The Female Lead is Raised by Bosses

Chapter 93


"Don't be afraid, they have rough skin and thick flesh, and they have been beaten." While looking at Luo Yesheng, the latter saw that, in fact, Dr. Shen was using this to observe Bianbian's supernatural reaction and record data.

After all, Bianbian is the first case of awakening power during the mutation process. Bianbian didn't have any reluctance in the punch just now, so Luo Yesheng nodded to Bianbian, just as he wanted to see how strong Bianbian was. After everyone was shocked, they realized that the reason why Captain Blackface overturned the car so badly was probably because he didn't do much and it appeared unexpectedly.

Now there is another team member. The results of the previous captain are there. Once you are prepared, you will never be embarrassed again. "Little sister, you must use your greatest strength." The team member said.

"Okay." He nodded obediently. She didn't have the embarrassment to say that when she punched the black-faced uncle, she didn't use her full strength. Although Dr. Shen asked her to use her full strength, the little girl still didn't use her full strength at the last moment.

Now this uncle wants her to use her utmost strength... She felt a little uneasy in her heart. a minute later

This B-level upper-level water-type ability user successfully flew out. If his team members didn't use the wind-type ability to hold it, it would not be as simple as dislocating the hand of the black-faced captain. "… "

If the black-faced captain lost, it was his carelessness, but the preparation of the players was still the same.

So... how strong is this little cub's blow? "Ahem," in order to give the executive team a little face, Dr. Shen brought the high-profile Bianbian to his side, and said to the goat lord, "Now it's time to draw your blood."

So the two little guys were brought back to the laboratory. As a parent, Luo Yesheng touched his nose, glanced at the execution team, and slipped into the laboratory without saying a word. Mo Xiaochun: "…"

She wanted to sneak in, but she had a good relationship with the executive team of this team, it was really inconvenient to sneak, and at this time, she was still in the astonishment of two ability users who were continuously flying away. She is a space type, and the space type is used in battle, and the attack power is not strong, and it is more effective for sneak attacks.

Close combat is limited to a daughter, and her combat power is even less than that of a man. If she has the power like Bianbian, wouldn't she be able to walk sideways? ! In the laboratory, Dr. Shen inserted the needle into the blood vessel of the goat lord, and quickly drew a tube of blood. When the needle was withdrawn, he quickly opened his mouth and exhaled on the back of the goat lord's hand. Her caring and innocent actions made the adults smile unconsciously, and the goat lord only felt a cool breeze on the back of his hand, and the pain of being stabbed by a needle disappeared. "Thank you, little... side." He almost blurted out, Your Highness, again. After Dr. Shen finished drawing blood, Luo Yesheng said, "Dr. Shen, thank you for your trouble."

Dr. Shen glanced at him.

After a pause, he said: "It's all right now, I want to take her away." "Leave?" Dr. Shen frowned, "You don't plan to live in the base?"

"I'm used to being a loose person. Living outside with me will make me more comfortable and free." "You're not her father." Hearing this, Dr. Shen snorted and looked at him up and down, "I don't think so, either. You two don't look alike. Even if you're not your own father, you should think about the child's education. She's five and a half years old. Is it possible to let her wander outside with you and not go to school?" "..." Luo Yesheng caught a point from his words, "Nanji has resumed school education?" As soon as Dr. Shen heard what he said, he knew that this person had been wandering outside for a long time, and he probably didn't have much contact with the base. "It has been restored as early as the year before last! Children symbolize the future. If we don't create a good learning environment for children, do we want us human beings to perish in the future!" He didn't know the inside story, he said coldly: "Touch it yourself, how many taels of meat are on this arm? This child's weight is far below the standard, and he is thin to a skeleton! The base is basically self-sufficient now, what are you doing? She's a supernatural being, can't afford to raise a child? Isn't it better than taking her outside to live a hungry and full meal?" "If this child was raised in the base, he would have grown fat for nothing. The old man hated that iron could not become steel. "You people with abilities, you have been wandering outside for a long time, and you are always facing zombies. You feel that there are too many people in the base, there are many right and wrong, and you are unwilling to come to the base. Why don't you think about the pre-apocalypse, Why don't you think a city is dangerous?" Luo Yesheng was speechless. The end of the world is coming, the law of the jungle is coming, and there is an invisible line between people and human nature. Some people stick to the bottom line, and some people cross the bottom line... Compared with zombies, it is of course easier to face zombies. But Dr. Shen is right, the base has resumed the education system, then... He turned his head to look at Bibian, staying at the base to go to school is indeed the best choice for Bibian. Seeing that Luo Yesheng was a little shaken, Dr. Shen said again: "If you think about it, even if you want to leave, this kid can't go with you."

He was referring, of course, to the goat lord. He has been listening quietly to the adults, and now he can't help but interrupt: "He's my brother, why can't he come with us?" Dr. Shen sat down on the chair, facing the side, without answering the side's questions , but asked Bianbian kindly: "Can you count?"

"Yes." The side replied seriously, "I can do it from one to one hundred." I am proud. Dr. Shen was unconsciously amused by her proud tone, her eyes were gentle, and she asked, "Then do you know how many people there were in our country before?"

This question was stumped, but she stretched out two small hands and answered smartly: "There are many." Dr. Shen smiled and sighed again: "Yes, there are many, 1.8 billion. "

Bianbian knows the quantifier "billion", which means there are countless "ones". She carefully calculated in her mind, how many "ones" are 18 "billions", but this number is too huge, so huge that the little face shows shock. "But now in our country, the total number of people in the four large security bases in the south, south, and northwest is less than 40 million." Dr. Shen said in a low voice, "If you add the 'loose people' scattered outside and have not come to the base, the total number is 4,000. Wan, this is the only survivor in our country." "Except for the 40 million survivors, the remaining more than one billion, some turned into dust, and the rest became the walking dead... These are all caused by the virus." Ten 800 million, 40 million... Just the difference in numbers is enough to make people stagnate, and when these data are projected to humans, even the eyes of the goat lord have changed a little. Although Bianbian could not fully understand the meaning of Dr. Shen's words, she felt the same for Dr. Shen's desolate and sad tone, and felt uncomfortable for no reason. He changed the subject and whispered: "I have a granddaughter who is a little older than you, and like you, she is infected with the virus."

Bianbian immediately comforted: "Grandpa Doctor, don't be sad."

After saying this, I felt that I didn't say it right, how could I not be sad.

When grandpa turned into a monster, wasn't she sad too? But the little girl couldn't think of anything better to comfort Dr. Shen, so she could only stretch out her little hand and gently hold Dr. Shen's dry fingers.

The gray-haired old man's hands shook violently in his eighties. After a while, Dr. Shen blinked and continued: "She, without your good luck, it took two days to mutate. Before the mutation, she kept pushing me with her hand and said, 'Grandpa, hurry up, I'm afraid I can't help biting you later, I don't want to bite you'..." Tears fell from the side. "I have been researching vaccines all these years. This old bone will live in a few years. I think about developing a vaccine before death, so that children born in the future will no longer suffer from the virus. When they grow up, they will be the same as before. , you can travel at will, wherever you want." "Linyang is the only human being immune to the virus, he has antibodies in his body, we need him, and all the people in the world need him." Dr. Shen looked at the goat lord gently, and slowed down. Slowly said, "Even if our old bones are dead, we must ensure that he is healthy and alive."

"So, he can't go with you." The goat lord said: "By the way, Mr. Luo, I already promised a gentleman to stay."

If there is no side infection, the goat lord will also come to the base.

This is the meaning of his coming to this planet, to experience human life, to learn how to be a person, he needs to go to a human city. "Dr. Shen is right, staying at the base is the best choice for her." The goat lord gave a coherent example. "One, there are no zombies here. Two, there are abundant resources here, three, there are people to learn while..." After a pause, the goat lord searched for suitable words from the inheritance memory, "...private school." "Fourth, the base needs My blood is used to develop vaccines, so my safety is very important, so a gentleman has become my guardian. He has extremely high power at the base and promised me to take people. In this way, I and Bianbian are protected by him. The base will be safe."

"Mr. Luo, you can also come with me." The goat lord said, "As for..."

The voice paused, he and Luo Yesheng looked at each other, the latter knew what he had not done - as for Grandpa and Uncle Zhu Yuan, for the sake of future growth, they would also agree to stay at the base. The goat lord asked Bianbian, and then blurted out "Little Highness" for a while: "Do you want to stay at the base, or leave with Mr. Luo?" Bianbian held her little hands together, she knew that her brother had to stay at the base and would not leave.

She likes her brother and wants to be with her, but Grandpa and Uncle Zhu Yuan are outside.

For Bianbian, no matter how good the base is, it can't match Grandpa and Uncle Zhu Yuan.

Even if the choice between Goat Lord and Grandpa would make her difficult, there is no doubt that she would choose Grandpa. At this moment, a familiar voice resounded in her mind. It was the system father who didn't respond no matter how she called out--

"By the way, listen to your father's words, be good, stay at the base with your brother." "System Dad, what's wrong with you?" He heard the system's voice was different from what he heard before, like... It's like having a cold. If the system has a head, it is estimated that it can burn boiled eggs at this time.

Because at this time, it is suffering three earth-shattering anger.