The Female General’s Little Childhood Sweetheart

Chapter 2: Lu Feng


This time, when he returned to Beijing, the Li family also brought back his dowry. Although their family was not very wealthy when they were in Lingnan, it was still decent.

Now after returning to Beijing, Mrs. Li is unwilling to rely on her mother alone to be the master of the academy to support the whole family, not to mention that the candied fruit will grow up slowly. As a father, he has to prepare a dowry for the child. After thinking about it, Mrs. Li was ready to do something for a living.

After talking about this to Mrs. Zhang, the old couple said that they were still young and could still support him and the candied fruit, but they did not object to their son's idea. .

Before coming to the capital, most of Li's heart was on Xu Mu, but she still couldn't let go of Xu Mu's mother. Although she didn't wash her face with tears all day, she often woke up in the middle of the night and secretly wiped her tears.

But this time Xu Mu was seriously ill, and it can be regarded that Li's heart was completely put on him, and he was thinking about making the two of them live better and saving the dowry for the candied fruit.

Seeing Li's change, Xu Mu was extremely happy. His father was seriously ill when he was 12 or 13 years old, most of which were caused by his longing and illness over the years. Now that Mr. Li has hope for life, he will naturally not waste his body.

Li used his dowry money to rent the small shop on West Street and opened a pastry shop called "Tian Baiwei", which means that life is full of flavors. As long as you want, you can always live a sweet life.

As the New Year is approaching, every household always has to visit relatives, so there is no shortage of pastry gifts in their hands. During this period of time, the business of "Sweet Baiwei" was not bad, and Mr. Li was often too busy by himself.

Xu Mu seized the opportunity and cleverly offered to go to the store to help. Because of his sudden and serious illness before, Mrs. Li was terrified, and she still doesn't want to let him run outside in this icy world.

Li looked down and saw Xu Mu raised his head, his eyes were bright and expectant, did he not refuse cruelly, thinking that his son was not a naughty child, and took him with him when he went out the next day.

The two still live in the same yard with the old couple Zhang, and the distance from "Sweet Baiwei" is not too far away, but it is natural to get up early to do business, and it is still before dawn when the Li family goes out.

In the cold weather, he couldn't bear to let Xu Mu get up so early, so he asked him to follow Mrs Zhang after dawn.

Lying on the bed, Xu Mu hummed obediently, squinting his eyes and preparing to sleep for a while, pretending to be greedy for the temperature in the bed.

After Li tucked the quilt for him and left, Xu Mu kicked off the quilt and got up from the bed as soon as he went out with his front feet. Thinking that he might be able to see Lu Feng today, he has barely slept with excitement since last night.

Over and over, he thought about what to say if he saw Lu Feng today so that he wouldn't scare her. Now, as long as he thinks that the person who is gentle and doting on him is still alive, Xu Mu's heart is swollen and sore, with bursts of pain.

Xu Mu got off the bed, dragged his shoes and ran to the closet, opened the door and picked out clothes. He took out all the cotton-padded coats he had made this year, and spread them out on the bed one by one, biting his fingers to choose what he would wear later. … I want to meet my sweetheart.

Xu Mu gestured in front of him with the clothes, and finally chose a red jacket that was more pleasing to wear at this age.

After choosing the clothes, Xu Mu sat on the bed, feeling the clothes in his arms and thinking about things. Once again, Lu Feng will definitely not know him, how can she remember her.

After thinking about it, he couldn't come up with any good idea. When Mrs. Zhang knocked on the door and called him to get up, Xu Mu gave up and seemed to have to get dressed and go out.

Seeing Xu Mu coming out, Mrs. Zhang lovingly took his hand to wash and eat.

The red jacket on Xu Mu's body lined his fair little face more and more tender and spirited. He has been the young grandson of the beauty embryo since he was a child. Seeing Mrs. Zhang's eyes, he smiled and said, "Let's go to your father later. There, you just sit in the shop and don't run around. West Street is full of dignitaries, and their children are more naughty, don't bully you when you see that you are a new face."

Xu Mu replied obediently, but his mind had already turned around eight hundred times. If he didn't go to West Street, how could he see Lu Feng.

The two arrived after a short walk. Tianbaiwei's business is also good today. Before Zhang's visit, Li was almost too busy. They never thought that the business of the pastry shop would be so good, and they didn't plan to hire someone to do it.

Now it looks like it's time to ask someone to help greet guests.

Mrs. Zhang greeted people from the front, Mrs. Li was busy in the back kitchen, Xu Mu's dark and bright eyes carefully looked at every guest who came, and he hoped that the next one would be Lu Feng.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Seeing that the guests are getting more and more sparse, Li is no longer making new cakes, but when he is going to go home after selling the leftovers, Xu Mu can't wait any longer.

He told Mrs. Zhang that he would go to the door to play for a while and go out without running far. Zhang Shi thought about it and bored him for a day. After all, it was the child who was more playful, and he repeatedly asked him not to run around before agreeing.

Xu Mu naturally wouldn't run around, but went to the Lu Mansion with ease. He knew that he might not be able to see Lu Feng in the past, but he just couldn't control his feet running forward.

When he was panting and stood at Lu Feng's gate, Xu Mu raised his head and looked at the two very familiar gilt characters on the door plaque. His heart was aching and his eyes were hot.

This is his second home, but now he can't get in.

When Ji Ruan came back from the palace, sitting on the back of a horse, he saw an eight or nine-year-old child standing at the entrance of the Lu Mansion from a distance. She was accustomed to thinking that the child was probably bullied by her nephew who was not to be teased and provoked. She came to complain to the second brother. She couldn't help laughing and drove her horse forward, ready to ask him what bad things Lu Feng did again.

Xu Mu didn't give her a chance to dismount and approach him, so he turned and left. It was an unwise move to go here on impulse, and if he went back later, it would make Li Shi worried.

Without seeing Lu Feng, Xu Mu was in a low mood. He was like an eggplant beaten by frost, unable to lift his spirits.

Xu Mu walked with his head down, but he didn't see the children who were playing in the open space looking at him.

An older girl winked at Xu Muchao everyone. The group of radish heads "under her hands" suddenly became excited and ran towards Xu Mu.

In a flash, Xu Mu was surrounded by a group of children who came out of nowhere, and he couldn't help frowning.

The little "radish heads" held hands and surrounded Xu Mu in the middle, preventing him from going any further. A girl who looked six or seven years old said confidently to the person beside her: "Boss, we caught a little fat sheep, is it a robbery or a robbery?"

Xu Mu: "..."

The girl who was called the eldest was not even ten years old. She paced forward with her hands behind her back and pretended to ponder for a moment before she raised her chin and tried to use her nostrils to look at Xu Mu. The steamed bun asked with a serious face: "Do you have anything delicious on you?"

She was about the same size as Xu Mu, her chin was almost lifted to the sky, and she couldn't even look at the top of a person's head with her nostrils. She may also feel that her neck is a little tired, and she greets someone to move a stone for her. After the person stands on the stone, she lifts her chin to Xu Mu again, shakes the majesty of being the boss, and says, "Give me the food. come out!"

A group of radish heads next to them repeated: "Hand over it! Hand it over!"

Xu Mu felt familiar at first glance at her, but only now did he remember who it was. He immediately wanted to roll his eyes to express his current mood, but he was afraid that it would be more difficult to walk after he rolled his eyes, "No."

Xu Mu's eyes were flushed when he came back from Lu Mansion, and now the redness hasn't faded, and he looks like he is about to cry.

The boss raised his chin and drooped his eyelids and glanced at Xu Mu. Seeing that Xu Mu's eyes were as red as a rabbit, he didn't intend to embarrass him anymore.

She pretended to ponder for a moment, and then said to the group of "radish heads" who looked up at her: "The little sheep is not full today, let him go back first, and then catch the next one who is fat and strong. ."

Naturally, the group of children had no objection to her words, so they let go of their hands obediently and no longer trapped Xu Mu.

The boss waved his hand mercifully at Xu Mu, and said gracefully, "Let's go."

Before she could say the word, she heard someone shouting, "Lu Xiaoba is here! Everyone, run!"

The boss standing on the rock seemed to be particularly fearful of Lu Xiaobawang. Hearing that, his round body shook violently, and he hurriedly wanted to run. Who knew that his foot was swollen and his butt fell to the ground.

Xu Mu straightened his back when he heard Lu's surname, the little hands beside him were already clasped together, and his heart was beating fast.

He clearly wanted to see her, but now that the person was behind him, he felt as if he had been tapped and couldn't move.

Lu Feng was just sneaking out to buy a sweet treat. On the way back, he caught a glimpse of Xu Mu being surrounded by people.

According to Lu Xiaobawang's temperament, at this time it's fine if he doesn't join in the fun, he definitely doesn't have the good sense to fight the injustice.

The reason why she can come here now is entirely because she caught a glimpse of Xu Yu standing on the stone.

How dare this little bastard sue her father to see if she doesn't clean her up!

Lu Feng spat out the candied core in Xu Yu's direction, walked over with a wicked smirk at the corner of his mouth, rolled up his sleeves as he walked, "What did we say that day, whoever plays and loses is willing to be beaten, you He actually ran to my father to file a complaint, and put me in confinement for half a month, how do you calculate this account?"

Xu Yu shrank his neck in fright, and Lu Feng grabbed the front of his clothes and was forced to face her face to face. He couldn't help but say with a bitter face, "I didn't complain, it was my father who saw my nose and face bruised... But I didn't say it was you. Hit! I said I tripped and knocked myself!"

That day, Xu Yu had two bruises on his eyes that were symmetrical on the left and the right. Only if her father believed her words would be a ghost.

Lu Feng squinted at her, and asked in a dangerous voice, "Really?"

"It's absolutely true!" Xu Yu raised three fingers on his head, and looked at Lu Feng with an extremely sincere look, which was completely opposite to the way he looked at people with his nostrils while standing on a rock.

Only then did Lu Feng let go of her clothes, and just as he was about to teach her a few more words, he heard someone calling him from behind, and the voice contained a strong cry, with a slight tremor, and it sounded behind her, "Lu Feng ."

The author has something to say: just met

Lu Feng: Damn, who are you

after marriage

Lu Feng: Hehe...hehe... I was wrong about the candied fruit, it's all my fault, how about punishing me to serve you for three days and three nights? Can you open the door and let me in


Thanks for the hamster squeaky mine!

Thank you Kean for the grenade!

I love you~ (*^3^)