The Female Martial Arts in the Entertainment Circle

Chapter 31


After eating the pink and lovely macaron, Tuobayan drank a full bottle of water to dilute the sweetness in her mouth.

Chen Wanwan had already finished her egg tarts, and stared at Tuobayan's dessert gift box, her eyes were wet like a starving puppy. Tuobayan doesn't mind borrowing flowers to offer Buddha: "Wanwan, can you help me eat something? I ate four lunch boxes at noon, and I really can't eat that much."

"Can you do it!" Chen Wanwan was moved to tears and almost wanted to hug Tuobayan and call her sister. She has been busy at noon with the big cousin and the little mop. After being trained by Li Yanrao, she was so depressed that she couldn't swallow when she saw that the latter was still in the mood to eat. Now her stomach is empty and she needs to eat sugar urgently.

Chen Wanwan enjoyed the dessert feast to the fullest, and Tuobayan continued to devote herself to the intense shooting.

However, your family's afternoon tea gift box is not light, and Chen Wanwan didn't kill half of it until she finished work. She was addicted to sweetness and picked out the most greasy ones. .

Tuobayan didn't have a face-to-face shot, so she didn't need to put on or remove her makeup. She only took off her headgear and changed her costume, put on the sweater she was wearing, and walked out side by side with Chen Wanwan, carrying the gift box.

The two parted ways at the door. Chen Wanwan called Zhao Mi and asked her to pick him up. Tuobayan got a bus card, so she declined Chen Wanwan's kindness to send her home. After all, the friendship that is reunited also has a shelf life. When the relationship is strong, it turns thin. It is not a bad thing to maintain an appropriate distance.

Tuobayan took the bus home. At the end of October, the night of Yuchuan came earlier every day. When she arrived at the station, the sky had already lit up a little bit of stars.

From downstairs, I can see the lights on the second floor. Although the curtains are drawn tightly, Tuobayan can still imagine what Qiao Chunyi and the others are doing. Maybe they have already prepared the meal, set up the table and chairs, and waited. she goes home...

Tuobayan exhaled a long breath, took off the hood of her sweater, and went upstairs full of energy. Before she could take the key to open the door, the door opened from the inside out, revealing Tuoba Jiao's happy smile:

"elder sister!"

Tuobayan couldn't help but smile, her heart was filled with indescribable warmth and comfort, what God owed her in her previous life was finally paid back.

Taking advantage of her height, she affectionately rubbed the top of Tuoba's soft hair: "I'm back."

Gu Min was coming out of the kitchen with a rice pot, while Qiao Chunyi was still pounding garlic and cold dishes. Tuobayan put down her backpack and refreshment box, Tuobajiao glanced at the logo on the wooden box, and said in surprise:

"This is... a gift box from your family?"

Qiao Chunyi and Gu Min also gathered around to see, Tuobayan unscrewed the box, revealing the delicate art-like desserts inside, causing the three to exclaim, and even Tuobajiao was amazed: "There is no way for your family's things. Money can't buy it."

Tuobayan really didn't expect this thing to be so rare, she scratched her hair: "This is given to me by Wanwan's cousin." She slyly ignored Li Yanrao's other identity: Tuobayan's suitor.

Tuoba Jiao glanced at her sister and said nothing.

The four of them put away the gift boxes and sat around the living room for dinner. Tuobayan told them some interesting anecdotes on the set and spent the meal with laughter.

After dinner, the two sisters Jiaoyan were still doing the dishes, and Qiao's mother and Gu's mother shared the work of wiping the table and mopping the floor.

Tuobajiao quietly rubbed up to Tuobayan's side: "Sister, are you in love?"

Tuobayan was dumbfounded: "Ah?"

Tuoba Jiao said a strange foreign language, and then said: "I recognize this French sentence on the pastry box: Even if you are by my side, I miss you."

Tuobayan didn't speak for a long time, and was shocked by the erudite knowledge of the younger sister.

"Your family's gift box is called Love Letter. I met my classmates to discuss this before, and many of them said that if someone is willing to give them this love letter gift box, they will immediately agree to associate with him." Tuoba Jiao said sullenly. A number that shocked Tuobayan even more was the price of this love letter gift box.

Tuobayan didn't know what she was thinking. She could guess from the exquisiteness of the outer packaging and Chen Wanwan's reaction that the gift box must be very valuable, but she didn't expect it to be so exaggerated. Tuobayan stopped washing dishes, and only recalled the conversation with Li Yanrao during the day.

I believe that relationships can be cultivated through relationships.

When Li Yanrao said this, her expression was very subtle, and Tuobayan could see that this was her sincerity. There was even a hint of awkwardness and shyness on the face of this cunning woman like a fox. One of the reasons for answering 'It's good to enjoy a handful of being pursued'.

Tuoba Jiao's voice pulled back her thoughts: "Sister? What's wrong with you?"

"Ah, nothing." Tuobayan shook her head.

Tuoba Jiao asked cautiously, "Does my sister have someone she likes?"

Tuobayan continued to wash the dishes quickly: "I can't say I like it, I'm being pursued."

Tuoba Jiao puffed up her face: "Then sister said just now that this gift box was given by a friend's cousin, is she lying?"

"It's not a lie." Tuobayan piled up the washed dishes, "She is indeed my friend's cousin."

"Oh... eh?!" Tuoba Jiao didn't react at first, she almost cried out in shock, she quickly covered her mouth, and asked in a low voice with rounded eyes, "My friend, cousin? Is that person a woman?"

Tuobayan nodded calmly. She is someone who has died once. Now that she can live so happily and comfortably, she has earned it, so why worry too much? She has seen a lot of palace maids in the harem who grind mirrors and eat each other, and their lives may not be as happy as male and female spouses. In the past, wasn't she and the faint-hearted prince a living tragedy

Anyway, everything is based on my own mind, and I don't care whether the object of my love is male or female. General Tuoba's mind is more open than many modern people.

Tuoba Jiao asked, "Aunt Qiao doesn't know about this, right?"

Tuoba Yan wiped her hands and scratched the tip of Tuoba Jiao's nose: "I haven't gotten together with her yet. She pursued me unilaterally. But her personality is very appealing to me. Are you discriminating against homosexuals?" She added Just ask.

Tuoba Jiao shook her head desperately, Tuoba Yan grinned, and Yuzai walked out of the kitchen, leaving the petite girl tangled in her thoughts.

After Tuobayan finished taking a shower, she turned on the computer and watched the video materials of the acting class given by Chen Wanwan. Tuobajiao rushed in like a cannonball, her face flushed, and she pressed her shoulders and said seriously:

"Sister, I figured it out. No matter what you choose, I will support you!"

Tuoba Jiao had a cold, and after a while, she took the medicine and fell asleep.

Tuoba Yan lightly exited the room, turned off the lights and closed the door, and came to the living room to discuss with Mama Qiao Gu about going to Tuoba's house tomorrow.

Gu Min was a little scared when she mentioned this, Qiao Chunyi comfortably hugged her shoulders:

"Even if you file a divorce lawsuit unilaterally, you still need documents such as an ID card and a marriage certificate. Now these things are in Tuoba's house, and we have to get them back. Don't worry, Yanyan and I are with you. How dare you do something to you."

Tuoba Yan also said: "Yeah, now is a society ruled by law, even if his Tuoba family has hands and eyes, can the three of us still be detained in broad daylight? Tuoba Xiu committed violence against his wife and daughter. He is at fault. It is they who are afraid and terrified!"

Qiao Chunyi reached out to Gu Min and Tuobayan, and the three of them touched their heads. She finalized:

"When I got to Tuoba's house before 8 o'clock, Jiaojiao stayed at home temporarily. She is too young to let her see such a thing, so as not to leave a shadow in the future. That is a matter of life."

After speaking, he patted Gu Min on the shoulder and urged her to wash up first.

There was a sound of water running in the bathroom, and Tuobayan said to Qiao Chunyi, "Mom, don't be afraid. With me, I'm amazing and will protect you and Aunt Gu."

Qiao Chunyi sighed: "Long pain is worse than short pain. You should go to sleep too, there will be trouble tomorrow."

The author has something to say: The second post is a bit late, and the janitor cat in the warehouse fell asleep on my feet... It's so hot!