The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 292: -Jin Xin (second watch)


Under the emperor's instruction, the news of Changdi's defeat spread quickly in the capital, and it became known to everyone in almost half a day. It became the most popular topic in the capital together with the upcoming Jinxin meeting the next day.

In the honorable families in Wangduli, the men were discussing this great victory, who would be the first to win, and how the court situation would change. The women, on the other hand, nervously prepared their outfits for the girls who were about to go to the Jinxinhui for the preliminary round.

Jinxinhui was originally founded by a talented woman from the previous dynasty, and later became a grand event in the royal capital every three years. After the talented woman passed away, it was organized by the wife of Guozijian who offered wine, and the venue was in Guozijian. Normally, the Imperial College is a place where idlers are not allowed to enter. During the few days when you arrive at the Jinxinhui, you can enter the Imperial Academy to watch the Jinxinhui with the plain pattern Jinxin post issued by the wife of Jijiu.

There are two kinds of brocade posts, one is the gold pattern, which invites those girls to participate. The second is Suwen, you can come to watch the game with the post.

Not only is it rare to participate in the gold pattern posts, but the plain pattern posts are also hard to find. Without a certain status, you can't get the posts at all.

Not to mention the review posts in Nangong Yue's hands!

The judges who can become Jinxinhui must be impeccable in terms of background, character, and talent.

In the previous dynasty, the wife of a powerful official once relied on her husband's power to get a review post. Before the girls who participated in the contest raised any objections, the students of the Imperial College had already rioted. Guozijian, in the end, the lady had to go back in despair. Afterwards, even Guozijian Jijiu and Mrs. Jijiu were implicated and dismissed.

The nobility of this Jinxinhui can be seen!

On the day of the Jinxinhui, Nangongyue's Zhu Lun car set off from the Zhennan Palace early in the morning. Because Xiao Yi had just received an errand recently, she rarely went out alone, and arrived at the destination in less than half an hour.

"Concubine Shizi, the Imperial Academy has arrived." The coachman reminded from outside.

This Guozijian was left over from the previous dynasty. After the new dynasty, under the will of the first emperor, it has undergone some renovations and has nearly doubled the original size. At first glance, it is not only magnificent, but also quiet and distant, exuding a The charm of history.

Looking up, you can see the words "Guozijian" written on the plaque at the gate, gold characters on a black background, the font is thin and sharp, and the style is bold and unrestrained, which makes people feel admiration at first sight.

Before Nangong Yue could express her emotions, she saw a maidservant in a blue dress come out from a row of maidservants in uniform dresses, and blessed Nangong Yue. These maidservants have obviously been trained strictly, and each of them has an outstanding appearance and a well-behaved manner.

As soon as the servant girl saw Nangong Yue's Zhu Lunche, she knew that the other party must be of extraordinary status, but even so, she followed the rules and asked: "The slave girl Zui Lian has seen the madam, can I let the servant girl see the brocade heart post?"

Nangong Yue handed over the post in her hand to Lily, and then Lily passed it on to the drunk lotus.

When Zui Lian saw Nangong Yue's bright red post, she was in awe. Among the posts sent by Jin Xinhui, only the review post was red.

Zui Lian opened the post carefully, glanced at it, and finally knew Nangong Yue's identity.

"I have met the concubine." Zui Lian saluted Nangong Yue again, then led her way in front, and explained to her the procedure of today's competition.

Nangong Yue is the judge of Leyi, so what she is going to is not an ordinary stand, but the Qionghua Pavilion that serves as the judge's stand.

Nangong Yue walked slowly along with Zui Lian. From time to time, she saw many maidservants in blue dresses guarding the roadside and corridors, and arrived at the second floor of Qionghua Pavilion in a short while.

In Qionghua Pavilion, there were already people there, chatting in twos and threes.

Nangong Yue glanced around and saw that there were several familiar faces among them, such as the piano art teacher from the Imperial Academy, Master Wang from the Imperial Academy, and the wine-sacrificing lady from the Imperial Academy...

Everyone stepped forward to greet her one by one, and soon, other judges arrived one after another, and Qionghua Pavilion became more and more lively.

It wasn't until the sound of "Princess Yuncheng has arrived" that Qionghua Pavilion fell silent.

Nangong Yue was taken aback, she didn't expect that Princess Yuncheng was also the judge of the music competition, Yuan Yuyi must have known about it a long time ago, and deliberately kept it a secret from herself.

At this time, Princess Yuncheng, who was dressed in a fine attire, had already entered the pavilion. After everyone saluted her, they sat down again.


Princess Yuncheng smiled and waved to Nangong Yue, and let Nangong Yue sit beside her, and said, "I was good at the piano when I was young." She seemed to see the surprise in Nangong Yue's heart.

Nangong Yue was familiar with her, so she was not restrained: "Then His Highness must give Yueer some advice someday."

After the two chatted and laughed, Madam Jijiu stepped forward and said to Yuncheng: "Your Highness, it's almost time, has the competition started?"

Yuncheng nodded slightly, and with the sound of gongs and drums, a servant girl loudly announced the beginning of the music competition and let the contestants enter the stage.

Nangong Yue sat behind the window on the second floor, overlooking the competition field below.

Only then did she notice that the Qionghua Pavilion was facing a small garden. Now it is late spring and early summer, and there are hundreds of flowers in full bloom in the garden, peonies, roses, hydrangeas, roses... giving off an intoxicating fragrance, which is refreshing.

In the garden, a gazebo was facing them and the judges. The gazebo was surrounded by white gauze, and when the wind blew, the gauze flew up, and a piano case had been placed in the gazebo.

Soon, a girl wearing a veiled hat walked into the gazebo with her qin in her arms. After putting down the qin, she sat down at the desk. With a flick of her slender hand, the smooth music flowed out from under her fingers, like a mountain stream. , What a song "High Mountain and Flowing Water"...

The second contestant was blowing the flute, and the song "Pingsha Luoyan" also attracted a lot of applause.

In fact, all the girls who can come to Jinxinhui are extraordinary, but the masters are also divided, and Jinxinhui will pick out the most outstanding ones!

When it came to the fifth contestant, Nangong Yue and Yun Cheng couldn't help but looked at each other, only to see Jiang Yixi walking into the gazebo holding the piano.

She sat up straight and placed her hands on the piano. A cold and smooth sound of the piano immediately attracted everyone's attention. Although it was late spring and early summer, everyone felt as if they were in the middle of winter.

This song is... Nangong Yue raised her eyebrows slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Soon, the sound of the piano became fresh and smooth, and the rhythm was relaxed and lively, as if in an instant, winter went to spring, the earth revived, and everything was flourishing and full of vigor!

Someone next to me sighed softly: "What a song "Yangchun Baixue"!"

"Yangchun Baixue" is one of the top ten famous songs, and naturally it is extremely skillful.

And Jiang Yixi's technique is almost impeccable, the melody of the beginning part is full of vitality, the melody of the beginning part suddenly rises, the emotion becomes enthusiastic, the music of the transfer part is sometimes light and smooth, and sometimes sonorous and powerful, just like big pearls and small beads falling on a jade plate...

Not only skills, but also her emotions are just right, so that the listeners resonate with the sound of the piano, and they are all immersed in her sound.

The smile on the corner of Nangong Yue's mouth was even wider, as if she had heard Jiang Yixi's mental journey during this period of time. His heart was once like a cold winter, covered with thick frost, until the good news came suddenly, like a spring seedling breaking through the ground without fear of frost. The frost gradually melts under the warm sun, and winter turns to spring.

The once-frozen heart came alive again in the gurgling spring water, full of vitality!

Very good!

Nangong Yue didn't go to see Jiang Yixi, just listening to her piano sound was enough...

The sound of the piano is the sound of the heart, and it is the sound of "love"!

Until the sound of the piano stopped, the surroundings were quiet, and everyone hadn't recovered from their senses for a long time.

In the end, Mr. Wang from the Hanlin Academy was the first to applaud. Following the applause from the audience, Nangong Yue also applauded.

This song is probably Sister Xi's mood at the moment, winter is coming, spring is coming, the earth is recovering...everything is getting better!

The corners of Nangong Yue's mouth curled up involuntarily.

She can't wait to hope that Mr. Han will return to the capital as soon as possible, and she can also ask sister Xi for a wedding wine.

Although most of the girls in the back did not perform, Nangong Yue was already certain that Jiang Yixi would definitely pass today's preliminary round and participate in the final one month later.

The competition continued, and the girls behind played "Spring Dawn", "A Good Night", "Three Lanes of Plum Blossoms", "House of Flying Daggers"...

About two hours later, Le Yi's preliminary contest was finally over. After deliberation, the judges selected seven of the dozens of girls to advance to the final. Not surprisingly, Jiang Yixi's name was also on the list, and she was at the top of the list .

After a stick of incense, there is another preliminary competition of today's Jinxinhui-the poetry competition.

Nangong Yue was only the judge of Le Yi, so she had no control over the poetry competition, so she resigned from Yuncheng and went downstairs.

Jiang Yixi was waiting for her at the door of Qionghua Pavilion, "Sister Yue!"

"Sister Xi," Nangong Yue stepped forward quickly, and praised without hesitation, "Your song "Yangchun Baixue" just now can be described as lingering, and the human and piano are one. Sister Xi, your piano skills have improved to a higher level .”

Jiang Yixi naturally understood that Nangong Yue must have heard her intentions from the sound of the piano, a flash of embarrassment flashed in her eyes for a moment, a faint blush appeared on her pretty face, and those bright and clear eyes glistened in the sunlight.

Nangong Yue was a little stunned, she had never seen Jiang Yixi so bright, so dazzling.

At this time, a 13 or 14-year-old girl in pink trotted over to the two of them, blessing her body: "I have met the concubine, Miss Jiang."

Both Nangong Yue and Jiang Yixi knew her, and this was Yuan Yuyi's personal maid, Han Mei.

Hanmei said respectfully: "Shizi Concubine, Miss Jiang, my county head and Miss Fu Liu, please go to Qiushui Pavilion together." Qiushui Pavilion is a stand for spectators.

After a pause, Hanmei reminded in a low voice: "Princess Qi is also in Qiushui Pavilion."

Nangong Yue and Jiang Yixi glanced at each other. It was only natural for Princess Qi to be in the Qiushui Pavilion, because Han Qixia would participate in the next poetry competition. As a mother and concubine, how could Princess Qi not come to see her daughter show off her charm

Nangong Yue and Jiang Yixi didn't intend to avoid Princess Qi on purpose, they nodded to signal that after they knew it, they followed Hanmei to the Qiushui Pavilion. Yuan Yuyi and Fu Yunyan had already reserved seats for them in the front row on the second floor.

As Princess Qi, she was naturally sitting in the front row.

Although there was some discord between them and Princess Qi, Princess Qi is a princess after all, and she is also the one with the highest status in the Qiushui Pavilion. Therefore, Nan Gongyue and Jiang Yixi walked up to Princess Qi after entering the pavilion, and saluted: "Meet Princess Qi."

"Excuse me." Princess Qi said stiffly, her face almost darkened.

Seeing Jiang Yixi, Princess Qi couldn't help but think of Lord Han Huai, her hands unconsciously clenched into fists in her sleeves, and she thought to herself: I didn't expect that bastard to come back alive! And he made a great contribution... King Qi was even more delighted yesterday Ruo Kuang repeatedly praised him for being "like a father" and more like himself than the eldest son. Princess Qi almost turned her face when she heard it.

Mr. Han Huai occupies the title of eldest son, and the King of Qi always misses his mother who died young, so he treats him differently than other concubines, but now, he has made great contributions. Can't tell the difference?!

Could it be that her son's throne is really going to be handed over to this bastard.

There is also Jiang Yixi, a good lady from all over the world, but she really wants to marry a bastard, she really has no sense of shame!

The more Princess Qi thinks about it, the more she hates it. If it weren't for the other wives and girls in the pavilion, she would have ridiculed Jiang Yixi wantonly. However, today is not too bad, when she marries into the mansion, she will know that being a concubine and daughter-in-law is not so easy to be! Hmph!

Nangong Yue and Jiang Yixi could guess Princess Qi's thoughts from her pale and white complexion, they looked at each other and smiled, they didn't care, and went to Yuan Yuyi and Fu Yunyan hand in hand.

Yuan Yuyi saw that Princess Qi was not so stupid as to embarrass Jiang Yixi here, she was secretly relieved, and she praised Jiang Yixi's piano skills with a smile on her face, which made Jiang Yixi feel a little embarrassed...until the garden below The movement in the room diverted their attention.

I saw maidservants in blue clothes moving tables and chairs into the garden, and within a short while, twenty or thirty tables and chairs were neatly placed there at even intervals.

Yuan Yuyi glanced at the half-burned incense next to her and said: "The poetry competition is about to start, and I don't know how Cousin Xia is preparing..." Yuan Yuyi was a little nervous when she said that.

Speaking of which, the difficulty of poetry competition is higher than that of music art, and it also tests the contestants' on-the-spot performance. Because music art's repertoire can be prepared in advance, it is convenient for girls to use their strengths and avoid weaknesses, and choose more suitable repertoires. In order to avoid cheating in the competition, it is not allowed to set questions in advance. In previous years, Jin Xinhui always drew lots on the spot first, and after a judge was drawn, the judge would make a temporary question.

After the stick of incense was burned, twenty or thirty girls entered the arena one by one and sat at the desk.

Their maids are not allowed to enter the arena, so there is a blue-clothed maid serving at each table, grinding ink and laying paper for the participating girls.

Soon, the sound of gongs and drums sounded again, and all eyes were focused on Qionghua Pavilion, only to see a long roll of white paper falling down like a waterfall, and it could be seen that the words "Huanxisha" were written on the white paper. and "late spring".

"Huanxisha" is the name of the poem, and "end of spring" is the theme.

As soon as the title came out, it immediately caused a commotion among the audience. This year's title was higher than previous years. In the past, poetry competitions usually only had one theme, and the contestants were required to complete it within a stick of incense, whether it was poetry or lyrics At the discretion of the entrant.

But it's difficult to watch!

Not only the participating girls, even above the stands, there are judges looking down and thinking.

In the arena, a girl in a moon white dress soon picked up a wolf hair brush, dipped it in ink, and wrote down vigorously.

The girl has a beautiful appearance, especially a pair of beautiful eyes that are extremely prominent. Under the sun, there is a layer of bright golden light in the five-black pupils, her temperament is dignified and generous, and her demeanor reveals a noble and confident charm.

Yuan Yuyi and Jiang Yixi naturally recognized her as Nangong Yue's careless cousin Bai Muxiao.

Nangong Yue had a smile on her lips. As far as she knew, apart from dancing, Bai Muxiao's best talent had always been poetry, and it might even be better than her dancing skills. In her previous life, Bai Muxiao got a lot from this. The pursuit of literati and students, especially the deep love of Han Lingfu.

Bai Muxiao begged in every possible way to qualify for the Jinxin Club because she was thinking that she could shine here.

Bai Muxiao's start of writing, especially her free and easy appearance as if she wanted to finish writing in one go, could not help but put invisible pressure on the other girls around, and some girls couldn't hide their anxiety in their eyes and demeanor.

After a while, several girls also picked up the brushes on the pen stand, but most of them still hesitated to write.

When they hesitated, Bai Muxiao had already finished writing, and the corner of her mouth curled up into a confident smile under the veil.

She is fully confident that this poem is enough to send her to the finals of Jinxinhui.

-off topic-

The promised second watchman is here!

It's almost the end of the month, if you still have a monthly pass, please come here!