The Female Lead Has No Cheats

Chapter 8


The program team monitored the traffic in the live broadcast room throughout the whole process. They found that once there were scenes of Lin Yueqi and Qin Xue, the bullet screens would be frantically swiped, and the traffic would also "slowly" increase.

Therefore, the camera gave Lin Yueqi a lot of shots. She appeared in the live broadcast room at almost the same time as Qin Xue.

On the lens to Qin Xue's body, the barrage brushed: "Ah, ah, goddess! Mom asked me why I lick the screen because the screen is so fragrant!"

When the camera came to Lin Yueqi, the barrage flashed: "Vomit... This woman's face is disfigured, why is she still a star? Go home and bury her mother! Give the camera to my goddess, I want to lick the screen!"

Under the high-definition lens, you can see the red scars on Lin Yueqi's right cheek and forehead.

During the half month in the village, my aunt Lin Yu found an old Chinese doctor and prescribed some ointments for her. In order to restore her niece's face as soon as possible, Lin Yu made all the traditional Chinese medicine ointments by herself and sterilized them. Every ointment is edible.

Lin Yu also knows a little bit of Chinese medicine, so she trusts Chinese medicine very much. Lin Yueqi also believed that Lin Yu's ointment and diet were effective for her. After all, her aunt was in her forties, her skin was still rosy, and her black hair was black and shiny. Lin Yueqi felt that her aunt, a rural woman, was able to maintain such beauty in her forties, which had a lot to do with Chinese medicine.

With the external application of ointment and aunt's diet, Lin Yueqi did not leave any scars on her face. As for the red scars on her face, they will disappear with metabolism, and it is only a matter of time before she recovers.

The red scars on Lin Yueqi's face are actually not a big problem when viewed with the naked eye in reality, and these scars will not be obvious by simply pressing a layer with an air cushion. Standing in the crowd, dazzling.

But when she appeared on this show, she didn't know what was going on. She used "recovering from her injuries" as an excuse, and she didn't want to put on makeup, so she simply applied a layer of sunscreen. The blemishes on her face were magnified infinitely by the camera, which was very makeup-intensive, coupled with the contrast of Qin Xue's prosperous beauty, the brilliance was instantly taken away.

Qin Xue has a group of 6 people. Except for Qin Xue and Tang Weiwei, the other four in this group are all male stars. They are the popular actors Du Ming, Huang Ming, Song Yi and Zhang Zhang in the past two years. These male actors have developed in the two fields of film and television respectively, and have achieved good results. They agreed to participate in this show because they had selfish motives.

Everyone has the desire to love beauty, what man would not love a stunning girl like Qin Xue? These male celebrities are relatively successful in the industry, so they think that only female celebrities like Qin Xue can be worthy of themselves. In order to pursue Qin Xue, he came to this show.

Among the male stars participating in this episode of "Star College Entrance Examination Competition", only Wen Zhe didn't come for Qin Xue. He really wanted to make himself famous through this reality show. Moreover, he is an 18th-line actor, and he also has a crush on Qin Xue, but... he feels from the bottom of his heart that such a self is not qualified to like a girl.

Because, among the male members of the two teams, he was the only one who came to the show seriously, and he was the only one who did his homework. As for Tang Weiwei, she came to this show because her uncle was the producer, and she didn't review much, she just made a few papers and reviewed the knowledge of the college entrance examination.

In the last season of "Star College Entrance Examination Competition", the stars who participated were neither prepared nor reviewed, and the jokes about wrong questions became a big funny point of the show. Therefore, she feels that it is not important whether she can solve the problem or not, what is important is that she can show her face on the show, sell her personality, and let fans see her charisma.

After grouping, each group recommends a team leader to go to the director to get their own team flag.

The captain of the 6 people in Group A is naturally Qin Xue. As for the team leader of group B, Wen Zhe raised his hand and asked Lin Yueqi to be the team leader. No matter how downtrodden Lin Yueqi is now, she has a higher position than herself, so she should be the team leader.

When Qin Xue and Lin Yueqi went to lead the flag, they had their first close confrontation.

In order to create a discussion point for the program group, Qin Xue deliberately struck up a conversation with her and said, "Qiqi, how are you doing? You have to work hard."

Her smile is gentle, like a spring breeze blowing on her face. The cameraman stared straight at her gentle and beautiful smiling face, how honored he was! You can actually take pictures of this beauty!

The photographer wiped his nosebleed, carried the equipment with tears in his eyes.

Thank God, thank the director for his trust!

In the live broadcast room, colorful bullet screens filled the live broadcast room, and there were constant rewards of flowers.

"Ah, the beauty of the goddess! I will protect Ah Xue's smile with my life!"

"I will protect Ah Xue's smile with my life!"

Similar words brushed across the screen densely, almost blocking the live broadcast.

"Wow, Qin Xueda, has anyone told you that you are really beautiful when you smile?" Lin Yueqi said to her while carrying the team flag.

Qin Xue smiled brightly and nodded: "Of course, you are not the first."

Lin Yueqi: "You are already so beautiful, so don't be hypocritical, okay? Are we familiar? You deliberately pulled out Tuantuan and revealed our mother-daughter relationship. Then you disfigured me and cleverly escaped responsibility. After that, Let my old boss kick me out of the company again... Now come to ask me how I am doing? I thank you, scheming bitch, it is the utmost kindness that I didn't blow your dog's head!"

She held the colorful flag on her shoulder with one hand, raised her fist with the other hand, and waved towards her.

Qin Xuehua turned pale, and leaned back with an "ah", almost fell. Fortunately, the young actor Zhang Zhang reached out to support her and stabilized her body.

Although Lin Yueqi swung her fist, she quickly retracted it and made a movement of scratching the back of her head. She looked puzzled: "Wow, what's wrong with you, scheming bitch? I just scratched my head, why are you so scared? Fuck, I usually do bad things? I often teach my daughter a word, just remember on."

The director's face turned pale, and he kept shaking the whiteboard outside the filming area, with the words on it—"Shut up! This is a live broadcast!"

Of course Lin Yueqi knew that this was a live broadcast, she just wanted to let herself go, she did it on purpose. She wants people all over the world to watch the live broadcast to throw rotten eggs at her, so that she can't get along in the entertainment circle in the future. Even if Tuantuan's father appeared in the future, he would not be able to clean up the mess for her, nor would he be able to make her comeback in the entertainment circle.

She lightly scanned the director's whiteboard and continued scratching her head: "When people do good, even though the blessings have not yet arrived, the misfortunes are far away. When people do evil, even though the misfortunes have not yet arrived, the blessings are far away. Don't think that a beautiful face can cover up all the ugliness, your ugliness Under the glamorous skin, it already stinks and becomes disgusting."

After Zheng'er Bajing finished speaking, Lin Yueqi stuck out her tongue at her like a child - "Slightly slightly slightly slightly".

Someone swiped in the live broadcast room:

" actually think Lin Yueqi is cute? Am I crazy?"

"Yes you are crazy."

"Yes you are crazy."

"Yes you are crazy."

Qin Xue blushed with anger, but had no choice but to make a white lotus image of "I'm wronged". There was a cry in her voice: "Qiqi, your misunderstanding of me—"

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Lin Yueqi raising her hand: "Go, go, go, don't pretend to be a white lotus in front of me, my mother won't eat this. If you have a better heart, with your face, maybe I can marry you." You! But you stink in your bones, and my mother smells that bitch smell on you, and I feel sick. Ugh—"

What is the operation of marrying you? Netizens were stunned: "??"

The staff present were dumbfounded. Is Lin Yueqi crazy? Crazy

Director: "..."

Faced with Lin Yueqi's sincere accusations and insults regardless of appearance, Wen Zhe felt a little happy for some reason? She began to wonder if Qin Xue had really done something.

Holding on to Qin Xue's charter, she immediately stands up for her sweetheart, and replies to Lin Yueqi: "Crazy! Do you know what you are talking about? As an idol, do you have any quality? You will teach bad children like this!"

"Uncle, my child is smart and polite. He is a top-notch character in the village. Don't bother you, at least I won't educate my child to be as vicious as the all-powerful Mary Sue."

Charter: "..." Uncle, your mother! Laozi is one year younger than you!

Other actors: "..."

Tang Weiwei, who is also a woman, after hearing Lin Yueqi's painful confession, looked at Qin Xue and looked at Lin Yueqi sympathetically.

When Lin Yueqi said those words, there was no trace of sadness or even great mood swings. On the contrary, her eyes were full of jokes, and when she said those words, she was also very indifferent. With her acting skills, she can definitely make others believe her words by crying out in anger.

But she didn't. He just lightly expressed his disdain for Qin Xue.

It was this kind of indifferent contempt that made others suspicious of Qin Xue. Everyone began to speculate, did Qin Xue really do those excessive things to Lin Yueqi

In the live broadcast room, there was a sudden silence. Everyone seems to be thinking about this question.

A fan of Lin Yueqi was the first to break the silence: "I feel sorry for my goddess, is it finally unbearable? I knew you were harmed by Qin Xue! The entertainment industry is too chaotic! Qin Xue is a beautiful woman, so what? It all stinks."

Immediately afterwards, Qin Xue's fans began to take the rhythm:

"Come on, Lin Yueqi, can you be smarter about your whitewashing method? Now that you don't have a team, is this how you cleanse yourself?"

"Yeah. You still boast about educating your children. When your baby was abused, why didn't you see you educating her? You are the most vicious mother. It's disgusting, you are the one who stinks!"

"Quickly tell Lin Yueqi to leave this episode! I don't want to see her in the next episode!"

The barrage is full of "shit" emojis from the audience.

The two teams started up the hill from different sides.

There are a total of 26 levels, and the topics of each subject are mixed and scrambled. The program team originally planned to shoot the 26 levels in three days. If the stars are really not good enough, it will be postponed for two days. In order to avoid accidents, the staff of the program group are stationed on the mountain.

After they went up the mountain, the director wiped off his sweat, and said to the assistant director: "In the next episode, just kick out Lin Yueqi, a lunatic."

The assistant director said weakly: "But just now when Lin Yueqi scolded Qin Xue, the traffic in the live broadcast directly jumped to 10 million! What she ruined was her image, but the traffic of our show is steadily increasing."

The director fell silent and started staring at the monitor.

In the first level, there are two staff members standing on the mountain road, guarding a blackboard.

There are Chinese college entrance examination questions on it:

1. The pronunciation of the dotted words below is completely correct ()

Lin Yueqi and Wen Zhe looked at the above answers at the same time, Wen Zhe glanced at the options, picked up the chalk and said, "This question is easy, choose A."

On the other side, the group of 6 agreed that A should be chosen, and handed the chalk to Qin Xue.

Tang Weiwei said, "What kind of retarded question is this? Definitely choose A."

Holding a chalk, Qin Xue wrote option A on the blackboard. She frowned and said with a smile: "It's really simple, and I will give you sub-questions."

However, as soon as she wrote option A, the prompter sounded a "beep" alarm, reminding them that they answered incorrectly. Because this is a language option question, they have no more chances to choose, so they can only be detained here for fifteen minutes. After the time has elapsed, the selection can be restarted.

On Lin Yueqi's side, when Wenzhe was about to write down the answer to option A with chalk, the girl slapped the back of his hand.

He withdrew his hand, looked at Lin Yueqi pitifully, with a blank expression on his face: "??"

Lin Yueqi picked up the chalk, wrote down option D, and then began to explain to him: "My God, was your high school Chinese taught by a math teacher? Didn't you find such an obvious trap? You should choose D. Option A is ruined. (qi), the latter word is not pronounced qi, but pi, three times. My God, I really doubt if you have done your homework!"

She drew a circle on the word "圮" with chalk, and emphasized twice with the chalk: "I remember this word, maybe I will take the test later. It may be the key point that this word can appear in the first level."

Wenzhe murmured at the corner of his mouth, and was about to argue with her, to refute her, when he heard the notification sound of "ding ding" from the loudspeaker.

"Correct, get a key, please move forward."

With such a simple question, Qin Xue and the others should have finished it long ago? She deliberately asked Wen Zhe to take the pen and wasted time on purpose. She wanted to do this question wrong, but this question for giving points was too simple, and she couldn't bear to do it wrong. QQ