The Female Martial Arts in the Entertainment Circle

Chapter 10


The author has something to say: The third update is coming!

The film and television city was overcrowded with people coming and going, and the filming crew could be seen everywhere.

The deputy director Chen took Tuobayan all the way to the southwest, and soon stopped in front of the back door of a hospital-like building in the Republic of China. He said hello to the old man who was guarding the door, and the two entered the hospital together. backyard.

Tuobayan is a daring artist, and she is not afraid that Assistant Director Chen has any bad thoughts. Her thoughts are simple and rude: If he is really not a good person, just beat him to death.

But in the opinion of Assistant Director Chen, this little girl is calm and calm, she walks leisurely and does not show any signs of flinching, and her eyes are even more calm and calm, just like walking in her own yard. As an old man in the entertainment industry, Assistant Director Chen is still very confident in his vision of seeing people, and he couldn't help but speak with a hint of kindness:

"Little girl, what's your name?"


"Oh, this surname is not very common, I have learned a lot. Is this your first time to Yuying?" Assistant Director Chen asked.

Tuobayan nodded: "I came here to visit, but unfortunately the money I brought with me is not enough for the ticket price. It is thanks to Brother Chen that I can come in and feast my eyes."

"You're a real girl," Assistant Director Chen laughed, "Originally, group performances are usually screened by the group leaders of the trade union, but today I have been picking for a long time and there is no suitable actor. I think your body and appearance are similar to The characters in the play match, so I took the liberty to ask you."

Tuobayan said: "Since I have come in with the light of the crew, and I have to get a salary, it is natural to work hard. However, I really have no experience at all, and I need Brother Chen to guide me."

While the two of them were talking, they came to the dressing room. Assistant Director Chen pushed the door and went in. The voices of the people inside stopped, and more than a dozen pairs of eyes shot over. Assistant Director Chen glanced at Tuobayan's face from the corner of his eye, seeing that the eyes of so many adults could not affect her expression, he was a little more interested in his heart, and introduced with a smile: "This is a new group. Play Tuoba Yan."

Tuobayan nodded: "Just call me Xiaoyan."

Assistant Director Chen said to a young woman who was cutting her nails: "Liu, come and help her with makeup. Role 16."

Make-up artist Xiao Liu responded, Assistant Director Chen encouraged Tuobayan a few words, then turned and left.

As a group performer, Tuobayan's appearance and figure are too outstanding, and various actors and makeup artists in the dressing room are looking at her. Xiao Liu beckoned Tuobayan to come over, cleaned his face and started putting on makeup, muttering, "The skin is fine."

Tuobayan watched the layers of puffs come up, and within a few minutes, her complexion looked blue and black, and she was a little puzzled, what role is it, wearing such horrible makeup

Then after getting a script with only a few sentences, Tuobayan was completely dumbfounded:

It turned out that she was going to play a dead actor! No wonder the surnamed Chen said that he couldn't find a suitable role. What young and beautiful girl would be willing to play a dead man with only one shot and no lines for dozens of dollars!

Listening to the discussion from the dressing room, originally this role was a cannon fodder prostitute who died of illness, but no one was willing to play it, so I took a step back and changed the setting.

Deputy Director Chen said at all costs, coaxing Tuobayan who was about to resign, and he felt a little guilty. After all, Tuobayan was a strong man who was half-coaxed and half-coaxed from the street. Because according to the rules of the group performance, the salary is to be paid monthly and according to the specified time. Assistant Director Chen promised to settle the salary on the spot after the filming of the scene, and at the same time, he paid 20 yuan in red envelope compensation.

A penny stumped the hero, and General Tuoba, who had only been out recently, reluctantly agreed.

After putting on her makeup, Tuobayan put on a rough costume. According to the shooting plan, her scene was scheduled for eleven in the morning. .

"Blood Sacrifice" is a very clichéd small production of the Republic of China anti-Japanese drama. The heroine Mingli is a nurse, but she is actually an undercover spy. , but in the end died under the gun of the original assistant | gun, still carrying a ring to give to the heroine in his arms.

This kind of small drama can't invite such big-name stars. The female lead is an idol singer named Oriole. Because she is old and has to transform, she took up this drama. Oriole's voice is as its name suggests, its voice is as gentle as a bird's chirping, it is not tall, and its appearance is sweet. The male protagonist Fang Zhongan is a second-tier actor, specializing in the role of the anti army officer in the Republic of China drama.

Tuobayan stood in the corner to watch Oriole and Fang Zhongan play their opponents. In this scene, the hero played by Fang Zhongan confessed to the heroine. The heroine had mixed feelings in her heart. She lost her mind for a while and stood stupidly. The male protagonist only thought that she was overjoyed, and Quan Dang accepted the confession by default, held her in his arms, and was seen by the female partner who came to visit the male protagonist.

Fang Zhongan was sitting on a bench in the hospital garden, looking at Oriole drying the quilt with a gentle expression, he said, "Nurse Huang, can you come over."

Oriole walked over, and the two exchanged a few words, Fang Zhongan's eyes flickered, and he said to Oriole: "Male should be married, and women should be married. I am twenty-nine this year, and I live in Fang Mansion in the French Concession. My parents are dead, and I have no siblings. I have always wanted to find a mistress for my empty home, someone who can give me a hot meal when I get home, and no longer lie in bed alone, with no one to be with The person to talk to. Nurse Huang, I really ask you, are you willing to be the hostess of Fang Mansion?"

Oriole was stunned by this remark, her eyes widened: "Officer, you are—"

Before Oriole could finish his lines, the director shouted, "Stop!"

The director stepped forward and said to Oriole: "Xiao Huang, you are using too much force here. In this scene, Nurse Huang does have a little bit of admiration for the seat of the bureau, but the heroine is a firm and quiet female fighter, she will not It clearly shows true feelings.”

Tuobayan noticed that Oriole's face was a little worried. Also, on such a hot day, she was filming in the garden under the sun, and she was still wearing autumn clothes, no wonder she was a little anxious.

This scene was filmed twice, the Oriole's performance was getting worse and worse, and the director's face was getting darker and darker, and finally he said directly: "Move this scene to the afternoon to shoot first, Xiao Huang, go to rest for a while, get ready next."

Oriole threw his hands away with a dark face, and Assistant Director Chen reminded Tuobayan, who was fascinated, "Prepare for role 16."

What are you going to prepare? Tuobayan was arranged to lie directly on the stretcher, close her eyes and pretend to be dead. The camera swept over and gave a close-up of her face, even if it was over.

At noon, Assistant Director Chen decided to pay Tuoba Yan 60 yuan of salary and 20 yuan of red envelopes on the spot. He did not walk the kilometer account, but he paid it out of his own pocket. Tuobayan pinched the thin small-denominated banknotes in the envelope. Qiao Chunyi spent a whole day at the supermarket, but she couldn't get this number. I just closed my eyes and pretended to be dead for a while, so I earned 80 yuan...

After taking the bus home, Tuobayan lay on the bed without having lunch, restlessly thinking about the filming in the morning, her mind was in a mess.

She tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, so she gave up the idea of taking a nap, turned on the computer, and checked the relevant information about the actors carefully. She also tried to reproduce the scene that Oriole couldn't play in front of the mirror, and found that she played better than Oriole. Oops.

Very challenging.

Ke Tuobayan likes challenging things.