The Female General’s Little Childhood Sweetheart

Chapter 41: Is it winter?


"My lord, my lord?"

Xu Mu was taking a nap when he was woken up by Xiao Liu, his personal servant. Reaching out and rubbing his eyes, he asked him in a vague voice, "What's the matter?"

The little servant's eyes were red when he saw that he was finally awake, he knelt on the ground with his clothes in his hands, raised his head, full of tears, choked up and said, "There is a letter from the frontier... There is someone from Minghua Courtyard, please. You go there."

Minghua Courtyard is the courtyard where Lu Feng's parents, Ji's family and Lu Jun live.

It's autumn, and the weather is cool. Xu Mu's bare feet hadn't touched the ground yet, and for no reason, he felt a piercing coldness from the soles of his feet all the way to the top of his head, his cold limbs were stiff, his lips trembled, "The book and letter were delivered to Ming, Ming. Huayuan?"

Lu Feng went on an expedition, and he has been in correspondence with him all the time, but every time he sent a letter to him, he was sent directly to the Luomeiyuan, so Ji Shi also laughed at him, saying that the two were secretive, and he was afraid that his father would peep at him?

The letters Lu Feng sent to him were all words that only the two of them could read. The content was neither ashamed nor ashamed, so Xu Mu naturally would not show it to the Ji family.

In the same way, Lu Feng's letter to Minghuayuan was written if Ji's father could read it, and he would not show it to himself.

But this time, what the waiter said was not a letter from Lu Feng, but a letter from the frontier, and it was sent directly to Lu Feng's parents' Minghuayuan...

Xu Mu didn't even wear socks, he put on his shoes and ran to Minghua Courtyard.

Usually as long as he came over, the servants in Minghua Court would greet him warmly and greet him like a guest, but this time, everyone had red eyes and bowed their heads. When they saw him coming, tears fell immediately. Afraid of being seen by him, he quickly turned his face away.

Xu Mu's hands on his side were shaking, and there was no expression on his face. He used all his strength to comfort himself, it must not be what he thought.

When the old slave who was serving the Ji family came over, his face was not visible, but his eyelids were red and swollen, and it looked like he had cried. He saluted Xu Mu and said, "Master, come in."

Xu Mu looked at the curtain lifted by the servants, but couldn't move his feet, he didn't want to go in.

"Candied fruit..." A weak, choked voice came from the back room, belonging to the Ji family, "Child, come in, Dad has something to tell you."

Xu Mu didn't move, he was almost helped by the servant, and he was floating when he walked.

Seeing Xu Mu's pale face, Ji Shi knew that he might have guessed it.

Tears fell as his eyes warmed, Ji Shi lowered his head and wept silently, choked up and couldn't say a word, just took Xu Mu's hand and clenched it tightly.

He didn't speak, Xu Mu didn't ask, just couldn't control the tears, and silently held Ji's hand back.

"Xiao Feng... she, she..." Ji Shi choked and shook his head, biting his lower lip in pain, unable to speak. The old slave beside him stretched out his hand and pulled his sleeve to wipe away the tears, shaking his hand, and showed Xu Mu the letter from the border.

He wrote a lot in black and white, but Xu Mu saw one of them: General Lu, he led a sneak attack on the enemy and was discovered, died in battle, and his body was burned by the enemy. By the time I arrived, everything was too late.

Xu Mu only felt a little fishy sweetness in his throat, and he couldn't see anything clearly in front of him, as if fireworks flashed through a large black, top-heavy and couldn't tell whether he was standing or sitting.

He got up, wanting to say no, it must be fake.

Before making a sound, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Xu Mu's body was soft, and he only felt that he was light and airy, like stepping on cotton and living in a dream. Consciousness gradually lost, and the last voice he heard was Xiaoliu calling him hoarsely, "Master!"

Lu Feng was dead, not even a corpse, only a few lines of black characters written on white paper.

Xu Mu didn't believe it, he wanted to wait for his wife and master to return in triumph. She said that she would take him to Jiangnan to play when she came back, and she said that she would bring him a mink fur cloak at the end of the year. She promised that she would never break her promise.

Dayu in the frontier had been defeated many times, and he was already retreating. Lu Feng told him that if the war ended this year and the two countries signed a peace treaty, she would be able to stay in Beijing to accompany him every day.

Xu Mu always believed her words, because Lu Feng never broke his promise. He has been counting the days, now it's autumn, is it far from the end of the year

Is it far

Far. Because his wife and master, before winter, will never come back.

Without Lu Feng, what does the four seasons mean to him!

Xu Mu felt as if a hole had been torn open in his chest. He inserted a hand through the wound, pulled his heart out alive, and pulled it out bloody, leaving an empty chest cavity.

Pain, suffocating pain.

Xu Mu clasped the front of his heart with his hands and curled up in a ball on the bed in pain.

"Young Master? Young Master?" Xiaoliu, the little waiter at the night watch, heard a change in the room and hurried in. What he saw was Xu Mu's face shrunk into a ball with tears on his face, clutching his fingers on his chest. bulge.

Xiaoliu hurriedly stroked his back and called softly, "Master, wake up, you're having a nightmare."

This soft voice was like a breeze, slowly blowing away the despair and pain that shrouded Xu Mu.

Xu Mu opened his eyes, his vision was obscured by tears, his fingers were numb while clutching his chest, and he asked Xiao Liu in a hoarse voice, "Is winter coming today?"

In winter, his wife and master will be back soon.

Xiao Liu was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Master, you are sleepy, it is almost the end of the year, and winter is already over."

It's almost the end of the year? He remembered that he went with Lu Feng before he survived the fall...

Xu Mu blinked the tears from his eyes, and his vision became clear. Xiaoliu just lit a lamp and put it on the bedside.

He dreamed of what happened after Lu Fengzhan died...

At that time, as long as he fell asleep, most of them woke up crying like this, pulling Xiao Liu and asking him if it was winter.

Xiaoliu always cried and begged him to let him take care of himself. Feng Yu said that he was too poor, and if he did this, he might not survive the winter.

But in the end, he still couldn't make it through the winter.

Xu Mu took a deep breath, feeling that the cold air he exhaled into his lungs was painful now, causing his body to tremble slightly. She raised her head to meet Xiaoliu's worried gaze, and in the end she just shook her head bitterly.

He gasped for several times, but the throbbing in his chest still failed to calm down. His chest was empty, as if something was missing, making Xu Mu unable to hold on to the clothes in his heart.

Xiaoliu panicked, "Master, why do you feel pain? I'll ask the doctor to come here."

"No." Xu Mu grabbed his sleeve and shook his head, "Go get the cloak, I want to go out."

"Now?" Xiao Liu hurriedly shook his head, "It's still early in the morning, it's very cold outside, you can just tell me to go, you can't go out."

Regardless of Xiaoliu's dissuasion, Xu Mu got out of bed and put on shoes on his own.

No one knows how stubborn this master is than Xiao Liu, who has served him for four years.

Seeing Xu Mu lowering his head and putting on his shoes, Xiao Liu bit his lip and reluctantly brought over the thickest cloak with a hood.

Xu Mu wrapped his cloak and didn't even want to wait for the time to put on his clothes, so he walked to Tingfeng Courtyard.

He wanted to see Lu Feng now, only when he saw that she was still standing in front of him, her empty chest was full.

Xiao Liu carried the colored lantern and followed Xu Mu closely, but did not dare to speak out, for fear that if he called someone over to serve him, the news of the young master stealing a world girl in the middle of the night would be spread.

If the son was a few years younger, it would be fine, but he is thirteen now. He woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare and ran into the world's daughter's room. Even if this is the truth, I am afraid that outsiders will not believe it. Maybe there are people behind their back to criticize their son. It's a shameless hug.

The author has something to say: Little Theater

Crazy all the way: I heard that someone gave him a hug at night, and my bed was covered with heat, so I just waited for him to come

Sweet Confection: (just going out) Hiss! ! ! Why is it so cold, the internal organs are frozen into ice, the heart is still a fart, forget it, if you don't go, you can't go, hurry back, the blanket is still warm

Lu Feng, who was eagerly waiting for the others to come: ... Why didn't you come? Is it too windy to get lost _(:зゝ∠)_

Xu Mu who returned to the quilt: =v=comfortable~