The Female Lead is Raised by Bosses

Chapter 50


When the third-level zombies stopped the action of forcing themselves into the bottom of the shelf, the clanging sound in the back kitchen disappeared, and the space instantly became quiet. As a result, the "dong" sound from the small door came out clearly.

Like something was hitting.

"Don't get too close." Luo Yesheng pushed Bai Tuanzi back, frowning at the small door in front of him, with some doubts in his eyes.

When he entered the back kitchen to investigate, he found this small door and pushed it in to see that there was no one or zombies. He is still very confident in his inspection ability.

Now suddenly there is a sound... The strong muscles of the man's shoulder blades bulge, and facing an unknown situation, he cannot take it lightly at any time.

The right hand moved slightly, and a flame came out.

Pushing open the small door, the space behind the door is the place for the back kitchen to put debris. There is no skylight, and the indoor visibility is very low. The flame in Luo Yesheng's hand becomes a walking "light", dispelling the original darkness.

The things placed on several iron racks were in a mess, the ground was scattered with garbage that could not be seen as it was, and the air exuded a cold and unpleasant smell.

There was an old-fashioned rice jar half a person's height in the corner, and the surface was covered with dust and fine spider webs. These were exactly the same as the situation he had come in to investigate before, nothing more.

The only difference was that the rice jar that Luo Yesheng had determined could not contain zombies made a crashing sound at the moment, and it was precisely because the rice jar was only half a person high that he subconsciously ignored the possibility that there was something in it.

Luo Yesheng could directly use his supernatural ability to smash the rice jar, but since there was a person hidden in it, he didn't do it, and raised his voice: "Who?"

Another "boom" in response.

"Uncle Luo, is it a monster?" he asked curiously as he came in.

"I guess so." Luo Yesheng nodded, if it was a human, he should have answered him just now.

Luo Yesheng approached the rice jar, as if he sensed someone approaching, and the "dong" sound stopped.

The man's rough big palm lifted the wooden board above the rice jar, and the contents of the rice jar were exposed in sight. Luo Yesheng's face was instantly ugly when he saw it clearly.

"Uncle Luo?" He wanted to come over.

"Don't come here!" Luo Yesheng almost shouted.

I was frightened and didn't dare to go there.

The gray-white eyes of the old zombie stared at Luo Yesheng's back, and his five fingers moved, as if he wanted to teach the cook who dared to yell at his most important treasure, but he didn't do it.

If it is broken, it will not be easy to find a cook again, the old zombie thought blankly.

"By the way, you and grandpa go outside and continue to look for supplies." When Luo Yesheng turned his head, his expression had returned to normal.

"Okay." Although Bianbian was curious about the monster in the rice jar, she obediently walked out of the small door.

When he walked to the door and looked back, Uncle Luo seemed to be angry just now.

Is it because of the monster in that vat

In Bianbian's knowledge, other monsters ran away when they saw Grandpa, so they were a little curious about the monster that didn't leave in the vat - isn't that monster afraid of Grandpa

After Bianbian walked out, Luo Yesheng frowned and looked back at the rice tank with no expression on his face. There was a small zombie inside. Judging from the face that was not rotten, she was probably about the same size as Bianbian... Or even smaller, with a blue-black face that can't tell the exact age.

She had two horns braided, dried blood stains on the corners of her mouth, and the dark skin on her forehead was broken, and the black blood flowed down her forehead and landed on her long eyelashes.

The young zombie Luo Yesheng had seen quite a few, so he didn't let the side come over, one was that he didn't want to scare her, and the other was... This child zombie had both arms cut off at the same root, and the same was true for both legs - that is to say, she only had one The body is inside, without limbs, like a man.

When she was alive, her limbs were cut off and thrown into this rice jar.

This little zombie was so weak that it couldn't even make a sound. The crash just now was made by her head hitting the tank wall. Even if she smelled fresh flesh, she just opened her gray-black mouth.

Five years ago, the doomsday came without warning, signaling the arrival of the law of the jungle. In a world where the strong eat the weak, there is no longer a normal moral order. Many people are forced to grow up in the sudden cruel apocalypse. Forced to be cold.

It's okay, it's all about survival.

However, there are some people who, after the end of the world, have evolved supernatural powers, and the expansion of power has fueled the evil in their hearts. They have released the beasts that were imprisoned in the normal order of the world, so as to throw their hideous minions on their compatriots...

If the little zombie in the rice jar existed before Feilong camped in the Holiday Inn, then she should have been discovered by Feilong's people long ago, and no normal person would place a small zombie in such an important place as the back kitchen.

With that out of the way, the answer emerges.

This little zombie was cut off and thrown into the rice jar by the people of the flying dragon. Maybe it was a pastime when he was bored, or it was some other disgusting reason... But with the death of the leader of the flying dragon and most of the members, the rest The members of the flying dragon evacuated from the hotel. The little girl who was thrown in the rice jar was infected and turned into a zombie, and was discovered by the side.

The little zombie raised his head dully, his turbid gray-white eyes stared at Luo Yesheng quietly, Luo Yesheng's fingers paused slightly, and then stretched out as usual to jam her slender neck. When his hand approached, the little zombie instinctively opened its mouth to bite.

With a click, the fragile neck was broken, and the little zombie's head drooped softly.

After a while, Luo Yesheng walked out of the small door and saw that he was holding the trouser leg of the third-level zombie with his little hand, trying to rescue the stupid zombie whose head was stuck and couldn't get out.

——The heads of the third-level zombies are extraordinarily high.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yesheng couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth. It was hard to believe that the stupid zombie on the ground was a B-level ability user before his death, which was far from the "powerful Uncle Zhu Yuan" he said.

His little face turned red.

The reason why Grandpa was not allowed to help is because the little girl was worried that Grandpa would tear Uncle Zhu Yuan's leg off!

The little girl who couldn't be dragged out panted and let go of her little hands, wiped the sweat that didn't exist on her forehead, and with an expression of "I tried my best," she clapped her hands, and said to the third-level zombie on the ground: "Uncle Zhu Yuan, you are still Make up your own mind."

"Uncle Luo." Seeing Luo Yesheng, the little girl ran over, "What is this?"

Luo Yesheng held a pendant in his hand.

"I got it from the monster, with her name engraved on it." Looking at the little side with red lips and white teeth, Luo Yesheng glanced at the old zombie again, with some complicated emotions flashing in her eyes, thanks to her having a zombie Still want to protect her grandfather.


The appearance of a small zombie flashed before his eyes, and Luo Yesheng's eyes became cold.

He finally remembered why when he heard Bianbian's name for the first time, he felt a little familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

Before he and Feng Leijie reached a cooperation and came to Jinxin Community, one of Feng Leijie's subordinates leaked, saying that a woman deceived Feng Leijie in order to protect herself, providing information that there were supplies in Jinxin Community, and there was a man named Bianbian. The little girl - it turned out that not only did she have no supplies, but the little girl did not have any supplies. Instead, she encountered two high-level zombies and ran away in a hurry.

"By the way," Luo Yesheng said earnestly, "in the future, if you encounter people who look like villains at first sight, remember, don't talk to them, just let... let grandpa come out."

Think about it and feel wrong.

Even adults can't tell whether a person is good or bad by appearance, let alone a five-year-old girl.

Yu Luo Yesheng hurriedly narrowed the scope: "As long as you are approaching you, you can't just trust them, you have to be vigilant. If they do anything wrong with you, let Uncle Zhu Yuan bite him!"

It is impossible for an old zombie to bite.

This fifth-level zombie is like an ascetic monk among zombies, and is very taboo about "cannibalism".

He frowned and shook his head heavily: "No, Uncle Zhu Yuan can't eat people."

"… "

Luo Yesheng grinded his back molars, raised his hand and gently pinched the little girl's face, which felt great. Why is the little girl so sincere

Little did they know that on the other side, the Seventh Prince staring at the screen gritted his teeth and glared at his hand, sliding the screen unbearably——

A kitchen knife floated up from the corner, turned left and right, as if aligning the direction, so that Luo Yesheng's claws could be chopped off!

"Who?!" Luo Yesheng looked at him coldly, and a flame slammed towards the kitchen knife suspended in the air.