The Female Supporting Character Ran Off With The Bun

Chapter 46


Jinjiang Literature City: Your subscription ratio is insufficient. This is an anti-theft seal. Wait or purchase. As can be seen in the previous article, she subconsciously threw her mobile phone far away like a time bomb, as if she could escape the damage scope of the explosion. .

After a while, Chi Ying calmed down, and she felt that there was nothing wrong with this help function.

The chaos in the circle was obvious to all. If one day she was restrained with brute force again, even if she called the bodyguards, they might not be able to tell her the location in time, and they would be unable to rescue her.

She reluctantly picked up the phone that was stuck deep in the seam of the sofa.

Chi Ying: This is serious

z: Yeah.

Chi Ying: That’s awesome. How did you do it

Yue Zhuo was worried that Lu Jingyan's tone of voice was too serious and might make Miss Chi suspicious, so he quickly reminded him: "I usually add emoticons when sending WeChat messages."

When Lu Jingyan heard this, his eyes were blank for a moment.

Then, he added an emoticon that comes with the WeChat system based on his feeling.

z: Trade secret soldier

Chi Ying: Magical

Chi Ying: Why did Mr. Yue suddenly think of installing this function on my phone

Find an opportunity to repay him later.

Lu Jingyan paused and wrote in the input box: Mr. Lu told me what happened at the dinner. I'm sorry that such an accident occurred.

Lu Jingyan read it silently a few times and found that saying it this way made it seem like "Mr. Lu" was a bit talkative, completely disregarding her self-esteem and embarrassment.

The tone was too indifferent.

He couldn't help but frown, and tapped his slender fingers on the table, lost in thought.

Not long after, Lu Jingyan raised his head: "Yue Zhuo, how do you usually call Director Song?"

Yue Zhuo was stunned for a moment, then said word by word: "Lion, tiger."

z: Liger’s requested smile

Chi Ying felt that this sentence was so serious that it was a bit weird, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

Chi Ying: Even if you are shy, can you know my location

z: If you don't trigger the event, no one will know. Therefore, to adjust the volume in the future, you can choose to long press and smile

Chi Ying: Do I need to turn on gprs

z: No, the smile will be automatically turned on after calling for help.

There was a smile in Lu Jingyan's eyes.

In fact, if he really wanted to obtain Chi Ying's coordinates, it would be a piece of cake.

But Jiang Chong told him that she might be angry.

He won't look.

Chi Ying: That’s troublesome, Mr. Yue. I’ll treat you to a big dinner some other time. Naughty

z: It’s okay to smile

Even though "z" promised that it could not be located under normal circumstances, Chi Ying still felt uneasy.

In the evening, when she was about to pick up Chi Cheng, she deliberately left her mobile phone at home.

If Yue Zhuo discovers that she frequently visits the kindergarten, no amount of explanations will be necessary.

Chi Cheng couldn't hide.

The sun was setting in the west, but the weather was still muggy.

The villa complex has tall green plants and mosquitoes are very rampant.

Even though Chi Cheng was wearing short sleeves and long trousers, Chi Ying was still worried and she brought mosquito repellent with her.

As Chi Ying walked on the road, she attracted the attention of many other parents.

She has a mature and graceful figure, but her skin is white and her eyes are pure, making her look very young.

It is really enviable to be able to maintain such a figure and skin after giving birth.

Living in a mansion, she is either a wealthy lady, married into a wealthy family, or she is kept as a mistress by a wealthy businessman.

But her face is peaceful and beautiful, and her every move exudes charm and elegance. Even if people are jealous, they can't associate it with the latter.

Chi Ying could feel the stares and comments behind her, and felt a touch of sadness in her heart.

Maybe in the near future, she will no longer be able to show up directly at the door of the kindergarten to pick up the little guy and take him home.

The melodious school bell rang, and the teacher directed the children to line up according to their height at the door of the classroom.

Girls are in front, boys are behind.

Chi Cheng stood at the front of the team, holding a "Little One Class" sign with both hands.

Behind him followed a group of excited children.

Chi Cheng raised his head and chest, and walked towards the waiting area where Chi Ying and other parents were with a serious expression.

Seeing the little guy's serious look, Chi Ying couldn't help but curled her eyes.

I have to say that Chi Cheng's serious look is somewhat similar to the stoic Lu Jingyan.

But when he grinned, he was clearly a heart-warming little sun.

Chi Cheng's kindergarten is an aristocratic elite kindergarten, and it also advocates elite education.

There are only twenty children in each class, but they are equipped with two teachers. They both have master's degrees from the psychology department of F University, which is ranked first in the country.

Yesterday, the teacher communicated with Chi Ying and said that in her working life in the kindergarten, she had never seen a child as mentally healthy as Chi Cheng.

If you were to do a psychological evaluation, Chi Cheng would be the only one to get a perfect score.

Kindergarten tuition is very high, and the children here come from either rich or noble backgrounds.

Therefore, their characters are more or less selfish, domineering and coquettish.

But Chi Cheng didn't.

He can quickly integrate into the environment and quickly gain the respect and love of his peers.

Both boys and girls like to run behind him.

He seems to be born with the charm of a leader.

Not only his classmates, but as teachers, they also couldn't put it down.

If children are works of art, then parents are sculptors.

If a child is a mirror, then what is reflected in the mirror is the personality of the parents.

The teacher said that it was Chi Ying who gave Chi Cheng enough love.

This allowed Chi Cheng to gain a sense of security and self-confidence that was strong enough to withstand external variables in his early growth, and only then could his soul show a very beautiful part of human nature.

Chi Ying smiled.

In fact, not all of this is due to her.

The little girl next to Chi Cheng is the youngest and smallest girl in the class. She has two pigtails and is secretly holding Chi Cheng's clothes. Her uneasy expression contains a bit of dependence and trust.

She was bullied by a naughty boy in the class today, and it was Chi Cheng who protected her.

The moment they walked out of the school gate, the children who missed home felt like returning home, but the little girl still squeezed the corner of his clothes tightly.

Chi Cheng turned around and patted the little girl's snow-white arm, with a warm smile on his face: "Mom is here to pick me up. We'll see you tomorrow."

The little girl giggled.

All that timidity disappeared, and an innocent smile appeared.

She nodded and rushed towards her mother.

Chi Cheng walked quickly towards Chi Ying.

"Mom, I miss you"

He opened his arms and Chi Ying met his embrace.

Chi Cheng nuzzled into her arms, and there seemed to be stars in his eyes.

Chi Ying discovered that Chi Cheng was different today than usual.

What he said was not "Chengcheng misses his mother", but "I miss you".

In order to prevent the little guy from confusing the relationship between himself and the world, she and the original person called him "Chengcheng" until he was three years old.

Chi Cheng also used to call himself "Chengcheng".

Today, the teacher taught Chi Cheng how to learn personal pronouns.

Chi Ying had not guided him systematically. It was not easy for a child to quickly distinguish between "you" and "me".

Chi Ying rubbed his little head, "Mom misses you too, most of all."

Don’t hesitate to express your emotions

Perhaps only when being a child and facing children can people do it without any scruples.

Perhaps what she wants to guard persistently and wholeheartedly is such a rare piece of innocence.

Chi Cheng smiled and couldn't wait to turn the small schoolbag on his back to his chest and took out the works he had done in the handicraft class.

"This is mom, this is me."

He pointed to the two cartoon pandas, one large and one small, on the greeting card. In the middle of them, there was a bright red heart.

The contours are meticulously drawn.

The colors of the oil pastels are heavily pigmented.

It can be seen that a lot of effort was put into every stroke.

Chi Ying's heart trembled.

She seemed to see another desire beneath Chi Cheng's strong emotions.

"Chengcheng, do you want to see giant pandas?"

The little guy's voice was cheerful and clear, "Think"

"How about I take you to see them the day after tomorrow?"

He nodded, "Okay"

Chi Ying arranged a detailed audition schedule.

Even if not every role is suitable for her, she is willing to try it now that she has the opportunity.

This will be of great help in broadening your acting career and improving your audition skills.

In today's first audition, she made a mistake that she shouldn't have made.

The schedule was full, but she still deliberately set aside a whole day on Saturday.

Even though Chi Cheng had spoken to comfort her, it didn't matter even if her mother was busy.

But at that moment, she could also see the light that suddenly lit up in his eyes.

She knew how much Chi Cheng liked small animals.

If her stardom goes smoothly in the future, I'm afraid she won't be able to take her little one to the zoo like an ordinary mother.

That was something she promised him personally.

She will cash it out.

Chi Ying was lost in thought, and Chi Cheng unknowingly took the toilet water from her hand and applied it carefully on her arm that was red and swollen from the bites.

A refreshing feeling.

Chi Ying was slightly surprised.

After returning home, Chi Cheng had an uncontrollable smile on his face.

His eyes were sparkling, filled with joy.

Chi's mother couldn't help but laugh, "What happened to make our family Chengcheng so happy?"

Chi Cheng crawled into her grandmother's arms with a happy smile, "Mom said she would take me to the zoo on Saturday."

Chi Ying, who was preparing children's nutritional meals for Chi Cheng in the kitchen, also heard their conversation.

She liked Chi Cheng's eyes as bright as stars.

His smile would make her feel like the whole world became brighter.

In the evening, Chi Ying received the email of Director Gu's audition results.

What I was worried about didn't happen.

She passed.

Shu Bai did not go as smoothly as if he had cheated, and she did not miss the opportunity because of Shu Bai's appearance.

She was very grateful to Director Gu for giving her the opportunity to audition and also giving her the opportunity to make mistakes.

Director Gu said that the contract will be signed next Monday and the filming will be fully launched within a few days.

She will give it her all.

"Assassination of Ji" is a best-selling novel that swept the country in the first half of the year.

Peiyu Media used its connections to seize the opportunity and spent a lot of money to purchase the film and television copyrights of Sashimi, but it also suffered a lot of damage.

Chief production director Qi Hongcheng is worried about limited funds and is afraid that he will not be able to produce a TV series that meets the expectations of the audience.

At that time, not only will Peiyu Media's reputation be damaged, but a bloody war of words will engulf him online.