The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 52: - Look at each other


Nangong Yue couldn't help raising her eyebrows, thinking: Could it be that Mrs. Zhao wants to marry Su Qingping

Nangong Yue guessed right, Mrs. Zhao was indeed looking for a suitable marriage for Su Qingping, so that she could have an explanation in front of her mother-in-law, Mrs. Su.

"Madam Wang," Mrs. Zhao pulled Su Qingping to Madam Wang with a smile, "This is what I told you, the cousin of our house, Sister Ping."

"Qingping met Mrs. Wang." Su Qingping lowered her eyebrows and bowed her knees.

Su Qingping knew that Mrs. Zhao's intention of pulling herself in front of Mrs. Wang was to make Mrs. Wang look after her, so she became more humble and obedient, hoping to make a good impression on Mrs. Wang and facilitate the marriage.

You must know that the Nangong Mansion held a big banquet this time, and all the family members of the powerful ministers in the capital were invited. No matter which family you marry into, your future prosperity and wealth will be indispensable.

Mrs. Wang looked at Su Qingping carefully. A simple snow gauze dress with dark flowers and embroidered beads, elegant and generous, looks quite virtuous and courteous, with a beautiful appearance and a slender figure, which is worthy of her son.

Although the father of Miss Su is only a small county magistrate, fortunately, she is related to Mrs. Su of the Nangong family. If her son marries this cousin girl, he will naturally become an in-law with Nangong Mansion. The future is very favorable.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Wang was even more satisfied with Su Qingping.

Seeing Mrs. Wang smiling kindly at her, Su Qingping was also happy in her heart. Although I was curious about Mrs. Wang's family background, I thought that those who could come to Nangong Mansion to participate in the birthday banquet were either rich or expensive, and there should be no difference. Therefore, he was even more courteous to that Mrs. Wang.

One has a heart, the other has a purpose, Mrs. Wang and Su Qingping can be regarded as having a very happy conversation.

"Miss Su is beautiful and intelligent, and I don't know which family will be lucky enough to marry home in the future." Mrs. Wang said with a smile.

"Madam's praise, Qingping is ashamed." Su Qingping hurriedly said modestly.

"Miss, you don't have to apologize too much." Mrs. Wang smiled and took Su Qingping's hand, and suddenly put a bracelet on Su Qingping's wrist. Just don't give up."

Su Qingping took a closer look, and it turned out to be a gold silk bracelet with a dull luster and an extremely light weight. She couldn't help but wonder: Isn't this Mrs. Wang the wife of a wealthy family? Why did she give herself such a bracelet

Nangong Yue didn't know what that Mrs. Wang and Su Qingping said, but seeing Su Qingping leaving in a hurry, she couldn't help but sneered twice in her heart. It seems that Su Qingping doesn't appreciate Zhao's kindness!

At this time, another new play began with the sound of gongs and drums on the stage.

Everyone stared intently at the stage. However, Nangong Yue noticed that her eldest aunt Nangong Yun and her cousin Bai Muxiao walked up to Su Shi quietly, said a few words to Su Shi, and then left.

What on earth happened

Let Nangong Yun and Bai Muxiao leave in such a hurry!

Nangong Yue was a little curious, but she didn't send someone to inquire immediately. Just now she noticed that Su's face changed after hearing Nangong Yun's words. It is not a trivial matter that can move Su's face. Sooner or later she will know.

Until the end of the play, the wives and misses from various prefectures were sent away, and after returning to Black Bamboo Courtyard, Nangong Yue finally heard the news.

It turned out that something happened to the eldest uncle.

"I heard that the eldest son-in-law left the birthday banquet early, but his head was broken on the way, and it is said that he lost a lot of blood!" Que'er reported from the side, while Yimei carefully helped Nangong Yue remove her makeup.

Nangong Yue was not worried about her uncle's safety. According to her memory, her uncle did die young in her previous life, but two months later, it was said that she had a sudden illness... and not long after that, her aunt took her cousin Bai Mu Xiao returns...


At this time, Su Qingping also heard the news that Liu Rong had inquired about, and was so angry that she almost gritted her silver teeth.

This Zhao family is really deceiving people!

How dare you introduce such a dilapidated household to yourself!

Mingming's aunt said to ask Mrs. Zhao to look after her as a good relative, but Mrs. Zhao is obedient and obedient! It's really irritating and annoying!

Liu Rong also avenged her daughter's injustice: "How could Da Furen do this and introduce such a family to the girl!"

Ban Xia listened quietly outside the house, only thinking it was funny. After staying in Nangong Mansion for two days, Miss Su Biao really thinks she is the daughter of a rich family? She is worthy of being a son of a powerful and powerful family! It's really funny!

At this time, a woman outside the door reported that the eldest lady had come.

"Cousin Ping." Mrs. Zhao walked in beaming.

Su Qingping felt that it was extremely glaring, but thinking that she was temporarily staying in Nangong Mansion, she had to suppress the anger in her heart, and greeted her with a smiling face. "Big cousin, why are you here?"

"I'm here to congratulate my cousin!" Mrs. Zhao pulled Su Qingping with a smile, and sat on the couch together.

"Big Cousin, don't be joking." Su Qingping looked serious, "The person who should congratulate you most today is Big Aunt."

"My cousin is right, but my cousin's happy event is always on the mind of the old lady..."

Since you know that the old lady values it, how dare you introduce such a family to me! Su Qingping was filled with resentment.

"Madam Wang has been asking me about my cousin today, and she seems very satisfied with her..."

She was satisfied, but I was not! Su Qingping twisted the handkerchief into twists.

"The Mrs. Wang's husband's family is the royal merchant's family..."

It is true that it is from the Royal Shang family, but it is only a side branch of a concubine, how much money can the family have?! Su Qingping felt contemptuous.

"Madam Wang has a young son who has already won the exam... the future is limitless..."

It's just a juren, not a champion, so what's so great about it! Even if that person has a good future in the future, but when will he have to wait until he is old and young to enjoy wealth, what's the point of that!

"Mrs. Wang is a kind person. I heard that she and her eldest daughter-in-law are as close as mother and daughter... They often eat together... Go out together..."

What a mother and daughter, she heard that Mrs. Wang's eldest daughter-in-law has to set the rules every day! With such a troublesome mother-in-law, only a fool would fall in love with her son!

"Cousin, what do you think of Mrs. Wang's youngest son?" Mrs. Zhao finally got to the point, "If you think it's good, I can arrange for you to meet Wang Juren."

The smile on Su Qingping's face was almost unstoppable. Of course she wanted to refuse, but she couldn't refuse clearly. Otherwise, if Zhao shi quit, it would be more harm than good for her.

"Marriage matters, parents' order, matchmaker's words, Qingping's marriage is naturally decided by father." Two red clouds flew up on Su Qingping's face, with a coquettish and shy look.