The Female Martial Arts in the Entertainment Circle

Chapter 53


The performance styles of Chu Yue and Tuoba Yan are quite different. The former is flamboyant and the latter is restrained. In terms of skill and plasticity, Tuobayan obviously has the upper hand, but from the perspective of popularity, Chu Yue overwhelms Tuobayan again.

Qi Hongyun was still hesitating if he chose Tuobayan, how should the people behind Chu Yue deal with it, but after Qin Changgeng showed him the bloody complaint that was amazing from a calligraphy point of view, Director Qi made a decision. determination.

Chu Yue, who was eliminated, turned ashen, turned her head and left.

Ming Huan curled her lips and snorted coldly, but her naturally sweet voice muttered harsh words that did not match her cute appearance: "Oh, this bitch has a good temper. It's better to leave, as soon as you smell her The smell makes me want to throw up."

After speaking, Nian Huixian stabbed him. She spat out the tip of her pink tongue, and her face was innocent, and she continued to disguise herself as a delicate and harmless doll, but she did not change her lust, and slipped her fingers quietly onto other people's waists.

Tuobayan laughed secretly, but found Minghuan's capricious and erratic temperament quite interesting.

Weizhen's artist Tuoba Yan has successfully signed a contract with "Shangzhuji", and will play the female No. 1 Du Wanxian, forming an alternative 'husband and wife' file with the powerful idol Ming Huan, and interpreting the joy of the female champion, the princess Chi'er. marriage.

As soon as this news came out, the sunspots, who had calmed down a bit, were blown up again.

Why! A debut! Do a big production! Just play the heroine! Too arrogant! There is an inside story on the cliff!

Chu Yue, the little flower actress who had been vaguely saying that Du Wanxian's role was hers, also joined in, liked and forwarded a Weibo that Kaitianyan complained about Tuobayan's ruining the drama.

Hero Entertainment-Chu Yue V: No way, everyone is of one mind.

As the leader of the actor Tuobayan's support club who first saw the prototype, Li Yanrao wore the vest 'Eternal Swiftlet's Nest V', gnashing her teeth and leading a group of not so hardcore fans to fight against Heizi. Helpless, two fists are invincible to four hands. There are too many simple-minded and vicious followers of the trend on the Internet.

However, the rich and powerful President Li took a different approach and directly let the media controlled by his subordinates release some unknown 'great achievements', including Chu Yue, who was behind the pushers, and successfully divided a lot of firepower.

There was a lot of noise on the Internet, but it failed to turn things around. On April 2, the crew of "Shangzhuji" started in a low-key manner.

On May 1st, "The Son of Heaven" premiered on the evening prime time of the Central Xinjiang TV Station.

Yu Mo is a freshman at Zhongjiang University and a native of Yuchuan. She was originally going to travel with her new boyfriend during the May 1st holiday, but Yu's father and Yu's mother heard rumors from somewhere, and ruined the plan on the grounds that girls should not travel alone with men.

The economy is not yet independent, and for the time being, I rely on my parents for food and drink expenses. Yu Mo has no choice but to obey. But she was holding back a breath in her heart, and after returning home, she kept a cold face and hid herself in the room playing on the computer.

"go to hell!!!"

Yu Mo gritted her teeth and hit the keyboard, finally killing the final boss and clearing the game.

She took a long breath and buried her face in the crook of her arms.

What is Fang Yang doing now... Although he wasn't angry on the phone last time, he must have been unhappy in his heart. Even though he had already booked a train ticket, he let him dove... So annoying... Lanshou Shiitake...

Yu Mo rubbed her face and opened Weibo listlessly. Glancing at the hot search list, it was obvious that three of them were about the new actor Tuoba Yan, and I couldn't help but feel even more disgusted in my heart. Why is she everywhere!

Is it interesting to fry it like this? It's enough to stop, but these days, the screen is flying all over the sky, do you think the reputation is not bad enough? My melon eaters are going to turn black!

Yu Mo snapped her laptop shut, scratched her hair irritably, and got up to twist the door lock to go for food.

Father Yu and Mother Yu were sitting on the sofa watching the news broadcast broadcast by China Xinjiang Television. When their daughter came out, Mother Yu quickly stood up and instructed: "Momo, my mother bought your family's coconut and red bean bread today and put it in the refrigerator. Here, go and eat."

Yu's family is now considered a well-off family. It's not that you can't afford to buy things from your family, but the family has survived hard times. Yu's mother is used to it, and she is more willing to choose a store with a more affordable price.

This time, Yu Mo was left at home with a tough attitude. Mother Yu knew that her daughter was not happy, but she was not so big when she let Yu Mo go out with a boy like this. Seeing that Yu Mo is always sullen, she happened to pass by the newly opened branch in Huai'an District of your family today, and Yu's mother went in and bought some snacks for her daughter.

Yu Mo opened the refrigerator. The four coconut buns in your transparent bread bag were neatly stacked in the crisper. She opened the crisper and took out a piece of bread. She bit her lip and lowered her head. Suddenly, she felt that the 'cold war' started by her anger was childish and naive. capricious.

She closed the refrigerator door, opened the bread bag, and looked up to see her mother looking at her expectantly. Yu Mo coughed and walked to the sofa, she just squeezed in between her parents and sat down: "What good show do you guys watch, I'll watch it too."

Yu's mother said happily: "Waiting for the new TV series broadcast by Zhongjiang Taiwan, the trailer was broadcast half a month ago."

Dad Yu, who has never paid much attention to evening TV dramas, also nodded in agreement. He even lifted a half-worn thick book from the small table beside the sofa and said, "I'm a fan of Wang Lu's books."

Yu Mo took a closer look, and there were four big characters on the cover of the book.

Turns out they were waiting for the show...

Yu Mo shook her head and didn't comment. She only brought the sweet coconut bread to her mother's mouth. Mother Yu turned her head: "I don't like eating this."

Dad Yu interjected: "Momo asks you to eat as much as you want. You raised her so white and fat, she has no credit or hard work. What is a bite of her bread?"

While talking and laughing, the loud music from the TV caught Yu Mo's attention.

She subconsciously turned her head over, and the girl in red smiled smugly and playfully in front of her eyes. The music was low and continuous. The camera panned as the girl handed out the white rabbit in her arms, revealing that the maid in the blue skirt was equally beautiful 's smile.

Yu's mother was surprised: "It's Chen Wanwan... another eye, I haven't seen it before. But she is really handsome."

Yu Mo blurted out, "Her name is Tuobayan."

The title ends with a bleak soundtrack, and the story unfolds slowly from the young Seventh Prince being humiliated by literati in a teahouse.

The ambitious eldest prince fell into the water and died that night when he was imprisoned. The grief-stricken old emperor fell ill. He stared at his eyes and swallowed his last breath when he died.

The young actor Xie Cheng, who plays the male lead, performed very dazzlingly in the play, perfectly portraying the image of the young Shuncheng Emperor, who is uninhibited but innocent but kind-hearted on the surface, and the rhythm of the plot is also just right. The enthronement ceremony ended with a close-up of Emperor Shuncheng's nervous and frightened face. Yu Mo sat on the sofa with his parents for more than an hour. Finally, in the middle of the second episode, he waited for the plot that he had been looking forward to since the beginning of the film. .

I saw a bright red pulsating with the gradually clear sound of horse hooves, the red knight on the horse's back with a sophisticated posture, and was still far away from the camera for a second. The timing was up, and he keenly captured the glamorous face that flashed by.

Seeing that the horse's hoof was about to fall on the little beggar who was blocking the way, she gave a coquettish cry of 'yu—', and the jujube horse raised its front hooves and proudly leaped over the beggar boy's head.

The beautiful-faced female knight waited for the horse to stop her steps, turned her head around with her feet, and returned to the stunned boy, and asked angrily:

"Don't look at it when you walk! Thanks to my good riding skills, if it were someone else, you would have already kicked the horse to death!"

After tonight's episode ended, Yu Mo couldn't wait to go back to the room and turned on the laptop.

The young Queen Yang was particularly dazzling in her first appearance. The galloping section was shot with a continuous long shot. Tuobayan's skillful riding skills were amazing, but she also had doubts in her heart: whether to use a stand-in here.

Sure enough, there was already a quarrel on Weibo, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that Tuobayan's acting was impeccable, and it could even be regarded as the highlight of the show, but how could the sunspots with their swollen faces just disappear, and they were struggling everywhere. All the people who praised Tuobayan were beaten into a navy, and 'Tuobayan equestrian stand-in' even made it to the top of the hot search list.

The best teammates are pig-like enemies. The vicious insults of low-quality brainless black have aroused the resentment of a large number of netizens, and such low-level brain-dead behavior has even transformed some of Tuobayan's passers-by.

Since the girl appeared in the public eye, apart from the fact that the Yan Dangs were friendly at first, there was almost a chorus of scolding in the middle and later stages. But stop and take a sip of water and think about it carefully. The black spots that can be used as examples are whether Tuobayan is involved in the promotion of hype, and how she won two major roles with her blank qualifications.

The pots of dirty water after the sunspots lost their minds made netizens suspicious of the crime of 'Tuoba Yan's hype', which could not be washed away. Bayan's strength.

Many of the followers who were previously driven by the rhythm gradually recovered their normal judgment ability. Fang Zhengqin likes to use newcomers. Everyone knows this. Several actresses such as Xu Huizhen and Zhang Xueyi were not so much questioned and smeared back then. Why? It just turned into a situation where the whole people resisted airborne salt (black name)

I can't say whether it's compensation psychology or what. In short, the number of Tuobayan's Weibo fans has been soaring. The last Weibo she posted, that is, the comment under the one announcing her participation in "Shangzhuji", has seen a visible increase in the content. Blockbusters of 'Begging for Whiplash', 'Queen Empress Wanfu Jin'an', 'Did you still lack a maid, who can mix hot and sour potato shreds' and so on.

Yu Mo clicked Follow, followed the trend and replied on Weibo:

The face was swollen, so cool.

The author has something to say: Comments are back tomorrow…