The Female Lead is Raised by Bosses

Chapter 116


north base

Back in time three months ago

Xia Liuzhu, a B-level space system power user, took the convoy to Beiji, because she and Luo Yesheng knew each other, and when they left, she gave them a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits.

There was a boy named A Yun in the convoy, whose father died of infection. Before leaving, he gave the brother a bag of fruit and a doll, and promised A Yun that if he went to Beiji in the future, he would definitely find him.

A Yun firmly remembered this sentence.

The team arrived at Beiji safely, and after a series of inspections, Ayun got his own brand in Beiji. The rest of the team were assigned jobs suitable for them. Because of his young age, Ayun arranged to study at the base school and became a junior high school student.

There are not many cubs in Beiji, and Ayun's parents are no longer there. If he is younger, he can still be adopted, but his age is stuck in the middle. In the end, the base let him live with a teacher in the school.

Mr. Duan, who temporarily became his guardian, was in his fifties. He had no relatives and no reason. Although he didn't care and love A Yun, he also cared a lot.

It's just that Teacher Duan found that Ayun was too silent, and he would never speak unless it was necessary. When I was in school, I stayed quietly in the classroom and listened to the class, and when I got home from school, I silently tidied up the house, and I didn't need to worry about Teacher Duan at all.

Mr. Duan has learned about Ayun's situation from the base. His parents are both policemen. His mother died at the beginning of the apocalypse because of saving people, and his father also left because of saving people. .

When he came to Mr. Duan's house, Ayun gave Mr. Duan all the spar on his body. Mr. Duan refused to accept it, and the teenager insisted not to enter the house, so Mr. Duan had to accept it.

In that bag of spar, there is a third-level spar that is absolutely huge for ordinary people.

Teacher Duan asked about the source of the spar, and Ayun said a few more words, proudly saying: "I got this with my father. Although he is not a power user, he can kill the second-level zombies. If you are lucky, use the Geographical environment, even if you encounter third-level zombies, you are not afraid."

As he spoke, the young man lowered his voice and murmured, "If my father can awaken his powers, he must be a very powerful power user."

Mr. Duan couldn't say anything to comfort him. He could only enlighten him in another way. After all, there are too many families in the last world torn apart - Mr. Duan's family is the only one left in his family.

It's just that Ayun's state really worries Mr. Duan. He wants Ayun to listen to the school's psychology teacher's lecture, but he is afraid that the purpose is too obvious and will irritate him.

This hesitation happened.

A vegetable market will be set up in each accommodation area of Beiji, except that the currency in circulation is changed from RMB to spar, and the city defense army can be seen everywhere on the street, which is no different from before the end of the world.

Some elderly aunts and grandmothers will gather together to form a dragon gate array, and the peaceful life atmosphere can be seen everywhere.

Teacher Duan learns to go to the market to buy vegetables every day, and he will take Ayun with him. As a result, Mr. Duan had some old problems that day. During the grocery shopping process, he had a cough, his face was not good, his forehead was sweating, and his lips were a little blue.

At first glance, the symptoms of infection are somewhat similar.

The city defense army rushed forward and threw Teacher Duan and twisted him upside down. One of them even pulled out a gun, ready to kill Teacher Duan on the spot.

If it wasn't for A Yunjian's slingshot to deflect the city defense army, Teacher Duan would no longer be there.

After that, Ayun was pressed to the ground and could not resist. Teacher Duan calmed down and explained immediately, cooperated with the inspection, and confirmed that there was no infection. Because of the sneak attack on the city defense soldiers, Ayun was called to talk, and he tossed it until the middle of the night. Only the old man and the young man were able to go home.

Teacher Duan took the medicine and fell asleep. Ayun took a fruit knife from the kitchen and went back to the room, locking the doors and windows. He put the fruit knife on the bedside table, opened the closet, the closet was empty, with only a few hanging sets, he took out a tightly wrapped small cloth bag from one of the inner pockets of his father's coat.

Inside the cloth bag lay a bruised nail, which he secretly hid when his father mutated.

Today he was pinned to the ground, and when he watched Teacher Duan's thin body being dragged, it was like seeing his father's powerless resistance when he was infected with the mutation. .

There was a voice telling him that if he wanted to become stronger and have power, there was only one way... as long as he awakened his abilities.

I didn't have the courage to make up my mind before, now is the time.

If it fails, it is life.

In the darkness, Ayun sat slowly beside the bed, with a small doll on the bedside, he looked at the doll for a long time.

Once people make a decision, it seems that they are no longer afraid.

He thought of his parents.

Influenced by his parents, A Yun was determined to be a policeman since he was a child, full of justice like his parents.

He remembered very clearly that six years ago when he was eight years old, his father chased down drug dealers and worked overtime for several days without going home. Mom finally got off work early to pick him up from school. As a result, just after the meal was cooked, the city bureau called. He heard that there was a vicious murder in the city and needed support from his mother.

Mom apologized to him, left in a hurry, and didn't come back all night. Fortunately, he was used to it and had already learned to take care of himself. The next day was the weekend, Xiao Ayun went downstairs to buy breakfast, cooked the leftovers at noon, and then turned on the TV, wanting to watch cartoons for a while.

It was then that he heard screams from downstairs. As the son of a policeman, Ayun was born keen on certain things. He immediately turned the TV to mute, went to the window and looked down. He saw many people running, some madly catching up with the people in front of them, opening his mouth to bite down, and the blood instantly disappeared.

A Yun became vigilant, and his first reaction was: Is there a murderer in the community

Without further ado, Ayun ran into his parents' bedroom, opened the second drawer, and took out a gun from it - this is his mother's gun. Last night, her mother was in a hurry and forgot to bring it with her.

Ayun held the gun, recalled the order in which his parents used the gun, loaded the bullets, and returned to the living room window, screaming and screaming kept echoing in his ears. Just to increase his sense of security, but the sound outside made him feel that something was wrong.

He probed out of the window again, just in time to see a man looking up with blood on his face, Ayun retracted his head in fright, at this time the landline at home rang frantically, and after Ayun connected, there was the anxious voice of his mother: "Are you at home, son?"

"I'm here." Ayun's voice was a little crying, "Mom, when are you coming back? It seems that there are several murderers downstairs."

"Mom will be back soon, don't go out, remember, don't go out! Don't open the door if someone knocks!" Mom said anxiously on the phone, "Go to the bedroom and take out Mom's gun..."

"I've already got it."

"Dear son, wait for mom to come back."

However, Ayun didn't wait for his mother to come back. He only waited for his father's phone to call his mother, but no one answered. It was not until two days later that he finally waited for his father to come home.

Dad took him to find his mother. At that time, the streets were full of man-eating monsters, and Ayun learned new words - doomsday, zombies, viruses.

They didn't find Mom, they found Mom's colleague, he said... Mom was bitten to save someone, and then she's gone.

After that, Ayun saw his mother's figure in the monster group. She was still wearing the police uniform when she went out to the police. Her hair was covered with blood, and her face was no longer familiar to him.

A shot went off.

Dad shot.

That was the first time Ayun saw his father cry, and he was crying too.

But later, even my father was gone.

If Dad hadn't rescued Uncle Zhu at that time, he wouldn't have been hurt by the big spider. He obviously could not save, but his responsibility and mission as a policeman made him subconsciously choose to save people.

Sometimes Ayun couldn't help but wonder if his parents would not die if they didn't have the responsibilities and beliefs given by the police.

After such thoughts came up, Ayun would be afraid again, and felt that his mind was too dirty to think like this. Parents will be disappointed if they know he thinks so.

Taking his parents as an example, he should inherit their will.

After a long time, Ayun picked up his nails and slashed it down on the back of his hand, then tightly held the fruit knife on the bedside table, waiting for the final result.

If he fails, he will end his life with a fruit knife before he finally loses his mind.

It was an extraordinarily long night. Ayun raised the fruit knife to face him many times, but gave up many times. There was a vague feeling that prompted him to wait, and if he waited, he could persevere.

And then, he lost all consciousness.

When I woke up, the surroundings were quiet, as if everything was normal, and it seemed like something was different.

It took ten minutes for Ayun to realize that he… succeeded.

What's even more bizarre is that a strange feeling rose in his heart, and after silently digesting it for a while, he realized that he seemed to be the protagonist of an upgraded doomsday novel.

A Yun, who had never read a novel, was unprecedentedly awkward. A book that could only be seen by himself was stuffed into his mind. The pages were flipping, and he couldn't read a single word.

But there is one feeling that is particularly strong - in the end, he can end this apocalypse and restore all surviving humans to their previous lives.

After the initial shock, Ayun digested this silently. With the extra book in his mind, he realized that he had awakened the space system power and knew the particularity of his space.

Soon, he entered the space and planted all the remaining cores of the fruits he had given him at the beginning - he didn't throw them away - into the farmland divided by the space.

The book says that he is not strong when he has just awakened his abilities, but space is a treasure against the sky. If he is found out by others, he is likely to be killed. He needs to hide it from the outside world and cannot let others know that he has abilities. .

The book was very thick, and Ayun tried to open it with his mind, but found that he could only read the first few chapters, and he couldn't read the next chapters clearly.

He doesn't really want to believe the content of the book, even though the protagonist in the book has the same name as him, he also has strange space abilities as the book says.

Because once you convince yourself that you are the protagonist of a novel, it seems to obliterate your own existence.

However, he had to rely on this book to find information that he could use.

He hides it so well that no one knows what happened to him. In order to test the vegetables and fruits in the space, he will quietly replace the vegetables that Teacher Duan bought. In just a few days, Teacher Duan's body has improved significantly.

At the same time, he also found that he could cultivate some skills. When he made some achievements, he found Xia Liuzhu, and Xia Liuzhu joined Beiji's outgoing team. He wanted to leave the base with Xia Liuzhu, and then go to M City to find a side. side.

But Xia Liuzhu told him that there might be an accident in the side-because the Jinxin Community collapsed, there had been very fierce battles there, at least the battles between A-levels.

The survival rate of Bianbian... can be imagined.

"If they were still alive, Luo Yesheng would have brought his side to the base, but..." Xia Liuzhu paused and said nothing more.

Ayun left silently. He didn't give up, but decided to find a way to get out of the base and go there in person.

At this time, the "snowmelt" virus broke out at the base.

After realizing that the spiritual spring in the space can save people, Ayun only hesitated for two seconds, then resolutely found Captain Sun and contributed to the spiritual spring.

After dedicating the spiritual spring, he naturally couldn't hide his ability, so he confessed his ability to Sun Zheng. There is also a story about "melting snow" in the book. However, the protagonist used the safest method because he was afraid of exposing himself. In the end, although the "melting snow" virus was under control, the number of survivors in the entire Beiji decreased by more than half.

Ayun saved almost everything.

Sun Zheng was terrified. When he reacted, he immediately blocked the news and protected Ayun. After that, I tested the abilities for Ayun, and was shocked to find that Ayun was as high as S rank——

When you wake up, you will be S-class, unprecedented.

However, although Ayun is an S-rank, he has an S-rank, but he does not have the corresponding strength. It is like a wooden barrel that can only hold ten liters of water. Before it is filled, it is empty and has no effect. After it is filled with water, it has content.

As long as Ayun practiced more and kept up with energy, he would be able to exert his true S-rank strength. This process was much faster than advancing one level at a time.

Sun Zheng personally brought Ayun to his side, one to protect and the other to focus on training.

So Ayun made his request to Sun Zheng in an open and fair manner - where to look.

Let a person in charge of the base find someone, and the efficiency will naturally be multiplied with half the effort. Soon Sun Zheng got the news that Nanji had a little girl who matched the person he was looking for.

Unsurprisingly, that girl is the sister of the Nanji immunizer, who is protected by the base. If you want to find a side, naturally Qin Chengxuan is the most suitable.

So there is that remote channel communication.

"Bianbian's father doesn't agree to the exchange," Sun Zheng said to the boy who was waiting for the result. "Do you really want to see her?"

After speaking, Captain Sun looked at the boy carefully.

A Yun, who had just arrived in Beiji, was not tall yet, and was still childish. However, in just three months, he had left the appearance of a child. Judging from his height, he was already a little adult.

The weather changed from summer to winter. The teenager was wrapped in a black down jacket and sat on a large chair, looking very thin. Half of his face was hidden in the shadow of the chair, and the remaining half was silent like a sculpture, the light passing over the icy outline.

Ayun didn't speak, but Sun Zheng was actually very puzzled. If the little girl Ayun was looking for was in her teens, this older single dog might think a little more - teenagers who have entered adolescence may give birth to something that everyone knows. mood.

However, the other party was just a little girl under the age of six.

"So she already has a brother."

After a while, A-Chang Sun heard the low voice of the boy.

Captain Sun: "???"