The Female Supporting Character Ran Off With The Bun

Chapter 19


The bamboo curtains are very dense, and there is cinnamon floating in the air.

The man has a straight back and a long body.

His pair of deep eyes were dark and bright, looking through the heavy night.

Staring at her intensely.

Even without makeup, her skin is still as white as ivory and her lips are not red.

Compared with the unscrupulous beauty under the makeup, there is a pure and quiet beauty at this moment.

Chi Ying met his gaze without flinching.

She let out a cold scoff in her throat, "I didn't expect that the most noble heir of Ou Shi would also have such a habit of voyeurism."

A woman's voice is clear and clear, like a winter spring breaking through the ice.

All the broken ice shards got into his heart.

"It's you who is unguarded."

Lu Jingyan coughed unnaturally, "Besides, there's nothing to see."

Hearing this, Chi Ying's indifferent eyes were filled with anger.

She said word by word, "Mr. Lu, what you are doing is illegal."

"I will not do it again."

Lu Jingyan's back stiffened even more.

But the tone was low and soft.

It's a sound that's addictive.

"Chi Ying." His Adam's apple rolled, and he asked with some difficulty, "That night four years ago, it was you, right?"

Chi Ying seemed to have heard some strange anecdote, and looked incredibly surprised.

She pretended to look at him with confusion, her watery eyes pure and innocent.

Lu Jingyan frowned, "You are a student at the film school and attended a dinner party."

"So" Chi Ying suddenly smiled, "Since you are sure it's me, why do you keep asking me again and again."

She saw Lu Jingyan's eyes light up for a moment, and she seemed to be able to read the joy in his eyes.

Mr. Lu, who had always been calm and self-possessed, she never expected that he would have such a deep obsession with that absurd night.

Lu Jingyan probably made the affirmation after seeing the alumni's comments about her on Weibo.

If it weren't for some other special reason, the boulder in my heart would fall to the ground.

The corners of Chi Ying's lips raised slightly.

The conversation changed.

"Mr. Lu probably can't remember her appearance clearly."

"However, I can answer unequivocally," she stared at him, "I am not."

Lu Jingyan's cold and arrogant eyes were filled with an unprecedented tenderness and humility at this moment.

"If it's because I've hurt you, that's why I don't want to admit it."

"I apologize to you."

Chi Ying was slightly shocked.

For a moment, she couldn't tell what the hurt in his words meant.

That night, it was obviously the original person who set the trap.

Could it be

Or it means something else.

She pursed her lips and said, "No."

"You have never hurt me, and I don't want to admit it."

Chi Ying's eyes were dark, shining with bright moonlight.

"But, I don't know you."

Lu Jingyan's pupils grew colder.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu." Her eyes were sincere and sincere, "What you told me tonight, I won't tell anyone else."

"Talk too much." Lu Jingyan quickly interrupted her and said coldly, "Why are you avoiding me."

"I want to hear a serious answer."

"I'm not lying to you, I have always believed in fate." Chi Ying said lightly, "I saw the result of the fortune telling just now, and Mr. Lu should have seen it too."

"There is also the girl that Mr. Lu is looking for. She has not come to you for a long time. This may mean that she does not need her. Your search may be a trouble for her."

"So." Chi Ying clenched her fists, her nails digging into the flesh of her palms slightly, "Thank you for giving me the opportunity to join Oushi, and thank you for saving me. But I won't add WeChat, and I won't appear next to you. .”

"I owe Mr. Lu a favor. If you ask for anything, as long as I can help, I will do my best. But my abilities are limited, and you know that."

"At other times, Mr. Lu, please keep your distance from me."

After speaking in one breath, she turned and left decisively.

In the quiet and dark night, the mountains are entrenched like giant beasts, bringing depression and fear to people.

The cooling night fog floats in the air.

Chi Ying vaguely heard an almost inaudible sentence behind her, "I'm sorry."

Lu Jingyan's magnetic voice floated in the night, low and distant.

Long nights and many dreams.

Lu Jingyan suddenly woke up.

Cold sweat wetted the black hair on his forehead and soaked through his thin shirt.

He propped himself up and sat up. His eyes were completely dark, and large beads of sweat snaked down along his delicate outline.

The moonlight reflected his pale face slantingly, looking handsome and embarrassed.

The overwhelming heart palpitations surged like a tidal wave.

His heavy breathing was painful.

From the day of the dinner party, new nightmares haunted her every night like monsters.

That was also the first time that the vague outline he had been searching for for four years had the most realistic appearance in his dream.

Those fragments were dripping with blood and unbearable to watch.

Lu Jingyan was busy with everything during the day, with constant meetings and almost endless work, but he could no longer sleep peacefully.

He was rapidly losing weight at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Last night, when he left the house from the backyard, he just unconsciously glanced into her room, but unexpectedly he encountered the boundless tenderness in her expression.

For a moment, I could no longer take my eyes away.


nbsp;She seems to be on a video call with someone.

There are stars twinkling in her beautiful eyes.

The happiness and joy he had never seen before filled her lips and eyes without any pretense.

It was the complete opposite of the cruel sight he saw every night.

An idea flashed through his mind.

Did she also experience a similar dream to him, so she would avoid him like a snake and a scorpion

But what was rolling in his chest were uncontrollable strong emotions. In addition, there was also strong guilt and uneasiness that almost exploded every night.

There is no cure, and there is no way to dissipate it.

In a cafe in the north corner of the city, Shu Bai sat in a corner with a pale face.

Her eyes were blank and lifeless, like a rag doll whose soul had been removed.

It wasn't until a woman carrying a brand-name bag and high heels came to her in a hurry that Shu Bai raised his eyes tiredly.

"Jiashu" she greeted politely.

The voice was weak and dry.

Tong Jiashu laughed heartily, "Haha, it's me, long time no see."

Actually, it’s not been a long time.

Shu Bai recalled what Chi Ying saw when he pulled her along in the safe passage.

There was a slight discomfort in my heart.

Shu Bai didn't dare to look at anyone for a long time, and after witnessing Tong Jia Shu seducing Director Gu, Shu Bai avoided her eyes.

Tong Jiashu looked at Shu Bai unscrupulously.

The girl opposite didn't even wear makeup when traveling.

His face was pale and dull, his eyes were black and blue, and his eyes were extremely dark.

Because of insomnia, pink pimples are still popping up.

He really didn't look angry at all.

Tong Jiashu was surprised, "Bai Bai, why are you so haggard?"

Shu Bai remained silent.

"I heard that you didn't succeed in Director Gu's audition, and that the second female lead was also snatched away."

Shu Bai's voice was low, "You also know."

"Is there anyone else who doesn't know?" Tong Jiashu raised her eyebrows, but saw the girl opposite her lowering her head.

"Look at your potential." Tong Jiashu sighed and shook his head, "Bai Bai, I know you are kind."

"But others are riding on your face, why don't you resist?"

"Others" Shu Bai raised his eyes in surprise, "You mean Senior Sister Chi Ying?"

"Chi Ying skipped two grades in school. Let's not call her senior. It's awkward."

Shu Bai sighed, "I'm not dissatisfied. She is already better than me."

Tong Jiashu said in disbelief, "You don't think the entertainment industry today is about excellence, right? I told you many years ago that fairness is impossible."

Shu Bai cursed, but didn't you also fail

"Do you know why Chi Ying was favored by such good resources when she was just starting out?" Tong Jiashu reached out with one hand and lifted Shu Bai's chin, "Look up and listen to me."


"Lu Jingyan thought the woman she slept with four years ago was Chi Ying."

"But that person is obviously you."

Tong Jiashu spread his hands.

Shu Bai's lips lost blood in an instant, and his brain exploded with a "boom".

There was unconcealable surprise in her dim eyes: "You"

Tong Jiashu took it for granted: "I saw it when I passed by."

Shu Bai suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Most of the nervous look disappeared.

"It turns out that person is you."

When Shu Bai left, he also spotted a figure flashing past in his peripheral vision.

But she is timid and frightened by nature. Even though it is not a big deal, I have been worried about it for so many years.

Since they are acquaintances, it will be easier to handle.

Shu Bai said: "It's not what you think."

Tong Jiashu didn't take it seriously, looked at Shu Bai from top to bottom, and sneered: "It's strange, you two look so different, how could Mr. Lu get it wrong."

Tong Jiashu shrugged, "I don't understand."

"But this time I heard it clearly."

"Lu Jingyan mistakenly thought that the woman was Chi Ying, but Chi Ying personally denied it."

Shu Bai couldn't believe it: "Where did you hear that?"

"Director Gu's new drama crew, please be sarcastic."

"You don't know that Lu Jingyan, Gu Yuanchen and Chi Ying walked back to their residence together."

"This is how our audition failed."

"Not only that, Chi Ying's role has more than doubled."

"Bai Bai, it's something that originally belongs to you. Are you willing to have it taken away by others?"

Shu Bai said softly, "Ah", "Why do you want to tell me."

Tong Jiashu blinked: "Because we are friends."

Shu Bai was embarrassed.

For some unknown reason, Tong Jiashu from the next class took the initiative to chat with her and make friends with her since the beginning of her freshman year.

It's obvious that his personality is not lovable.

No one wants to talk to her.

But in fact, Shu Bai didn't want to regard her as a friend.

Ever since college, Tong Jiashu has been unruly and unscrupulous for various opportunities. Even the teachers in her department have been attracted by her.

But, but

She was lost in thought when Tong Jiashu suddenly knocked her on the head.

"Lu Jingyan came back from City Z, and I came back with him."

"If you don't go find him now, when will you wait?"