The Female Martial Arts in the Entertainment Circle

Chapter 69


"I didn't expect Zhu Tiantian to be so kind and pure..."

"People can't be seen..."

"It's disgusting that the black post on the forum was actually posted by her."

"That's right, she also told me that Liu Qi always pestered her, and it's because Liu Qi was so protective of her just now."

Zhu Tiantian was trembling all over and stood on the spot, her brain was dizzy, and her ears were buzzing.

She is a person who loves face very much and is very cautious, but this recording of Tuobajiao completely sent Zhu Tiantian into hell, and it will never be recovered. She could barely control her body, her legs and feet were weak, and she wanted to open her mouth to argue a few words for herself, but found in despair that this was a dead end.

What will happen? Post a notice to criticize education? Punishment? Suspension

…or fired

Zhu Tiantian was really scared, she regretted it, she regretted that she shouldn't have done such a thing, tears flowed down her cheeks stained black with ink, she used all her strength to squeeze out a sentence: "You are despicable..."

Tuoba Jiao said calmly, "Just use the way of the person to treat the person's body."

Zhu Tiantian was panting rapidly, she forced herself to calm down, and summoned up the courage to see the expression of the head teacher Tao Li.

Tao Li was very disappointed. She was not like these teenage kids who had no social experience and couldn't see Zhu Tiantian's inconsistency. Tao Li knew from a very early age that Zhu Tiantian likes to fiddle with right and wrong, and even enjoys the feeling of playing with others in the palm of her hand, but she has never shown any substantive tricks, nor has she done such an excessive thing.

For the stability of the class and in order not to give up any students, Tao Li just scolded Zhu Tiantian, and did not give criticism or punishment.

But this time, Zhu Tiantian's performance disappointed her too much, and Tao Li could no longer tolerate it.

She took a deep breath: "Zhu Tiantian, Tuobayan, Tuobajiao, the three of you will go to the office with me, what should the others do. In the last half of the morning, everyone will study by themselves, the old rules, don't talk and do Small movements, teachers will come to watch from time to time. All return to their seats. "

Tuobayan held her sister's hand, the two exchanged glances, and followed Tao Li to the office.

Just after taking two steps, they heard a bang behind them, and the students who had just calmed down exploded again:

"Zhu Tiantian fainted!"

There was a mass in Luancheng in the classroom, Zhu Tiantian fell to the ground unconscious, some timid girls cried in fright, more students whispered in groups in twos and threes, no one went up to take care of Zhu Tiantian, everyone brushed together. Brush took a few steps back, and Zhu Tiantian fell alone on the ink-stained floor.

Tao Li had a headache, and she named Liu Yi, the sports committee member and the representative of the Chinese class: "You two take Zhu Tiantian to the infirmary."

The sports committee rolled his eyes, and Liu Yi grimaced: "Why is it me again..."

Tao Li experienced great joy and anger today, and he was in a bad mood. He said coldly, "Don't talk so much."

"Teacher." Tuobayan stood up, "I'll come."

Without waiting for Tao Li to reply, she stepped forward and took off her school uniform jacket, wrapped Zhu Tiantian, who was covered in ink, and hugged her easily: "I'll take her to the infirmary."

Tuobayan's act of repaying her grievance with virtue made everyone look at her differently, and Tao Li, who had always preferred her, softened her eyes instantly:

This kid is fine anywhere! Just too soft-hearted.

Tuoba Jiao: Although I don't know what my sister's intention is, I'll just follow.

Tuobayan went out with Zhu Tiantian in a mess, and the students from the outside class, who were looking at their brains from afar, shouted, "Hey! Come out, come out!"

"What's the matter, who is that Tuobayan is holding?"

"Did a girl fight in the first class just now?"

"Ah, I missed a good show when I went to the toilet!"

The language teacher Zhang, who is the head teacher of the second class, shouted: "Second class, go back to your seat and sit down! There will be a temporary language test in five minutes!"

Class 2 student: Hey, the other class teachers didn't say anything. Look at the group of beasts in Class 7 who came downstairs to join in the fun.

The head teacher of the seventh class came up to Tao Li to gossip: "What's the matter, what's wrong, the students in my class said that the class is dead."

Tao Li said angrily, "Bum, how far, how far, I'm annoying."

Tuoba Yan walked fast, Tuoba Jiao followed closely, and Tao Li's old legs couldn't keep up with them. When the infirmary teacher checked Zhu Tingting's physical condition, Tao Li arrived, panting:

"Xiao Xu, how is she?"

Mr. Xu from the infirmary frowned: "I'm in a hurry, and I can't tell. It shouldn't be a big problem. But it's better to send it to the hospital for an examination."

Tao Li sighed: "Then send it to the hospital, these children are really worrying."

Tuobayan comforted Tao Li: "Teacher Tao, don't worry, it's all my fault..."

Tao Li was biased towards Tuoba Yan and went to the moon at this time. No matter how she looked at this girl, she was all good. She took out a handkerchief and wiped the ink on Tuoba Yan's face:

"I don't blame you, dear boy. You and your sister go back to the classroom. We are here."

Mr. Xu, who was on the sidelines, focused on the black-stained sheets: It's really unfortunate, I guess it's not clean.

Tuoba Yan and Tuoba Jiao turned around and left the infirmary in one step. Teacher Xu called Yucheng Hospital and asked an ambulance to pick up Zhu Tiantian.

The 120 ambulance came quickly, and Zhu Tiantian was carried into the car in pitch black and taken to Yucheng Hospital.

It was noon, and there were a lot of parents picking up their children outside the school gate. Because Zhu Tiantian got on the bus in the school, the parents didn't know what happened. Several of them took videos and uploaded them to their friends. In the circle or on Weibo, there are speculations about what happened to the students who were picked up and whether it was related to the sports meeting.

On the other end, the ambulance rushed to Yucheng Hospital with Zhu Tiantian, Tao Li and Teacher Xu roaring all the way. Zhu Tiantian was still in a coma, but her black body still attracted the attention of patients and their families at the entrance of the hospital. A frenzy of photos spreading to each other.

Zhu Tiantian didn't have any major problems. After checking, the conclusion was that she just fainted from anger.

Teacher Xu and Tao Li were sitting in the chairs outside the ward. Neither of them were in the mood to speak, and they each thought about how to deal with this matter.

Tao Li had already called Zhu Tiantian's parents, and she couldn't explain clearly on the phone. She only said that the child had an accident and brought them to Yucheng Hospital, fearing that there would be trouble after they arrived.

Zhu Tiantian's bad behavior will definitely be dealt with by the school. I'm afraid it's not dismissal, it's just a nice persuasion.


At this time, a middle-aged old man's voice asked, "Hey, isn't this Ning Yuan?"

The full name of Teacher Xu in the infirmary is Xu Ningyuan. He raised his head blankly, and after two seconds of stunned he remembered that this strong-spirited old man was Li Dingchen, the grandfather of the Li family who used to be a neighbor in the compound, and quickly said hello:

"Grandpa Li."

Li Dingchen paused for a while, and said curiously, "Boy Ning, aren't you a nurse in middle school, why did you come here?"

Xu Ningyuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "It's not a nurse, it's... Hey, it's almost the same anyway. A student fainted, and her head teacher and I followed to see the situation."

Li Dingchen was very curious, stretched his neck and asked, "Why? Studying is too busy, tired and dizzy?"

Xu Ningyuan said, "That's not true, there is a dispute between the students... I don't know either." He quickly threw the topic to Tao Li, "Grandpa Li, this is the head teacher of the third class of Yuchuan No. 6 Middle School, and Tao is a super teacher in our school. Teacher Li Tao."

Tao Ligan smiled and asked, "Haha, Teacher Xu is overrated."

Li Dingchen is a familiar temperament, and he quickly got acquainted with the two juniors, and kept inquiring about gossip. Tao Li is not good at revealing the students' private affairs to others. He only vaguely talks about unimportant situations. While chatting, Xu Ningyuan missed his mouth and said Tuobayan's name.

Li Dingchen suddenly became concerned: "Tuobayan? The Tuobayan who made the TV series?"

Tao Li thought there was nothing to keep secret, and nodded.

Li Dingchen can't sit still now, daughter-in-law Sun has a dispute with others at school! been bullied! The old man made a random excuse to leave, and then called his eldest granddaughter to convey the first-hand news.

Li Yanrao, who was thousands of miles away, hung up her grandfather's phone, turned her head and said to Liu Wenjing, "Book a flight, we'll go back to Yuchuan."

When Zhu Tiantian's parents arrived at the hospital, Zhu Tiantian was already awake, Tao Li wiped her face with a hot towel, and Zhu Tiantian cried out of breath:

"Teacher, I know I'm wrong, I don't dare anymore, I'll go and apologize to Tuobayan, okay? Please, don't let the school expel me..."

When Mother Zhu heard this, she immediately exploded, and she rushed up crying: "Tiantian, what's wrong with you?"

Zhu Tiantian sobbed: "Mom, I did something wrong at school and I will be expelled."

Mother Zhu turned her head and angered Tao Li, and said with a gun and a stick: "Mr. Tao, my family Tiantian is not a child with a bad heart. She has been very good since she was a child, and I don't need to worry about her father. She did it in the end. What's wrong, to be fired? Don't wrong her!"

Tao Li smiled bitterly: "Tiantian mother, I really can't say it directly, let Zhu Tiantian tell you."

At this time, Father Zhu scolded Zhu Tiantian with a cold face:

"Zhu Tiantian, did you fall in love early? Or cheating in the exam?"

Zhu Tiantian was trembling with tears, and she kept shaking her head, but she didn't speak. That's right, this kind of behind-the-scenes person was caught by the righteous master for a serious scandal, how did she say it

Zhu's father made sure that his daughter did not fall in love early or cheated, and immediately said to Tao Li:

"Mr. Tao, I'm not boasting. Our family is very strict with our children. I believe in my daughter's character. If she doesn't have a puppy love and cheating, why would the school want to expel her? You tell me Me, if it's really her fault, I have nothing to say."

It was so aggressive. Before asking the situation clearly, she asked the head teacher with her head covering her face. Tao Li was also very aggrieved. She didn't want to cover up anything for Zhu Tiantian, and explained the situation in a simple way.

Father Zhu was so angry that his nostrils gasped, he pulled away Mother Zhu, who was protecting his daughter, and slapped Zhu Tiantian hard.

Zhu Tiantian was stunned. She covered her face and sobbed. Mother Zhu cried:

"Zhu Jianguo, what are you doing! You're crazy, you are so sweet! Why don't you say anything with your mouth?"

Zhu's father stomped his feet again and again and roared: "Stupid! Stupid! A loving mother has many failed children. I know that you are not good at educating your children. Let Zhu Tiantian do such a scandal to smear me!"

Zhu Tiantian shivered suddenly and fainted again.

Tao Li hurriedly went to call a nurse, Zhu's father and Zhu's mother quarreled, and Zhu's mother screamed with disheveled hair, defending her daughter:

"What's that girl student's name? Why do you only listen to her one-sidedly? Call her and I'll ask her personally! Who knows she's not slandering us Tiantian!"

The periphery of the ward was full of patients. Father Zhu covered his face and became furious: "Qi Yanhua, are you ill? Is it shameful to shout like this? Stop filming, what are you filming!" He forced the door of the ward to close.

But no matter how noisy the Zhu family's parents were, the school leaders gave a notice that afternoon:

Zhu Moumou spread inappropriate remarks on the school forum. After the post was deleted, he still did not repent. He damaged the property of the classmates. be advised to withdraw.

This dismissal notice was posted on the bulletin board, and the school broadcast was repeated three times. Anyway, the students in the middle and high schools of Yucheng No. 6 Middle School knew it. And this person also destroyed Tuobayan's running shoes worth tens of thousands, and after being caught, he even tried to use tricks to harm Tuobayan.

so shameless...

But online, it's a different story.

Some black fans who don't know much about this matter, relying on video clips and false rumors, fabricated various posts of Tuobayan insulting classmates, and they said it with nose and eyes, and their words were convincing.

The Zhu family, who were unwilling to give up, also called relatives and pulled up a banner at the school gate to avenge Zhu Tiantian. They also painted red paint on the school gate and scolded Tuobayan.

The matter became more and more popular due to the popularity of the first place in the 400m and 1800m track and field in the Tuobayan Games. Li Yanrao intuition that this is not only the scale that Tuobayan's black fans can create, but the public relations department found out that there are other A group of people are playing tricks behind the scenes.

Li Yanrao received Li Dingchen's call that day and immediately flew back to Yuchuan City to deal with the matter.

After the evening self-study, the Zhu family were still waiting outside the school. Tuoba Yan was not afraid of them, but she felt troublesome. At this time, Tao Li found her:

"Your family has come to pick you up. The car has already driven into the school. You hurry up and go downstairs with your sister."

Tuobayan had a vague suspicion in her heart, and she packed her schoolbag and went down to the teaching building. Li Yanrao's car was parked under the shade of a tree not far away.

Tuoba Jiao was used to it, she silently opened the door and climbed into the back seat, plugging her earphones consciously. Tuobayan coughed and sat in the co-pilot.

"Why did you come back?"

Li Yanrao leaned over and fastened Tuobayan's seat belt. The familiar scent of her body lingered on the tip of Tuobayan's nose, which made her feel a little nervous.

Li Yanrao smiled and said, "I miss you, can't I?"

Tuobayan's nose boldly moved closer to Li Yanrao's neck and sniffed, and moved up to kiss her earlobe quietly: "I miss you too..."

Li Yanrao pushed his little girlfriend's head away seriously:

"Don't make trouble, your head teacher is watching."

The author has something to say: I wrote very smoothly today. I finished writing 4,000 in a little more than two hours. I want to go to heaven haha. I continued to write after lunch in the afternoon.

Happy reading everyone! Mhhh///3///