The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 316: - sachet


In Yinglan Palace, undercurrents surged.

However, for the emperor, as long as the queen mother can recover, everything will be fine.

There are far less rules in the palace than in the imperial palace. The queen mother has always believed in Buddhism, even in the palace, she would go out of the palace to worship the Buddha from time to time. On weekdays, the emperor was busy with official duties in the royal capital and had no time to accompany the empress dowager to worship the Buddha. Now it was rare to escape the summer heat in this palace. After a few days of relatively leisurely life, the emperor voluntarily invited Ying to accompany the empress dowager to worship the Buddha to show his filial piety.

The Empress Dowager was naturally delighted, and personally chose the Lingxiu Temple three or four miles away from the palace.

Therefore, on this day, the Lingxiu Temple was closed by the Imperial Forest Army, and no other irrelevant people were allowed to enter the temple.

Before the emperor's royal driver arrived, the abbot had already led several monks to greet the holy driver in person at the gate of the temple.

This time, there were nearly a hundred people who accompanied the emperor and the dowager to worship the Buddha, and Nangong Yue and Xiao Yi were naturally among them.

Xiao Yi smiled and helped Nan Gongyue get off the Zhulun chariot. It stands to reason that he should hurry to accompany the emperor, but judging from his appearance, it seemed that he was not in a hurry.

He squeezed Nangong Yue's palm, and signaled Nangong Yue to look forward to the right with his eyes.

Nangong Yue looked over, and saw Fu Yunhe jumped off a black horse neatly a few feet ahead, and beside him was a thin blue-robed boy who also jumped off a white horse , It seems that the skill is vigorous.

This young man looks a little strange, about fifteen or sixteen years old, although from Nangong Yue's angle and direction, he can only see his side face, but he also notices that his eyes are like bright stars, the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, and his temperament is restrained. With a touch of elegance, he looks like a son of a civil servant.

Nangong Yue blinked at Xiao Yi, meaning, this person is Jian Yunxuan, the third son of Zhang Jinghou's mansion? She couldn't help secretly praising: Xiao Yi's hands and feet are really fast enough to get him so quickly The palace is here.

Xiao Yi nodded, and the two exchanged a look.

Seeing that the emperor in front of him dismounted, Xiao Yi had no choice but to temporarily separate from Nangong Yue reluctantly. As the ministers crowded behind the emperor, Nangong Yue was also called over by Fu Yunyan and Yuan Yuyi, and the girls laughed. Accompanied by the Queen Mother and Yun Cheng without hesitation, which made the Queen Mother smile.

Fu Yunyan obviously knew something, and when they met, she winked at Nangong Yue and looked in the direction of Jian Yunxuan with weird eyes, which made Yuan Yuyi feel ashamed. If the queen mother was not on the side, the cousins might be There was already a mess.

The presiding master led a group of monks to perform Buddhist rituals to the emperor and queen mother, and then entered the temple to welcome them.

Inside the temple, it is quiet, elegant, majestic and solemn, which makes people feel awe unconsciously.

Each person in the team of nearly a hundred people offered a stick of incense. After a while, the temple was already filled with incense and smoke.

After worshiping the Buddha in the main hall, the host took everyone to stroll around the temple, and introduced the history of this Lingxiu temple by the way.

Uncle Xuan Ping who was on the side had always been aware of the holy will, and keenly sensed that the emperor's interest was somewhat lacking, so he said jokingly: "Your Majesty, I heard that this Lingxiu Temple has three unique features."

The emperor glanced at Uncle Xuan Ping, knowing that he was not aimless, and said: "Come and listen to me."

On the other hand, the host's complexion changed slightly, and his expression was slightly stiff.

Most of the accompanying ministers and female family members were fine people, and many of them noticed the abnormality of the host, and exchanged glances with each other. Could it be that there is something unspeakable hidden in the "Three Uniques"

Uncle Xuan Ping continued as if nothing had happened: "Back to the emperor, the first wonder is that there are seven pagodas in the Lingxiu Temple, each of which enshrines the relics of an eminent monk; shade, but there was never a single leaf on the roof of the great hall..."

When the emperor heard this, he really became interested in several people, including the empress dowager and other people accompanying him.

Everyone turned their heads and looked in the direction of the main hall. Sure enough, there was a row of gray tiles on the huge roof, but there was no broken leaf.

The queen mother chanted the Buddha's name, and her face became more devout.

Among the accompanying officials and female relatives, there are also many Buddhist believers, and most of them have a bit more solemn demeanor.

After Xuan Ping Burton paused, he said slowly: "As for the third uniqueness, it is a red-billed green parrot."

Red-billed green parrot is not only an elegant name for spinach, but also refers to a red-billed and green-feathered parrot. Since Xuan Pingbo used the quantifier "one", he is of course referring to a parrot.

The emperor raised his eyebrows, and the others couldn't help whispering. Generally speaking, this last trick should be used as the finale. Could it be that this "red-billed green parrot" has something to do with it

Uncle Xuan Ping looked at the host with a smile on his face, and said: "Master host, I heard that this red-billed green parrot in your temple can not only talk, but also sing, recite poems, and recite Buddhist scriptures, but is that so?"

After performing a Buddhist ceremony with Shan Zhang, the host said: "This benefactor is right, but there is one thing wrong. This red-billed green parrot is not owned by this temple, but a friend left it in this temple."

Hearing this, most people were somewhat disappointed. It is not surprising that this parrot can talk, and it is not difficult to read a few lines of poems and Buddhist scriptures.

Xuan Pingbo went on to say: "I also heard that Prince An visited your temple several times to ask the presiding master to cut off his love, but the master never agreed."

As soon as they heard Prince An, everyone's interest came back, including the emperor, they all became somewhat interested in this parrot.

Lord An is one of the famous "Three Idiots" in Wangdu. One is idiots, the other is idiots, the third is idiots, and the third is idiots. Since Wang An is so fond of this parrot, then the talent of this parrot should not be an ordinary parrot's mouth, it must have something special.

And this host master even dared to refuse the emperor's uncle, King An, which is a bit noble.

For a moment, these high-ranking officials and dignitaries who usually had their eyes above the top looked at the host with a little more respect.

After presiding over Shan Zhang and performing a Buddhist ceremony, he said to Uncle Xuanping: "This benefactor, Prince An has indeed visited this temple several times, but the word 'cutting love' is not appropriate. This red-billed green parrot is not from this temple. All of them, how can we talk about 'cutting love'?"

The host repeatedly emphasized that the parrot was not owned by Lingxiu Temple, but Uncle Xuan Ping didn't care at all. Could it be that the parrot really caught the emperor's eyes, and who would dare to refuse the emperor

At this moment, a small servant suddenly ran over in a hurry and saluted: "See the emperor, empress, queen mother, Prince An is here."

Prince Ann?!

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

After a while, I heard Prince An's familiar voice from behind: "Shixin! Shixin, I'm looking for you again." Followed by a burst of footsteps that became clearer and clearer.

Relief is the Dharma name of the presiding master.

As the footsteps got closer and closer, I saw a thin old man in his sixties, wearing a brocade robe, running towards this side quickly. The old man was a little surprised when he saw the emperor, and they didn't even salute, and said casually: "The emperor's nephew Son, and sister-in-law, you are also here."

He thought of something, frowned, and said to the emperor, "Emperor's nephew, you also came to snatch Xiao Cui from me, didn't you?"

Although he talked nonsense, everyone present guessed that "Xiao Cui" was probably the red-billed green parrot, and probably only King An, who was always idle about wild cranes, dared to speak to the emperor in such a loose tone.

The emperor didn't have a trace of sullen expression on his face, but he smiled even more, and said: "Don't worry, Uncle Emperor, I won't rob Xiaocui from you."

Wang An obviously breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and said to the host master: "Shixin, I have already visited the thatched cottage, sincerity should be enough. Even if you refuse to hand over Xiaocui to me, don't stop me from seeing her." Xiao Cui, please! You're obviously playing a mandarin duck with a club, you're afraid that Xiao Cui will come with me willingly, aren't you?"

If it wasn't for everyone knowing that Xiao Cui is a parrot, not a woman, they would almost think that they were reading a playbook, and An Wang and Xiao Cui were a pair of lovers who were forcibly separated by the host.

Everyone else couldn't help laughing, Nangong Yue almost didn't laugh, so she could only bite her lower lip tightly and hold back her laughter. Prince An is still so interesting.

Fu Yunyan took a few steps forward, and said to Prince An with a smile: "Uncle, I heard that your Xiao Cui can talk, sing, recite poems and Buddhist scriptures, that's really amazing!"

My Xiao Cui... King An felt extremely relieved when he heard what Fu Yunyan said, and hurriedly nodded and said: "Liu Niang, that is, my Xiao Cui is a big beauty. I have met many beauties, but only Xiao Cui made me fall in love at first sight... "

Seeing that Wang An's words became more and more out of tune, the emperor laughed and said, "After listening to the emperor's uncle, I also want to see Xiao Cui's honor. Master, I wonder if it is possible?"

This world belongs to the emperor, the emperor asked to see a parrot, how could the host refuse.

When Wang An saw the host let go, his eyes sparkled, and he cast a grateful look on the emperor, thinking: He is really a good nephew of the emperor.

Afterwards, after giving instructions to a little monk, the host took the emperor and others to a courtyard next to the side hall.

As soon as the emperor sat down at a stone table, the little novice came with a wooden bird stand. This green parrot came out after a long wait, and it attracted a lot of attention for a while.

Its bright red beak is crossed, like ruby; its green feathers are shiny like emeralds; its jet-black eyes are translucent, like black pearls, the appearance of this parrot is indeed top-grade.

Wang An couldn't wait to take the bird frame from the little novice, and said with burning eyes: "Xiaocui, I finally see you again."

The parrot flapped its wings, moved on the bird stand, and made a crisp sound: "I am the leaf! I am the leaf!"

Its pronunciation is quite standard, if people don't know it, they will think it is some boy talking.

"Yezi is not as good as Xiaocui!"

Wang An spoke eloquently, but the parrot ignored him and began to read Buddhist scriptures:

"Buddha said: One thought of ignorance is the end of prajna, one thought of wisdom is the birth of prajna!"

"Buddha said: There are twenty difficulties for human beings: it is difficult for the poor to give alms, it is difficult for the wealthy to learn the Tao. It is difficult to die if you abandon your life, and it is difficult to see the Buddhist scriptures. Anger is difficult. It is difficult not to face difficulties when there is a kalpa, and it is difficult to encounter things without a mind.

After chanting, even the queen mother seemed to be moved, it is really not easy for this parrot to read the Buddhist scriptures so completely.

King An glanced at the queen mother vigilantly, waved at the emperor casually, and said, "Emperor's nephew, you have met Xiaocui anyway, I'll go and catch up with Xiaocui first, you can take a stroll here …”

Before he finished speaking, he had already run away with the bird stand in his hand, and the little novice hurriedly asked Prince An to chase after him.

Leaving everyone quietly in the courtyard, everyone thought it was very funny, even the emperor smiled with emotion: "The emperor's uncle is really a childlike innocence."

The emperor laughed it off, and naturally no one scolded An Wangjun for his lack of manners.

The parrot was finished, and the emperor was about to get up, when he saw a white figure stepping out of the crowd, and Baiyue envoy A Dachi was beside her.

"Your Majesty the Emperor Dayu," Bai Yi saluted gracefully, "I saw the Divine Bird of Dayu just now, and I was very impressed. Today, Bai Yi and Lord Adachi happened to bring the holy bird of my Baiyue, and I hope to present it to you." To His Majesty Emperor Dayu."

Coincidentally? When everyone around heard this, they all exchanged glances with half-smiles. No one would believe that this was really a coincidence. They came out to worship the Buddha and brought a birdcage with them

These Baiyue people really had a heart, they must have found out that there was a red-billed green parrot in Lingxiu Temple, so they deliberately chose this opportunity to present the bird to curry favor with the emperor.

"Then I want to meet the holy bird of Baiyue." The emperor said lightly.

Hearing this, A Dachi opened the cloth covering outside the birdcage, and saw a stainless steel birdcage under the black cloth covering, in which was a small bird not much bigger than a fist.

The emperor looked at it, but his eyes lit up, and he saw that the feathers of the bird were dazzling colors, red, yellow, pink, emerald green... all kinds of colors were intertwined like a rainbow, as if they were not The mortal bird is like the legendary seven-color divine bird.

Seeing that everyone was staring intently, he put on his clothes and smiled confidently: "Your Majesty the Emperor Dayu, this bird is the seven-color bird, which symbolizes longevity in Baiyue, also known as the longevity bird. The longest lifespan can live hundreds of years. No more than ten!"

Since ancient times, the emperors wanted to live forever, so there was the phrase "Long live the emperor".

"What a long-lived bird." The emperor laughed loudly, "Bring it up for me to see!"

Eunuch Liu took the seven-color bird presented by A Dachi and presented it to the emperor. The emperor played with it casually a few times, and found that the seven-color bird was not only good-looking, but also not afraid of people. Finger pulp.

Seeing this, Uncle Xuan Ping immediately cupped his hands and said: "The emperor's god is holy, and the holy bird also surrenders to the emperor!"

Several other close ministers also took advantage of the opportunity to say some flattering words, which aroused the emperor's great joy. Bai Yi, who was presenting the bird, and A Dachi stood upright with lowered brows and hands down, and they didn't exchange a glance without a trace until they stepped back.

Afterwards, under the leadership of the presiding officer, everyone continued to wander around the temple, the seven pagodas, the emerald bamboo grove, the Sutra Pavilion... When the Queen Mother learned that the Sutra Pavilion of the Lingxiu Temple still contained the handwritten script of a well-known eminent monk in this dynasty. When reading the Diamond Sutra, he lingered devoutly on the top floor of the Sutra Pavilion for a long time.

The Empress Dowager was flipping through the Buddhist scriptures, and the girls were waiting outside the Sutra Pavilion. There were many inscriptions outside the Sutra Pavilion. Most of the inscriptions were carved by eminent monks in the temple or monks who wandered here, but some of them were mixed with The works of some famous masters have attracted many people to stop and appreciate them.

Nangong Yue, Fu Yunhe and Yuan Yuyi stopped in front of a mottled stone tablet. Although this tablet was not made by a famous artist, it was sharp and vigorous, broad and simple, with varied brushwork, which amazed the three girls.

"The concubine, the county lord, Miss Fu Liu."

At this time, a sharp voice came from behind them, and when they turned around, they saw Eunuch Chen walking towards them with a smile beside the queen, followed by a small servant holding a box in his hand.

"Eunuch Liu."

The three girls nodded slightly at him, and Eunuch Chen said with a smile on his face: "The Empress ordered our family to bring something to the three of you."

As he spoke, the little servant took a step forward, opened the box in his hand, and a special fragrance wafted out from the box, elegant and comfortable, different from others. I saw three exquisite and small sachets in the box, one pink, one blue and one red.

Yuan Yuyi's nose moved, and the sound of exclamation almost blurted out.

"It smells so good." Yuan Yuyi said intoxicatedly, "Is this a gift from my aunt?"

Eunuch Chen said cheerfully: "Yes, the county lord, the queen empress specially ordered our family to bring it."

Among the three, Nangong Yue had the highest rank, so naturally she took it first. She casually picked up a pink sachet. On the sachet was embroidered a gorgeous flower that no one had seen before. The embroidery was exquisite, the color was bright red and gorgeous, like flames, and it had a flamboyant and coquettish beauty.

Yuan Yuyi and Fu Yunyan took two sachets, one blue and one red, respectively.

Nangong Yue picked up the sachet and put it on the tip of her nose and sniffed it. A refreshing fragrance immediately flooded into the nasal cavity, refreshing.

This is the first time she has smelled this fragrance. Although she is proficient in medical skills, there are countless exotic flowers and herbs in this world, and it is common to have never seen it...

"This scent is good." Yuan Yuyi said very fondly, "Eunuch Chen, who gave this to my aunt?"

Nangong Yue was also very curious. After all, the empress accompanied the dowager to pilgrimage, so naturally it was impossible to bring a sachet for rewards with her. Most of the madams took the opportunity to present it to the empress to please the empress, and the empress would reward them with it.

"It's a girl in Baiyue." Eunuch Chen answered all questions, "It is said that it is made of a strange flower in Baiyue called the drunken flower, which will bloom within a night after it leaves the branch. Withered, but after the petals are dried and made into a sachet, the fragrance of the flower will last for several years. The empress said that the concubine, the county master and Miss Fu Liu are young, and they will like this fragrance, so they specially let our family Come and send it to the three."

At that time, Bai Yi specifically mentioned that in Baiyue, young girls like to use this kind of sachet, so the queen thought of ordering him to give them to them. However, Eunuch Chen would naturally not mention such words.

"Please thank the empress for us, father-in-law."

The three girls thanked each other, and Eunuch Chen left with the servant.

Fu Yunyan said with a strange face: "What's wrong with the people of Baiyue, they give birds now, and sachets later."

Yuan Yuyi thought about it and said, "I think I want to take this opportunity to please the emperor."

Nangong Yue didn't speak. Although she didn't recognize the scent in the sachet, and she didn't know if it was harmful, but since it was given as a gift, it's better to be careful. She handed the sachet to Baihui, and told Baihui in a low voice: "You go and dispose of it quietly in a while." Although she spoke softly, she couldn't hide it from Yuan Yuyi and Fu Yunyan beside her, or rather, Nangong Yue simply told them on purpose.

Of course, the imperial gift cannot be disposed of at will, but it is a gift from Baiyue people, so that is another matter.

Yuan Yuyi and Fu Yunyan quickly exchanged a look, and they knew it.

"Ah Yue."

While speaking, a bright voice came into Nangong Yue's ears, Fu Yunyan and Yuan Yuyi gave her a teasing look, both smiling.

Xiao Yi walked towards them, Fu Yunyan and Yuan Yuyi blessed him behind him, and joined hands to look at another inscription with great interest.

Nangong Yue said with crooked eyebrows, "Did you sneak out?"

"It's too boring inside." Xiao Yi readily admitted, "I'll accompany you for a stroll.... I'll sneak back later, no one will find out!"

The Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager were still reading scriptures inside, and Xiao Yi felt dizzy when he saw those scriptures, so he simply slipped out quietly to accompany his stinky girl. It's rare for him to come out, he doesn't want to be with the emperor all day long!

Nangong Yue pursed her lips and laughed, and was about to speak, when Xiao Yi suddenly moved up to her neck and sniffed vigorously.

Feeling his warm breath, Nangong Yue blushed. This guy has been teasing her recently, but now he is in front of the public. Among other things, Yuan Yuyi and Fu Yunyan are still in front.

Nangong Yue stretched out her hand and was about to push him away. At this moment, Xiao Yi frowned slightly and said, "This smell...Smelly girl, have you changed the sachet?"

Nangong Yue was slightly taken aback, and realized that he was referring to the newly acquired sachet, and said, "It was rewarded by the queen." Then, she told Xiao Yi the origin, and said obediently, "I am going to let Baihui Take it and dispose of it."

Something from Baiyue people

Xiao Yi frowned even tighter, and stretched out his hand to Baihui, and Baihui immediately gave the pink sachet to Xiao Yi with interest.

Xiao Yi played with the sachet with a half-smile, and threw it out suddenly without even sniffing it.

His movements were so fast, before Nangong Yue could react, she saw that the sachet had already flown into the grove on the southeast side of the temple, it turned into a black spot in the blink of an eye, and then disappeared...

Xiao Yi wiped his hands and said, "Look, that's enough."

It's really his temper. Nangong Yue didn't care at all, instead she laughed and praised her greatly.

Xiao Yi was so praised that he smiled, took her hand, and said, "Let's go for a walk."

The two walked hand in hand in the forest of steles. Nangong Yue couldn't help thinking of the sachet again, and said with a smile, "Ayi, did you give them another look at the recent peace talks? Look, even entering a Buddha, they They are all busy trying to please the Empress, and they are sending birds and sachets at the same time."

"It's not so easy to talk about peace." Xiao Yi naturally didn't have the slightest reservation in front of Nangong Yue, "If they let them go so easily, who should we people in southern Xinjiang who are dying to reason with?" He shrugged and said, "Every time those barbarians fight Dayu if they want to, and negotiate peace if they want to, the emperor really doesn't care. According to me, they should be beaten hard until they are completely obedient. Those barbarians don't talk about covenants. , Only when blood debts are paid in blood, and they suffer pain, will they learn to behave."

A trace of hostility inevitably rose from Xiao Yi's body, and Nangong Yue shook his hand vigorously. She knew that Xiao Yi had always been unwilling to talk about peace, but from his standpoint, it was difficult to say the word "refusal", and all she could do was to accompany him and support him.

Xiao Yi turned his head to look at her, his hostility dissipated instantly, and his eyebrows and eyes stretched.

The two of them clasped their fingers together, and after a while, Xiao Yi said: "The Baiyue people have been jumping around too much recently, I'll ask someone to find out what they want to do..." That sachet always made him feel a little faint. Uneasy, "I still have to keep an eye on it."

Nangong Yue nodded in agreement.

The two strolled leisurely through the forest of steles, Xiao Yi listened to Nangong Yue's comments on each stele with a smile on his face, and inserted a sentence or two from time to time, thinking that such a day was really wonderful.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Nangong Yue chased him back with some bad words, while she ran to meet Yuan Yuyi and the others.

Not long after, the empress accompanied the empress and walked out of the Buddhist scripture pavilion, and the girls returned to the empress, while Bai Yi, who was not far away, kept looking in the direction of Nangong Yue, and her blue eyes flashed A glimmer of pride...