The Female Lead is Raised by Bosses

Chapter 90


At the same time, a powerful breath enveloped the entire swamp mountain. There is no "fear" emotion in the small robot program as an artificial intelligence. However, at this moment, it has the illusion that it is very small for the first time, as if He has become an ant, and he may fall into death at any time.

It looked up blankly.

The color of the sky of the beast star is changeable. At this time, the sky is dark, the dark clouds are rolling and gathering, and in these black clouds, the blue light is looming.

All living beings on the swamp mountain are afraid of their instincts, those who can escape escape, and those who cannot escape dig a hole and bury themselves.

Slowly, the black cloud faded a little, and immediately, a behemoth revealed its true body.

It was a dragon, a cyan dragon.

Each scale is clean and beautiful, like crystal clear blue gems, exuding a dazzling blue brilliance that is not dazzling, and has sharp claws under the abdomen.

An ordinary dragon has only five claws, while its claws have nine.

The only nine-clawed azure dragon in the dragon clan.

The little robot opened its mouth wide, forgetting the fear just now, and exclaimed from the heart: "What a beautiful dragon body."

The magician who sat up with the transparent ball came out.

As he walked out, the mountain wind was still, and the blue dragon above his head slowly bowed down. Compared with its huge body, the magician was not half as big as his paw.

"Your Excellency, your real body is indeed majestic. Under your pressure, I have no chance to escape." The magician raised his head indifferently and looked into the eyes of the giant dragon.

Those eyes can no longer be regarded as ordinary eyes, they are like two rounds of light and moon, gentle and ruthless.

"However, if I use my real body to deal with me, should I say something to you, it's an honor?"

The giant dragon snorted, and the little robot felt that it was turning around in an instant. Fortunately, it responded quickly. Its legs turned into mechanical claws and grabbed itself on the ground, so it was not blown away by the breath.

The adult is injured.

The little robot that steadied its body hurriedly looked at its master, and was relieved at once. The magician was standing in the same place. The snort just raised his black robe, revealing that he was thin and pale. Skeleton-like body shape.

The giant dragon fell and turned into Nong Jiu Si.

The camouflage mask on the magician's face lost its effectiveness, and for the first time he showed his true face in front of outsiders.

But he didn't seem to care.

On the contrary, Jiusi was a little surprised that the magician's appearance was unexpectedly young.

The average age of humans in the Empire Alliance is around 300 years old, and the period of youth is about 260 years old. After reaching the age of 280, humans begin to age.

Therefore, it is difficult to identify a person's true age from appearance.

The magician is a human race, which makes Jiusi extremely sure. At the same time, through the real facial features revealed by the magician, the opponent's bone age will not exceed thirty-five years old.

In a human life span of three hundred years, it is indeed very young. In the short period of more than 30 years, the magician has the strength to be recognized by all the dragons, which is obviously beyond the scope of ordinary people.

"Magician, I appreciate your courage." Nong Jiusi stood with his hands behind his back, and his murderous intention was not so strong.

As an "old dragon" who has lived for thousands of years, although Nong Jiusi has a weird temper, he is not a person who likes to kill indiscriminately.

On the contrary, for some characters with strong strength and unique personal style, he will have an appreciation for the younger generation.

The nobles in the dragon with eyes higher than the top, few people enter his eyes, always feel that 90% of human beings are stupid.

There are no outsiders here, so Jiu Si's heart to kill has faded, and he simply pointed out: "I have no grudges with you, and I don't like killing people casually. Similarly, I don't like sharing the same things with others, you can understand me do you mean?"

However, the magician did not answer: "I can't log in to the game, what about you."

"..." In the blink of an eye, Nong Jiusi shook his head slowly, "That's why I came to see you at this moment - didn't you do it?"

The corner of the magician's pale mouth ticked: "I'm not that skilled yet."

Nong Jiusi came too fast, he woke up from the dream, everything in the dream clearly rolled back and forth in his thoughts, the most frequent was the crying little figure.

The magician almost unconsciously plucked the red rope on his wrist, and after a pause, he said softly, "There may be an accident on the side."

Hearing this, Nong Jiusi's brows folded up immediately, and then he thought of something, raised his eyebrows, and asked, "You also know that the side is a real existence, not a game character?"

"Your Excellency," the magician said lightly, "I'm not stupid."

Nong Jiusi stopped talking, a little embarrassed in the end, and the two were silent for a few seconds.

For a time, both sides were thinking about the same question - how did he know.

Nong Jiusi has stuffed things into the game many times, and he will naturally notice that something is wrong, and it is thanks to the red rope that Nong Jiusi can confirm the real existence of Bianbian.

Some holographic games have developed the function of stuffing things into the game for the audience's experience. When stuffing real things into the game, the game will use data to form this thing.

However, things that have not been taken out of the game have not yet appeared in the real world.

The red rope was given to Dad while he was going, and Nong Jiusi took it out of the game and put it on his hand... If Nong Jiusi couldn't let him know the truth, he would have lived in vain for more than a thousand years.

However, Nong Jiusi didn't make a statement, and his attitude didn't change. For him, it didn't make any difference whether the side was a real existence or a game character.

When there is a chance in the future, Xiao Budian will bring her to his side if she wants to.

The reason why I don't pick it up now is because of the existence of Lu Yu.

In Bianbian's heart, his father was ranked behind his grandfather, and Nong Jiusi could take Bianbian to his side, but Lu Yu, who had become a zombie, would not do him any good to receive Emperor Star.

You must know that Bianbian definitely does not want to be separated from his grandfather.

"What do you mean when you say something happened while you're at it?" Nong Jiusi was the first to break the silence.

The magician's eyes were light, but deep, and he sighed immediately. The mountain wind gradually stopped, and the black robe that floated on his body returned to its original position, covering his thin and thin body.

"I dreamed that she was infected with a virus and turned into a zombie." He succinctly said, "I woke up and couldn't log in to the game, and then you came."

Following his voice, Nong Jiusi's expression slowly changed.

"This is obviously an ominous sign." The magician drooped his eyelids, covering all his emotions, and his voice was low, "I haven't logged into the game many times, except for the 'you are offline' prompt, I have never encountered 'unable to log in'. 'Case."

"Before today... I didn't care too much about her life or death," the magician paused and said word by word, "After today, I will find her too."

Nong Jiusi didn't speak for a while, and when he spoke again, the usual tenderness in his voice disappeared: "Are you declaring Xiaobian's ownership to me?"

"No." Unexpectedly, the magician shook his head with a surprisingly good attitude, "I just wanted to ask your Excellency, would you like to work with me to find her?"

The handsome man stretched out his slender and beautiful fingers, gently turned the red rope on his wrist, and the tender "side" word on the wooden sign broke into his eyes.

[As a father, you must be responsible for Bianbian, raise Bianbian reasonably, and let her grow up healthily. ] The subtitles that the system often prompts slowly appear in front of you. In order to deepen the sense of responsibility of the fathers, the system is also broken. The fathers will always intersperse this prompt when they go online.

"Deal." Nong Jiusi let go of the red rope and readily agreed.

The two parties sort out the information they know of each other.

What is urgently needed to know now is the location of the planet where Bianbian is located. Knowing the location is easy.

However, the game cannot be logged in, the connection with Bianbian is broken, and the system is nowhere to be found.

"I tried to invade the background of the system," the magician strode towards the mecha, "to see if I can get in touch with the system."

He suspected that the reason why he was dreaming was because the system took this opportunity to convey the news of the accident to him.

The last time the magician caught Little Bailey, he invaded the system, intending to gain control of the system and master the connection to another real world through the game, but the invasion failed.

Nong Jiusi and the magician entered the mecha together. The former glanced at the interior of the mecha, and was furrowed by the cold and empty environment inside. Nothing in the mecha did not meet the aesthetics of Master Jiusi.

Enduring the discomfort in his heart, Nong Jiusi looked at the magician who was instructing the artificial intelligence to be busy, and suddenly said: "When you forced the beast star, I just sent the lord of the beast star to the side as a bodyguard, the goat even I can't even see it clearly, it was born as a beast star and is not affected by dark matter, just based on this, even if it is infected, it is not impossible."

Magician: "Can I contact him?"

Nong Jiusi did not speak, the game could not be logged in, and it was impossible for anyone in another world to contact him.

The magician who asked a stupid question didn't seem to know anything. After a few minutes, his face was even paler than before, and he raised his head and said expressionlessly: "The invasion failed."

south base

The energy shield in the air opened, and the Crazy Dragons' helicopter was granted landing permission and landed on the tarmac.

An inspection device is set up not far from the apron. Whether it is a team returning from a mission or a survivor who arrives at the base, they all need to go through the inspection device. This is the latest virus sensing device developed by the Nanji Research Institute.

As the largest security base in the south, the base now has nearly 10 million people, 90 percent of which are ordinary survivors. Once someone is infected, the consequences will be disastrous.

The hatch opened, Mo Xiaochun jumped down first, and shouted at the medical guards in the distance: "Come and invite Dr. Shen to come over! Just talk about the urgent matter!"

The members of the medical guard were obviously very familiar with the members of the Wild Dragon Team, and without saying a word, they immediately rushed to find someone.

Zhou Ying jumped down carrying Jiang Yu, the latter's potion time had expired, and the ensuing sequela was coma. The medical guard quickly pushed a stretcher and pulled Jiang Yu away.

"I'll take this bald head to return to my life first." He Hehe pulled the bald head three, and the latter stared at Luo Yesheng's side in his arms.

She was wrapped in a blanket by Luo Yesheng, her originally rosy cheeks turned pale, and in a short period of time, her cheeks sank, and the meat she had managed to raise disappeared. It was almost impossible to feel her presence.

After people are infected with the virus, they either mutate into zombies or awaken their abilities.

Once the process of mutating into zombies occurs, it will be very fast.

At that time, everyone's heart sank to the bottom when they fainted and the blood vessels began to spread like a cobweb.

The goat lord made a quick movement, he used the Jiusi sword to open his wrist without hesitation, and fed the blood into the side's mouth.

Everyone remembered that he would not be infected. Everyone held their breath and waited for the miracle. After half a minute, everyone's eyes showed joy - because the blue-black blood vessels stopped spreading, and then disappeared.

The blood of the goat lord worked!

His face turned pale, and he didn't look like he was infected at all.

However, just when everyone relaxed, the calm side spit out a mouthful of black blood, and the rapid breathing suddenly stopped.

Everyone was stunned, dumbfounded and did not respond.


The goat lord frowned and was very anxious in his heart. He was immune to the erosion of dark matter, but he couldn't. The only thing he could do now was to feed her and drink his own blood.

Maybe it was because the blood was too little. Just when the goat lord was about to feed Bianbian blood again, the breathing that stopped Bianbian miraculously resumed.

At the same time, the temperature of her body began to drop rapidly.

As we all know, after being infected with the virus, if you start to transform in the direction of fever, there is a high probability that you are awakening powers, as long as you can survive this level.

I hadn't heard of the vision of the awakening ability being that the body temperature dropped, and the side of the body was as cold as ice cubes, which did not seem to be awakening the ability.

Her breathing was weak, and she opened her eyelids—the eyes were already gray and white like a zombie.

Such signs seem to have indicated the result of Bianbian, but the strange thing is that Bianbian did not wake up, except that the color of his eyes turned into a zombie, the appearance was normal, and there was no reaction that a zombie should have.

Everyone speculated that the blood of the goat lord should have played a role. The goat lord immediately fed and drank a few sips, but the comatose Bianbian resisted and refused to drink any more.

Her reaction made everyone happy.

The edge has its own consciousness!

Unfortunately, the blood that the goat lord fed Bianbian later did not work. Bianbian's state seemed to be maintained at a certain point of equilibrium, and she did not change for the better or the worst.

"Dr. Shen at the base has been working on vaccines. We will take them back to the base immediately, asking for help from Dr. Shen."

There was no other way but to go to the base. The group immediately returned to the base and put down Grandpa and Uncle Zhu Yuan near the base.

After the accident happened, everyone thought that Grandpa would lose his recovered sanity, and they were wary that Grandpa would make irrational actions.

However, grandpa just grabbed the restless third-level zombie and watched and listened silently beside him, like a helpless child. It was not until he said he would send Bianbian to the base for treatment that grandpa stabbed Luo Yesheng and squeezed out his voice with difficulty: "...rescue...while...while..."

Along the way, grandfather hugged Bianbian carefully, and when he approached Nanji, he handed it to Luo Yesheng. After hesitating, grandpa took the gray bear, and then led the third-level zombies into a grove, chasing the helicopter and approaching the edge of the base infinitely.

This is the first time Grandpa has left the treasure he raised.

Even after the infection, Grandpa did not leave Jinxin Community, but sealed himself upstairs. In this way, when he becomes a zombie, he can still protect his granddaughter in another way.

But now... he has to let go.

The bit of consciousness he regained made him understand that he couldn't save Bianbian, and he didn't want to make Bianbian become like himself.

As long as he can save Bianbian, he can let go unconditionally.

The third-level zombies quarreled with him, and Zhu Yuan's recovered consciousness was not as much as that of his grandfather.

After being yelled at by grandpa several times, the third-level zombie finally calmed down.

As he approached the edge of the base with the elderly zombies, he watched sadly as the helicopter carrying him disappeared from sight until he could no longer see it.

"Why do you make such a distressed expression?" He Hehe sneered at the bald-headed three coldly, "If you hadn't kidnapped people, Xiaobian would have been infected?"

The veins of the bald head's three temples burst out, staring gloomily at He Hehe.

However, why does He Hehe's words make no sense

The gloom in his eyes receded, and he closed his eyes heavily, pressing down the rising regret.

Finally, looking around, he followed He Hehe without saying a word.

"Pull what! I can walk by myself!" A roar came from the distant passage, and several medical staff in white coats came over, Mo Xiaochun flew over, grabbed Dr. carried to the helicopter.

"You, you! It's the other way around! You bastard!" The thin old man couldn't break free from Mo Xiaochun's iron claws, his face flushed with anger, and the sparse white hair on the top of his head almost exploded.

"Dr. Ning, you can scold you whatever you want later. Take a look at this little baby. What's her situation now? Can you save her?"

In a hurry, Mo Xiaochun didn't care about his respect and brought Dr. Shen to Luo Yesheng.

Luo Yesheng lifted the blanket, and when the angry Dr. Shen saw Bianbian, he took a deep breath to calm down, bent down and opened Bianbian's eyelids, his eyebrows twitched.

Dr. Shen carefully looked at his gray eyes, and Mo Xiaochun, who spoke at the speed of a machine gun, made the situation abruptly.

"... Anyway, in the end, she became like this, neither worse nor better."

Dr. Shen turned his head to look at the goat lord who was silent the whole time after he was unconscious: "Are you immune to the virus?"

The Goat Lord nodded.

The dry vine-like skin on Dr. Shen's face shook, and then he looked at Mo Xiaochun and Zhou Ying with an unprecedented solemn tone: "You two, listen carefully, this little boy's immunity to the virus must be sealed up, It must not be spread out in the slightest, understand!"

"Report to the base immediately and list him as an S-level protection object, and must not make any mistakes!"

"Now, immediately send them to the laboratory immediately!"

Half an hour later, I cleaned up my body and changed into clean pajamas while lying on the operating table in the laboratory. Under the cold light, my small body rose and fell gently with the weak breathing.

The goat lord stood by, the medical staff were busy preparing, and there were only two little guys around the operating table.

He looked silently to the side.

Since he was born, the goat lord has always been more Buddhist when encountering things because of the relationship between inheritance and memory - is it a goat after all.

It is because of this that he longs for the human world and wants to understand human beings to make up for some deficiencies in the inheritance memory.

There was no emotion of "sadness" in his memory.

However, the goat lord at this time, looking at the side of the small group on the operating table, understood without a teacher what sadness was.

Not long ago, he was immersed in a strange "joy" mood.

He has just come to the human world, he has learned a lot of emotions, and these are taught to him along the way.

side by side.

He chanted the name silently in his mind.

If no one on this planet can save Bianbian, if he can't get in touch with Nongjiusi, he will find a way to bring Bianbian back to the beast star.

Returning to the beast star, the strength is restored, and he can save the side.

Dr. Shen came over and pressed the operating table a few times. The metal buckles popped out from the edge to fix the limbs.

Seeing the little boy staring closely, he explained, "This is to prevent the little girl from suddenly getting infected. I can't help but bite into my old bone."

After silently understanding, the goat lord already knew the basic information of this planet. He pursed his lips and said, "Even if he gets infected and turns into a zombie, he won't bite anyone."

Dr. Shen has heard too many words like this, and many people firmly believe that even if their relatives become zombies, they are not the same as other zombies.

He shook his head: "Little girl, to tell you the truth, the reason why your sister hasn't turned into a zombie is because the blood you fed was timely and interrupted the virus' invasion. However, this is far from enough."

"The virus is only temporarily interrupted, not eliminated. It is still lurking in her body, and it is mutually restrained and devoured by the weak antibodies in your blood that entered her body."

"If a real vaccine can't be developed, she won't last long."

The goat lord looked at him coolly: "As much blood as you want, just draw it from me."

"Your blood draw is indispensable." Dr. Shen sighed, "I'm going to take a tube of her blood now."

The goat lord took two steps to the side, revealing his left hand, which was as slender as if it would break when it was folded.

The next second, just as the needle tip was about to touch the skin on the side's arm, suddenly, a weak soft voice sounded——

"elder brother."

Contrary to the weakness in the voice, the side that opened her eyes was uncomfortable with the restraint of her hand, and subconsciously struggled, the metal buckle that was holding her split instantly from the middle.