The Female Protagonist of an Angsty Novel has a System Mother

Chapter 4


Xu Wenyin and Xu Youyou's first meeting ended with Grandma Wu's red eyes.

A large number of the children in this orphanage were abandoned by their biological parents. Xu Youyou is lucky to have a biological mother who loves her.

Maybe the mother and daughter will have a harder time in the future, but in today's society, as long as you have hands and feet, you will never starve to death.

Compared to life in the welfare home, Grandma Wu believes that Youyou definitely prefers being with her mother, and she would make the same choice if she were in his shoes.

Moreover, according to Xu Wenyin herself, she graduated from a good university and studied computer science, which has been very popular in the past two years. After she gets her certificate, it should not be too difficult for her to find a job to support her family.

However, Grandma Wu also asked a question about Xu Youyou's father.

After finding out that she was cheated by a scumbag, she no longer exposed his scars. This kind of thing is common in any era.

However touching it was, Xu Wenyin could not take Xu Youyou away today.

Grandma Wu couldn't help but frowning when she thought about the Zhou couple coming tomorrow.

Logically speaking, Xu Youyou's biological mother had appeared, so Xu Youyou's whereabouts were clear, but the couple was narrow-minded. What if they got angry and made trouble for the mother and daughter who had no foundation, or did something to the orphanage...

These are all things that Grandma Wu cannot bear.

"Grandma, what's wrong?"

Xu Youyou's childish voice interrupted Grandma Wu's contemplation. She habitually showed a kind smile: "Nothing."

It would be better not to tell this kind of thing to others so as not to make the mother and daughter, who had just been reunited with great difficulty, worry. When the Zhou couple come tomorrow, she will try her best to send them away without offending anyone.

Grandma Wu’s worries did not escape Xu Wenyin’s eyes. She knew better than Grandma Wu how petty and vindictive the Zhou couple were.

If she comes to take Xu Youyou away tomorrow, there is a high chance that she will run into the two men. However, as a weak woman who is "powerless as a kitten", she cannot just beat them up.

Considering the future operation of the welfare home, Xu Wenyin immediately came up with a good idea.

In the original novel, the Zhou couple's adoption of Xu Youyou was not done quietly or silently.

On the day he decided to take the people away, Zhou Weimin contacted the media and reported his "public welfare" behavior extensively, trying to portray himself as a conscientious entrepreneur.

The Zhou couple never thought of treating Xu Youyou as their own daughter, nor did they want others to think that this was their child, so everyone who knew the Zhou couple knew that Xu Youyou was their adopted child.

The two men also hypocritically expressed that they did not want to deprive the woman who gave Xu Youyou life of her surname, and that they would treat her well even if her surname was not Zhou.

Xu Youyou was an orphan and no one wanted her. It was the Zhou family who were so kind that allowed her to live the life of a rich lady.

Such a Xu Youyou must repay the Zhou family!

From childhood to adulthood, Xu Youyou has been living in such an environment of speech, a complete pua!

As for now, Xu Wenyin used this trick without hesitation.

The police comrades helped her so much. Such good deeds should of course be vigorously publicized and commended and rewarded!


On the appointed day, Zhou Weimin and his wife packed themselves up and went to Chunxiao Welfare Home.