The Female Martial Arts in the Entertainment Circle

Chapter 46


Bai Yian stuffed the letter into Tuoba Yan's car and hurriedly turned to run towards the crew.

She originally planned to find an opportunity to secretly pass the letter to Tuobayan, but she happened to go back to the parking lot to pick up something, and saw Tuobayan get off the nanny car. After the two of them walked away, Bai Yian leaned over to find a window that was not closed tightly, and delivered it at the opportunity, which also solved the problem.

Yesterday, Lin Teng asked her to find a way to get Tuobayan out, which exceeded Bai Yian's bottom line.

Bai Yian tried to explain: "But I'm not familiar with Tuobayan..."

The smile on Lin Teng's face didn't come into his eyes. He reached out and dragged the small leather bag that Bai Yian was carrying, and opened the Marlboro box containing the refill cigarettes. There was a lighter and seven cigarettes stuffed inside. Lin Teng slowly took one out and put it in his mouth. Looking at Bai Yi'an, he pressed the lighter to light the cigarette, and the pungent sweet smoke spread out.

Bai Yi'an's breathing accelerated, the fascinated and intoxicating smell made her body lean forward unconsciously. She felt that her whole body was itching, blood was rushing violently in the blood vessels, and her hand muscles were also twitching nervously. The beautiful and charming face gradually blurred.

Lin Teng is a veteran. Naturally, unlike Bai Yian, who smells the odor and will attack, he calmly took a deep breath, let the smoke slowly travel in his lungs, and then spit it out. Lin Teng's intoxicated and comfortable expression made Bai Yi'an even more unbearable, her eyes were red, and she begged: "Lin Shao..."

Bai Yi'an's uncontrollable ugliness pleased Lin Teng. The cigarette burned faster than ordinary cigarettes. He took the last puff, threw the cigarette butt on the ground and crushed it with his toes. He buckled the cigarette case he was playing with, and threw it to Bai Yi'an.

Bai Yian couldn't care less about her face and dignity, she bit the filter mouth and couldn't wait to ignite it. Bai Yian's heart was cold, her behavior was obviously drug addiction, she hated Lin Teng, but she also knew that she was powerless to resist him.

She concealed her resentment that she wanted to eat her flesh, forced a pleasing smile, and said to Lin Teng, "Lin Shao, Tuobayan and I are really unfamiliar, can you give me some time? I have more time with her. Get in touch, and then introduce someone to you, it's almost the same."

Lin Teng achieved his goal and was naturally overjoyed. He didn't pay any attention to Bai Yi'an's abnormal emotions, or in other words, he didn't care what Bai Yi'an thought.

A sleazy woman like a gadget is addicted, what kind of waves can she make

Lin Teng didn't give Bai Yi'an any more cigarettes. She only had five cigarettes in her hand. Lin Teng's meaning was very obvious, when will Tuobayan be caught, and when will they be supplied to Bai Yi'an. So that she can do things honestly and don't think otherwise.

Bai Yi'an rented an apartment in the high-end residential area of South Bank in Huai'an District. With her previous income as a graphic model, it was simply not enough to pay the rent here. Until he climbed up to Prince Lin, he was generous to his woman and took the initiative to rent a high-end apartment for Bai Yi'an, paying rent for three years in a row, as well as countless other flowers, jewelry, luxury bags and clothes.

From frugality to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality is difficult, Bai Yinan is trapped in the wine pond and meat forest built by Lin Teng.

Bai Yian sat on the sofa for more than an hour after returning home.

Just push a young girl like a flower into a fire pit like this? Bai Yi'an's conscience does not allow her to do such wicked things. But now that I can't protect myself, if I don't act according to Lin Teng's idea, I'm afraid that it will really be the next Wu Xianqing.

Bai Yi'an herself didn't know when she started crying, and unconsciously tears soaked her collar.

She sat alone, the sun slanted and set, and the room went from dusk to darkness. The luxurious and luxurious decoration has lost the dazzling halo of the past. Bai Yian feels that this place is very much like a cage, and he is a canary trapped in a golden bird cage. He couldn't help himself, he was completely in Lin Teng's hands.

In the end, Bai Yian decided not to go against her bottom line. She didn't know what she would do when she became addicted to drugs, so she turned on the computer and wrote this letter, printed it out with a home printer, and found a way to send it to Tuoba. Yan's hand.

Tuobayan and Meng Meng came to the set, and the other main actors had not yet arrived. The two of her were not idle either, helping the crew to set up the scene and pack things together. Tuobayan also went to visit Xiaozhu, a jujube red horse rented by the crew. Xiaozhu was very happy to see her and kept using her head. Dulling Tuobayan.

Tuobayan also borrowed flowers to offer Buddha, fed Xiaozhu bean cakes and radishes, and groomed her hair skillfully. The breeder's brother was very shy and stuttered. He blushed and asked Tuobayan for an autograph, stammeringly praised Tuobayan's riding skills, and gave Tuobayan an invitation to their horse farm. Card.

When Chen Wanwan arrived, everything was almost done. Tuobayan changed into her costume, and the stylist was putting on makeup and hair. The first scene to be filmed today was the second day of Queen Yang's wedding, and she was jealous. She severely slapped Yi Zhaoyi, who had made a rude remark, and the two savage women, Yi Zhaoyi and the queen, pushed and shoved. Biyuer protected her master and accidentally pushed Yi Zhaoyi. Yi Zhaoyi almost had a miscarriage. It was only then that she discovered that she had a dark knot in her beaded fetus.

Emperor Shuncheng was both happy and afraid, and angrily came to Empress Yang and told her that Xu Yizhaoyi had been raising a baby in the palace, avoiding the daily rituals.

Tuoba Yan closed her eyes and let the makeup artist put the thick wig on her head, chewing the lines secretly in her mind, her expressionless face was very dignified and gloomy, even the makeup artist who was talking to her with a smile at the beginning did not dare to After making a sound, he lightly pinned the wig with a clip.

Chen Wanwan really wanted to know what happened after the little mop was picked up by the big cousin, but Tuobayan was obviously in the play, she could only suppress the fire of gossip burning in her heart and sit down and put on makeup.

Tuobayan's costume today is extraordinarily gorgeous. The material of the clothes is expensive real red silk. The embroidery of the phoenix and auspicious clouds on it is incomparable. In order to achieve the best effect, Fang Zhengqin went to the south to visit a famous embroidery master. Check the historical data, be sure to achieve the best results.

Layer after layer of clothing was pressing on his body. Although each piece of clothing was extremely light and thin, it was still very dull and heavy to wear more than ten pieces in a row. The stylist hid the ends of her hair, because Tuobayan's hair was long, so the makeup artist didn't choose to wear all wigs, but flexibly connected them together, and at first glance, she thought it was all real hair combed.

In the mirror, the skin is whiter than the snow, and the eyes are closed on the face of Hibiscus. She is dressed in the noble queen's phoenix robe. It is decorated with jewelry rings and hairpins, but the shocking domineering and extravagance has been revealed.

The stylist took out a hairpin and a hairpin from the jewelry box. These were made according to the jewelry collections in the Daxia exhibition hall in the museum. The jewels overflowing with jewels were carefully placed on Tuobayan's hair bun. Beyond her aura, she made her even more noble.

Tuobayan specially pierced her ears for filming, and the stylist matched her with the domineering Dongzhu earrings. At this moment, the eyes of the whole dressing room were almost focused on her. Tuobayan slowly opened her eyes, arrogantly Raising her chin slightly, she carefully looked at herself in the mirror to make sure that her makeup and hair accessories matched her identity as the mother of a country, and then she raised her left hand slightly.

Chen Wanwan's heart skipped a beat. She was only playing a palace maid, so her makeup was not as complicated as Tuobayan, the queen. She had done a simple updo early and put on a blue breast-length skirt. Chen Wanwan didn't know why, she stepped forward to help Tuobayan get up.

Tuobayan put her hand on her palm and stood up with a little force. The girl's slightly immature face was covered with heavy makeup, and she tried her best to hide herself, but she still could see a trace of unease and panic.

Although Yang Shaojin was the queen, she was still young, so she couldn't be so impeccable. Otherwise, she would not have made stupid moves, but instead pushed the emperor to Yi Zhaoyi's side.

Fang Zhengqin clapped his hands: "Very good, I'll be here in a while." His heart was full of joy, and he really found a treasure this time.

Bai Yian looked at Tuoba Yan, who was like the stars and the moon, and couldn't say that there was no jealousy and resentment in her heart. It's one thing that she doesn't want to harm Tuobayan, but if she wants to befriend Tuobayan sincerely, Bai Yian admits that she doesn't have such a big belly.

It was only now that she realized that her understanding of acting had gone astray from the very beginning. Bai Yi'an used to think that as long as she acts according to what the director said, she can completely make up for her lack of acting skills with her appearance. I always read the script to memorize the lines, and even if I can't remember the lines, I just read 1234567 directly, and then dub it later.

But watching Tuoba Yan's performance, Bai Yian was really shocked. Tuoba Yan's few words of analysis outside the toilet room made Bai Yi'an feel like she was in a daze. It turns out that the characters can still be understood in this way, but it turns out that looking at things from another angle will make things completely different.

It turns out that acting is such a fascinating thing.

Is it too late, Bai Yian thought. She sighed, shook her head and threw the Tuobayan thing out, and concentrated on reading the script.

Let's take a step by step.

Today's first scene is over, everyone is in super good condition, not to mention Chen Wanwan, who has always been stable, Tuobayan, who is just beginning to shine, and Bai Yian's performance is also very good.

Fang Zhengqin could see that the girl's progress was not only in her acting skills, but also in her correct attitude. In the beginning, Bai Yian was almost perfunctory with him, her expression and body movements were stiff, her voice was pretentious, and her characters were facial expressions. It was almost impossible to stop picking faults. The advantage was that she was good-looking.

But Bai Yian started to work hard. What he was holding in his hand was changed from a mobile phone to a script. The performance was no longer so rigid, and he barely passed the stage. At least he didn't sneak out of the camera by himself...

Everyone was positive.

Fang Zhengqin felt that it was necessary to praise her: "Xiao Bai performed very well today. He has made great progress, which surprises me."

Bai Yi'an was still a little uneasy about whether she did the right thing, but when she heard Fang Zhengqin's words, she almost burst into tears.

The author has something to say: I fell asleep on the computer yesterday ORZ, and I still can't guarantee a large number of updates in the future... 6,000 tomorrow.