The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 135: Physician 19


By the third course of treatment, Niu Dabao was able to walk a few steps while leaning on the wall. The remaining course of treatment only needs to consolidate the effect, and there should be nothing wrong. So far, Lin Dan has collected a thick pile of information, all of which are her experience and precautions written during the treatment process. With this, she should be quite sure when she comes to treat Big Brother again.

On this day, she said goodbye to Niu Dabao and Niu Dasao, and after collecting enough medicinal materials, she hurried home, and waited until the elder brother had finished dinner before holding his hand, and said cautiously: "Brother, starting from today, I will come for you. Legs."

Xue Boyong, through the mouths of the two guards, was not surprised to learn what Lin Dan had done in Toyota Township.

"Then I'll leave it to you." He held Lin Dan's hand instead, his eyes full of trust.

"Brother, the method I use is more risky. If you have internal strength, don't exercise resistance, just accept it calmly. After the first course of treatment, you should have a feeling of numbness in your legs, and the second course of treatment is over. , the consciousness of both legs can be restored to most of the time, and in the third treatment course, you can stand up and walk a few steps by yourself. However, the eldest brother's body is much stronger than ordinary people, and his martial arts skills are very strong. It will work wonders." Lin Dan said calmly.

"Okay, I understand. I don't care whether it's cured or not. Don't be too stressed." Xue Boyong took out his handkerchief and wiped the sweat off the little girl's forehead. It was the middle of winter at this time, and even if the brazier was burning in the house, it was very cold, but she was sweating unknowingly, showing that she was very nervous. However, according to the guards, when she was treating the young man in Toyota Township, she was calm and calm throughout the whole process, and did not show any unconfidence. are different.

Thinking of this, Xue Boyong chuckled twice, his expression becoming more and more gentle. Lin Dan grabbed his handkerchief and wiped the sweaty back of his neck, causing him to change from a low smile to a wide one.

A guard standing at the door suddenly said, "General, it's a big deal. Shall we inform the old lady and wife, and write a letter to the general?" General Xue once went back to the mansion and saw his son being arrested Dan took good care of him and left with confidence. Now that he has arrived at the border, he will not be able to return home for a year or two.

"You don't need to tell them that grandmother is getting old, and she's suddenly bad for her health. My mother is a worrying person, and she will always remember it all day. It's better to wait for me to fully recover, and then go for a walk in front of them. "Xue Boyong waved his hand to refuse, but the most important reason was that he didn't want to put too much pressure on the little girl, and he didn't want so many people to appear in front of her and disturb her peace.

The guard nodded and agreed, not to mention what he told the front yard.

Lin Dan asked the eldest brother to remove his shirt and trousers and lay down on the bed with only a pair of shorts. She was about to rub the pills when she heard her elder brother speak in a deep tone: "When treating that Niu Dabao, he also dressed like this?"

"Yes." Lin Dan blinked with an innocent expression.

Xue Boyong gritted his teeth secretly, but said nothing. The heart of the doctor's parents is that in the face of human life, both men and women have to stand aside, and there is nothing wrong with this little girl. He tried to unravel himself, and his face softened.

Lin Dan had no idea what the eldest brother was thinking. He just placed the rubbed pills and pills on his key points and ignited them. After they were thoroughly heated, he administered the needles. The elder brother's physique was indeed many times better than Niu Dabao's. As soon as the golden needle began to vibrate, he had already responded, and his already paralyzed legs twitched uncontrollably.

"General, how do you feel?" The guards guarding outside the courtyard had all come to the door at this time, looking at him nervously and expectantly.

The feeling of being bitten by ants is really not comfortable, but compared to the past when I was unconscious, the pain now seems like a joy. Xue Boyong gritted his teeth and said, "I'm fine, I've never been better!"

"Brother, do you feel a little numb now?" Lin Dan gently twisted the end of the needle.

"It's not a slight numbness, it's a severe numbness, like there are countless ants digging in my flesh." Xue Boyong stared at Lin Dan, then raised his cuffs to wipe the sweat off her forehead.

Lin Dan didn't dodge either, but put his side face up and rubbed against his sleeve. She is now twisting the end of the needle with both hands, using the tremor of the needle tip to detect the situation of the inner strength point, and she has no time to take care of her sweaty self.

Xue Boyong was amused by her kitten-like behavior. Even if he was deeply in pain and his mind was surging violently, compared with the real person in front of him, everything seemed less important. He often said that it didn't matter whether the legs were cured or not. It was not a lie to tell Lin Dan not to study too hard, and not to put too much pressure on himself. It is good to be healed, but not to heal, and his life is also very happy.

Lin Dan didn't expect the eldest brother's reaction to be so strong, and even broke out in cold sweat. When treating Niu Dabao, she could feel calm as water, but seeing her elder brother suffer, she felt very uncomfortable, and even had an indescribable sense of panic.

"Brother, hold on, just get through it." She murmured these words repeatedly, not knowing whether she was comforting her elder brother or herself.

Xue Boyong immediately suppressed the color of pain, and then tried his best to control his twitching legs, soothing: "I feel much better."

"Really?" Lin Dan looked at the trembling golden needle with a somewhat uncertain expression.

"It's really not painful or numb anymore, and my legs are beginning to feel." Xue Boyong smiled slightly, as if surprised.

Lin Dan breathed a sigh of relief and sighed: "No wonder there is a proverb in the industry called 'the doctor does not heal himself'. I was confused before and almost made a mistake."

Xue Boyong took her hand and patted it lightly, and instantly felt that his pain was gone, only the warmth and joy remained.

After another quarter of an hour, the golden needle stopped shaking. After pulling out the needle, Lin Dan boiled a bowl of medicine for the eldest brother, watched him take it with his own eyes, lay down, closed his eyes, and then returned to his room with confidence. But what she didn't know was that after she left, Xue Boyong sat up again, rubbing his sore and numb legs, unable to fall asleep for a long time.

Half a month later, Xue Boyong began to go out frequently. The old lady and Mrs. Xue sent people to inquire about the situation. They only had to say "going out to relax" and there was no more text, so they could only go with him. It was a good thing that he was willing to go out of Xue Mansion, it was better than being bored at home.

Lin Dan went out to practice medicine every day as usual, and only came back after dark. The old lady didn't care about her, but Mrs. Xue was quite critical. Every time she wanted to call her to the main courtyard to reprimand her, the servant girl who was sent to invite her was first beaten by the eldest son, and she came back crying and returning to life. The eldest son's maintenance of Lin Dan is almost irrelevant. He supports everything Lin Dan wants, and he gives everything he wants, regardless of the reason.

In just a few dozen days, half of his house in Xiaofeng Pavilion was converted into a pharmacy by Lin Dan. The courtyard was covered with various herbs, and the smell could kill a person. Not only did he ignore it, he also bought the small courtyard of a family next door, saying that he wanted to break through the courtyard walls and build more warehouses for Lin Dan to store the medicinal materials.

Mrs. Xue sometimes even thought: If Lin Dan wanted her son's life, he might be willing to give it to him, right? He was simply poisoned by Lin Dan!

So far, Lin Dan's influence on Xue Boyong has reached a level that no one can replace. When she is in the mansion, he is happy. When she is not in the mansion, he has a calm face, not saying a word, neither happy nor angry. , is really frighteningly cold. What's more, he would be too lazy to stay in the mansion, Lin Dan went out on the front foot, and he left on the back foot, and only came back with Lin Dan in the evening, when he was carried off the carriage by the guards, his face was full of gentle smiles. , as if a completely changed person.

Mrs. Xue watched her son rely more and more on Lin Dan. She didn't know whether to dissuade her or let it go. She went to the old lady and told her about it. The old lady waved her hand and gave her a sentence - children and grandchildren will have their own children and grandchildren. In this case, Mrs. Xue will not care, and let them go.

The eldest son's future seems to be settled, but the younger son has a problem. He can't go to the military camp, and he doesn't have any errands. He stays at home drinking all day, and makes himself drunk. Mrs. Xue didn't need to think about it to know that something must have happened to Wu Hemerocallis, which made her youngest son suffer.

She was about to have a chat with her youngest son, and by the way, let him go, but Wu Hemerocallis, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, came to the door by herself and brought a lot of gifts. Mrs. Xue desperately wanted to inquire about the situation, but was turned away by her younger son. The two talked secretly for a while, and then they reconciled as before, making Madam Xue look up in anger. She deeply hated why her belly was so unsatisfactory, and the two sons she gave birth to were so boneless, she couldn't find Bei after being coaxed by a woman!

Since then, Wu Hemerocallis often came to play in Xue's house, and occasionally rescued the eldest grandson of the second room who accidentally fell into the pond, and told the second room to be grateful to her. Whenever she came, the old lady of the second room and the eldest daughter-in-law would personally accompany her, treat her as a guest, and from time to time would ask the old lady when she and Xue Jiming would hold a wedding.

Although Mrs. Xue was very aggrieved, she was also grateful for the life-saving grace of Wu Hemerocallis, and she did not resist her as much as before.

One day, Wu Xuancao heard that Xue Boyong's wheelchair was broken and was going to take it to a carpenter's shop for repair, so he volunteered to help take a look. Since the wheelchair was invented by her, and the Second Young Master brought her over in person, the guards did not dare to stop them and invited them into Xiaofeng Pavilion.

Wu Xuancao looked at the wheelchair and said that he could repair it, but he had no tools at hand, so he asked the guards to find it. The guards did not suspect him, and quickly left. Wu Hemerocallis made another excuse to take Xue Jiming away, and then quickly ran into Lin Dan's study, spotting the big box with mahogany painted gold at a glance.

A strong thought reverberated in her mind—yes, this box! What you want is in there!