The Female Lead is Raised by Bosses

Chapter 31


A few dozen kilometers away, three vehicles moved at a constant speed.

As the evening approached, the dark red sun hung low in the sky, and the remaining afterglow was still scorching the earth. In the roar of cars, the sight was blurred by the high temperature.

Luo Yesheng unscrewed the mineral water and drank a large bottle in one go. After putting the water away, he squinted at the car in front of him.

In order to ensure the success of the operation, the flying dragons almost came out of their nests, and it was necessary to take down two high-level zombies.

Recalling the conversation when he met with Feng Leijie, Luo Yesheng raised an icy arc on the corner of his mouth, and his thoughts turned back to an hour ago.

Feng Leijie is very enthusiastic, and he calls him brothers as soon as they meet, with full sincerity.

Then it was stated that after killing the fourth-level zombie, the fourth-level spar obtained, if it happened to be Luo Yesheng's attribute, would be obtained by Luo Yesheng.

On the contrary, it is obtained by Feng Leijie.

If it is not, by drawing lots to decide who the spar will ultimately belong to.

This was suggested by the scar-faced man beside Feng Leijie, and it seemed extraordinarily reasonable to say it through his mouth in such a childish way.

Luo Yesheng didn't say anything, but nodded in response.

The two sides reached a cooperation agreement, and after some negotiation, they went on the road immediately.

He raised his head and glanced in the rearview mirror. There was a truck behind him. Feng Leijie was sitting in the truck. When he set off, he invited Luo Yesheng to ride with him, but Luo Yesheng refused.

Luo Yesheng insisted on driving his own car.

Feng Leijie didn't say anything, just arranged for Luo Yesheng to be second on the grounds that he didn't know the address.

It seems to be thinking of him, but there are Feilong people in front and back. If Feilong suddenly takes action against him and flanks him, the location is definitely not a good one.

Logically, Luo Yesheng should have refused, but he did not hesitate to obey Feng Leijie's arrangement, as if he believed in his "collaborator" very much.

Or maybe he is just confident in his own strength, and he is not afraid of flying dragons.

This move of Luo Yesheng made Feng Leijie more polite to him.

Withdrawing his gaze, Luo Fusheng turned the steering wheel lightly, avoiding a stone pillar, and the young man who followed Feng Leijie into the truck when he set off flashed in his mind.

It was obviously a power user of the lowest level, with almost no combat power. What did Feng Leijie bring him to do

Luo Yesheng tapped his finger on the steering wheel with a thoughtful look in his eyes. He had encountered many situations of black and white. Since he dared to agree to Feng Leijie's cooperation, he was naturally not afraid of these people.

Just click on the speakers on the car, and a DJ hit song floats into the ears of everyone in the truck with the hot wind.

"Brother Jie, that Luo Yesheng doesn't seem to be nervous at all." Zhang Wenxi on the truck said incredulously, "He is so flamboyant, isn't he afraid of attracting zombies?"

Feng Leijie's face was ugly, and he didn't know what he was thinking. After a while, he picked up the walkie-talkie - when he was about to set off, Feng Leijie gave Luo Yesheng a walkie-talkie.

"Brother Luo, although there are no zombies around, your music is still closed. We are going to kill zombies, not travel." He suppressed the anger in his heart, if it wasn't for Luo Yesheng to join forces to deal with fourth-level zombies...

"I'm sorry, Captain Feng. Thinking of the next battle, I was a little excited. One couldn't control the music and turned it off."

The music in front disappeared suddenly, but Feng Leijie's face was even more ugly.

"Brother Jie, we have Wenxi." Tie Zhi said at the right time, patted Zhang Wenxi on the shoulder, and the latter shivered.

Feng Leijie didn't notice that, thinking of Zhang Wenxi's special abilities, his ugly face slowly improved. It was as if he already had a fourth-level spar in his hand, and Luo Yesheng's corpse lay under his feet.

And bear with it for a while.

Xiu Jin first thought of the dungeon, but it was actually excusable. After all, a group of power users hunted down two zombies, just like dungeon spawning in an online game.

Only through systematic explanation did we realize that this was the so-called "plot need".

Xiu Jin: "…"

Okay, he's too lazy to complain.

"How am I supposed to drive those people away?"

The system came out slowly after a while: [The only way is to release Lu Yu and Zhu Yuan.]

Xiu Jin: "Can the two of them beat that group of people?"

System: [Difficult.]

Xiu Jin: "Then let them out, won't they die in vain? That's not okay."

The baby girl must cry into tears.

The system was very irritable. It didn't have the authority to force Xiu Jin to go offline, and another father to go online.

Even if it makes Xiu Jin go offline now, let's not say whether he will go offline obediently, even if he does, the other two may not be able to log into the game at this time.

It also doesn't have permission to let them log in.

What's more, with Xiu Jin's temperament, let him go offline, he will definitely break the casserole and ask to the end. Furthermore, none of the game's systems take the initiative to let players offline. Xiu Jin is not an idiot after all, in case he finds something wrong...

The system head is bald.

After all the calculations, it didn't count that Xiu Jin logged into the game right now and pushed the magician down.

However, Xiu Jin is the number one and has the absolute right to "go online", which means that once he goes online, no matter who logs in at the time, he will be pushed off the line by Xiu Jin.

Xiu Jinhao said: "Open the weapon column, can't I spend money to buy weapons?"

System: [No way!]

"Wait." Xiu Jin thought of something, "I remember you said in your introduction that high-level zombies can summon low-level zombies, right?"

The system was silent.

"Let Lu Yu and Zhu Yuan go out, and let them call low-level zombies over. A group of zombies are against a group of power users. I want to see who is more powerful."

Bianbian didn't know what happened. She wasn't sure if she heard the system father's voice just now, but at this moment, she was sure that she heard——

"... I must have been so mad that I didn't think of this, not because of No. 1's reminder."


She wanted to shout, but she remembered that the father of the system had warned him not to expose him in front of her invisible uncle, so the little girl had to hang her head in doubt, and just whispered with the bear.

Faced with the option of [Whether to release Lu Yu], Xiu Jin clicked [Yes] without hesitation, and then he slid the knife on the screen and moved it to the belt behind Zhu Yuan that bound his hands and feet, and after sliding a few times, the belt cut open.

When Zhu Yuan regained his freedom and wanted to get up, Xiu Jin, who had been prepared for a long time, slid him towards the window, and Zhu Yuan flew out of the window.

Shaking his sore fingers, Xiu Jin was very satisfied with the result—he was worried before that he couldn't shake it out.

Because Xiu Jin's speed was fast, and the position of the fruit knife at the time was out of sight, when Zhu Yuan was thrown out, there was a loud bang, and when he heard the sound, he turned around and found the corner. Uncle Zhu Yuan is gone.

The little girl didn't realize that this was done by Xiu Jin, so she subconsciously ran to the window, her feet swayed suddenly, like a strong earthquake, and she couldn't stand still.

Fortunately, before the small body fell to the ground, it was caught by the quick-witted Xiu Jin.

"Roar!!!" The deafening roar came from upstairs. I had never heard such a loud voice from my grandfather. The tremor of the building was unprecedentedly violent, just like a sailboat in the sea encountering a storm. Overturned by the waves.

Bianbian's little face turned white from fear, and stumbled to the door, she was going to see what happened to her grandfather.

But she didn't run, Xiu Jin pinched her.

"Uncle, let me go, I'm going to see Grandpa." After many times, he could tell the situation and knew that he was stopped by his invisible uncle.

She struggled, and because of her strength, her white and tender bun face wrinkled into a ball, and her big grape-like eyes were filled with tears of fear because of urgency and worry.

Xiu Jin tried his best to ignore the baby girl's soft cries. When she was a father, she couldn't be soft-hearted. Lu Yu was a zombie.

[Intimacy value -50]

The cold words interrupted the thoughts in Xiu Jin's mind. He was aggrieved to look at the side, but the little girl was more aggrieved than him, and the golden bean finally fell, and she cried: "I, I I don't like you anymore... woo woo... I want grandpa... "

Xiu Jin saw a bubble appearing on Bianbian's head, which showed a picture of an old man lying motionless on the ground.

In the blink of an eye, Xiu Jin understood that the baby girl thought something had happened to Lu Yu, so she was so anxious and scared.

At this time-

The roar belonging to the zombies disappeared suddenly, the building stopped shaking, and everything became extraordinarily quiet.

After half a minute, with a bang, something seemed to fall down the corridor, followed by heavy footsteps, from far to near, as if something was slowly walking downstairs from upstairs.

The side also stopped struggling, long eyelashes hung with tears, and looked at the door wetly.

"Hoho." The next second, a hoarse, non-human voice sounded outside the door, followed by a bang dong dong.

"Grandpa, it's grandpa!" While wiping away tears, the pale little face regained blood, and said in a low voice, "So grandpa is fine."

She moved her body and found that she still couldn't move.

The little girl pursed her rosy little mouth and touched the surroundings with her two little hands, but she didn't touch anything.

I can't see where my uncle is.

[Intimacy value -5+5-5+5-5…]

Xiu Jin: "...?"

He forced himself to ignore the prompts, turned to look at the door, looked at it, and suddenly realized that something was wrong - the four corners of the door shrank inward at a speed visible to the naked eye, and instantly became smaller.

... Lu Yu is melting the metal on the gate, he is coming in!