The Female General’s Little Childhood Sweetheart

Chapter 57: Instigate to climb the wall


Lu Feng deliberately stood in front of Xu Mu's soft couch, like a soldier reporting military information to the general, "When returning to Beijing, the snowy road was slippery, and his carriage overturned. At that time, he was trapped in the car, and a group of servants were small. The waiter couldn't open the carriage and could only call for help, but it happened to be heard by the wood... The people were saved by the wood, and I just thought of you all the way, and I didn't say a word to him."

The one in her words he was referring to was Rongrong. It's just that Lu Feng doesn't have the slightest affection for this man now, and he doesn't even want to call his name.

Xu Mu heard the words, and the only thing left in his heart was the unhappiness. He lowered his head and plucked the stove in his hand, biting his lip, ready to find a way to change from an angry look to a sticky sweet treat.

As soon as Lu Feng saw Xu Mu's appearance, he knew what he was thinking, and his smile suddenly thickened. He handed him a step in time and said, "Candied fruit, I'm back."

I didn't break my promise this time, and came back before the end of the year.

Xu Mu knew that she didn't mean what she said, and his heart was sour and hot, and a touch of moisture stained the bottom of his eyes.

Throwing the hand stove in his hand, Xu Mu changed to kneeling on the soft couch, leaned over and raised his arms around Lu Feng's neck, buried his face in her neck, and hummed angrily.

Lu Feng lowered his eyes and smiled, hugged his slender waist, made a ruler with his fingers, and measured it with both hands. He lost a whole three fingers, and suddenly said distressedly, "Why are you thin again?"

Xu Mu rubbed her face and said, "Daddy said I'm growing, so I've lost weight."

Just now at the door, Lu Feng felt that Xu Mu was taller than when she left, so he believed his words for the time being.

Tightening his arms, he pressed the person in his arms closer to his body. Lu Feng lowered his voice and asked in his ear, "Darling, did you miss me?"

Her soft chest and Xu Mu's flat chest were pressed together. Even through the hard armor, Xu Mu could feel the arc there. Although it was not so obvious, he couldn't ignore it. He instantly understood what she was saying. Think about the word, what does it mean.

The tip of Xu Mu's ears turned red quietly, and he hummed inaudibly.

The mosquito seemed to make a soft hum, listening to Lu Feng's heart trembling slightly, as if he was using his fingertips to touch the tip of his heart, Ruoyou Ruowu, showing an unstoppable itch.

Lu Feng is at the age of restlessness, Xu Mu's every move has fatal temptation to her, where can I hear such a seductive hum.

She couldn't help lowering her head, bit Xu Mu's neck, and gently sucked and kissed, as if an animal were marking her mate, she gently gnawed and bitten on his neck with the tip of her teeth, in order to dye her uniqueness. her taste.

Xu Mu bit his lips and buried his face in her neck, acquiescing in her affection for him.

There was a slight tingling sensation from the place where Lu Feng was sucked-bite, like being stung by an ant. It was a little painful, and it was tingling and numb, which made him want to snort out. .

Feeling Lu Feng's hand around his waist and pressing himself into her arms, with such great strength, as if he wanted to rub him into her body, Xu Mu couldn't help but regain his senses.

When he noticed that Lu Feng's kiss was trying to switch from one side of his neck to the other, and his hand was not honest and wanted to probe into his cloak, Xu Mu hurriedly raised his hand to hold her palm and looked up at her.

Xu Mu's brows were stained with lust because of Lu Feng's actions.

He blushed, bit his lip, his eyes were a little shy, and he snorted softly: "Not married yet, no."

The most important thing is that it is still daytime, and Lu Feng has just returned. Daddy and Uncle Ji may send someone over at any time. If the two of them overdo it in the room, it will be bad.

Knowing Xu Mu's thoughts, Lu Feng hugged him tighter, as if scratching his head to soothe the heat in his body.

He lowered his voice and whispered in his ear, "Candied fruit, you know? You have a sweet and seductive smell all over your body now, and you are always tempting me to taste, lick and bite..."

Panting from the hot air sprayed on the side of the auricle, the hot Xu Mu's face turned red, and his fingers couldn't help curling up.

With her hoarse voice, which was dyed with lust, Xu Mu's calf was weak and her mind was slightly blank. Only her voice and the heat on her body remained, and she wanted to be so soft and indulge in her arms.

Lu Feng hugged him for a while, before letting go reluctantly.

After making out, Xu Mu began to tentatively press Lu Feng's body with his hands, and glanced at her expression while pressing to see if she was injured.

Lu Feng raised his eyebrows and spread his arms obediently to check with him.

Seeing Xu Mu kneeling on the soft couch, his eyebrows lowered, and pressing seriously, Lu Feng began to tease him.

As soon as Xu Mu pressed it, she frowned and looked reluctant, so frightened that he hurriedly retracted his fingers, but straightened his waist to untie the armor on her body.

While Lu Feng let him explain without resisting, he frowned as if he was hesitant to say anything.

In his previous life, when Lu Feng went on an expedition, he really missed Xu Mu. After returning, he sneaked back to the house at night, climbed the wall and entered the yard, disturbed Xu Mu from his sleep, dressed in armor, and pressed him, who was still in a daze, on the bed. …

Xu Mu also practiced armour removal at that time. He hadn't touched this technique for so many years, and he wasn't unfamiliar at all!

She took off the armor from Lu Feng's body in three or two strokes. Like a shelled shrimp, she was wearing a soft middle coat and stood harmlessly in front of Xu Mu.

Xu Mu's eyes were full of whether Lu Feng was injured or not, and he pulled her clothes without any lust. After seeing that there was no scar on the place where he was pressing, he realized that he was being played by his wife and master. .

But Lu Feng raised his eyebrows at this time, and said in a rather troubled tone: "You said it just now, now, no."

Xu Mu's face darkened upon hearing this, and he raised his head and glared at her.

Lu Feng's words seemed to mean that he couldn't bear it any longer, and he couldn't wait to do something to her.

After being manipulated by Lu Feng like this, Xu Mu knew that she was not seriously injured. Otherwise, Lu Feng would never dare to let himself take off her armor.

By piercing her armor, Xu Mu twisted her waist several times, and Lu Feng, who was in pain, grinned and didn't dare to move to escape.

In her previous life, when she got married, she was already a general who could lead troops on an expedition alone. When she returned from the frontier, she must first enter the palace and face the saint before returning to the palace.

But Lu Feng missed him, and he traveled all night, arriving in the suburbs of Beijing in the middle of the night.

Unwilling to wait outside all night and then go back to see Xu Mu, he had the idea of climbing the wall in the middle of the night.

At that time, Xu Mu was worried and feared for her, afraid that her actions would be seen by others, and then colluded with the officials to consult her.

But what about Lu Feng? She knew that while biting him, she disliked him for being distracted, saying that he took off her armor too slowly, and she couldn't wait.

Xu Mu was so angry that he didn't have the time to think about anything else, and concentrated on dealing with the armor.

After the two were satisfied with their longing for each other, Lu Feng had to sneak out, and Xu Mu rubbed his waist and softened his legs before getting up and putting on armor for her.

Obviously it was the husband Mingmi was marrying, but Lu Feng acted like he was going to have sex with him, coming and going at night.

Therefore, Xu Mu's armor-piercing skills were also learned at that time.

The two dawdled for a while before going to Minghuayuan to see Ji.

Before Lu Feng took Xu Mu out of the Luomeiyuan, he took out the cloak he brought from the frontier, and lowered his head to tie it on him.

The frontier is cold, and you must wear a cloak to keep out the cold, so the cloak over there is better and warmer than the one in Beijing.

Today, Lu Feng is not afraid of Xu Mu's coldness, but the collar of this cloak is thicker, which can cover up the marks she gnawed on Xu Mu's neck.

Lu Jun returned to Beijing half a month later than Lu Feng. After she came back, the whole family sat together to discuss Lu Feng and Xu Mu's marriage.

Xu Mu is already married, and he will be sixteen years later, so he can get married.

Besides, Lu Feng couldn't wait.

This time, because of Dayu's retreat, the war will probably not happen again for a while, and Lu Jun and Lu Feng can at least spend the first half of the year at home.

In this way, the marriage does not have to be rushed, and it is simply scheduled for the spring of the next year.

The days are good, the weather is warm, and it is the best time to marry a husband.

Lu Feng counted the remaining four or five months, and sighed a little, and couldn't help but envy Xu Yu.

Unexpectedly, among the group of people, Lu Feng was the first to be married, while Xu Yu was the first to be married! She quietly rushed the marriage ahead of Lu Feng...

Sun Yao hasn't met someone she likes for so many years. Seeing that her friends are like two people for life, she is not good at being three husbands and four servants, so she has to guard her heart and wait for her husband who doesn't know where. Appeared, and then handed him the "intact" self.

But now that Xu Yu is getting married at the end of the year, and Lu Feng is getting married after the year, Sun Yao is very excited.

The day Lu Feng invited her to drink, she drank a bit too much, and raised her head to ask the sky, "Is my husband not born yet? Otherwise, how can I not meet him?"

Xu Yusheng was afraid that Sun Yao would drink too much and say other nonsense, so he quickly covered her mouth, proud of his love, and rarely teased her, "After I got married, Qing Le entered the court as an official, it is impossible to have a child in such a hurry. I'm afraid you won't have a chance to call my mother-in-law."

Sun Yao heard that he raised his hand to beat her, "I must be twenty years older than your son! I will be old when he grows up, and I can't wait."

The drunk Sun Yao hurriedly wanted a husband who could warm her bed, but after sobering up, she resolutely refused to admit it was what she said, "Get married before you are weak, and you are not afraid to be killed by the husband. Damn, how can I be so free and unrestrained?"

Lu Feng and Xu Yu looked at each other, and they all looked at her in silence.

Xu Yu's marriage is scheduled for the end of the year, while Lu Feng's marriage is scheduled for later. As the husband-to-be, Xu Mu needs to stay in the room and embroider his wedding dress and cannot go out.

But An Qingle was his good friend, and the heart that Xu Mu wanted to go out could never be taken back.

Li Shi was afraid that Xu Mu would sneak out, so he sent someone to guard the entrance of Luomeiyuan, and ordered that the son was not allowed to go out.

Lu Feng came in to visit Xu Mu, he hummed and pulled her sleeve, "Qingle and Xu Yu got married, and it was a marriage bestowed by the saint. If I don't watch such a big happy event, I will definitely not be able to sleep. ."

Lu Feng was soft-hearted and asked Xu Mu for a favor, so he made a bad idea for him.

After listening to her words, Xu Mu touched his red and swollen lips, feeling that he was at a loss.

Xu Mu thought that Lu Feng could persuade his father to let him out, but who would have thought that she would actually instigate herself to climb the wall in a serious manner!

Lu Feng licked his lips, feeling that the soft sweetness on them was still there, staring at Xu Mu's red lips that were kissed brightly and dripping, and said with a smile, "What are you afraid of, I will follow you under the wall."

The author has something to say: Little Theater

Sweet confection: Is this teaching me to get out of the wall? ⊙?⊙!

Crazy all the way: … When you get out of the wall, you will find that outside the wall is still me →_→

Sweet treat: Oh, that's fine _(:зゝ∠)_

Crazy all the way: Are you still sorry? (╯‵□′)╯︵┴─┴

Sweet treat: (/▽╲)


sleepy dog_(:зゝ∠)_