The Female Lead is Raised by Bosses

Chapter 103


Unexpectedly, within a few minutes after the goat lord drove his car out of the base, he ran into Su Yunxi, who had not been to school for a few days, on the side of the road.

Su Yunxi walked with several teenagers, each with a weapon in his hand, and a circle of cloth on his sleeve with the words "volunteer" written on it.

There are often zombies running around outside the base. In order to earn more spar, some ordinary people will join the volunteer team to kill zombies outside the base, and the spar they get is their own.

Young people can also join, as long as they are not afraid of zombies. However, you must be over twelve years old.

I don't know how Su Yunxi got into this group of young volunteers, does his mother Su Qianye know

The goat lord thought so, his foot on the accelerator loosened, and the car slowly slowed down.

This group of young volunteers has a total of seven people. The leader is about 16 or 17 years old, and the height of an adult is already there. The youngest is Su Yunxi. They have no means of transportation. on the road.

"It's been more than ten minutes of walking, and I haven't touched a single zombie. Do we want to change the route?" a teenager suggested.

"I agree."

"I agree!"

"Let's take a small road. This is a big road. People pass by every day. Zombies probably know that they will not come here. I think there must be zombies hiding in the small road. I made a deal with my buddy. Today I must kill a zombie. back."

The so-called trail actually refers to the wild mountains and forests on both sides of the road. Some of the trees are towering and weeds are overgrown, and some are bare and nothing at first glance, only the dry fields can be seen.

"Brother," he said, "don't you call him?"

Seeing that a group of teenagers really crossed the roadbed and walked to the side road, the goat lord did not stop the car. Several teenagers had discovered the car long ago. Looking at the model, it was estimated that there was a supernatural person sitting in it, so he just glanced at it and said nothing. .

However, Su Yunxi took two more glances.

"No, he has supernatural powers, and he knows what to do," said the goat lord.

While nodding, she was still in a low mood, sitting in the co-pilot, looking ahead a little trance.

Although the goat lord was driving for the first time, his skills were very good, and he drove the car smoothly all the way to the road in front of the abandoned factory.

"Grandpa, Uncle Zhu Yuan." He pushed open the door and got out of the car, taking advantage of the warm color of the dusk to rush to the two tall figures in front.

Grandpa hugged the side carefully, squatted down stiffly, his gray eyes flashed with doubts, and he spat out a few words with some difficulty: "Why...what...come..."

——The grandfather received the small balls sent by the side, and the Q version said that Luo Yesheng could not come over because he was on duty.

The third-level zombies jumped up and down next to him, and he didn't care why he came again when he said he couldn't come. Anyway, as long as he came, he was happy.

"It was my brother who brought me here." He ignored Grandpa's question, his eyes crescent, "My brother drives really well."

She twittered and shared the interesting things that happened today with the two zombies, but never mentioned Song Mingjie, who claimed to be her biological father.

The third-level zombie went to the vegetable garden to pick two small watermelons, slapped them in half, and handed the larger one to the side, and the smaller one to the goat lord.

The goat lord took it, thanked it earnestly, and then ate it in small bites. The third-level zombie roared when he saw it, smashed another watermelon, picked up one of the pieces, bit the red core in one bite, and chewed off the watermelon rind again and again.

When he had done all this, he "ho ho" towards the watermelon in the hands of the goat lord, urging him to eat it like he did.

This is how men eat watermelon!

"..." The goat lord, who strangely understood the meaning of the third-level zombie, was silent for a few seconds. He didn't learn Zhu Yuan in the end, but just accelerated the speed of eating, and his face was inevitably stained with watermelon juice.

The third-level zombie roared twice in disgust, and finally grabbed the watermelon rind that the goat lord had eaten and swallowed it.

Looking back to see this scene, he took out a tissue from his bag and sighed: "Uncle Zhu Yuan, I've said it many times, you can't eat watermelon rind."

As soon as she saw her holding a tissue, the third-level zombie squatted down obediently, standing at the same height as Bianbian, looking up at the scary blue-white face, letting him wipe his face with the tissue.

A comfortable snoring sound came out of his mouth.

This reminds the goat lord of one of his subjects on the beast star - a hunting dog. Even after being corroded by dark matter, he still likes to follow behind him, quietly, purring at him from time to time, and looking for him All kinds of herbs.

In the end, the hound died in a fight.

Although the monsters on the beast star are mainly the goat lord and are led by him, it does not mean that the beast star is safe. With the swamp mountain as the boundary, the monsters in the dead land have been completely eroded by dark matter, and they have lost their minds, and will run out from time to time.

What the goat lord needs to do is to organize his people to fight against them and completely kill these sane monsters.

"There are too many zombies! We must evacuate!" Su Yunxi waved a zombie to death with a knife and shouted at the temporary volunteer team.

A young man with a gun in his hand shot a zombie, his face full of excitement: "We have just encountered a wave of zombies, there are only a dozen or so, if you are afraid, back away."

"Hahahaha, I always thought that zombies are terrible, but I didn't expect it to be so good. One knife and one head, like tofu scum, I killed three!"

"Su Yunxi is only ten years old, a little brat, she must be scared to cry. Don't worry, my brothers will protect you."

A group of teenagers laughed at Su Yunxi while killing zombies. They were all teenagers. They usually stayed in the base and had little chance to contact zombies. If they were a little scared at the beginning, but as they easily killed ordinary zombies, the fear disappeared, and their courage increased greatly, and they instantly felt that they were the best in the world.

"I said take a small road, you listen to me right, let's kill a few more today, and when we train it, we will join the city defense team."

The executive team is a team that can only be entered by ability personnel, but the number of ability personnel is limited, and there are very few high-level ones. Therefore, the base also has a city defense team to recruit capable ordinary people. Assist the execution team and jointly maintain the peace and security of the base.

Su Yunxi's face was very solemn. Among the seven people, he was the only one with superhuman abilities, and the other six people didn't know it.

He didn't go to school these few days because he was not feeling well - what happened in the scientific research that day, facing the power field condensed by many high-level power users, caused his power to become disordered after returning home, and then he had a high fever. .

Today, he actually secretly joined the volunteer team without Su Qianye. The high fever subsided, and his abilities seemed to have increased. Usually, he had no chance to practice at the base. He happened to live in the same community and knew a teenager who signed up The volunteer team, he quietly followed, because he wanted to experiment with the strength of his own abilities.

He originally planned to separate from these people after he came out. He acted alone, but he encountered a wave of zombies not long after walking down the path. Su Yunxi was worried that they would not be able to cope and did not leave.

However, when he just started, some kind of intuition of Su Yunxi belonging to the ability user alerted him - it seems that if he doesn't evacuate, bad things will happen.

If Su Yunxi were a little older and had more experience, he would definitely not be easily afraid because he was a superpower, but he is only ten years old now, no matter how high his IQ is, there will inevitably be some children's concerns.

Therefore, he decided to trust his instincts and immediately offered to evacuate and return.

The uncooperative teammates made him anxious, and his lips were stubbornly clenched. At this time, more than a dozen zombies fell to the ground with the cooperation of seven brave youths.

"I..." Su Yunxi was about to speak, when a bush on the side swayed, and then a corpse beast rushed out.

"Fuck you, ugly rabbit!"

"After killing so many zombies, finally a corpse beast came!"

"Come on, here's another one."

"There are two zombies here, why do I feel that their speed has become faster."

"No, it's not getting faster. Do you feel that there are more zombies and corpses coming out? Didn't we just finish killing them?"

"Team, captain." Suddenly, a trembling voice sounded, and a boy with a round waist and abdomen pointed to the ground with shaking hands, "My feet..."

The next second, he let out a shrill scream.

I saw a dry hand suddenly stretched out under the leaf he stepped on with his right foot, grabbed his ankle, and then a dry zombie sat up on the ground at a very fast speed, opening its sharp teeth and biting towards the mellow youth. neck!

This is not an ordinary first-level zombie, but a second-level! ! !

The rancid stench was blowing from his nostrils, the round boy's eyes were full of terror, and the shadow of death shrouded his head, making him unable to remember anything at this moment, only that he was finished.


An ice pick pierced the back of the zombie's head and drilled out from the forehead. The teeth of the second-level zombie were only one centimeter away from the neck of the round boy.

"Don't be stunned, run!"

Su Yunxi's high-pitched voice awakened everyone's sanity, and the mellow teenager who survived the catastrophe pushed away the corpse of the second-level zombie and ran away.

Then he looked back, and this glance shocked the chubby young man's heart - he saw countless zombies sitting up from the dead leaves, and this wasteland instantly became a cemetery for zombies. Then "hear" the voice, smell the smell of fresh blood...

So, they got up, gathered together, and rushed forward like a torrent, chasing after the group of teenagers who fled in a panic.

Su Yunxi ran desperately, and kept releasing abilities while running, but it was far from enough. He heard the screams, but he didn't dare to look back to see who fell into the mouth of the zombies.

He knew that there were countless hands scratching at him behind him, and as long as he slowed down, he would never have a chance to run again.

"Brother, he is there!"

At this moment, Su Yunxi heard a familiar voice like the sounds of nature.

At the same time, the few zombies behind him who were about to grab Su Yunxi fell to the ground without warning. The exhausted Su Yunxi glanced subconsciously and found that these zombies were all dead.

"Come here!"

On the road ahead, a car stopped, and he saw Lin Yang and his sister at the same table.

It turned out that he was about to run to the road, and Su Yunxi, who realized this, burst out with strength again out of thin air. There was only the mellow boy who was rescued by him next to him, and the two rushed to the road with their heads down.

"A lot of monsters." He murmured.

She held the light ball in her hand. The light ball was full of Q-version zombies. The Q-version kept punching and bowing from left to right. One of the Q-version zombies in the light ball fell, and the other one fell outside.

"It's a corpse tide!" The round boy wiped his sweat and shouted in horror, "We must go back to the base immediately!"