The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 101: Embroidery Girl 23


After the arrow was pulled out, the doctor not only bandaged the wound of Jun Rusong, but also scrubbed the blood on his body to avoid infection. It would be inappropriate for the two little girls to stand here again, so they had to go out and wait.

"Rusong, I'm going to help you cook porridge. You can go to bed after drinking the porridge, so that the wound will heal faster." Before leaving, Lin Dan specifically explained.

"Okay, thank you Dan'er." Du Rusong smiled and nodded, his body was still a little weak, but his heart was full. This time he was injured, and he saw a different side of Lin Dan. He was strong and resolute, and he was able to calmly deal with even the biggest difficulties. With her here, his heart is at ease, and so is his sister's.

Lin Dan wiped the blood on his hands with a handkerchief, and walked out quickly, not even daring to lift his head. Du Rusong's eyes were too deep and focused, making her a little uncomfortable. Du Ruyan followed her step by step, like a little tail.

After the two of them left, the eldest prince personally called a basin of hot water to wipe Du Rusong's body, and sighed, "Rusong, this is the girl you liked? What a puppy!"

Du Rusong suddenly laughed softly, but it affected the wound again, and he gasped in pain. However, this pain did not damage his inner pleasure in the slightest, he said slowly: "When I saw Dan'er for the first time, I thought exactly the same as you. At that time, she just started learning embroidery, she couldn't sit still, and she couldn't embroider well. When she was impatient, she ran to chop wood, and cut a good wooden pier to only two feet long. After cutting, she sat down and continued embroidering. When she was impatient, she ran to cut, and so on. I watched her look like a She slowly polished her temperament like chopping wood piers, no matter how upset or impatient, she never thought of giving up. She had a ruthlessness that would never stop until she could achieve her goals, as if as long as she had the heart, there was no such thing in the world. Anything can stymie her. I thought at the time that this little girl will definitely succeed in the future. She has no fear in her heart. It took half a year for her embroidery skills to surpass that of the best embroiderers in Zhejiang Province. Because with her, Ruyan finally got rid of those unbearable pasts and started to look forward. It was about us who met her. The best chance after leaving the capital…”

Speaking of this, Du Rusong sighed deeply, filled with satisfaction, joy, and deeply hidden nostalgia.

"If that's the case, why do you have to join the army?" The eldest prince said in a terrified voice, "If something happened to you, how would you tell me to explain it to my mother?" Even though Queen Du had already been deposed, he still used to call her mother.

"The problem is, I want them to live a better life, I want them to have whatever they want, without being bullied, without being bullied, at least they can be free and happy in Lin'an City." Du Rusong shook Shaking his head, all the softness in his eyes receded and was replaced by firmness.

The eldest prince threw the blood-stained handkerchief into the basin, and said helplessly: "Yes, as long as Concubine Min Gui is still there, she will not let you and Ruyan, let alone the queen mother. I don't know who the father is. What do you think? Back then, when the queen mother and him went through the wind and rain, and suffered all kinds of hardships for him, and finally when the country was peaceful and the imperial power was stable, he wanted to abolish the queen mother. He is really hard-hearted."

Having said this, the eldest prince realized something was wrong, and hurriedly said, "Don't talk about it, you have a good rest, I'll go to the barracks to have a look." As soon as the door was opened, Lin Dan came in with a tray, Du Ru Yan followed behind her, and said diligently: "Dan, the bowl is too hot, let me serve it, you can sit and rest for a while. Today is really thanks to you, the great kindness and virtue can't be repaid, just let me Brother, will you agree with me?"

"Pfft!" The eldest prince couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Du Rusong, who has always had an extremely poisonous mouth and an extremely hard heart, actually blushed, but he didn't scold his sister, but looked at Lin Dan with anticipation.

Lin Dan is in a good mood today. When she saved someone, she actually saved herself, so she didn't care about Du Ruyan at all, she just smiled with the corners of her mouth up.

The eldest prince thought these three people were very interesting, and was about to make a joke, but he smelled an extremely rich and extremely attractive fragrance, and this fragrance was wafting out of Lin Dan's tray. He sniffed hard, and coveted: "Miss Lin, what are you doing?"

"This is a four-red blood-tonifying porridge specially made for my brother. It is made with peanuts, red beans, purple rice, and red dates. It can nourish blood, reduce swelling, and promote heart activation. Dian can do everything, and it's fine, it may be dry! "Du Ruyan raised his chin in a proud tone.

The corner of the eldest prince's mouth twitched slightly, thinking that as long as the two brothers and sisters mentioned Miss Lin, she looked so proud and proud, and then touted it vigorously, she was really poisoned by Miss Lin.

Du Rusong showed a happy smile. He was about to raise his upper body, but he was supported by Lin Dan first, and put two pillows behind him, "Don't move, I'll feed you." She carefully urged: "Drink After the porridge, take a good night's sleep, Ruyan and I will stay next door at night, if you are not feeling well, just ring the bell, we will come right away when we hear it."

"Where did you get it from?" Du Rusong looked at the bell in his hand, dumbfounded. Don't think he doesn't know, this thing is worn around the neck of a cow.

"I got it from the stable." Du Ruyan sat next to her brother, and began to flatter Lin Dan without thinking: "Dan, I'm afraid that you'll be too hot at night and won't have the strength to call someone, so I'll go and find you this bell. We'll get you this bell later. Help you hang the bell beside the bed, and tie a rope, you can pull the rope when something happens, and we can hear it. How about this, is this method okay? It’s a thoughtful thought!”

Du Rusong stared at Lin Dan, his heart pounding into a soft mess at this moment.

"Drink the porridge soon, and sleep well." Lin Dan said uncomfortably.

"Okay, I'm tired." Du Rusong leaned on the soft pillow, his tone was gentle, and he praised sincerely after taking a sip: "It's delicious, even better than what the royal chef did!"

Lin Dan's mouth curved slightly, and then he smiled.

The eldest prince was so overwhelmed by this aroma that he asked expectantly, "Miss Lin, do you still have this porridge? I'm also a little hungry."

"Also, Your Highness, go to the kitchen and see for yourself. I will simmer it on the stove with a small fire, and I can eat it at any time."

"Okay, thank you Miss Lin." The eldest prince hurried to the kitchen, smashed his tongue after drinking the porridge, and sighed with admiration, "This kid Rusong has really found a treasure!" He can make money and be in charge of the family. , Can take care of people, and can withstand things at critical moments, where can I find such a good girl

After supporting Du Rusong to lie down, Lin Dan and Du Ruyan had a chance to breathe. The two sat in the pavilion outside the courtyard, looked at each other's embarrassment, then shook their heads and laughed.

"Dan, it's great to have you here!" Du Ruyan hugged Lin Dan and shook it gently.

Lin Dan just rubbed her head with a helpless expression.

Just at this moment, the eldest prince, who was full of food and drink and changed his clothes, came over and said solemnly: "Miss Lin, please come with me, we will go to the firewood house to see what Rusong has prepared for you. "

Thinking of the Japanese Weaver Girls, Lin Dan hurriedly followed, and when he got to the firewood room, he saw four women in kimonos tied with their hands and feet and thrown to the ground. One of them said in Chinese with a strong accent: "Please don't kill us, we are just working on the boat and have done nothing wrong. My mother is Chinese, and I came to find my grandfather and grandmother, who are in Lin'an Mansion. My father was ruthless and sold me to these pirates. Not long after I got on the ship, I really didn't do anything bad. Like me, they are all poor people who were trafficked. Please let us go? " While speaking, he struggled to get up and kowtowed.

Du Ruyan gradually showed an unbearable look, and subconsciously pulled the eldest prince, as if wanting to ask for mercy. Lin Dan stepped forward, pressed her toes against the woman's bleeding forehead, and asked calmly, "I heard that you can weave?"

The first prince couldn't help but look at Lin Dan with admiration. Look at her unmoved appearance, look at her posture with her toes against other people's heads, how can she be described as "cold"

The Japanese woman was indeed stunned by Lin Dan's aloof, cold and ruthless attitude, she nodded quickly and said, "I can weave! My grandmother was the imperial weaver girl and passed all the skills to me. The reason why those pirates bought us was because they valued it. It's our craft."

"Is there a finished product?" Lin Dan retracted his toes and continued to ask.

"Yes, but they were all searched." The woman gave the eldest prince a frightened look.

The eldest prince then said: "The finished product is with me. Rusong told me to bring it back. Do you want to take a look?"

"Go." Lin Dan immediately left the woman and walked out of the firewood room, ignoring the helpless and desperate cry behind him.

Du Ruyan turned back frequently, showing that she couldn't bear it.

The group went to the warehouse and found a few pieces of cloth. Lin Dan took it in his hand and looked at it, then went out and looked at the sun, with a satisfied look in his eyes. Du Ruyan was attracted by the gorgeous fabric, and repeatedly praised: "It's so beautiful, even more beautiful than Shu Brocade! The pattern is full of exotic flavors, and the color can be bright and elegant, and it can also reflect the dazzling streamer of the phoenix fire. Huh? This one The patterns on the front and back of the cloth are actually different, how this is woven, it's amazing!"

Lin Dan didn't pay much attention to other fabrics, and only focused on the double-sided patterned fabric. Generally speaking, the patterns on the front and back of Kesi fabrics are the same, but this fabric has broken the traditional shackles and achieved technological innovation, which is what Lin Dan values most. She couldn't help thinking: If she could find inspiration from it and apply this double-sided and different-image technique to embroidery, what would be the effect? Of course, in the process of research, she will encounter many difficulties, but this is what she enjoys the most.