The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 296: -frank


In the Jian'anbo mansion, in the Fushou hall of the old lady Lu's, the atmosphere was condensed and stiff, and the maids and mother-in-law around her almost dared not even make a sound to breathe.

In the center of the main hall, Nangong Cheng knelt on the cold and hard ground, his eyes were clear, and there was no sign of dodging.


Mrs. Lu patted the armchair of the mahogany grand teacher's chair heavily, with cloudy clouds in her old cloudy eyes, and veins throbbing on her forehead, she said angrily: "It's an unfortunate family, it's really an unfortunate family, why did our Pei family marry such a disaster like you! "

Mrs. Pei held a handkerchief, covered the corners of her mouth with emotion, and said: "Poor Chen'er, this is really a bad luck for eight lifetimes. I thought I saved a lady who knows how to repay her kindness, but I didn't expect it to be a good girl." ..." She shook her head and sighed, thinking to herself: She just said, how could the eldest daughter of the majestic Nangong Mansion be willing to marry a paralyzed man who is not good at behavior? Woolen cloth.

That's right, with Pei Yuanchen's current situation, and unable to consummate the marriage with Nangong Cheng, that's not the best candidate!

Mrs. Pei Er sneered in her heart, feeling that she was the truth.

Lu's eyes were burning with raging anger, and the more he spoke, the more excited he became: "Our Pei family can't tolerate an unchaste woman like you..."

The corners of Mrs. Pei's mouth turned up slightly, and a gleam of pleasure flashed in her pupils.

A few days ago, the Nangong family ran to support Nangong Cheng with great fanfare. Now I don’t know if they have the face to come again! Once this incident happens, let’s see what face the Nangong family has in the capital! This time, Not only did she want to let out such a bad breath, but she also wanted to make Chang Fang unable to turn over for the rest of his life!

Mrs. Pei's expression became serious, and she took the opportunity to fan the flames: "What mother said is that our Jian'an Mansion has a clean and upright family for generations, and such a thing has never happened before, so we can't be ruined because of it..."

Mrs. Lu narrowed her eyes, nodded in agreement, and said, "The reputation of the Jian'anbo Mansion cannot be ruined by this woman. If you want to divorce your wife, you must let Chen'er divorce your wife."

Nangong Chengqiao's face was pale, but she still straightened her back, and her heart was in chaos. The matter of King Cheng came so suddenly that she hardly had time to think about it.

Mrs. Jian Anbo felt the wind and cold yesterday and developed a high fever, so she and Pei Yuanchen have been waiting on the bedside since last night, almost without sleep all night. It wasn't until Mrs. Jian'an finally got rid of her fever and fell asleep that she went back to the room to rest under Pei Yuanchen's repeated request. Before she could rest for a while, she was called here by Mrs. Lu.

Nangong Cheng is not afraid of being divorced, what she is afraid of is that if because of her, the reputation of Nangong Mansion will be tarnished, and the reputation of her natal sisters will also be affected by her.

Mrs. Pei quickly glanced at the pale Nangong Cheng, feeling proud, and then gave her daughter-in-law Lu Jiaqi a wink. Lu Jiaqi immediately said to Mrs. Pei: "Mother, let's get rid of sister-in-law, brother!" Will you agree?" The corners of her mouth couldn't help but twitched, and she could hardly hide the gloating in her tone.

Mrs. Lu frowned, and Mrs. Pei looked at Mrs. Lu's face, and deliberately said: "Chen'er doesn't know anyone well, so he recruited this broom star. Obviously, this matter will be known to everyone in a short time. It will become the laughing stock of the whole king, what do you think if you don't divorce your wife?" Mrs. Pei was very proud, once this Nangong Cheng was gone, the long house would lose the help of Nangong Mansion and Zhennan Wangfu at the same time. Sooner or later, the throne will fall into the hands of their second wife.

Upon hearing that the Jian'anbo mansion had become the laughing stock of the capital, Lu's brows furrowed even tighter.

Mrs. Pei Er was overjoyed, and took advantage of the situation to say to Lu: "Mother, please forgive my daughter-in-law for talking too much, Chen'er married such a daughter-in-law, and ruined the reputation of my uncle's house. It is really a loss of virtue, and it is difficult to be a son!"

Lu's eyes were fixed, and he squinted at his second daughter-in-law. She naturally knew that Erfang had been coveting the title for a long time, and she acted like she wanted something else, but this time Chen'er really shamed the uncle's house, and besides, he is not good at conduct, so he is really not suitable to be this man again. Prince. It seems that this time I can no longer soften my heart, I have to have a good talk with the boss...

Nangong Cheng, who was kneeling below, opened his eyes suddenly, and raised his eyes angrily to look at Mrs. Pei Er, his cold eyes were like sharp swords. She can bear what Mrs. Pei said to her, but all of this has nothing to do with Pei Yuanchen.

"Second Aunt, please be careful with your words! Why did your son lose his virtue?"

Nangong Cheng's questioning tone made the second lady raise her eyes, and was about to say something when she heard a report from outside the door: "Old lady, second lady, the concubine of Prince Zhennan is here, and she has just arrived at the second gate. "

As soon as she heard that Nangong Yue was coming, Lu frowned reflexively.

The last time Nangong Yue came to the uncle's mansion, she humiliated herself and her second daughter-in-law for a while, and almost forced herself to salute a little girl who hadn't reached her age yet, remembering that scene is still in front of her eyes. As the old lady of the uncle's mansion, the dignified lady of the second rank, no one has dared to treat her like this for a long time!

Before Mrs. Lu said anything, Mrs. Pei couldn't wait to sneer and said: "Mother, it's just right for the concubine to come. Let's make things clear and let the concubine take her back quickly." Hate together, and thought: Nangong Yue came to the door today, don't blame her for revenge!

After a while, a woman led Nangong Yue into the main hall of Fushou Hall, followed by Baihui and Baihe.

Looking at Nangong Cheng who was kneeling on the ground, Nangong Yue's eyes sank, and she said first: "Old Madam Lu, Second Madam Pei, what's the matter? My eldest sister is the wife of the eldest son of the mansion, how can she be punished to kneel here? "

Mrs. Pei Er sneered in her heart, stood up deliberately and saluted Nangong Yuefu: "I have seen the concubine."

Nangong Yue let her give the full salute before she opened her mouth and said, "Second Madam Pei is exempt from the salute."

Mrs. Pei endured that tone, looked at Nangong Yue sarcastically, and said arrogantly: "Concubine Shizi, sister Ling has an affair with King Cheng for a long time. How can such a woman be a wife of our uncle's mansion again?" ?! The concubine Shi Zi came today just in time, our uncle's mansion wants to divorce his wife, so please ask the concubine Shi Zi to bring her back to Nangong Mansion." After saying this, Second Madam Pei was extremely happy.

"My eldest sister has an affair with King Cheng?" Nangong Yue raised her eyebrows and asked, "What is Mrs. Pei saying, do you have evidence?"

Mrs. Pei gave a cold snort, and said: "The emperor has already made a mouthful, so can there be a lie?"

Nangong Yue continued to ask without hesitation: "Dare to ask the emperor's eloquence?"

Mrs. Pei believed that she had reason first, "Prince Cheng claimed to know and agree with Nangong Cheng, and the love was as deep as the sea, and the emperor asked her to defend herself."

"Oh. So that's the case." Nangong Yue said with a sneer, "The emperor just asked my elder sister to defend herself, but Mrs. Pei has a lot of trust in Beidi's King Cheng, and she has already confirmed what he said is true. I would rather I don't know, the relationship between Pei's family and Beidi is so shallow that they listen to his advice."

Mrs. Pei's entire face turned dark, and Lu even blurted out angrily: "Concubine, please be careful, how can our Pei family trust Beidi!"

Beidi is an enemy country, if Nangong Yue's words get out, Jian'anbo Mansion will be over!

Nangong Yue replied: "Second madam is the same." She looked at Lu Shi again and said, "Prince Cheng is just a slanderous statement. Since the Pei family doesn't believe in Beidi, they should naturally stand by my eldest sister, old madam , do you think what my concubine said makes sense?"

Mrs. Lu and Mrs. Pei couldn't help being speechless for a while, what can they say

To say that they suspect Nangong Cheng's loss of virginity means that they believe in Beidi people, otherwise, they should consider King Cheng as a slander.

Nangong Yue glanced around the room, and she couldn't help being a little disappointed that she didn't see Pei Yuanchen here to protect Nangong Cheng.

Mrs. Pei refused to give up, and said with a cold face, "No matter whether this matter is true or not, Nangong Cheng must have acted imprudently, otherwise she would not be clinged to. Based on this alone, our Pei family can divorce her." .”

"Second Mrs. Pei, whether to divorce or not is always decided by the husband and his parents-in-law. What is your aunt in the next room messing around here?... Where is Prince Pei?"

As soon as Nangong Yue finished speaking, there was a voice of a servant saluting from outside the main hall: "I have seen you!"

Then there was the sound of the wheelchair rolling, and everyone couldn't help looking at the entrance of the main hall. Their eyes were different, and they saw Pei Yuanchen crossing the threshold with the help of the two women.

"Yuanchen!" Nangong Cheng blurted out complicatedly.

Pei Yuanchen, who was sitting in a wheelchair, seemed to be very calm. First, he saluted Mrs. Lu and Mrs. Pei: "Grandmother, Second Aunt."

After that, Pei Yuanchen said lightly to a maidservant beside him: "Qingwu, help the Madam get up..."

Nangong Yue looked at Pei Yuanchen silently, and her heart relaxed. If Pei Yuanchen was willing to protect her eldest sister, things would be much easier, but Mrs. Lu and Mrs. Pei couldn't believe their ears.

This Nangong Cheng has given him a cuckold, and he is not willing to let her kneel

When did their Pei manor produce a seed of infatuation

Mrs. Pei said coolly at the side: "The old saying says that a hero is saddened by a beauty, and it turns out that it is true."

Lu's gaze was fixed on Nangong Cheng's beautiful face. Before she got married, Nangong Cheng had the title of "No. 1 Beauty in the Capital of the Kingdom".

"It's really seductive and misleading people." Lu's eyes showed disgust, and he patted the handrail with an angry face, "Who dares to help her!?"

Qingwu had already walked to Nangong Cheng's side, bent down slightly, and planned to hold Nangong Cheng's arm, but after being reprimanded by Lu Shi, she froze there immediately, not knowing whether she should listen to the crown prince or Old lady Lu's.

Pei Yuanchen looked at Lu Shi and said, "Grandmother, what did Cheng'er do wrong, why did you kneel?"

Lu's eyes were bloodshot with anger at his inversion of black and white. For a moment, she felt that Nangong Cheng was the reincarnation of Daji and Baosi, and said angrily: "So watery..." She glanced at Nangong Yue, changed the subject reluctantly, and said, "She is disrespectful to her elders and behaves indiscreetly. As a grandmother, I can teach her a lesson! I want to see who dares to stop me... I don't know how to serve her!" She angrily and urgently ordered to the woman next to her. .

The mother-in-law hurriedly took the order to take the family law, while the Lu family looked at Pei Yuanchen and Nangong Yue provocatively. As a grandson, if Pei Yuanchen prevented him from mobilizing the family law against Nangong, it would be disobedience; and Nangong Yue was just an outsider, so he was not qualified to manage the family affairs of Jian'anbo Mansion.

Nangong Yue frowned tightly, and gave Baihe a wink, signaling her to wait for the opportunity. If Mrs. Pei really dared to make a move against Nangong Cheng, then she must not sit idly by.

Mrs. Pei Er and Lu Jiaqi exchanged glances aside, waiting to see a good show.

After a while, the old woman came back quickly with her family law in her hand. Mrs. Lu looked at Nangong Cheng coldly, and said forcefully, "Give me a hand!"

Nangong Cheng gritted his teeth, his lips were so pale that there was no blood, but he didn't beg for mercy.

Seeing that the two rattan sticks were placed on Nangong Cheng's back, Lily squinted her eyes slightly, and took half a step forward. Just as she was about to make a move, Pei Yuanchen shouted excitedly: "Stop!"

I don't know who exclaimed: "Shi... Shizi!"

I saw Pei Yuanchen stand up from the wheelchair, strode towards Nangong Cheng, then staggered and fell down...

"My son!"

"Yuan Chen!"

All this happened so fast that everyone couldn't believe their eyes. Pei Yuanchen, who had been paralyzed for more than a year, actually stood up again and walked

In the main hall, there was a mess. Nangong Cheng and the woman serving beside Pei Yuanchen hurried to help him, and carefully helped him back to the wheelchair.

Mrs. Pei Er and Lu Jiaqi also stood up in a gaffe, their minds blank.

How can it be

How is this possible

Pei Yuanchen actually stood up! Could it be that he is alright

If Pei Yuanchen really got better, then his position as the son of the eldest son would be secure, so how could there be room for their second wife to speak out

And Lu Jiaqi couldn't help but think in his heart, if he was willing to marry the paralyzed Pei Yuanchen, wouldn't he be the wife of the eldest son now? Thinking of this, Lu Jiaqi felt a little restless, the last time his grandmother made the decision , gave medicine to the maid who was pregnant with the child, and asked Yazi to take it away. Although the matter was over, she was much colder, whether it was her in-laws or her husband, and she only felt chills.

If the person she married was Pei Yuanchen, her life would definitely not be as it is now.

Lu Jiaqi couldn't help looking at Nangong Cheng who was squatting next to Pei Yuanchen's wheelchair, feeling jealous and envious.

As for the Lu family, at this time, they are too lazy to argue with Nangong Cheng. After all, Pei Yuanchen is the eldest grandson of the mansion, and his body is much more important than other things.

Mrs. Lu looked at Pei Yuanchen cautiously, and even her tone softened a lot, "Chen'er, are you alright? Are you really alright? Why didn't you tell grandma? ... By the way, imperial physician, hurry up and get someone to invite the imperial physician !"

Immediately, a servant girl responded hastily and went out to invite the imperial physician.

Nangong Cheng also looked at Pei Yuanchen nervously, "Yuanchen, what do you think? But is there any injury from the fall?"

Even Pei Yuanchen himself was a little dazed. If it wasn't for the pain from the fall that reminded him, he would almost suspect that it was just a dream of his.

When Nangong Cheng said this, Lu became even more nervous, and asked again: "Yes, Chen'er, did you hurt from the fall?"

Pei Yuanchen was startled, rubbed his forehead and said to Lu: "Grandmother, my grandson feels a little dizzy, so I'll go back to Liaofengyuan first."

As soon as Mrs. Lu heard that he was not feeling well, she hurriedly ordered her mother-in-law to send him back to Liaofengyuan.

At this time, no one remembered Nangong Cheng's "little" idea.

Pei Yuanchen, Nangong Cheng and the others left, and the Fushou Hall soon returned to tranquility, but the servants in the Bo's mansion could not calm down.

I just feel that everything that happened today is even more exciting than a playbook, not only the ups and downs, but also the twists and turns.

Originally, in this competition for the position of the eldest son, it is hard to say who will win and who will lose, so many servants are also uncertain about which side to follow. This is good, as long as the eldest son I can go, so there is nothing wrong with the second son.

Nangong Yue followed Nangong Cheng back to the Liaofengyuan where they lived. Compared with the chaos in the Fushou Hall before, Liaofengyuan seemed to be another world, peaceful, serene, orderly, and even the disturbed heart was calmed down. down.

It was early summer and it was morning again, the yard was not too hot, so the three simply sat down at the stone table under the shade of a tree.

Pei Yuanchen ordered people not to disturb Mrs. Jian Anbo who was still in bed, while Nangong Cheng ordered the maids to serve herbal tea and fruits, and everything seemed to be in order.

After the maid stepped aside, Pei Yuanchen said: "Thank you, Third Aunt." He glanced at his legs, his voice sounded calm, but the excitement in his eyes couldn't be hidden .

I didn't expect him to be able to stand up again!

It has been more than a year and a half since the accident in the Hunting Palace, and Pei Yuanchen almost thought that he would sit in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Although last October, he felt a little warmth on the soles of his feet, and Nangong Yue would consider some new prescriptions for him to use from time to time, but after that, his legs did not make any progress. The little flame of hope gradually went out... But today, today he not only stood up, but also took two steps!

To others, it may be just two small steps, but he and Nangong Cheng both know that these two steps are not easy to come by!

Pei Yuanchen couldn't help looking at Nangong Cheng, and Nangong Cheng was also looking at him. The two looked at each other for a moment, everything was silent.

The two of them didn't say anything, and they didn't make any intimate movements, but Nangong Yue keenly noticed the subtle changes between the two of them, thinking deeply.

"Brother-in-law, let me feel your pulse." Nangong Yue said with a smile.

For more than a year, every once in a while, Dr. Zhang would send Pei Yuanchen's pulse case to her. Judging from the pulse case, Pei Yuanchen has been slowly recovering, and she has been focusing on the pulse case. Adjust the square.

Pei Yuanchen was able to stand up suddenly now, obviously her judgment and Fang Zi were not wrong.

Pei Yuanchen stretched out his left wrist, letting Nangong Yue feel his pulse.

On the side, Nangong Cheng's black pupils were full of tears, and his heart was surging.

In just one short morning, she experienced both the extreme sorrow and the extreme joy of life.

Her complicated eyes fell on Pei Yuanchen's handsome profile. If what happened to King Cheng today was the price she had to pay, then she would be willing! I only hope that Pei Yuanchen can recover!

She bit her lower lip and looked at Nangong Yue nervously. After a while, Nangong Yue withdrew her hand and said to the couple with a slightly raised corner of her mouth: "Big brother-in-law, big sister, judging from the pulse condition, big brother-in-law is suffering The damaged tendons have recovered to a good extent, but we still have to wait for Doctor Zhang to come and feel the bones to see the specific situation."

The three waited for a while, and after about a stick of incense, Doctor Zhang came.

Doctor Zhang and Pei Yuanchen went to the inner room, checked his pulse, felt his bones, and after inquiring carefully, they went to the side to discuss with Nangong Yue. Nangong Yue gave Doctor Zhang a new set of acupuncture methods, and readjusted the prescription of the ointment. The two planned to use it for three days to see the effect before making improvements.

Afterwards, Imperial Physician Zhang offered to leave, and Nangong Cheng and Nangong Yue personally sent him to the gate of Liaofengyuan.

Seeing the back of Imperial Physician Zhang disappearing around the corner, Nangong Cheng still stayed where he was, his complexion became extremely serious at some point, as if he had made some important decision in his heart.

Although she hasn't said anything yet, Nangong Yue also faintly sensed her strangeness, and looked at her with some worry, "Big sister..." After all, King Cheng was the person Nangong Cheng admired the most. Because of him, Nangong Cheng was almost confused To the point of abandoning his family, his identity, everything about himself... But so, King Cheng said these words in front of the emperor, clearly intending to kill Nangong Cheng.

Even if Nangong Cheng had no heart for him, King Cheng's actions would still deeply hurt her.

"Third sister, I'm fine." Nangong Cheng forced a smile, trying to appease Nangong Yue, her eyes were very firm, and they were as clear as a pool of clear water, resolute and decisive.

She took a deep breath, made up her mind, and said, "Third sister, I plan to tell Shizi everything." The "everything" she said naturally refers to everything about her and King Cheng. "Since I married into the Jian'anbo Mansion, the prince has always been very kind to me, but the better he treats me, the more I feel anxious..." Because only she knew that she didn't deserve his treatment like this at all.

She once gave and received privately with King Cheng, and her virtues were flawed. How could she be worthy of a gentleman like Pei Yuanchen who is so rich and jaded

King Cheng is like an ink dot on a piece of white paper, like a thorn reminding her and stinging her all the time, telling her that anyone will eventually pay for their stupidity and mistakes.

In an instant, Nangong Cheng's eyes were filled with a deep sadness, which was so heavy that it almost overflowed.

Nangong Yue's heart moved slightly, and then recalling the eye contact between the two just now, she couldn't help blurting out: "Big sister, could it be that you..." You fell in love with Pei Yuanchen

Nangong Cheng didn't answer, but just lowered his eyes halfway, avoiding Nangong Yue's sight.

Yes, just because I like it, so I can't hide it!

Just because I like it, I can't accept my past even more!

In the past, she only hoped that they could respect each other and be forever friends, but she didn't want to get along day and night. At some point, she already had him in her heart. She knew that although he didn't say anything, he must also care about her. , but...

Nangong Cheng bit her lower lip, took Nangong Yue's hand and said, "Third sister, I'm afraid..."

Only then did Nangong Yue notice that Nangong Cheng was trembling slightly, she held back Nangong Cheng's hand, trying to give her strength.

"Third sister, but I have to tell Shizi." Nangong Cheng said again, "Third sister, can you wait for me here for a while?" She tried to tell Pei Yuanchen several times, but each time she retreated halfway.

If the third sister is here, if she cuts off her retreat, she should have enough courage to speak out!

"Big sister," Nangong Yue firmly held Nangong Cheng's hand, trying to give her strength, "I will wait for you here." She will be her strongest backing.

Nangong Cheng took a deep breath, then signaled Shuxiang and Moxiang to wait for her here, and walked towards the small study alone.

Nangong Yue looked at the back of Nangong Cheng's leaving, and she only hoped that Pei Yuanchen would not disappoint her elder sister again.

Shuxiang and Moxiang were also looking in the same direction, and they couldn't hide the worry on their faces. Shuxiang couldn't help but whispered: "Will Mr. Pei..."

Mo Xiang was already so nervous that her heart jumped out, and she hurriedly said: "Everything will be fine!" She didn't know whether she was convincing Shuxiang, or convincing herself.

The three of them waited in place for a long time, and the time seemed to be slowed down several times... At this time, Nangong Cheng in the room had already told Pei Yuanchen everything about himself and King Cheng in one go. She also told about elopement with King Cheng but was finally stopped by Nangong Yue... Finally, she said with difficulty:


it's all my fault!

She shifted her gaze to the right uneasily, not daring to look at Pei Yuanchen at all, only shame and self-blame remained in her eyes. Because her recklessness and ignorance damaged the reputation of Nangong Mansion and Jian'anbo Mansion, especially Pei Yuanchen, she couldn't imagine how others would talk about him behind his back and humiliate him...

"Teng'er," Pei Yuanchen pulled Nangong Cheng's hand and asked her to look at him, and said softly, "Then do you still like him now?"

Nangong Cheng was stunned, completely unexpected that he would ask this question. After regaining her senses, she immediately said eagerly: "Of course not!" She had already seen the true face of King Cheng, so how could she like such an insidious villain again!

Pei Yuanchen raised his eyebrows slightly, and actually smiled, his handsome eyebrows stretched out, and the sea-like deep eyes shone with bright light.

He smiled and said: "If that's the case, why do you have to apologize?" There was no trace of malice in his eyes.

Nangong Cheng was stunned, his beautiful eyes staring round.

Seeing her who has always been gentle with such a childlike expression, the smile in Pei Yuanchen's eyes deepened.

He didn't dare to say what kind of attitude he would have had if he knew about this matter before they got married, but at least the more than a year of getting along with her had let him know what kind of person she was and what a precious treasure he had picked up.

The Buddha said that it takes 10,000 blinks in the previous life to pass by in this life.

Then he must have accumulated some great merits in the previous life in exchange for the fate in this life.

And that King Cheng is just a clown, he won't even understand what he lost...

"Jing'er," Pei Yuanchen held Nangong Cheng's hand, with a frank smile on his face, "There is no need to mention the past, we will be fine for the rest of our lives."

The past is gone!

Nangong Cheng's eye sockets were instantly filled with tears, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and the tears finally flowed down uncontrollably...

She took a deep breath, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and tried to show him a bright smile.

She knew they would be fine!

I don't know how long it took, Nangong Cheng suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said: "The third sister is still waiting for me, I will go back as soon as I go!"

Before Pei Yuanchen could answer, she ran away in a hurry.

Nangong Yue, Shuxiang, and Mo Xiang in the courtyard had been waiting anxiously for a long time. When they saw Nangong Cheng walking out of the house, Shuxiang and Mo Xiang ran up impatiently. Seeing Nangong Cheng's relieved eyes and the faint smile on the corners of his mouth, they finally breathed a sigh of relief, and their high-hanging hearts returned to the distance.

Nangong Yue didn't ask any more questions, as long as everything was fine with Nangong Cheng and Pei Yuanchen, she would be relieved.

As long as the two of them don't get angry over this matter, it will be fine. For a woman, having her husband's trust and support is more important than anything else...

Nangong Yue comforted Nangong Cheng a few words, telling her not to worry too much. Since the emperor asked her to defend himself, it means that he did not fully believe what King Cheng said. As long as the emperor still has doubts in his heart, there must be room for things to turn around.

"Tomorrow, I will come with Ah Yi to visit the elder sister and elder brother-in-law." Nangong Yue felt that she should go back and discuss with Xiao Yi again.

Nangong Cheng understood and said, "Thank you, Third Sister."

Nangong Cheng personally sent her to the second gate, and watched her Zhulun car leave the mansion and go away.

On this day, Xiao Yi came back later than usual. Before Nangong Yue could speak, he took the initiative to say: "Zhu Xing has ordered someone to tell me. Xiaobai has gone to the palace."

Nangong Yue was surprised, "Master Guan?"

Xiao Yi hugged her and sat on the beauty's couch, and said: "This matter is more complicated than it appears on the surface. Whether it is me or you, I am afraid that the emperor will be suspicious if you come forward, so I can only trouble Xiaobai to make a trip... Don't worry, Xiaobai is a scheming guy, with him around, there is absolutely no problem."