The Female Supporting Character Ran Off With The Bun

Chapter 60


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She stood up and stared at Tan Ke, a little angry: "Everyone can see what kind of director Mr. Song is. You can't slander him."

"Also, why do you keep spreading rumors about me over and over again? It's fun to talk behind my back, can you just focus on your own business?"

Zhao Wan felt excited and silently clenched her fists, her heart jumping into her throat.

Tan Ke was stunned for a moment and said: "Who spread rumors about you when they are free? Nothing I said is true. If you and Song Qingfeng didn't have that kind of relationship, he would send you a dinner invitation alone and get to know you for free. Directors all have eyes and can see clearly, so don’t insult our intelligence.”

As soon as Song Qingfeng entered the classroom, he heard Tan Ke's words clearly. He walked quickly to the podium and slapped the script down on the podium, obviously very angry.

"This classmate, what did you just say? Say it again in front of me."

There was a faint sound of gasping in the classroom.

Tan Ke didn't expect that Song Qingfeng would suddenly appear. There were no classes for him this semester, so his expression changed slightly.

However, she quickly puffed up her chest, held her head high, and said righteously: "I was the first in my major in the acting class you taught, and it was just last semester. Chi Ying only joined our class this year, why did you just I recommend Chi Ying, but not me.”

Song Qingfeng has never given face to people who don't understand respect: "With your pride and impetuous temperament, you can't see the good of others, and you are destined to not be a great person. It's better to leave your resources to people who will be more useful."

Since Chi Ying joined the class, what Tan Ke has heard most is that others compare her with Chi Ying. "The new transfer student from the acting department seems to be prettier than Tan Ke" and "has a better figure than Tan Ke". Chi Ying was a thorn in her heart.

When Tan Ke heard Song Qingfeng say this to her, she suddenly lost control of her emotions. She gritted her teeth and shook out all the information she had secretly investigated.

"Why do you say that Chi Ying is more useful than me? I can clearly see that the year of admission on her student ID is four full years earlier than any other student in our class. Under what circumstances would a student delay graduation by four years? Maybe Song Qingfeng, a good student, is a good teacher. How could you say such things? I will go to the principal's mailbox to complain to you."

Hearing this, the students sighed. In addition to marveling at Tan Ke's attitude of calling Song Qingfeng by his first name, he was even more surprised that Chi Ying entered school four years earlier than them.

But Tan Ke made Chi Ying's private affairs public without any obstruction, and Zhao Wan's eyes turned red.

"You only make subjective assumptions about things you don't understand, fanning the flames and adding jealousy. Do you know this is slander?" Song Qingfeng was so angry that his hair stood up. "Chi Ying's grades were first in her major from freshman to junior year, and she won For national awards that have passed three years, the Office of Academic Affairs will keep a record. You can check online and then speak after checking."

This was the first time that Zhao Wan heard about Chi Ying's glorious achievements in the past, and she couldn't help but burst into tears and laughed: "Wow, why can't you slap me in the face so fast?"

Tan Ke's sisters also felt that they couldn't lose their face and advised her: "Forget it, Keke, Song Qingfeng is no longer an ordinary teacher, but also a well-known director. The school spent a lot of money to retain him, we Can’t afford to offend.”

Tan Ke's face turned red and white.

Song Qingfeng took two long breaths, waited for his mood to calm down, and said seriously: "Okay students, Teacher Liao has something to do today, so I will teach for you. I hope you remember that students from the Acting Department of the Film Academy, give yourself Your positioning should be to become an excellent actor. Please don’t just put on airs and spend all your time on things like intrigue. Neither the audience nor the director is blind. Good characters are not only packaged by the entertainment company, but also by you. Determined by the spiritual core.”

After Song Qingfeng finished speaking, the classroom was quiet for two seconds, and then there was warm applause.

At noon, Zhao Wan made an appointment with Chi Ying to have lunch at San Canteen.

Only one person passed Director Gu's audition. Chi Ying passed, and Zhao Wan was defeated.

Chi Ying felt quite embarrassed thinking that Zhao Wan kept congratulating her with a smiling face, and kept comforting her, for fear that she would mind: "It's okay Wan Wan, there will be many opportunities."

"You don't need to comfort me. I'm really not sad at all. I know my level."

Zhao Wan said shamelessly while putting the chicken legs into Chi Ying's bowl with a smile. The girl in front of her has milky white skin, delicate facial features, pure and beautiful, and a gentle and gentle temperament. She thought that Chi Ying was really the most beautiful girl she had ever seen.

After thinking about it, a girl sat next to Chi Ying with a plate: "Chi Ying, I never thought you were so good. I always thought you were just good-looking, but I didn't expect you were so good at studying. Three-year National Award Oh my god. By the way, my name is Luo Li, Luo from Luoyang, Oriole from Oriole."

Chi Ying knew that the honor belonged to the original person, not hers. Although she had won national awards for several years in her previous life, the environment was different and incomparable, so she still felt a little guilty.

Her cheeks turned pink and she said sincerely: "I know you, Luo Li, sing very well. Don't praise me like that, I'm not that good."

Zhao Wan suddenly jumped up possessively, whispering to make her presence felt: "I don't care, Ying Ying Ying, I want to hold my thigh."


bsp;The film school has a dormitory for four, but the number of girls in the class is not a multiple of four. And Zhao Wan is the one who comes out after dividing by four. Her three roommates are all photography majors, and they don't eat or go to class together every day.

Therefore, Zhao Wan was always alone until Chi Ying joined the class.

She cherishes Chi Ying's existence.

Chi Ying smiled softly: "If you don't mind, just hug me."

Before he finished speaking, another dinner plate was placed on the only empty seat on the table: "Count me in."

Zhao Wan was furious when she heard this and said fiercely: "What's wrong with you? Don't rob Ah Ying from me. I'm warning you."

After chatting for a while, Zhao Wan suddenly felt something was wrong. The person in front of her was again

"Xiao Xiaoheng"

After lunch, Zhao Wan, Luo Li, and Xiao Heng were all preparing to go back to their dormitories, while Chi Ying was preparing to go home.

Chi Ying said goodbye to them, walked out of the school gate, and saw Yue Zhuo walking towards her. He was wearing a black baseball uniform, sports trousers, and a peaked cap. He looked young and down-to-earth without showing off his rich and arrogant temperament.

Yue Zhuo also saw her and greeted her with a smile: "Chi Ying."

"Master Yue." Chi Ying called her in surprise, "I want to thank you for the dinner and the bounce. Thank you very much."

Yue Zhuo smiled: "How can I thank you? I heard that you want to treat me to dinner."

Chi Ying nodded sincerely: "Well, as long as you are free, I will do it unless something unexpected happens."

Yue Zhuo made a mistake and said: "It's not as good as tonight."

Chi Ying thought for a moment and agreed: "Okay."

"Then let's meet at Canghai Jingdao at seven o'clock in the evening."

Chi Ying looked at the menu and frowned slightly.

So expensive.

This meal will probably cost her two months of living expenses.

If it was back when I was studying in college, this money might not be worth much. But things are different now. The Chi family's business is not what it used to be.

Even if her daily expenses are a drop in the bucket compared to the operation of the business, she should still strive to be frugal. Even if we are really poor in the future, there won't be a big psychological gap.

Although it was expensive, since she accepted Yue Zhuo's help and agreed to treat him to dinner, she would not complain.

"I want this, and this."

Yue Zhuo flipped through the menu skillfully and said, "I come here often and know what's delicious, trust me."

Chi Ying covered her face. Young Master Yue was not polite and ordered only the most expensive staple food and the most expensive drinks. Of course she believed it was delicious.

Yue Zhuo handed the menu to the waiter, and then said seriously: "Chi Ying, I like you very much, and I especially want you to be my heroine, but Song Qingfeng doesn't allow it."

"Teacher Song." Chi Ying stirred the teaspoon and looked at him in confusion, "Why?"

"He said, cough." Yue Zhuo cleared his throat and imitated Song Qingfeng's tone, "Chi Ying will take on good films in the future, so don't leave a dark history for her."

Song Qingfeng's words were so crazy that Chi Ying was startled: "What Teacher Song said is just a joke. I'm not good."

Yue Zhuo was shocked: "The National Award for three years is not great. When I was studying, I didn't get a single scholarship."

"But the movies I make are really bad. When I enter Hollywood in the future, I will ask you to make a movie. I don't dare to do it now, Mr. Song will shoot me to death."

When talking, Yue Zhuo came closer and lowered his voice, as if he was planning some major business event.

He was talking happily when someone suddenly knocked on the table with his knuckles.

Chi Ying shifted her gaze to the hand with distinct joints on the table.

She was a hand control person, and she thought about how her hands were so beautiful, slender and sexy, and the crescents on her fingernails had grown into her favorite look.

But she was enjoying it with indifference at the moment, because she discovered that it was Lu Jingyan's hand.

Yue Zhuo put on his signature smile: "Mr. Lu is so happy today. He is finally willing to come to my place."

"Young Master Yue is in such a good mood." Lu Jingyan glanced at Chi Ying and then at Yue Zhuo. His face was stern, and there was something profound in his eyes.

Many girls looked over and started talking in surprise.

Lu Jingyan is the eldest grandson of the Lu family and the sole heir of the Ou Shi Group. No one does not know who he is. When he appears in the news, he always wears suits and leather shoes, with stern eyebrows. There is an air of asceticism that is very fascinating.

Today's largest entertainment company is also Oushi Media, a subsidiary of Oushi, and a place that all acting students are fascinated by.

"Then Keke, you have to fight hard, so that you can benefit from us by meeting the big boss."