The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 297: - Separation


In the imperial study room, the lights were brightly lit, and the emperor sat alone in front of the chessboard with an endgame, thinking hard.

This mess was left by Xiao Yi today. According to him, he read it from a certain ancient book. He thought it was very interesting, so he deliberately used it to embarrass himself. Thinking of Xiao Yi's triumphant expression that he must not solve it, the emperor decided that he must solve it.

It's just that, thinking about it from noon to now, I still got nothing.

Where is this sunspot's way of life

"Your Majesty." Eunuch Liu's voice interrupted his train of thought, "The Lord Guanhou is here."

When it comes to chess skills, Guan Yubai is unmatched in the capital, that boy Xiao Yi must have never imagined that he would invite Guan Yubai to be a foreign aid!

The emperor hurriedly said, "Let him in quickly."

Eunuch Liu hurriedly went to deliver the decree, and soon saw Guan Yubai in a navy blue straight skirt coming in from the outside. Before he could salute, the emperor hurriedly shouted, "Excuse me... Yubai, come over quickly and have a look." , you play chess, can you solve it?"

Guan Yubai still finished the ceremony, and then walked over, looking at the endgame.

Guan Yubai looked at it for a long time, and the emperor was patient and did not urge him. After about a cup of tea, Guan Yubai raised his head and said softly, "Your Majesty, this situation can be solved."

"Oh?!" The emperor couldn't help being pleasantly surprised, and hurriedly asked, "How to solve it?"

The endgame that has troubled him for so long, Guan Yubai can solve it at a glance, which makes the emperor very excited.

"Forgive me for being rude." Guan Yubai picked up a sunspot and dropped it lightly, "Please look at it, Your Majesty."

The emperor immediately turned his head to look, and watched intently. With just this simple step, Heizi found a wonderful way to survive, and the chess board came alive in a flash.

"Wonderful. It's really wonderful!" The emperor clapped his hands and praised, "I've had a headache for so long, but I never thought that Heizi could go this far! How did you think of it?"

Eunuch Liu brought tea, and Guan Yubai sat down at the emperor's signal, took a sip of tea, and said with a smile: "My father once said that there are similarities between this chess game and the battlefield. All kinds of traps are designed to trap the enemy. And this endgame is even more so, the trapped chess piece only needs a way out. If the chess piece survives, it will be clear."

"That's right." The emperor said thoughtfully, and suddenly snorted coldly, "Isn't this Southern barbarian envoy here for this way of life, and even pretended to be on good terms with Dayu forever?" It looks like they forgot that the Nanban were burning, killing and looting in my Dayu!"

"What your majesty said is true." Guan Yubai said unhurriedly, "As far as I can see, the Nanman envoys who came here this time, no matter what kind of banner they used, were actually just to exchange for their eldest prince Kui. Lang."

"Kui Lang?" The emperor didn't expect this, and asked, "How do you say that?"

"When I was a general, I knew all the lands of the four barbarians, so that I could respond to the saying that 'knowing yourself and the enemy can fight a hundred battles'. As far as the Nanman is concerned, the king of the Nanman is weak and sick. He was in charge of the power of Nanman years ago. Without this person, Nanman is like a tiger with its claws broken. Naturally, Nanman wants to get him back at all costs. Although Nanman came here this time, although he put forward many conditions for the peace talks, it was just for the sake of It's just a cover up of its true purpose."

Speaking of this, the corners of Guan Yubai's lips curved slightly, against his pale face due to his frailty, he looked as elegant and noble as a celestial being, "Your Majesty, if you intend to negotiate peace with Nanman , but you can make good use of Kui Lang's chess piece." He raised his hand to caress the chess piece, and said, "Just like this endgame, in fact, this is not the only way for Heizi to survive." Guan Yubai picked up Heizi again , put it in another place, "Take this step, Heizi can still live, but he will lose the good situation here, and in the end it will be just a narrow victory."

The emperor looked at the chessboard silently. After a long time, he slowly nodded and said: "Yubai, you are right.... In order to save the people on the frontier of Dayu from the flames of war, it is imperative to negotiate peace with the Nanman. But I have some I'm not quite reconciled, so I deliberately left them alone. Your words made me suddenly enlightened. This time, let's see what price Nanban is willing to pay in exchange for Kui Lang."

The emperor has been ignoring the Nanman envoys' requests for peace talks. It's not that he doesn't want peace talks, but he is just thinking about how to conclude a treaty. If he is holding the Nanman's dead end in his hands, the next thing will be much easier.

Thinking of this, the emperor was in a good mood, and laughed loudly: "Yubai, Yubai, after hearing what you said, I can't wait to meet the Nanman envoys."

Guan Yubai said with a gentle smile: "Maybe it won't be long, the emperor has another group of envoys to see.... But I have also heard about the great victory in Beilin."

When Beidi was mentioned, the emperor couldn't help but frowned, thinking of that King Cheng.

After the early court, the King Cheng came to see him, and the absurd request he made made him angry and annoyed, and he also hated that Nangong family didn't know how to pick something up, but because she was a girl from the Nangong family, he gave the verbal order first He judged himself, but in his heart, he already had a conclusion, but now, hearing the official words, he hesitated a little.

"Yubai." The emperor suddenly said, "What do you think of King Cheng? Can it be used as a tool to negotiate peace with Beidi?"

"Prince Cheng of Beidi?" Guan Yubai shook his head slowly and said, "This person is insignificant. Beidi has planned for a long time about the epidemic, and even after knowing the disease, I, Dayu, will definitely fight Beidi, but they But he sent King Cheng to the capital. This shows that this son has nothing to do with Beidi." He paused, and then said, "It's just that if you are in a desperate situation, even a rabbit will fight back and bite. If he is defeated, he will not sit still, he will definitely find a way to survive. He is naturally unable to move an inch in the capital by himself, and he is afraid that he will reach some kind of deal with others... "

At this point, Guan Yubai closed his voice and said no more.

The emperor thought for a long time, and he couldn't help but think of one thing.

Bei Di's plot was exposed that day, King Cheng secretly hid in Nangong Mansion in order to escape arrest, and was discovered by the eldest girl of Nangong's family, and then quietly told Xiao Yi through Nangong Yue, so that Xiao Yi was able to capture this person. At that time, King Cheng kept claiming that he had an affair with the eldest daughter of the Nangong family, but it was obviously for revenge.

It's been so long, he almost forgot about it.

In this way, whether King Cheng clings to Na Nangong again this time is for revenge for what happened that day, or is it true that, as Guan Yubai said, he reached some kind of deal with others in order to find a way out.

The emperor used to think that this was nothing more than an exposed adultery, but now it seems that it may not be so simple.

Maybe he should look it up.

"Huiren, go and announce Lu Huaining."

When the emperor gave an order, Eunuch Liu, who was serving in the imperial study, hurried to do it.

Guan Yubai got up and bid farewell to the emperor.

The emperor didn't stay, and only said that he would come over to play next time, and let him retreat.

When Guan Yubai returned to An Yihou's mansion, it was completely dark, so he immediately wrote a letter and ordered Xiaosi to send it to Zhennan Wang's mansion.

So, just after Xiao Yi and Nangong Yue had dinner, they received a letter from Guan Yubai. Nangong Yue took Baihe and brought the dessert box that had been prepared earlier, and asked Xiao Si to take it back and hand it over to Guan Yubai.

After Xiaosi left, Xiao Yi opened the letter and read it with Nangong Yue.

There were only a few words in the letter. Although the matter of King Cheng had not yet been settled, Nan Gongyue still breathed a sigh of relief and felt grateful, "This time I really troubled you, Mr. Guan."

Xiao Yi received the letter and said with a smile: "After a while, I will ask Xiaobai to come to the mansion for dinner."

Nangong Yue replied with crooked eyebrows: "That's naturally good... A Yi, I have an appointment with my eldest sister to go there in three days, you can go with me."

Being able to go out with her, Xiao Yi didn't have any objections, and hurriedly agreed.

The next day, Jian'an Boshizi's defense book for his wife was handed over to the imperial court, but the emperor just accepted it lightly, and announced that Nangong Qin didn't know what he said, but he didn't express anything. The second wife of the Pei family was eager to see through, only waiting for the emperor to formally decree the crime, so as to take away the title of the eldest house.

Although Pei Yuanchen's feet seem to be able to walk, if he has lost his virtue, he should not dominate the position of the son of the world.

And under the deliberate action of someone with a heart, the matter of King Cheng's invitation to the emperor gradually spread in the capital, and all eyes could not help but focus on Jian'anbo mansion, not only to watch the excitement, but also to see Jian'anbo Will the government lose the job of the Kunshan Jianrui Camp because of annoying the emperor

For two days in a row, the big house in Jian'anbo Mansion stayed behind closed doors, while the second house was more active than before. Wherever they went, they always looked lamented and hesitant to speak, which made people feel more curious point.

It's just that because the emperor's attitude is unclear, no one dares to discuss it openly.

In this way, on the day of the appointment with Nangong Cheng, Xiao Yi and Nangong Yue went to Jian'anbo Mansion early in the morning, and Xiao Yi abandoned the horse and the cart as a matter of course, and relied on Nangong Yue's Zhu Lun car.

After arriving at Jian'anbo Mansion, the two went directly to Liaofengyuan.

After a few words of greeting, Imperial Physician Zhang also arrived, and talked about Pei Yuanchen's situation with Nangong Yue, "Concubine Shi, after using the acupuncture method and prescription we discussed for Pei Shizi in the past two days, the old man discovered that he My legs are already responding a bit."

Nangong Yue hurriedly asked: "What kind of reaction?"

"When the acupuncture points on Pei Shizi's legs were pierced with silver needles, his leg muscles would tremble. Pei Shizi also said that he felt a slight sensation."

Nangong Yue said happily, "This is a good thing!"

"Yes." Imperial Physician Zhang also said with a smile, "According to the progress of Pei Shizi's current condition, you should be able to try to stand up after a few days."

Pei Yuanchen and Nangong Cheng could hear the conversation between the two of them clearly. They looked at each other and smiled, with deep affection flowing in their eyes.

After talking a few words about her illness, Nangong Yue handed Zhang Tai-doctor a piece of acupuncture chart that she had made after discussing with her grandfather yesterday. Into the inner room.

Nangong Cheng supported Pei Yuanchen to lie on the bed, and then retreated to the side.

Doctor Zhang stepped forward and applied needles on the top of Pei Yuanchen's head one by one, and took off the needles after a full burn of incense.

After performing this set of acupuncture, Pei Yuanchen's forehead was covered with sweat from the pain, but he held back and did not make a sound. Nangong Cheng stood aside all the time, watching anxiously, but dared not step forward, for fear of disturbing Imperial Physician Zhang.

Finally, after Doctor Zhang finished performing the acupuncture, Nangong Cheng walked over and carefully wiped Pei Yuanchen's forehead with a handkerchief.

Doctor Zhang packed up the silver needles, walked out of the inner room, and said to Nangong Yue who was waiting outside: "My concubine, this acupuncture method is really wonderful. After the acupuncture, I checked the pulse again with Mr. Pei. His blood has become much smoother, presumably with time, it will be fine."

This method of selecting acupoints was improved by her grandfather after seeing it. Nangong Yue naturally believed in its effect, and now she was even more delighted to hear what Zhang Taiyi said.

While speaking, Nangong Cheng pushed Pei Yuanchen out and thanked Doctor Zhang.

Physician Zhang repeatedly expressed his fear.

He has been diagnosing and treating Pei Yuanchen since hunting in the palace last year. It is also a very gratifying thing for Dr. Zhang to see him getting better little by little.

"It's just..." Imperial Physician Zhang looked at Pei Yuanchen and his wife and said, "Pei Shizi has been paralyzed for a long time, even if he recovers, it is not easy to walk freely like ordinary people, and it will take a long time for walking exercises. The process can be quite laborious.”

"I am very satisfied to be able to stand up and walk again." Pei Yuanchen said indifferently, "It doesn't matter how hard it is."

Doctor Zhang stroked his beard and smiled, and said: "Since this is the case, the old man can rest assured."

Sometimes, when a patient is most irritable, that is, when he is recovering from the illness but cannot recover for a long time, the worries, speculations and anxieties in his heart are enough to change his temperament.

However, Imperial Physician Zhang naturally knew Pei Yuanchen's disposition in the past year, and he believed that Pei Yuanchen would pass this recovery period smoothly.

"Big sister." After the imperial doctor finished speaking, Nangong Yue asked Baihui to hand over a jade box and said, "This is the ointment I re-prepared for my eldest brother-in-law. You can use the massage method I taught you twice a day." Put it on the elder brother-in-law for the first time..." She said, nodding slightly to Baihui, Baihui handed a prescription to Imperial Physician Zhang knowingly, Nangong Yue said again, "Thank you, Imperial Physician Zhang."

"Don't dare." Imperial Physician Zhang took it solemnly. Nangong Yue would hand over this precious ointment prescription to him for preparation every time, and every time it would benefit him a lot. He dared to say that he was already a doctor of the Imperial Hospital. The imperial doctor who is best at surgery.

After exhorting a few more precautions in recent days, Doctor Zhang left.

At this time, Xiao Yi said to Pei Yuanchen: "Brother-in-law, is Uncle Pei at home?"

Pei Yuanchen was slightly taken aback, knowing that he must have some intentions in asking this question, so he ordered someone to go to the front yard to have a look, and said: "I just got a new box of good tea, third brother-in-law, why don't you try it with me first."

Xiao Yi smiled and nodded, "Of course I'll accompany you."

Nangong Cheng looked puzzled, while Nangong Yue took her arm and said, "Big sister, I remember that the lotus pond in your garden is very beautiful, why don't you accompany me to the garden for a walk."

Nangong Cheng complied gently, and the two sisters left the Liaofeng Courtyard and walked casually towards the garden.

Walking on the road, Nangong Yue said with a smile: "A Yi has something to discuss with Uncle Pei and eldest brother-in-law, let's go for a walk first."

Nangong Cheng hesitated for a moment, and asked, "But for the sake of King Cheng?"

Nangong Yue didn't hide anything, nodded and said: "The matter of King Cheng may involve party disputes... Big sister, you are just implicated innocently."

Hearing that it was related to Chaotang, Nangong Cheng nodded slightly and didn't ask any more questions.

In mid-June, the lotus flowers in the garden of Jian'anbo Mansion were in full bloom. Nangong Cheng and Nangong Yue sat by the gazebo of the lotus pond, feeding fish food into the lotus pond from time to time.

Knowing that the two sisters were going to whisper, the maids retreated a few feet away and stood guard around the gazebo.

Nangong Cheng finished feeding the fish food in his hand, and suddenly said: "Third sister, don't worry about me."

Nangong Yue couldn't help but looked at her, only to see that she lifted her chin slightly and looked up at the blue sky. Her beautiful profile was so perfect that there was no trace of blemish, it was shockingly beautiful.

Nangong Cheng turned his head slowly, "Third sister, thank you!"

She is the eldest sister, and she should have taken care of the younger sisters below, but since a few years ago, the third younger sister has been helping her, but she has not been able to do anything for the third younger sister.

Now she can only write down this love, hoping to have the opportunity to repay the third sister in the future.

Seeing that there was no trace of haze in Nangong Cheng's clear eyes, Nangong Yue knew that she really wanted to open up and think thoroughly. It seems that King Cheng's deeds did not leave a shadow in Nangong Cheng's life, and even Nangong Cheng gradually grew up and became stronger and stronger amid repeated setbacks.

She and Pei Yuanchen will have a good time!

A smile flashed in Nangong Yue's eyes, she didn't ask what kind of attitude Nangong Cheng's in-laws would have after that day, because she could tell that no matter what they were facing, the current Nangong Cheng would face it with a smile.

The smile between Nangong Yue's brows deepened, and she suggested: "Big sister, let's go out and play together after the eldest brother-in-law recovers. A Yi has a village in Ritang Mountain. Not only is the food delicious, but also There is a hot spring, and when the time comes, call Sister Shangxi and Liu Niang to have fun.” Ever since Nangong Cheng married Pei Yuanchen, because Pei Yuanchen was not good at walking, it was not convenient for her to go out alone, so most of the time They are all locked up in Jian'anbo Mansion, except for Nangong Mansion and Zhennan Wang Mansion, they seldom go out.

Naturally, Nangong Cheng agreed in a hurry, and followed the two sisters to discuss future travel plans with each other, laughing at Yanyan.

Until Qingwu hurriedly ran towards this side, she was out of breath, panting and said: "Mrs. Shizi, the second wife and the second master have just gone to Liaofengyuan."

Nangong Cheng hurriedly stood up and gave Nangong Yue an apologetic look.

Nangong Yue hurriedly said: "Big Sister, let me go with you to have a look." Upon hearing that Erfang went to Liaofengyuan, Nangong Yue was a little worried about them, Xiao Yi's temper was not as easy-going as her own. If it makes him unhappy, she doesn't guarantee that he will do anything...

The two sisters hurried back to the Liaofengyuan. At this moment, the Liaofengyuan had exploded, making the whole place noisy.

The main room of Liaofeng Courtyard was almost full of people from the Second Household, not only the Second Mrs. Pei, but also the Second Master Pei and the Second Young Master Pei.

"Yuanchen!" Nangong Cheng nervously ran to Pei Yuanchen's side, and Pei Yuanchen grabbed her right hand reassuringly, signaling her to rest assured that she was fine.

Mrs. Pei gave Nangong Cheng a disdainful look, looked down at Pei Yuanchen who was in the wheelchair, and said aggressively: "Chen'er, your second uncle has been serving as envoy in Jinyiwei Town for nearly ten years, and it's hard to get this opportunity. Promoted to command Tongzhi, but because of your daughter-in-law, the reputation of the Pei family has been ruined, and now there is no hope of promotion..." She angrily tugged on the sleeve of the second master Pei, "You should say a few words anyway!"

Pei Yuanchen's face sank like water, and he looked at Second Master Pei, "Second Uncle, do you think so too?"

Pei Yuanchen felt a little disappointed in his heart. The Jinyiwei Zhenfu envoy is from the fourth rank, and the commander of Tongzhi is from the third rank. There is a commander of the fourth rank between the two. He has already been promoted to the position of commander, so he doesn't have to wait ten years. ... Is it they talking nonsense, or someone has allowed the second master Pei to command the position of acquaintance... Thinking of what Xiao Yi hadn't finished just now, Pei Yuanchen's eyes flashed brightly.

Second Master Pei showed a trace of guilt, he did not dare to visit his nephew.

Mrs. Pei Er thought to herself: It's useless!

Mrs. Pei simply said: "Why is it not about your daughter-in-law? If she hadn't done such shameless things... how could your second uncle be implicated by her, being pointed at by others, and hindered in his promotion?" ?” The more she talked, the more it seemed to be the case, “Chen’er, your eldest wife has a title, so naturally you don’t have to worry about anything, but it’s not easy for our second wife to earn a future by ourselves!”

"That's right." Second Young Master Pei echoed from the side, "Brother, since my sister-in-law's incident has caused my father to suffer, shouldn't you express it?"

Pei Yuanchen said slowly: "Then what do the second aunt and the second brother want?"

Mrs. Pei puffed her chest out, and said confidently: "Chen'er, since your husband and wife are deeply in love, Second Aunt can't force you to divorce your wife, but this husband and wife are one body, one prospers and one loses. If you feel remorse, you should go to the throne and ask yourself to ask for your sins."

Second Young Master Pei nodded and said, "My mother is right."

In the final analysis, the second uncle and the second aunt are still for the position of the son, Pei Yuanchen showed a trace of coldness in his eyes, and said sharply: "Is the second aunt planning to ask the second brother to be the son?" He looked at the second son contemptuously, He bluntly said, "It also depends on whether the second brother can afford the position of the son of the world!"

How could he look down on his son so much! Mrs. Pei was so angry that the top of her head was smoking, and she almost couldn't catch her breath.

At this time, Xiao Yi who was at the side suddenly said lazily: "Brother-in-law, why are you talking so much nonsense with them? Just drive them out!"

Mrs. Pei's face covered with rouge and powder was almost distorted, and she said to Xiao Yi with a strong outside but dry voice: "Xiao Shizi, this is our uncle's family affairs... Even if you are the son of Zhennan Prince, you can't meddle in other people's family affairs."

"It's true." Xiao Yi nodded in agreement, and suddenly looked behind Mrs. Pei, "Uncle, Mrs. Uncle, I don't know if I can ask my nephew to help you?"

Uncle?! Mrs. Uncle?!

Both Master Pei and Mrs. Pei froze and looked towards the door stiffly. At some time, Jian Anbo appeared outside the main room with a serious expression and his lips pursed into a straight line. Beside him was Mrs. Jian Amber, looking at them indifferently, as if she was looking at some clown.

Mrs. Pei swallowed, but then raised her chin and said sharply: "Uncle, sister-in-law, I am also Chen'er's elder, but he talks to me so unruly..."

"have you had enough!?"

Jian Anbo abruptly interrupted Mrs. Pei with a thunderous reprimand, and made the whole hall quiet, all eyes were focused on him.

Jian Anbo strode into the main room, looked at Mrs. Pei with raised eyebrows, exuding a forceful aura all over his body.

"Uncle... Uncle." The second lady was still quite afraid of Jian Anbo's majesty, her body trembled violently, her feet almost went limp.

Mrs. Jian Anbo sneered, she just felt that it was time for Jian Anbo to take a good look at Erfang's face. She has been raising these white-eyed wolves with delicious food and drink all these years, which is in line with the old saying "fighting Mien, promoting Miqiu".

Jian Anbo rubbed the center of his brows wearily, he seemed to have aged several years all of a sudden, but his tone was sonorous: "It's so troublesome! Every day, the family can't get married. Instead of brothers becoming enemies later, it's better to separate as soon as possible! "

Jian Anbo had already had this idea in his heart, but he hesitated and couldn't make a decision. Logically speaking, if the parents are still alive in a noble family like theirs, they will not be separated. Therefore, even though there have been a lot of incidents in the second room in the past two years, Jian Anbo is thinking about Mrs. Pei, and also thinking about the brotherhood. , finally endured.

But he endured again and again, but others took his concession and patience for granted.

Seeing his wife and children being bullied again and again, Jian Anbo finally understands what it means to "bear it intolerable, and don't need to bear it anymore".

In the main room, there was silence because of Jian Anbo's words, the second wife and others stood there blankly, their minds went blank.

Break up!

The second lady blinked in disbelief.

How can we separate

If the family is separated, then their second wife will no longer be a part of Jian'anbo Mansion, and she will be just a fourth-rank Jinyiwei Town Fushi's wife!

-off topic-

On the first day of December, let's grab a building! All the girls who leave a message in the comment area will have a small reward of 18 Xiaoxiang coins, and a few lucky floors will be drawn from the message, and a custom-made Ayue will be given away A metal keychain for the wedding with Ah Yi and a postcard of the same style. --The event is limited to genuine readers.

(The author can only operate Xiaoxiang's author background and comment area, so the activity is limited to Xiaoxiang, and genuine readers of the book city can come here to participate if they want.)

ps: Because the postcard was badly printed and needs to be reprinted, I sent out the gift from the last event around this weekend (I customized two bookmarks, and there are some differences in style, one is brass, which is more antique, and the other is silver If you have special requirements, please leave a message in the book review area or send me an email, otherwise I will send it randomly~).