The Female Lead is Raised by Bosses

Chapter 34


No one thought about why the zombies in the prison came so quickly, Feng Leijie was the first to attack, and snowflakes like goose feathers fluttered in the sky at some point.

Zombies will hibernate in winter, and in cold temperatures, the movements of zombies will be affected accordingly, even advanced zombies.

Sure enough, the speed of the two high-level zombies was immediately affected.

"Separate them" Feng Leijie's strength is indeed strong. As soon as he finished speaking, his people were already close to the zombies. A thick ice wall separated the two zombies, and turned to avoid the tornado blade of the third-level zombies. He directly attacked the one. Level four zombies.

Separating the cooperation of two zombies, it is much easier to solve one-on-one.

Luo Yesheng understood what Feng Leijie meant. The rest of Feilong were defending against the approaching zombie army, while Feng Leijie wrapped the third-level zombie with a freezing skill and threw it at Tie Zhi and others.

"Let it go over there!" Feng Leijie yelled at Luo Yesheng. When he attacked, the fourth-level zombies were not idle. A gun made of metal seemed to have infinite bullets and sprayed at Feng Leijie and Luo Yesheng.

Anyone with a brain knows they can't be hit.

Even worse, when Luo Yesheng tried to melt the metal bullet with his fire ability, he found that the bullet did not melt under the high temperature, but exploded directly.

What kind of bullet is this shot, it is clearly one bomb after another.

However, Luo Yesheng and Feng Leijie are both high-level B-rank powerhouses after all. They were a little embarrassed at first, but soon found a space for counterattack. A sharp ice pick pierced through the shoulder of the fourth-rank zombie, bringing out a lot of blue-black blood. .

Taking this opportunity, Luo Yesheng roared a fire dragon and hit the fourth-level zombie at a tricky angle. The latter was blasted out and hit the ground heavily. The powerful force cracked the ground and the gravel splashed.

In a trance, Luo Yesheng heard a thin flustered voice, which soon disappeared, as fast as his hallucination.

Are there any other living people here

There was no time for him to think about it, and he cooperated with Feng Leijie to lead the fourth-level zombies to another empty street.

Now this street is already crowded with zombies. The remaining members of Feilong have worked hard to attack third-level zombies, as well as ordinary zombies who keep rushing over.

The terrain is too narrow and there are too many zombies. For them, the harm outweighs the benefit, not to mention that they have already agreed on the division of labor before they set off, and their goal is the fourth-level zombie.

However, to their surprise - the fourth-level zombie didn't take the bait.

The zombies devoured blood, and the fourth-level zombies took the initiative to attack them. Obviously, they have been treated as food. The food is about to run away. Why don't you continue to follow

This does not meet the basic needs of zombies.

Or is this level 4 zombie aware that they are leading it away, so it doesn't fall into the trap

Then this fourth-level zombie already has self-awareness because of evolution.

The two of them looked at each other, Feng Leijie wiped the cut on his face by the metal sheet, and his small eyes that were stuck in the fat showed a fierce light, "Since we don't like Brother Huluo, we will end it here."

Luo Yesheng didn't know why, he didn't respond to Feng Leijie immediately, he just sighed heavily and looked up at the fourth-level zombie.

Judging from his body shape, he should have been an old man or a powerful metal power user, otherwise the infection would not be so strong to become a zombie.

The more the ability user is infected and becomes a zombie, the easier it is to advance to a high-level zombie, and will retain the ability before his death. Therefore, high-level zombies are not easier to deal with than high-level power users.

Sometimes at the same level, zombies are harder to deal with than power users.

This was the strongest of all the zombies Luo Yesheng had ever encountered.

Feng Leijie on the other side was obviously launching a big move. Suddenly, just as Feng Leijie was about to take a step, his foot slipped and he fell directly to the ground.

This fall was extraordinarily hard. Rao was as strong as Feng Leijie. He was stunned for a while. When he looked up, two red marks appeared from the nose tube. A little more funny.

This change shocked Luo Yesheng, his hands slowed down, and while avoiding the metal bullets, he approached Feng Leijie, he said, "Captain Feng, this is you"

Feng Leijie's expression was extremely ugly, and he couldn't even care about the level-4 zombies that were staring at him in the distance.

"Someone attacked me." He gritted his teeth and said something that made Luo Yesheng's scalp tingle.

He was so good that one leg was out of control, so that he fell directly to the ground, as if an invisible person was standing beside him and kicked him hard.

However, there was no one around him except Luo Yesheng.

Noticing Feng Leijie's gaze, Luo Yesheng's expression became cold, "Captain Feng, if I wanted to sneak attack on you, I wouldn't be at this moment."

While the two of them were talking, the fourth-level zombie rushed over, and Luo Yesheng fled in a little embarrassment because he was distracted. However, just as he turned sideways, a strange force hit the bend of his legs, and he fell straight to his knees without being caught off guard.

When his knees touched the ground, a fourth-level zombie-like metal sheet passed down his throat. Luo Yesheng's pupils shrank to the size of a pinhead. .

With a bang, the fourth-level zombie flew out, and Luo Yesheng was no better. The metal sheet exploded in front of his eyes. If he hadn't activated his special ability at the last moment, his head would have been removed from his belly and neck.

Rao is so, Luo Yesheng stepped back, soaked, a hole in his chest, and blood gurgled out.

"You" Feng Leijie looked at Luo Yesheng, who had become a bloody man, in shock, the fat on his face froze together.

Luo Yesheng's face was pale, he took a breath, looked around like a falcon, and said, "I was also attacked."

"It's not me," Feng Leijie said subconsciously.

Luo Yesheng returned to kill the ordinary zombies who had only come together. This action alone affected the wound on his body, causing his body to tremble in pain.

Who is it

In this chaotic battle, he and Feng Leijie will be attacked exactly why he and Feng Leijie are attacking at this time.

If you want to snatch the spar, shouldn't you wait until they are about to kill the fourth-level zombies? You can sneak up in the dark and do sneak attacks, and your strength is definitely not strong.

What confuses him even more is how the other party silently attacked them, and it succeeded ,,