The Female Protagonist of an Angsty Novel has a System Mother

Chapter 1



I'm so hungry.

Youyou is so hungry.

Under a tree with sparse leaves that looked half dead, three-year-old Xu Youyou leaned against the trunk, lowered her head and touched her growling belly. Her chubby little face was wrinkled into a ball, and the word "unhappy" was written all over it.

Although she is at an age when she should be carefree, she has experienced the troubles of life too early.

The welfare home was unusually generous this afternoon, and each child was given a big chicken leg, which is a treatment usually only given during the Chinese New Year or birthdays, so everyone was naturally very happy.

Xu Youyou habitually saves the best food for last, but before she could enjoy the meal, a few older children led by Huahua snatched the chicken legs when the director's grandmother and the others weren't paying attention.

He also threatened Xu Youyou that if she dared to complain, he would take away her food every day!

Seeing several people tearing up a big, fragrant chicken leg in just two or three bites, even with their mouths full of oil, it looked so fragrant and delicious that Xu Youyou had to hold back her tears on the spot.

It's obviously my chicken drumstick!

She really wanted to rush over and snatch the chicken leg back, and she also wanted to complain to the director’s grandmother and the cafeteria auntie, but, but...

Good kids don't fight.

Good children should be obedient.

No one likes a disobedient child.

The words of the aunts and the director's grandmother took root in the young Xu Youyou's mind. She didn't want to be hated and didn't want to cause the director's grandmother to worry about her anymore, so she would rather endure it herself.

"Fuck! Why are you enduring this?"

This sudden voice startled Xu Youyou: "Who?! Who is talking?"

The little girl looked around quickly, but the nearest people were so far away from her that it was impossible for them to talk to her.

Xu Youyou looked up at the tree again, but saw nothing.

This voice seems to come from... my head

The little girl's eyes suddenly filled with tears, and she was obviously frightened.

"Don't look for it, you can't see mine!"

System 5874 "looked" at the little thing in front of it. If it had a body now, it would definitely poke this guy's head out of frustration. Don't you know that humans are always greedy

If we endure it this time, those people will only become more aggressive in bullying us!

There will be a second and third time soon, and it is impossible to expect the bully to have a change of heart.

But the system thought about what Xu Youyou did later, and it was not surprising that she would react like this.

Otherwise, when most people encounter such things, they either explode in silence or become perverted in silence. Only Xu Youyou, the heroine of the sad novel, would choose to forgive in silence.

5874Take a deep breath, it's okay!

Isn’t it here to change Xu Youyou’s fate

Under my guidance, I will definitely make this child understand what it means to be a "self-reliant, independent and outstanding woman in the new era"!

Now the first step.

First, Xu Youyou must trust it, otherwise the next things will be difficult to handle.

This small world was derived from books among the three thousand small worlds. Compared with those worlds with special abilities of cultivating immortals, it is just an insignificant one, and the rules are rigid and incomplete.

Unlike the real world, which is perfect and intelligent, the system is indeed subject to many limitations. For example, it cannot reveal anything about what will happen in the future, and it cannot force Xu Youyou to do anything, but there is still room for maneuver.

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