The Female Supporting Character Ran Off With The Bun

Chapter 32


Jinjiang Literature City: Your subscription ratio is insufficient. This is an anti-theft seal. The text will be visible in waiting. Chi Ying looked at Chi Cheng's small back and was startled.

She loves children very much, and in her previous life she often went to the orphanage to help the director take care of the children.

But she was still a little confused when she changed from a girl to a mother in an instant.

This is a spacious and luxurious baby room with exquisite decoration and warm colors.

In the corner is a two-meter-high small castle made of environmentally friendly materials, and the carpet is covered with colorful soft toys.

The original owner was willing to relax and take a nap and let the little one play alone. This was not due to negligence, but because the place was safe enough.

The mother and son live in a three-story villa in the same neighborhood where the original owner lived when he was a child, and where he met Lu Jingyan.

In my memory, this place was renovated after I became pregnant.

On the way to the dining room, Chi Ying passed by a huge floor-to-ceiling mirror.

Just a glance and her breath caught.

The person in the mirror looked exactly like her in her previous life, but even more beautiful.

His facial features are carved and his skin is porcelain white and smooth.

Her breasts are eye-catching, her buttocks are straight, her legs are long and well-proportioned, and their arcs are extremely beautiful.

From the hair to the toes, every part reveals the charm of a woman, but it does not conceal the innocence of a girl.

This is a kind of beauty that is flamboyant, unscrupulous, and makes people forget to breathe. It is more delicate than all the poisonous flowers in the world.

Chi Ying remembers someone saying that she was born for the spotlight.

At that time, she just pursed her lips and smiled shyly, secretly hiding the love and desire that were always ready to come out in her heart.

How could it be so exaggerated, how could it be so destined.

It’s just a matter of 70% luck and 30% hard work.

But at this moment, Chi Ying couldn't help but sigh the same as the person who was praising him.

The person in the mirror seems to be born for the spotlight.

There wouldn't even be anyone more suitable than her to stand at the highest position.

Chi Ying thought of her acting dream.

But she also thought of Chi Cheng.

She hesitated.

When Chi Ying walked to the dining room, the little guy had already worked hard to climb onto the chair and sit down obediently.

He clearly looked like a good student waiting for the teacher to come to class. He was so cute and well-behaved that she couldn't help but smile.

The kitchen is clean and tidy, and the cleaning lady has cleaned it carefully. Chi Ying took out a small cartoon bowl from the sterilizer and scooped a spoonful of rice.

She was about to feed the little guy who was waiting for feeding, but Chi Cheng stretched out his white little hand and took it from her very naturally.

Children's bowl with excellent heat insulation properties.

Chi Ying was stunned as she watched the little guy put the food into her mouth one spoonful at a time, calmly and gracefully.

Children as young as two and a half are often capable of feeding themselves, but they often make themselves dirty. Because my mind is still a little impetuous and it is not easy to sit still, I really need the guidance of adults at this time.

And Chi Cheng does not lack the quality of concentration.

If a child is a blank piece of paper, then Chi Cheng is the best rice paper.

It is as beautiful as a piece of art carefully crafted by God.

That was the first time Chi Ying realized that she wanted to protect him.

Maybe there isn't such a deep blood-soaked connection between them. But it is out of human nature, the spontaneous cherishment of beautiful things.

In the story, she was beautiful but had a bad life, and Chi Cheng even died in infancy.

Chi Ying wondered if she could make any changes

The old fortune teller is willing to spoil her life, is he hoping that she can reverse this ending

In this novel, Lu Jingyan will always fall in love with Shu Bai, and she is just a female supporting character who knows no means or even shame for love.

Even though Chi Ying desperately hopes to give Chi Cheng a complete family, the Book of Destiny tells her that it is difficult to avoid a tragic end.

Chi Ying thought, don't rush into the flames.

She wanted to stay away from Lu Jingyan.

She hoped he would never discover their existence.

Chi Ying hopes they can survive more than her father's love.

In her previous life, she had experienced illness, and she understood better than anyone else the regret that gnaws at her bones and the preciousness of life.

Apart from that, there are many things she has to do.

Such as financial independence.

For example, try your best to prevent Chi's bankruptcy.

Even if you go bankrupt, you must have enough financial ability to face it instead of relying on Lu Jingyan.

Another example is to give Chi Cheng as much warmth as possible to make up for the lack of fatherly love.

But Chi Ying soon discovered that what life showed her was not a ferocious side, but even a very gentle side.

Chi Ying also has an older brother, Chi Yu, who became the heir that his father had painstakingly cultivated since he gave up further studies after becoming pregnant.

Chi Yu was unexpectedly a doting lover and would talk to her every day.

In addition to some daily greetings, Chi Ying would also ask him about Chi's current situation to make sure that everything had not gone off the rails or gone irreversibly.

To an extreme ending.

Chi Yu was somewhat curious as to why his sister suddenly became concerned about the family business.

He knew his sister's hobbies and dreams, and knew that she had little interest in inheriting the company.

He also knew that his sister had fallen into despair after getting pregnant. He wished he could tear that scumbag to pieces, but Chi Yu didn't even know who he was.

He always replied dotingly: "Everything is fine, you don't have to worry."

We feed you.

Chi Ying did not rule out the possibility that Chi Yu had something to hide from her. She secretly conducted some investigations and at the same time, she was also working hard to gain some knowledge about economics and management.

However, a large amount of data shows that Chi's enterprise, which is based on watches and jewelry, is booming and has extended its tentacles abroad a few years ago.

After several years of ups and downs, it now occupies a place in foreign markets, without even catching on to the declining trend.

Chi Ying's life seemed to be at ease.

She thought that the education of a child's first three years of life was very important.

This stage is also the time when they are most inseparable from their mother.

Chi Ying gave up the idea of entering the entertainment industry and achieving financial independence in a short time, and decided to accompany Chi Cheng.

The original owner enrolled Chi Cheng in a parent-child early childhood education class, and she took her little one to the institution every day.

Chi Ying is a very gentle person, and the little one feels that her mother is becoming more and more gentle, and she is very attached to her.

In the day-to-day parent-child activities, a very close relationship was established between them.

Chi Ying often sees Lu Jingyan in the news.

He always wears suits and ties, has stern eyebrows, elegant temperament, and even a hint of asceticism.

Very charming and perfectly fits the aloof image of the boss.

Lu's O&S Group originated from the furniture industry, but has now developed into a diversified comprehensive enterprise, involving industries extending to real estate, entertainment, media, hotels, catering, watches, finance, etc. It has been more than 100 years ago. history.

Lu Jingyan had already taken over the management of Lu's enterprise when he was twenty-five years old, and had absolute leadership in the three major industry sectors of Oushi: entertainment, media, and watches.

It is reported that within a few years, Mr. Lu will hand over all his property to his young and talented eldest grandson.

Lu Jingyan became the dream lover of countless infatuated girls and the ideal son-in-law of parents all over the world.

If Chi Cheng’s identity is revealed

I'm afraid she would have been torn to pieces by a group of love rivals before any natural or man-made disaster could occur.

Chi Ying watched the news in silence and found that the little guy still looked much like his father in terms of facial features.

In addition to his appearance, Chi Cheng also inherited a lot of Lu Jingyan's smart talent and calm mind.

From this point of view, Chi Ying was very grateful to him.

Living a peaceful life is like boiling a frog in warm water.

And she seems to have been paralyzing herself with the education and companionship of her children.

Although it is tiring to take care of children, the aunt and housekeeper at home will arrange everything in a tight and orderly manner. She is not too tired, and she even gained four pounds.

Chi Cheng grew up quickly and became more and more dependent on her.

Until one day, Chi Yu told her on the phone: "My parents are going back to China, and my mother may stay with you for a while."

"Okay. But why did they want to come back?" Chi Ying keenly caught the moment of silence on the other side, "Did something happen?"

"The foreign market is sluggish, so we decided to focus on domestic development from now on."

Chi Ying was shocked.

Immediately afterwards, Chi Yu said:

"It's very complicated. I can't explain it for a while."

"But it's not a big deal. You have to believe that we can handle it."

Chi Ying hung up the phone and was lost for a moment.

She didn't know how powerful the fate line was.

The reason why the original person was able to calmly give up her dream career even though she was a single parent was because her family provided her with sufficiently generous material conditions.

Chi Ying lay in the warm water, her body feeling a little weak.

She almost became the second original person.

She is moving further and further away from her destined destiny.

This phone call seemed to be a wake-up call for Chi Ying.

She can no longer be a mediocre rice insect.

Born in sorrow, died in happiness.

Chi's mother quickly moved into the villa. She is a lady who always smiles. She was rescued from a life-threatening situation, and her body and bones have become stronger.

There has never been a role like a mother in Chi Ying's life.

She found that getting along with Chi's mother was quite pleasant. Chi's mother didn't ask her anything particularly sensitive, and there wasn't much of a barrier between them.

Chi Cheng timidly hid behind Chi Ying at first, but eventually he gradually became close to his grandmother.

Having your family alive is actually a very happy thing.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day when Chi Cheng went to kindergarten.

There were cries inside and outside the garden. Passers-by heard it and felt it was noisy, but only the parents of the children could taste the feeling.

This is the first time Chi Cheng has been separated from his mother since he grew up.