shizi!" The four attendants responded loudly, two lifted the door panel where the corpse was placed, and the other two set up Miss Li one by one on the left and one on the right and went out the door.

"Let go of me! Let me go! Save..." Miss Li called out twice, but she couldn't make a sound anymore. One of the attendants took a rag and stuffed it into Miss Li's mouth. She could only silently Sobbing, beggingly looking at the onlookers outside the door, those tear-soaked pupils seemed to be able to speak, looking at many of the men who were onlookers, they all showed embarrassment and felt pity in their hearts.

But even the Yachai didn't dare to say anything more, with an attitude of letting things go, let alone ordinary people like them.

Just now those yamen servants kept calling you the son of the world. To ordinary people, the son of the world is a nobleman who has only heard of it in drama books. Who can afford to offend him!

This poor girl is afraid that she can only consider herself unlucky! Being able to save her life and get five hundred taels of silver is a good compensation for her!

This is what most of the onlookers are thinking at the moment.

But Lin Ziran was not one of these people. Seeing that Miss Li, a weak woman, was being treated like this, Lin Ziran finally couldn't stand it anymore, and wanted to step forward with furrowed brows.

"Cousin," Nangong Yue grabbed him and said softly, "You don't need to worry about this matter... just leave it to A Yi."

"But he shouldn't use such a method!" Lin Ziran shook his head disapprovingly, ", I have a clear conscience, and I am not afraid to go to the government." He thought that it was impossible for him to diagnose a mistake, but he could Go upright to see the official and investigate the matter clearly.

What Xiao Yi is doing now is too bullying!

Lin Ziran looked at the back of Miss Li who was forced to go away in a complicated way, and then at Nangong Yue, but seeing her disapproval, he really felt that his cousin met Xiao Yi was a bit unreasonable, although Xiao Yi is her future husband-in-law, but it's still a bit too much!

But Nangong Yue was only his cousin after all, and Lin Ziran felt that it was inconvenient to say anything more.

Outside Baicao Cottage, the two people mixed in the crowd watched the farce that just happened from beginning to end.

Bai Muxiao, who was also disguised as a woman, had a flash of pride in her clear eyes, and said with a slight curl of her mouth: "As expected, the prince of Zhennan is this kind of dude. Overwhelming."

As she said that, she raised her eyes and looked at the man beside her, only to see that he was wearing a simple blue straight suit, and the jet-black blue was only tied up with silver hair bundles. It was simple, but it couldn't hide his noble temperament and peerless elegance. , which is very different from those vulgar people around.

It is such a person who loves himself, only himself. Bai Muxiao lowered her eyes slightly, her heart jumped with joy. Since God let them meet, he will also let them know each other and stay together. They are destined to belong to each other.

Han Lingfu also looked away, and sighed: "Xiao Yi is used to this, but the father still spoils him, making his behavior even more absurd." Like a god, everything has developed as you and I planned."

"So many people have witnessed what happened today, no matter how capable Xiao Yi is, it will be difficult for everyone to talk about it. As long as Miss Li appeals to the government to avenge her father's grievance, the matter will soon become more and more troublesome, and the entire king will know about it. matter, discuss this matter... Then Xiao Yi will naturally be impeached by Yushi!" Bai Muxiao showed a confident smile, "The emperor really likes Xiao Yi, no, it should be said that the emperor favored Zhen Prince Nan. On weekdays, although Xiao Yi is a dude, he didn’t make any serious mistakes. Naturally, the emperor has no reason to dispose of him. But if there is a reason to dispose of Xiao Yi in front of him, the emperor will How will it be?"

Bai Muxiao was even more curious about what would happen to Nangong Yue if the emperor really punished Xiao Yi? The so-called "husband and wife are birds in the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes", she wanted to see, and when that time came, what would happen to Nangong Yue? Will Nangong Yue treat Xiao Yi as before

Han Lingfu's eyes were full of brilliance, and he couldn't hide his excitement.

Bai Muxiao lowered her voice and continued: "Actually, the emperor has always been jealous of King Zhennan, and disposing of Xiao Yi is also equivalent to demonstrating against King Zhennan. The emperor must be very pleased." After a pause, she continued, "And You can also sell Princess Zhennan's favor, killing two birds with one stone!"

"When I go back, I will arrange for the censor immediately." Han Lingfu naturally understood what she meant. If Xiao Yi was abolished by the emperor, the position of son would naturally fall to Xiao Luan, the son of Zhennan Wangfei Xiaofang's family. Power, then how will Big Brother and Second Brother be his opponents!

Xiao'er's plan is not only killing two birds with one stone, but killing three birds with one stone!

His Xiao'er is really different, she is the female middle school Zhuge!

Han Lingfu stared at Bai Muxiao obsessively, and felt how lucky he was that he was able to meet her in the world. It seems that in the dark, it is really a free arrangement!

Maybe she was really sent by God to help her achieve her great cause!

-off topic-

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qquser9905497 gave 3 diamonds, and Mr. Wang, who is very handsome, gave 10 diamonds;

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"Rebirth of Marriage Naturally Made" Xiao Qingqing

She is hated by all women because of that godlike man.

He was envied by all men because of that enchanting woman.

Indifferent, fickle, arrogant, alienated, indifferent, and arrogant, this is how the outside world evaluates him.

Hooligan, beast, messy, possessive, this is her evaluation of him.

In the office, the man hugged the sweaty woman, "Let's go home and continue..." The sexy and hoarse voice whispered in her ear, and he wrapped her in his arms, "Would you like to be in the bedroom, on the sofa or on the balcony?" ?”

The woman gritted her teeth, "Get lost!"

The man's ambiguous breath sprayed on her cheeks, "Fuck the bed sheets? Then let's continue now..."

woman:"… "