The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 134: Physician 18


Xue Boyong put down his trouser legs and picked up the teacup, pretending that this younger brother did not exist. Xue Jiming looked left and right, and found that the guards around him looked up at the sky one by one, not caring about what happened just now, and felt even more aggrieved. He clutched his chest and ran to the main courtyard to complain to the old lady.

The old lady just closed her eyes and snorted, not speaking.

He found his mother again, told Lin Dan about rubbing his eldest brother's legs, and said conclusively: "Xiao Cao'er is a famous doctor, but she has never heard of her saying that people with broken legs need massage. This is to take advantage of eldest brother, so as to take the opportunity to rely on our Xue family. For the sake of prosperity and wealth, she can do anything, mother, you must not let eldest brother marry her, otherwise our Xue family's reputation will be lost Where is the reason for getting engaged to my younger brother and marrying my older brother?"

Mrs. Xue sneered: "Don't cry out one by one, I'm disgusted! Wu Helianthus obviously has a wheelchair, but she doesn't even mention it, how could she tell you how to take care of Boyong's legs? If you have a heart, we don't need our whole family to kowtow to her, and we don't need to ask her three times. She has long since looked at your face and took the initiative to put down her grievances to heal your elder brother. You love her to the death, but she may not treat you. There is a saying called Love Wu Jiwu, Hate Wu Jiwu, you should have heard of it, right? She hates me, your grandmother, Lin Dan, and your eldest brother, do you think how deep she can feel for you? Being generous, but secretly holding grudges, you should be careful with such people. In my opinion, Lin Dan is a hundred times better than her. At least she dares to love and hate, and she will never say anything behind the scenes. set."

Xue Jiming also learned a lesson from his mother, and even ran out of the house. The servant in the yard wanted to chase, but was stopped by Mrs. Xue: "No need to chase, let him go! Boyong's leg will be broken, it's all caused by his unsatisfactory thing, and let him go outside. It's good to have some setbacks!"

Xue Jiming ran around for a while, and unknowingly ran to the Hemerocallis Hall, stepped over the threshold, and found that an apprentice was splinting a patient with a broken leg, so he pretended to inadvertently asked: "He still needs to be massaged every day. Well, otherwise the muscles will atrophy?"

The apprentice smiled and waved: "Wherever you need a massage, just remove the splint after two months."

Xue Jiming nodded, full of anger in his heart. He knew that that bitch Lin Dan was using her name to take advantage of her eldest brother!

The apprentice thought of the situation of the eldest son of the Xue family, and added: "Those who have broken legs do not need to be pressed, but those who have been paralyzed in bed all the year round have to be pressed every day, otherwise their legs will become as thin as firewood and completely abolished."

Xue Jiming's heart jumped fiercely, and he raised his eyebrows pretending to be surprised: "Oh, there is such a saying?"

"This is what the master told us. The master knows everything. If the second son has any doubts, you can go to her."

Xue Jiming couldn't even squeeze out a fake smile, and said solemnly: "Is it really what Hemerocallis said?"

"Yes, the master once treated a patient like the eldest son, and the wheelchair was invented by the master at that time. The patient's legs were as thin as reed sticks, and the master massaged him personally, which was a little better. "

"Really? Then I'll go and ask Hemerocallis." Xue Jiming gritted his teeth and left after saying this, without entering the inner hall to look for Hemerocallis. Since she has treated similar patients, she should have known all the precautions long ago, but why didn't she mention it? Did you forget or hide it on purpose? Forgetting, it proves that she didn't take her eldest brother's condition to heart, and was just perfunctory; she deliberately concealed it, proving that she still harbored hatred for the Xue Mansion and was unwilling to treat him. These two reasons were both unacceptable to Xue Jiming who did not dare to think deeply.

The entanglement between Xue Jiming and Wu Hemerocallis was not within the scope of Lin Dan's attention at all. She got up early every morning to massage and cook for her elder brother, and then went out to practice medicine. In the evening, she went to Toyota Township to help the teenager with treatment. She had a very good life. Busy.

The boy's name is Niu Dabao. He has been lying on the bed for three years, and his body is thin and out of shape. After Lin Dan left, he was quickly raised to be white and plump, and his body and bones grew stronger day by day.

People in the village heard that Lin Dan was treating Niu Dabao's legs, and they all waited to see her lively. They had never heard of a person who was paralyzed standing up, and this little doctor was too good at talking.

Lin Dan didn't take it seriously, she just continued to treat it step by step. One day, she took out a set of golden needles and began to wipe and disinfect one by one, and said slowly, "I performed massage techniques for you a few days ago to help you. You activate blood and remove blood stasis, clear meridians and collaterals, and you are ordered to take medicinal herbs every day to replenish essence and marrow. Now your root bone is strong, or can withstand my acupuncture method. This method is divided into two steps, the first step , select the acupoints Mingmen, Changqiang, and the middle of the ridge, apply pills and pills to make it heat through; the second step, select the points Shenshu, Huantiao, Juegu, and use the methods of tonifying and pacifying. Apply the needles, keep the needles for three quarters of an hour, once a day for seven consecutive days, and then formulate a new course of treatment. Do you understand?"

Niu Dabao didn't understand a word, but he nodded and said, "I understand."

The door of his house was crowded with people, and he pointed at the golden needle in Lin Dan's hand and said, "Look, this doctor is actually using a golden needle, but he is really rich!"

"It's not just rich, it's really rich! I heard that in order to treat Niu Dabao, she will send good rice and vegetables every day, ginseng and deer antler, what do you think she is going to do? Do you really like Niu Dabao?"

The two guards guarding the door drew their sabres from their waists, and their faces were filled with anger. The crowd of people who were discussing immediately shrank their necks and fled, as if a ghost was chasing them.

Sister-in-law Niu breathed a sigh of relief, and no longer had to worry about the villagers' criticisms and the little doctor's anger.

Lin Dan didn't hear what everyone said at all. He just concentrated on rubbing the pill and the pill holder. After rubbing it, he put it in several key points of the boy and set it on fire. When the boy felt that the heat was too hot, he put it out. Close it on the skin, wrap it with gauze, and leave it for four hours.

After finishing the Dan Huo penetrating therapy, she took out the golden needles, supplemented with internal energy, and plunged them into the key acupoints of the boy one by one, some of which were dead acupoints. Ordinary doctors would not dare to inject needles here, but Lin Dan did not give a clue. Fear, hands steady as a rock.

The two guards standing at the door were both martial arts practitioners and had some understanding of the acupuncture points of the human body, so they could not help frowning upon seeing this scene. But a strange thing happened. Several dead points were punctured by gold needles, and the young man was still lying on the bed without any abnormality.

Every time Lin Dan placed a gold needle, she would gently twist the end of the needle, and when she finished piercing all the acupoints, dozens of gold needles vibrated and squeaked slightly, as if full of anger.

"The needle keeps moving, what's the situation?" Sister-in-law Niu's eyes were wide open, her expression horrified.

It was the first time that the two guards saw this spectacle, so they could not help but take two steps forward to observe it carefully.

"Nothing, after three quarters of an hour, the golden needle will naturally stop shaking, so I can pull the needle." Lin Dan waved his hand indifferently. The energy she injected into the golden needle was colliding with the acupoint, which naturally caused the tail of the needle to tremble slightly.

Sister-in-law Niu nodded again and again, dubious. The two guards watched intently, with a lot of sweat dripping from their foreheads, as if they were more nervous than the patient.

A quarter of an hour passed, but Niu Dabao didn't feel much; after a quarter of an hour, he began to scratch the bed board restlessly; after a quarter of an hour, he finally spoke with hope: "Mother, I feel my legs are so numb! I'm not dreaming. Bar?"

"Dabao, why are you numb? You point it out to your mother." Sister Niu rushed over, but did not dare to touch her son at all.

Niu Dabao was lying flat, and he couldn't see the situation on his legs, so he could only raise his hand, pointed to one place, and said, "Mother, I'm numb here, like ants are digging in the flesh, it's very uncomfortable." It was so uncomfortable, but there was a smile in his eyes, because he couldn't feel the existence of his legs for too long.

Sister-in-law Niu took a closer look and saw that a gold needle happened to be inserted where her son was pointing. That is to say, he didn't expect too much to have the illusion, but Miss Lin's acupuncture is really effective!

Thank God, thank you Bodhisattva, thank you Miss Lin! Sister-in-law Niu folded her hands together to worship the gods, and then kowtowed to Lin Dan, choked and said, "Dabao, you are not dreaming, the doctor placed the needle where you are numb, you must hold back and don't touch it!"

Niu Dabao's eyes brightened, and he immediately froze.

Lin Dan helped Mrs. Niu up, then took out a small notebook, carefully recorded his treatment methods, and asked the patient's feelings in detail. She had a sullen face the whole time, and the more she got to this moment, the more sober and calm she became, lest something go wrong. She did not take the ancestral therapy as it is, but made some additions and changes, and the method was a little radical and risky, but it worked quickly. She seems to be naturally more stable, careful, and bold than ordinary people. Even if there is no way ahead, she can cut a way with a knife.

After three quarters of an hour, the golden needles stopped vibrating one by one, she simply pulled out the needles neatly, and then prescribed a dose of Buyang Jie Ning Decoction, ordered Niu Dabao to decoct with water, and take the slag again.

"Seven days is a course of treatment. I have made four courses for you. After I leave, Mrs. Niu will continue to massage her legs. Don't slack off." Lin Dan picked up the medicine box and urged seriously.

"Thank you Miss Lin, thank you Miss Lin! Don't worry, I will do as you say!" Sister-in-law Niu nodded again and again, with an excited expression.

Lin Dan just left, and the two guards behind her looked at her straight back with awe. When Miss Lin said she wanted to cure the general, they thought she was joking, just to stay in the Xue Mansion and continue the days of Zhongming Dingshi. But now that they looked again, they realized how superficial and disrespectful their knowledge of Miss Lin was!

As the general said, she is a strong person who never lies, far more responsible than the second son! In order to send her away, Mrs. Xue left her five hundred taels of silver notes. She didn't move a penny, and spent it all on the general and the patient. If she is greedy for wealth, why does she need to do this

Second Young Master can't even look down on such a good girl, he's simply blind!