The Female Lead is Raised by Bosses

Chapter 66


When adults are frightened, most will scream subconsciously, or be unable to respond because the fright value is too great.

Such as frightened face unresponsive, loss of voice, weak legs and the like.

When a child is frightened, the reaction is much simpler - cry.

Not only did Bianbian not cry, he even tried to open his already big eyes, trying to stare back at his eight eyes to compare himself with the other side. However, she was instinctively frightened by eight hideous monsters with dark red eyes of different sizes that were more terrifying in the dusk staring at her, and with a terrifying appearance.

So the stare seemed to have no momentum at all.

Immediately afterwards, in the sight of nervousness, fear, and wanting to stare back fiercely, Eight Eyes gave up the struggling food on the giant net, swayed eight steel legs with hair, and ran fast in the direction of the edge.

From the looks of it, it seems that Bianbian has been incorporated into a new range of food, and can't wait to come over to collect the prey.

The top of Bianbian's head was gently pressed down, with a little comfort.

"Dad." At that moment, Bianbian, who was frightened by the monster, had a sense of courage in his heart, and he was not afraid at all.

She looked down at herself, and quickly found the reason for her fear just now-because her best friend Hui Hui was not around.

The magician switched scenes quickly, and he didn't have time to bring the little bear.

Looking at the eight eyes that rushed over, the man let out a light laugh, as if he was praising the monster's courage in courting death.

He glanced in the direction of the old zombie.

Grandpa found that the cherished treasure was frightened by the monster, found the direction, and greeted him angrily.


Eight Eyes didn't know what to feel, and stopped abruptly, the pressure of the old zombies was there, as long as the level was lower than the old zombies, they should avoid it now, instead of rushing over.

It can be seen that Eight Eyes is not afraid of old zombies, and may even want to kill two birds with one stone, perhaps because of his size and courage, thinking that he may be able to earn two prey at one time.

As a result, halfway through the rush, he stopped rushing, and turned around and ran away.

This area has become its territory. Between the large and small buildings in the city, it is covered with white and sticky spider silk, which is inconspicuous in the dim light at dusk, and once a prey accidentally hits the spider silk , it will be instantly entangled by countless spider silks, struggling to escape, and then it feels that a certain spider silk is entangled in the prey, and it will leisurely come over to take the prey away.

The big spider with eight hairy legs is very fast, and it is very familiar with this area. Grandpa is not like Zhu Yuan's wind ability, which can drive his body to "leap" in a short distance. He can only approach the enemy by running. , in a blink of an eye, the trail of the big spider was lost.

At the same time as the big spider disappeared, a transparent and tough spider silk hoisted the prey on the giant web, and then the other snow-white spider silks wriggled as if alive, and began to transport the prey like a conveyor belt.

Obviously, the big spider did not forget to take its prey with it during its escape.

The prey that was wrapped in the spider silk and could not see its nose and eyes struggled more and more. From a distance, it looked like a white silkworm chrysalis.


I don't know if Grandpa heard the magician's words, but he looked back and immediately followed the prey being transported by the spider silk conveyor belt.

"Grandpa" compares the size of the big spider in his heart. Compared with the big ant she saw last time, the big ant can only be regarded as a small ant, so it is concluded that the eight eyes are definitely stronger than the last monster.

Seeing that her grandfather continued to chase, she hurried forward a few steps, worried about his grandfather.

And then because of the height, I couldn't see anything.

"Dad, let's go find Grandpa." Turning back, she still didn't know what Dad brought her and Grandpa here, and worried about Grandpa, her little face was full of worry, "That big monster is so scary, if Grandpa fights However."

Anyway, Zhu Yuan won't die for a while, so the magician took out the small notebook and pen in his pocket and wrote the word "good".

Just wrote it out-

Intimacy value 50

Magician "... . . "

His eyes drooped, staring at the side with some inexplicable meaning.

The inexplicable impulse made the magician write another sentence. In order to make him recognize it, he tried to write as simple as possible, "Zhu Yuan is there, grandpa will save him."

Of these few words, only the word "save" is unknown to each other, and the magician is not as thoughtful as Master Jiusi to write and mark the pinyin. .

The clever little girl immediately pointed to the empty giant net and said, "Dad, is the white bug that was moving on it just now, is it Uncle Zhu Yuan?"

The corners of the magician's mouth rose imperceptibly, because of his nominal daughter's IQ.


"Dad, you know that Uncle Zhu Yuan was caught by a big monster, so you brought me and grandpa here just to save Uncle Zhu Yuan?"

The floating pen clicked on the word "yes".

As a result, the expected system prompt did not appear.

Magician "... . . "

How long does this little thing have a brain circuit

Bianbian didn't know where the big monster went, but she somehow believed that her father knew that the magician didn't put the small notebook and pen back in the side's pocket, and she could determine her father's position based on the pen floating in the air and keep up with her. footsteps.

Those spider silks crisscrossed in mid-air followed the magician, all melted, and immediately turned into snow-white light spots, and Yang Yang fluttered down, following behind him, he couldn't help but reach out his hands curiously to pick up the light spots.

The spider silk is covered with poison. When the prey is touched by the spider silk, it will gradually lose its ability to resist. The magician did not stop the action of picking up the "light spot". Naturally, it was because of the spider silk that was melted by him, which was dangerous. Sex is zero.

The light spot fell on the palm, and the icy cold touch followed, as if a small snowflake fell, surrounded by these "light spot snowflakes", this area covered by spider silk, unknowingly removed the danger.

Intimacy value 30

The magician took a step.

At this point, the total intimacy between him and Bianbian was as high as 410.

If the system reward is added—the reward for saving Zhu Yuan is 50, then he only needs to increase it by 40. After the intimacy value reaches 500, he can communicate with Bianbian without obstacles.

"I hope it's quick." The magician's facial features showed obvious impatience.

To support his decision to save Zhu Yuan instead of sleeping now, that's probably the reason why he has collected 500 intimacy points.

As he walked around, the magician calmly looked at the surrounding environment. Compared with the buildings on the Empire Star, the external material of this planet was so poor that people could not even comment.

At first glance, it is a barren planet, without any value.

In such a barren planet, zombies and corpse beasts appear, and human awakening ability-since it really exists, it can be seen that the planet is eroded by dark matter to cause such a result.

Then, this planet, which is forced to contact him because of the game, is in the vast universe, which galaxy

There are only a few places in the building that can accommodate the big spider hiding in this area. The old zombie chased in the direction of Zhu Yuan wrapped in spider silk, and easily found its hiding place.

Before the end of the world, this building was probably one of the landmark buildings in the city, and there was still a broken plaque at the entrance - xx stadium.

Several large connected buildings form a closed loop, one side is higher and the other lower, and in the middle is a huge stadium with seats that can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

It is not so much a stadium as a sports field. Before the end of the world, this field was often used for various sports competitions and divided into countless areas. But now these separated areas have all been violently dismantled, leaving an empty stadium covered by cobwebs entwined with countless cobwebs.

Those cobwebs were densely packed with "cocoons" of different sizes, motionless.

The big spider, which had grown in a circle, was crawling back and forth leisurely, as if it was checking its prey. From time to time, it inserted a step into a "cocoon", but after a few breaths, the "cocoon" shrunk down, and the spider silk melted into the cobweb. , to expand coverage.

The spider web wriggled, and after a while, Zhu Yuan, who was covered with spider silk, was teleported into the base camp. It was obvious to the naked eye that the arc of his struggle became smaller, as if his strength was weak.

The big spider stirred the two sturdy chelicerae under its head, and the cocoon Zhu Yuan was quickly transported to the side of several human-shaped silkworm cocoons.

After doing all this, the big spider quietly hibernated in its base camp, with eight dark red eyes quietly looking at the only entrance, judging from its movements, it seemed to be waiting for a rabbit.

Outside the stadium, the old zombie stood at the entrance and cautiously did not enter. There was a lot of spider silk wrapped around his body, but the spider silk that was approaching had become semi-metalized. No matter how terrifyingly poisonous it was, I was sorry effect.

The old zombie roared into the stadium. The ugly monster inside seemed to be deaf. He couldn't hear his threats at all, and he was not afraid of his coercion. He was like a thousand-year-old bastard.

Did the Eight Eyes escape back to the base camp, or did it deliberately lead the enemy back to the base camp

In the self-consciousness of the old zombie's recovery, this idea flashed vaguely.

"Fleeing back" and "returning back" are one word apart, but the meanings are very different.

Moreover, the stadium in front of him gave the old zombie a strange sense of danger, which made the zombie very puzzled - he knew that in this city, in terms of rank, he was the highest.

In other words, if he wanted to, he could be the king of the city.

The perception is not wrong, the level of the big spider is not as high as him, but it is precisely because of this that the danger of the stadium makes the old zombie instinctively stop.

The light in the sky faded very quickly, and it was still "bright" a few breaths ago. At this time, it was shrouded in darkness, which meant that the entire city would usher in the ultimate darkness.

In the darkness that "Grandpa" gradually shrouded, just when the old zombie decided to enter the stadium, a familiar voice echoed in his mind.

The old zombie turned his head sharply, and the little girl surrounded by the melted spider silk in the distance, like a warm elf in the dark night, stumbled towards him.

No way, I followed my father running and jumping all the way. The two short legs were tired from running. When I saw my grandfather, I was very excited to speed up.

Tired of running or something, all became clouds.

Those melted spider silks turned into light spots and floated around the edges, becoming the most convenient "light source".

The big spider dormant in the stadium probably doesn't know what it "brings back".