The Female General’s Little Childhood Sweetheart

Chapter 52: Fall off the list


When the results of Qiu Wei came out, Xu Yu was as quiet as a chicken, silently enduring the anger from Xu Xiang and the unstoppable tears of Wan Shi.

Xu Xiang looked at his daughter who was standing in front of her with her head lowered and her face turned blue with anger, not knowing what to say to her.

When the list came out in the township exam, Xu Xiang thought he was confused, so he didn't find the word Xu Yu in the long list.

Xu Dang found the examiner who was marking the test paper and asked to look at Xu Yu's paper.

Now that the list in the middle has been posted, there is no possibility of cheating when checking the papers, so the examiner agreed immediately.

In order to prevent the candidates from bribing the examiners to practice favoritism and cheating when grading the papers, the examination papers are usually sealed with lines in the candidates' name and source column.

Now the unsealed exam papers are piled up on the desk, and a chief examiner and two examiners who marked the papers are looking for Xu Yu's.

Xu Xiang's heart was on fire, but his face did not show. He sat on the chair beside him and waited patiently.

About half an hour later, one of the examiners turned out a blank paper at the bottom of the stack of exam papers.

If it wasn't for the word Xu Yu written on it, or if the examiner had a hundred courage, she wouldn't dare to show Xu Xiang this paper with nothing written on it except her name.

"Xu Xiang, the paper... I found it." The examiner did not feel the joy or credit for finding the paper.

Seeing that the examiner's face was wrong, the examiner lowered his head and glanced at the paper suspiciously. His face was even uglier than the examiner's. He took a small breath and said, "This, this..."

She didn't know what to say for a long time, and with Xu Xiang's dignified gaze, she held the paper in both hands and handed it to her.

Xu Xiang's face was so gloomy that water was almost dripping, staring at the paper, he wanted to burn a hole in the paper, it's better to erase the word Xu Yu, so as not to lose her face!

The examiner saw Zuo Xiang, who had always been indifferent to his anger and anger, was so angry, his calf was shaking, and he muttered in a low voice, "This, this paper, we just want to do something, and we don't know where to start. …”

Xu Xiang slapped the paper on the small table beside him, so frightened that the examiner did not dare to speak any more.

"Did Miss feel unwell at the time?" The examiner who turned out the papers considered Xu Xiang's words.

Xu Xiang remembered that on the day of Xu Yuqiu's day, Mr. Wan cooked the meal himself. Xu Yu ate a lot and didn't see any discomfort at all.

The examiner smiled embarrassedly, "Don't be angry, Zuo Xiang, the young lady is still young, you can wait another three years."

After three more years, I am afraid it will still be the scene today!

Xu Xiang was angry. The word Xu Yu was written neatly and cleanly on the paper. It can be seen that when she wrote her name, every stroke was serious, but she left the paper empty and didn't write a word...

It's not that she can't, she clearly doesn't want to write!

After all, in front of his colleagues, Xu Xiang quickly suppressed his anger, and said a few more words to the three before returning to the house.

Xu Yu had long known that he couldn't escape today, so he simply sat in his room and waited for his mother to find her. As expected, her mother just came back from outside, and the servant invited her to the study.

The township exams were not successful, so such a big thing could not be hidden from the Wan family. When he heard the news, he stretched out his hand to cover his chest and almost fainted.

"I originally said that you just need to prepare for the next Spring Festival with your heart," Wan Shi sobbed in a low voice, "Who would have thought that you didn't even get the Autumn Festival."

"The paper is blank, what is she holding?" Xu Xiang pointed his finger on the table in front of him, showing the anger in his heart, "Do you know what the examiner said? She said she wanted to help you, looking at the blank The paper doesn't even know where to start to give you extra points!"

When Mr. Wan heard that Xu Yu didn't miss the exam, he didn't even write the papers, and asked worriedly: "Xiaoyu, were you uncomfortable that day? Otherwise, why didn't you write the papers?"

Xu Yu pursed his lips, "I don't want to write."

After hearing this, Mrs Wan couldn't help but be startled, "I wouldn't be surprised if Sun Yao and Lu Feng said this, but why would you do this? Now everyone in the court probably knows that your mother is a high-ranking minister on the left. , but her daughter didn't even pass the exam..."

Xu Yu pursed her lips and clenched her fists slightly. She wanted to say that I wasn't your pride, and I wasn't the one to be an official. Instead of failing at the end, it's better not to pass the test now. !

But looking at Wan Shi's red eyes, she couldn't say those words again.

It is normal for parents to have expectations for their children, and she herself has not lived up to the expectations of her parents.

"I'm sorry." Xu Yu apologized in a muffled voice.

"You didn't write the paper, what's the use of saying I'm sorry?" Mrs Wan sat on the chair and said: "An Qingle is a man who beats all women to get a Jie Yuan, and even Sun Yao's ranking is not bad. , I didn't expect you to pass these two exams, but you actually handed in a blank paper..."

Xu Xiang rested his elbows on the handle of the chair, rubbed his forehead with his fingers, and when he heard Wan Shitian was happy, he lifted his eyelids and glanced at Xu Yu. Seeing that his daughter's eyes were barely visible, Xu Xiang suddenly felt relieved. Seeing, he simply closed his eyes and sighed silently.

"Okay, don't be angry," Xu Xiang sat up, stopped Mr. Wan from talking to Xu Yu incessantly, and said, "Your eyes are red, go and apply it, don't wait for it to become swollen again. I'll talk to Xiaoyu alone for a while."

Wan rubbed his eyes and frowned, "How can I care about it now?"

Xu Xiang shook his head and chuckled, got up and helped Mrs Wan out, "You can't take care of me, can I take care of you? Don't worry, I'll tell her if I have anything, and I'll tell you later."

Mrs Wan has always trusted Xu Xiang, but now she left unwillingly after hearing what her wife said, and before leaving, she took her hand and whispered, "If the child says something later, you won't be used to it, You must not hit her, no matter what happens to her, we parents should take more care."

Xu Xiang smiled bitterly, "When did I touch her? You can rest assured."

After Wan Shi turned his head and left the study, Xu Xiang turned to look at Xu Yu, his tone was the same as usual, "It's been so long, sit down and talk."

Xu Yu lowered his head and sighed, and sat down uneasily, sitting on the chair with his butt only halfway there, carefully observing her mother's face.

Although she wasn't that ambitious since she was a child, she was still obedient and well-behaved. She didn't make her mother angry too much. When she grew up, Xu Yu was the only one who saw her mother angry.

But just now she was very angry and said a few words to her, and then her father was talking about letting her down.

Her father has always been in charge of the little things in the family, but when it comes to such a big event today, the final say is still in her mother's hands. So no matter what Wan Shi said to her just now, Xu Yu was looking at her mother's face.

Seeing Xu Yu's frightened appearance, Xu Xiang couldn't help laughing. He couldn't tell whether it was because of her anger or helplessness towards her, "Now you know what you're afraid of? How about your courage and guts to hand in the blank paper?"

Run out…

Xu Yu snorted, all the courage he had accumulated over the past ten years was used up on the day he handed in the blank paper.

Xu Xiang didn't expect her to say anything. He sat down on the chair behind the bookcase and said, "We are the two of you in the study. Don't hide anything you want to say, just say it."

Xu Xiangli straightened his sleeves and said, "No matter what you say, I won't hit you, so speak with confidence."

Xu Yu was not sure what her mother meant, and asked tentatively, "What do you want me to say?"

"Tell me why you handed in the blank paper?" Xu Xiang raised his eyelids and glanced at her, "This is the chance, if you can't come up with a reason to convince me, you will have to give me another test in Qiu Wei three years later. "

Xu Yu's eyes lit up when he heard the words. What this means is that if she can convince her mother, then she won't need to take the imperial examination in the future

Xu Yu was a little excited, his buttocks moved restlessly on the chair, and the language was organized in his mind.

"Mother, I'm not as smart and responsive as you, and I'm not the type of official to be an official. I don't like the emptiness and condescension in officialdom. I don't want to be an official."

After all these years, he finally had a chance to tell his mother what he had been holding in his stomach. Xu Yu's hands on his knees clenched his clothes nervously, and at the same time he felt an unprecedented sense of ease and pleasure.

Xu Xiang did not refute her words, but nodded to encourage her to continue.

Xu Yu pursed his lips, "I like woodcarving, I have been a teacher of woodcarving clay sculpture masters on Yujie a long time ago, and I have been able to carve things out after all these years.

My father always hoped that I could be like you, take responsibility and be your pride. But you also know that I have not been that kind of material since I was a child, and everyone who sees me likes to compare me with others. I know that I am not as good as others, but it makes me sad to see the disappointment and regret in their eyes.

Only when I meditate on woodcarving, I can forget all the troubles in my body, just imagine the wood in my hand to carve the shape, and concentrate on the knife.

I always wanted to tell you and my father about this, but I was afraid that my father would say 'everything is inferior, only reading is high...'. "

After Xu Xiang listened to Xu Yu's words in silence, he asked her aloud, "You and I look down every day and see each other. You haven't found a chance for so many days? In the end, you chose to use the method of handing in a blank paper?"

Xu Yu shrank his neck in embarrassment, "Only by using this method can you and Dad's idea of letting me take the imperial examination can be cut off."

"You're honest," Xu Xiang let out a meaningful laugh, "Aren't you very smart? You used to hide your ability to learn wood carving from your father and me, as well as the courage and courage to hand in blank papers, and you are afraid of taking the test. Why don't you just go up and lift a person?"

Xu Yu lowered his head and said in a muffled voice, "I'm sorry, mother, for making you lose face in front of your colleagues."

She has never fought for face with her mother since she was a child, but this time she lost face the most, she was about to be laughed at by her colleagues.

Xu Xiang raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, "Is this a loss of face?"

Looking at the daughter who bowed her head and confessed her mistake, Xu Xiang sighed helplessly. Could it be that her Xu family can only rely on her son-in-law to gain a place in the court in the future

The author has something to say: Xu Xiaoyu: Good idea!

An Kitten: Meow? ⊙?⊙!

Xu relative to An Shangshu: In-laws, rely on your son

An Shangshu: We are all family, so be polite


Thank you for the mines of a hundred years of reincarnation

Thank you ghost moon mine

love you~