The Female General’s Little Childhood Sweetheart

Chapter 18: I do not care


Ji Ruan, dressed in a black robe, stood on the steps of the Chuihuamen, and the hem of her clothes was calm. The generals who had been fighting on the battlefield all the year round spread out, shocking the little servant who tried to stop her. Behind her, It was a group of housemen who were lying on the ground rolling and moaning.

Everyone watched with vigilance as Ji Ruan walked down the steps step by step, forcing him towards the sedan chair. The servants looked at each other, but no one dared to stop her rashly.

"My husband, Ji Mou, can you touch me?"

Ji Ruan's cold eyes swept across the two servants who were holding Li's house, and threw the knife she had taken from her hand at one of them. While she was dodging sideways, she stepped forward and kicked the other servant away. , stretched out his long arms, and took Li Shi into his arms to protect him in front of him.

Husband, husband

Li's body shrank in Ji Ruan's arms, and her body was trembling because of fear. She couldn't help but froze when she heard this, and then a touch of red climbed all the way from the base of her ear to her cheek.

When Jia Shanren heard Ji Ruan say that Mrs. Li was her husband, she was also shocked. Didn't she say Mrs. Li was a widow

"I didn't know that Mrs. Li was your husband, otherwise I would definitely not marry him." No one in the house was Ji Ruan's opponent. Jia Shanren lowered his eyelids and rolled his eyes, and he didn't dare to say at this time. Taking Mrs Li as a waiter, he put on a steady look, raised his brows and said, "Since Mrs Li is your husband, then I will apologize to you here, and I won't care about your trespassing into my mansion. , the matter of injuring the servants of my house, let's consider it private, otherwise if we report to the government, you and I will not look good."

Jia Shanren saw that Ji Ruan's aura and clothes were not like ordinary people.

People with heads and faces generally care about their faces.

When Li Shi heard this, a burst of anger rolled in his heart. Jia Shanren used a poisonous scheme to frame his family. If Ji Ruan hadn't come over today, his Li family would have been destroyed today!

Ji Ruan patted Li's arm soothingly, released him, and walked towards Jia Shanren. When she thought of the scene where she held the dagger at Li's face just now, Ji Ruan was afraid for a while. If Jia Shanren moved the dagger down a few inches, it would be facing the neck.

If the candied fruit ran slower today, or if she came a few steps late, Ji Ruan didn't even dare to think about what might happen next.

"Breaking into your house and hitting your servant?" Ji Ruan snorted coldly, gritted her back molars, clenched her fists, raised her arm and punched Jia Shan's face, instantly knocking her to the ground.

Seeing the scene in front of him, the servants around him took a breath of air, clenched the knife in his hand, and as soon as he moved, he was fixed in place by Ji Ruanheng's eyes.

Looking down at Jia Shanren, who was struggling to move backwards while supporting his body with his hands full of horror, Ji Ruan walked over unhurriedly, raised his foot and stepped on the right wrist where she was holding the knife just now, squatted down and stretched out her hand to grasp the front of her shirt. , lifted her up halfway, and said against her ear, "If I kill you today, it will be as easy as killing a bedbug."

Killing a bedbug is nothing more than a stink on the body.

Taking the identity of General Ji Ruan and the position of the Lu family in Beijing, killing someone like Jia Shanren is just a bad reputation.

Ji Ruan's punch hit Jia Shanren's left face, and the numb pain spread to his brain. Jia Shanren only felt that his mind was blank, and he couldn't utter a single word of begging for mercy, only the sense of despair that was approaching death spread throughout his body.

Jia Shanren has been so powerful for so many years, this is the first time he feels the fear of death so close.

"Ji Ruan." Li Shi stood behind Ji Ruan and couldn't see her expression clearly, but from Jia Shanren's expression, she could roughly guess what she said, he hesitated for a moment before walking over and put his hand on hers On his shoulders, he said softly, "Don't ruin your reputation because of her, it's not worth it."

Hearing Li Shi's soft voice behind him, Ji Ruan slowly let out the turbid air from his chest. He seemed to throw away Jia Shanren's shirt in disgust. He stood up, looked down at the person on the ground, and said two meaningful words. word, "also."

It would be a pity if he died like this.

As soon as Ji Ruan took Li shi out of the Chuihuamen, her guards rushed over. After instructing them to take Jia Shanren and the servant beside her to Jingzhaoyin's house and hand them over to the governor, Ji Ruan helped Li to ride on the horse.

A person like Jia Shanren would at most hit dozens of large boards and lock them up for ten days and a half months before releasing them. If he paid for it, he might be able to go home after hitting the boards that day.

But now the people were personally escorted by General Ji's people to the Jingzhao Yin Mansion. Even if the governor received more benefits from Jia Shanren before, I am afraid he would not dare to fool around.

In the past ten days and a half months, Jia Shanren is doomed to not be able to come out. When she comes out, Ji Ruan has a way to make it difficult for her to live in Beijing!

Li's first time riding a horse, he couldn't help but feel a little scared. He held the horse rope tightly in his hands, his legs tightly clamped on the horse's stomach, and his back was straight.

"It's okay, it doesn't run around." Ji Ruan saw his nervousness and comforted him, "Besides, I'm still behind you."

Afraid of scaring Li Shi, Ji Ruan just let the horse walk forward slowly, but did not let it run.

After walking about a street, Mrs. Li slowly relaxed. As soon as the straight back was loosened, it just stuck to Ji Ruan's chest, and the soft and elastic touch came from the back, which made Li froze and dare not move.

Ji Ruan let out a sullen laugh, and slowly tightened the arm that was originally encircling Li Shi, and put the person sitting in front of him into his arms, calling: "Aqing."

When Li Shi heard Ji Ruan call her nickname before she got married, she became even more nervous. She bit her lip and held her breath, intuition that she was going to say something important next.

Sure enough, I heard Ji Ruan say: "Aqing, marry me. It's not like this small green sedan chair is carried into the mansion from the side door, but the eight-carrying large sedan chair Ming media is marrying and entering the door of my Ji's house, to be my Ji Ruan's. husband."

Li Shi's heart was pounding fast, but he still kept his mind and said softly, "I was married before, and the child is nine years old..." He lowered his eyes and looked at Ji Ruan's hand on the back of his hand in front of him. After a pause, he said in a low voice, "You actually deserve better."

The hand covering the back of his hand suddenly tightened, wrapping his hand in his palm, Li Shi's eyes flashed, and Ji Ruan's voice sounded in his ear, "I don't care."

Ji Ruan said in a firm and slow voice: "Aqing, let me take care of you and the candied fruit. I don't expect you to like me right away, but at least let me take care of you so that you won't encounter such a thing again today. "

"I have been living in the Lu house with my brother. The Lu house is my home," Ji Ruan said, as if he had brought up something else, "There is a rule in the Lu family that the husband had no children before forty years ago. Nasser…”

Ji Ruan tightened his hand around Li's waist, with a satisfied smile in his voice, "If you marry me, the candied fruit will be my son. When we have a child, I don't need to be a servant anymore."

It was only then that Mr. Li heard that Ji Ruan was betraying his promise that he would be one person for the rest of his life. I already liked her a little in my heart, but when I heard this, I was a little choked up.

"Will your brother allow you to marry a widow with a child?"

Hearing Li's release, Ji Ruan's tone was brisk when he spoke again, "He will agree."

Ji Ruan tentatively put her chin on Li's shoulder and asked nervously, "Then, do you agree?"

The warm breath sprayed on the neck, it was a little wet and itchy, Mr. Li shrank his neck to hide a little, lowered his eyes, and let out a soft hum from his nose.

Ji Ruan's eyes lit up. Hearing this, he was even more happy than the sage's saying that she was named a general. He squeezed the horse's belly under him with his legs and ran with Mrs. Li.

Li Shi was so frightened that she shrank in Ji Ruan's arms. She didn't breathe a sigh of relief until the horse stopped at the door of her house, gave her a accusing glance, and then allowed her to wrap her arms around her waist and hug him down.

Ji Ruan was so beautiful in her heart that she was reluctant to let go of holding Li Shi. It wasn't until he was lightly pinched on the waist that he put the person in his arms down.

Knowing that her parents were picked up by Lu Feng from Jingzhaoyin's house, and now they are at home, Li Shi was relieved, but also a little uneasy. He didn't know how to tell his son when he went in later. you brought back a stepmother...

Candied Fruit seems to like Ji Ruan on weekdays, and has asked him and Ji Ruan many times... But Mrs. Li could see that Candied Fruit likes Ji Ruan, probably because of Lu Feng.

I don't know if Ji Ruan married him, candied fruit is willing...

The author has something to say: Little Theater

Candied Dad: Son, I brought you a stepmother, standing by the door

Sweet confectionary: Dad, I also brought you a daughter-in-law, just sitting in the house

Aunt Ji: ... The treatment seems to be different _(:зゝ∠)_

Thank you Qianhuang Man for throwing 1 mine

Thank you Ghost Moon for throwing 1 mine

Thank you wishing life like summer flowers for throwing 1 landmine

Thanks Lancome for throwing 1 grenade

Thank you one by one, and give Mumuda a gift~(*^3^)