The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 132: Physician 16


Li Zhong was just outside the door, how could he not hear the conversation between the eldest son and the second son? Seeing that there was no movement inside for a long time, he bravely walked in, only to find that the eldest son was sitting on the bed blankly, with a very complicated expression.

"Eldest son, don't let the second son's words lead you into a ditch. The second son has prejudice against Miss Lin so he slandered her like that. Miss Lin has taken care of you these days. What kind of person is she? Don't you understand yet?" Li Zhong persuaded.

When Lin Dan first came, the people in Xiaofeng Pavilion really hated her, but after getting along for a long time, her meticulousness, her diligence and hard work, her love and righteousness, no complaints and no regrets, have already moved everyone. Whether she is sincere or fake to the eldest son, how can you not tell

"I understand." Xue Boyong waved his hand weakly: "In Xiaofeng Pavilion, she does everything by herself. For me, she learned to cook, do laundry, and female red; for me, she wore coarse clothes to practice medicine in the countryside. If she If you want to live a good life, how can you be willing to suffer these hardships?"

It was because he saw it so clearly that he reacted so violently to Xue Jiming's words. He wasn't worried about Lin Dan's deception, he was just worried that Lin Dan was wasting his life just to take care of himself. He is already a waste, how can he dare to expect anything else

Thinking of this, Xue Boyong covered his face and sighed sadly.

Seeing that he was thinking clearly, Li Zhong stopped talking, just tucked the quilt for him and went out.

The next day, Xue Boyong planned to distance himself from Lin Dan, but he couldn't help but approach. When Lin Dan left, he asked him what he wanted to eat. He shook his head and said no. Lin Dan turned around and went to the kitchen, where he cooked a pot of mutton. The smell will still accompany him.

When he came back in the evening, Lin Dan ignored his refusal, put him in a wheelchair and pushed him out, and walked around the yard several times. Looking at her cheerful little face and her flickering big eyes, Xue Boyong couldn't say any more he refused.

After being sent back to the room and saying good night, he rubbed his eyebrows and finally surrendered to Lin Dan completely. The distance between them had always been controlled by Lin Dan. If she wanted to get close, he could only be forced to accept it. If she wanted to stay away, he couldn't catch up. This kind of feeling is really disturbing. Xue Boyong, who had slowly accepted the arrangement of his fate, felt an extremely strong unwillingness when he saw his legs that could not walk.

He began to actively seek out the doctor and ask for medicine. The pills that he had rejected in every possible way in the past were now taken seriously, and he also followed the doctor's orders one by one, and he did not dare to slack off. Mrs. Xue and the old lady saw his changes, and they were very happy. As for what Lin Dan did during the day, he wouldn't ask them, so they pretended not to know.

Time passed unknowingly, and in the blink of an eye, three months passed. Lin Dan's use of internal energy has reached a state of perfection and freedom, and his medical skills have also advanced by leaps and bounds through day and night. She no longer only treated headaches and brain fever, but began to pay attention to intractable diseases. If she encountered a particularly rare disease, she would rush into it, no matter how much time and energy she spent. If the disease is not cured, she will be lost for several days, then sum up her experience and make persistent efforts; when the disease is cured, she will record the treatment method in detail for future reference.

Her obsession with medicine has almost reached the point of forgetting to eat and sleep, but she will not neglect to take care of Xue Boyong because of this. Two guards followed her, witnessing her transformation from an inexperienced barefoot doctor to a well-known doctor. She cured one case of stroke, one case of tuberculosis, and one case of gangrene, and these three diseases are now fatal diseases.

The two guards thought it was just a coincidence, but they did not expect to encounter a patient with the same symptoms. Nine times out of ten, she can be cured, and one or two are really terminally ill and cannot be saved.

She is constantly accumulating experience and improving her medical skills. She begins to get rid of the knowledge in books, learn to use medicines by herself, boldly overthrow the old ancestors' prescriptions, and recombine them. She didn't realize how unusual her actions were, and she didn't think that her medical skills had reached the peak, and she was still learning tirelessly. Since she only practiced medicine in remote areas and her reputation was limited to rumors in the countryside, she was completely unaware of the existence of this miraculous doctor inside and outside the capital.

Slowly, the two guards respected Lin Dan more and more, to the point where they were obedient.

Lin Dan didn't feel how powerful she was. After all, her ancestor was a great man. Treating stroke, tuberculosis and other diseases was like treating headaches and brain fever. On this day, she was able to cure a bloated patient with the help of nine cows and two tigers. Thinking of the great achievements of her ancestors, she could not help but sigh: "It took twenty-nine days and seven or eight kinds of medicines were changed one after another to save the patient. Come back, I'm still a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from the real way of medicine, I'm ashamed, ashamed!"

Guard: "..." You have rescued all the mortals, what else do you want? You are afraid that there is some misunderstanding of the word "medicine"!

The family members of the patient were also a little speechless, and quickly prepared a generous reward to send the god-man out.

The two boarded the ox cart and staggered to the west city gate. They saw another guard already waiting at the old place with a worried expression, "Miss Lin!" People have been found!"

"Oh, where?" The curtain of the car slammed open, revealing a more anxious face.

"In Toyota Township, Xihe Town."

"Carrierman, hurry up and divert to Toyota Township, Xihe Town!" Lin Dan immediately ordered.

The driver hesitated and said, "My boss, Xihe Town is far from the capital. It takes dozens of miles to go back and forth. I went at this time, and I'm afraid I won't be able to make it back tonight!"

"Then I won't come back." Lin Dan wrote a note for the guard to send back to Xiaofeng Pavilion, and then took another guard to visit the patient. When the group arrived in Toyota Township, it was already dark, and the village was full of barking dogs and roosters, a peaceful scene. Lin Dan walked to a small farmyard under the guidance of the guards and explained his purpose.

The door suddenly opened from the inside, and a woman hurriedly said, "What you said is true? Can you cure my son?"

"Let me take a look first. I won't take a penny if it's cured, so don't worry, auntie." Lin Dan cupped his hands in a very polite tone.

Although the visitor was a little girl, the aunt didn't mind at all, she hurriedly brought her into the house, pointed at the sixteen-year-old boy lying on the kang and said, "This is my son, who was naughty three years ago and was born from a cow. He fell on his back and injured his spine, so he can't walk from now on. Doctor, please take a look at him. If you can cure him, you can take whatever you see in this family. Although all the fields in my family are sold , the deed is still there, I'll take it out for you!"

As the woman spoke, she took out a deed from the box, her face full of enthusiasm. She lost her husband at an early age, and her son was brought up by her alone. In order to cure her son, she was willing to try any method and pay any price, not to mention just selling the land, even if Lin Dan wanted her life, She didn't say anything.

The young man struggled to get up, but every time he lay down weakly, he could only cry and tell his mother not to waste money for him. If he had the strength to kill himself, he would have died long ago, so how could he drag his mother down to this point

Lin Dan didn't listen to the boy's pleas, and said to himself: "I said, if you can't cure it, you won't need money, you can take it back. I'll give you a thorough understanding. I have the same disease, and my treatment method is a little special. I have never tried it on others before, and I was worried that it would be bad for him, so I found a person with the same symptoms to test it. If you want, I can give you a sum of money. As compensation, if you are unwilling, I will leave immediately. Although I am not sure that I can cure your son, I can guarantee that his condition will not get worse. What, are you cured or not?"

Hearing this, the woman's doubts disappeared completely, and she nodded without thinking: "Government, we don't take any money, just do what the doctor does!"

The boy who resisted in every possible way also quieted down, as if thinking.

"Thank you two for your cooperation." Lin Dan sincerely thanked him, then stepped forward and opened the boy's trousers, only to see a pair of thin legs that looked like dry wood, and couldn't help being surprised.

The woman said quickly: "Since the injury, his legs have been thinning day by day until they become like this."

Lin Dan frowned for a while, then slapped himself on the forehead with a very annoyed expression. Yes, the muscles will gradually atrophy when the legs are not used all the time. Even if they are cured, I am afraid it will take a long time to exercise their functions back. She was only looking for a treatment plan, but she forgot to help her brother maintain his muscles, damn it! Fortunately, the ancestral massage method of the Lin family has a miraculous effect on muscle atrophy. Even if it takes more than half a year, it can quickly restore the eldest brother to the original.

Thinking like this, Lin Dan tried his best to suppress the idea of rushing back home as soon as possible, and helped the young man to massage. Learn slowly, when I'm not around, you can massage him like this, otherwise even if I heal his injury, it will be difficult to walk on these legs without muscle support."

"Okay, I will study hard, thank you doctor, thank you!" The woman nodded gratefully.

The young man was still a little resistant, but he blushed and calmed down when he heard this. Compared with Xue Boyong, he is much thinner, and his mental state is also very sluggish, and he can faintly see the will of death in his eyes. However, when Lin Dan came, everything would be different.

After the massage, Lin Dan checked the boy's pulse and found that his symptoms were exactly the same as his elder brother's, and he was completely relieved.

"His body is too weak, and he can't start the treatment yet. He has to take care of the root bone. I'll give him a few medicines to strengthen his body and strengthen his body. During this period, you can give him every day. Make some nourishing food, don't worry about money." Lin Dan took out a silver note and put it on the table, and said seriously, "He is my elder brother's hope, and I will take it seriously."