The Female Protagonist of an Angsty Novel has a System Mother

Chapter 31


At nine o'clock on Monday morning, when most workers had just sat down at their workstations and were still reminiscing about the wonderful weekend, a hot search came up at lightning speed.

It went from being ranked over 40 initially to being ranked 6th in less than half an hour, and judging by the level of discussion, it will probably rise further.

The full name of this trending search is #Thirty-six animal skeletons were found in a villa in Jiangcheng.

Although they are just animals, everyone is a caring pet lover nowadays. People no longer take animals' lives lightly as they did in the past. If anyone dares to abuse cats or dogs, he will be scolded to death in minutes.

What’s more, there are so many of them!

However, when everyone clicked in and took a look, the initial unhappiness instantly turned into anger.

—Shit! There’s a scumbag!

It turned out that a boss in Jiangcheng asked workers to decorate the garden of his villa. Generally, they just plant some flowers and grass on the surface.

Unexpectedly, one of the workers who was planting flowers in the garden dug down a few more times and found an iron box.

At that time, the workers were also a little curious and had some unspeakable thoughts. Could it be that these were gold, silver and jewelry buried by a rich person

In addition, the boss was not in the villa at the moment and the supervisor did not pay attention to his direction, so the worker quietly tore off the seal and easily opened the iron box.

I never thought that there were several unknown bones inside!

The workers were so scared that they screamed and threw the goods on the spot!

This also attracted the attention of others.

When one of the workers saw the unknown bones, his first reaction was to take out his cell phone and call the police!

After all, these bones don't look like those of cats or dogs. The key is that they are stuck with white strips and placed in an iron box. It looks weird no matter how you look at it. It looks like some superstitious and feudal film set.

So, when Zhou Weimin arrived, the police had already dug around the villa and found a total of 36 such iron boxes, each of which contained a few pieces of bones.

The housekeeper at the side wanted to stop it but couldn't, and could only look at Zhou Weimin anxiously.

However, the police are still unable to confirm where these bones came from.

Because there are several bones that are obviously not human flesh and bones, but just to be on the safe side it is better to send them for examination immediately. If there really are human bones among them, it would be a major case that Jiangcheng might not encounter in decades!

"How could it be human?"

Zhou Weimin came on stage with a smile on his face: "Comrade police, I am a good citizen who pays taxes on time. How could I do such a thing that violates the law? These bones were given to me by my mother who asked a master for help. Hey, haven't I been childless for a long time? My mother was very anxious and came up with this stupid idea. As a son, I really couldn't refuse."

To be honest, Zhou Weimin was not very worried about this. After all, these bones were not human. Even if some of them were protected animals, he could just say he didn't know.

When it came into his hands, it was already in a state of bones. He didn't hunt or kill it. He was just a helpless good son who listened to his mother.

The problem is not to make a big deal out of this matter. After all, at this critical moment, who knows what impact this little thing will bring.

After thinking about it, Zhou Weimin decided to call the person he knew and report the incident. Although that person was a little unhappy, he also felt that it was not a big deal.