The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 137: Physician 21


Lin Dan was escorted into a mansion with his hands tied. He glanced up as he walked through the gate, but saw a plaque hanging on the beam with the words "Marquis of Xuanping" written on it, and he immediately understood. In the memory of the original owner, the Marquis of Xuanping was the first-class king of soft rice in the Great Qin Kingdom. With his handsome face, he won the favor of the eldest princess. He was married to the next, and he jumped from the son of a low-level official. To become the Marquis of Xuanping, it is a step forward. But he has a loose nature and can't control his lower body. Even if he married a princess, he still does not change his romantic nature and provokes peach blossoms everywhere.

At first, one of the eldest princesses destroyed the other, and solved all the women he had provoked, causing the husband and wife to be separated from each other, and their love was no longer there. After a few years of honesty, he grew solid again, and did not dare to linger in Fengyue places, so he turned to a good family girl. His face was really handsome, with luxurious clothes and noble temperament, and the woman was fooled by the hook of her finger, and she was almost carried in his arms one after the other.

He raised five or six outer chambers in a row, and gave birth to seven or eight illegitimate children. If he was not rich enough, he went back to the palace to ask the eldest princess for it. Whether it was a lie or coax, he could always get gold and silver jewelry from the eldest princess to support the outer chamber. The eldest princess is not an idiot, she soon discovered the clue, and finally became frustrated with him, and closed the door by herself to raise her only young son, regardless of his romantic affairs.

Xuanping Hou thought that the princess had compromised, so he brought back the outer chambers one by one, and blatantly kept them in the mansion. The eldest princess has nothing to say, but just sneered and divided the Xuanping Marquis Mansion, that is, her own princess mansion, into two, and she occupied most of the residence, leaving only a small square courtyard for Xuanping Marquis and He. His women and children lived there, and he did not care about the cost of food and clothing, and let the Marquis of Xuanping take his own salary to support them.

The Marquis of Xuanping only had a salary of more than fifty taels a month, and he couldn't afford to pay for so many people. But the eldest princess has no feelings for him, and if it wasn't for her son's success in inheriting the title of marquis, he would have kicked him a long time ago.

And this young man with a beautiful appearance in front of him must be Zhu Yimin, the only son of the eldest princess, and the youngest son of the Marquis of Xuanping. He often went in and out of the palace, and was favored by the emperor, but he seldom walked outside and did not like to participate in social interactions. Therefore, the original owner did not know much about him.

But what kind of person he is is not important to Lin Dan, she only knows that he is a patient and urgently needs treatment, that's enough. After being locked in the woodshed, she found a haystack and lay down, feeling very calm.

On the other side, the little prince clutched his chest, ran into the main courtyard with a pale face, and shouted, "Mother, mother, it's not good, please save the child!" At this time, where is he? With a bit of a domineering and vicious look, he was clearly a child who was scared to death.

The eldest princess put down the tea cup heavily and scolded: "You can put me on a more stable level. Even if the sky is falling, there are tall people on it. What are you afraid of? I don't let you go out at will, why are you disobedient?"

"I, I thought the clothes were thicker in winter, so most people wouldn't be able to see it." Xiao Shizi grabbed the collar tightly, with tears in his eyes: "I didn't know my horse would be frightened and gallop in the busy city. , I almost stepped on someone, I also fell off the horse and was rescued by a little girl. The little girl touched my chest, she should know something. Mother, what do you think I should do? After all, she saved me , I can't kill her just to keep my secret, can I?"

The eldest princess rubbed her eyebrows with a gloomy expression. What she feared the most had finally happened. The son was originally in good shape, but for some reason, his chest became full day by day, and his lower body was also very painful, and it was almost useless. Since then, his skin has been smooth, his beard has stopped growing, and his appearance has become more and more beautiful, as if he has changed gender. Seeing that his chest was getting bigger and bigger, he couldn't cover it anymore, and the eldest princess almost lost her hair overnight.

The son's illness must not be known to outsiders, otherwise he will not be able to keep the title of the prince, and he may be defiled as a demon and burned to death. Thinking of such an outcome, the eldest princess shuddered and did not dare to ask an imperial doctor for him at all, lest the news be leaked. These days, she was thinking about whether to go to other countries to find a doctor, but she didn't expect the change to happen so quickly.

"Where is the person, what is the background?" The eldest princess said: "No, I have to go and see for myself."

The capital is said to be small but not too small, and it is not too big to be big. If you walk around the street at will, you can meet one or two honorable people, so you need to be more cautious. The eldest princess did not dare to dispose of people at will, for fear that small things could become big things, and big things could not be closed. She hurried to the firewood room, forgot to even grab her umbrella, her hair and skin were covered with snowflakes, and she looked a little embarrassed. The two maids she trusted the most were taking out handkerchiefs to wipe for her, and took away all the guards around, so as not to be distracted and reveal the secret of the little prince.

Zhu Yimin hid behind the eldest princess and looked at Lin Dan, with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"Which family's daughter are you?" The eldest princess walked slowly to Lin Dan's side and looked down at her.

"You don't need to care who I am, all you need to know is that I can cure your son's illness." Lin Dan opened his eyes and was stunned when he saw the eldest princess with blushing cheeks and an indescribably beautiful beauty.

The eldest princess's heart skipped a beat, but she gritted her teeth and said, "Bengong's son is sick, how come I don't know?" This little girl is only seventeen or eighteen years old. Fraud? If you don't find out her background, the eldest princess will never let down her guard.

Lin Dan stared at the eldest princess carefully, and said firmly: "Not only can I cure your son's disease, but I can also cure your disease."

Zhu Yimin said in surprise: "My mother is sick, why didn't I know?"

Lin Dan frowned, thinking that the mother and son were really interesting, and they even said the same thing.

The eldest princess touched her son's head, her tone condensed: "Yes, Ben Gong is ill, why does Ben Gong not know, you know?"

Lin Dan got up from the haystack, cupped his hands and said, "Don't be brave, Your Royal Highness. Although your complexion is tender red, as bright as a peach and plum, you look healthy, but you have been seriously ill for many years. If I read it correctly. , I'm afraid you haven't had a good night's sleep since the birth of the little prince, right?"

The eyes of the two big palace maids flickered, and they tried their best to resist the desire to see the master.

The eldest princess was unmoved, and sneered: "Oh, you are talking about it, what is wrong with Ben Gong?"

Zhu Yimin hurriedly jumped out and shouted: "Yeah, why is my mother sick? You can tell me one, two, three, four immediately. If you're not right, I'll ask someone to chop you down immediately!"

Lin Dan didn't even look at this toothless little puppy who liked to jump around, just stared at the eldest princess, and said slowly: "The color below the palace is red, it's not because of the frost and snow, but because of the rising internal fire. In the cold winter, your body is very thick, but you only wear a pair of thin shoes, but your legs and feet do not show any signs of coldness. It can be seen that the internal fire is tossing in the well of the foot Shaoyin kidney meridian, and nothing comes out. Therefore, rushing to the head and face is actually because the scorching yang is too weak, unable to control the kidney yin, causing the yin fire to boil and the heart to burn. It will disturb you to sleep peacefully. When you catch a little cold, your knees will feel sore and cold. In severe cases, you can't even stand. You need to stay in bed all day. You're healthy, but your root bones are almost dry, right?"

The eldest princess finally showed a surprised look, but she still couldn't believe that the little girl in front of her could see through her illness at a glance. That's right, she has indeed been ill for more than ten years. Every night, she has to put her feet out of the quilt and step on the cold jade to fall asleep. It gets weaker day by day, the body loses weight day by day, I catch a little cold, my knees seem to be wrapped in a layer of ice, sour and cold, but the soles of my feet are like stepping on hot coals, almost jumping up, then The taste is simply indescribably painful.

Everyone else said that she looked good, but how could she know that she was terminally ill! She invited countless imperial doctors and drank countless decoctions, but there was no effect at all, and she gradually became desperate.

"So what? Can't you cure a disease that even imperial physicians can't cure?" The eldest princess's voice was dry and nervous.

Lin Dan sniffed the strong smell of medicine on her body, shook her head and said, "It's not that they couldn't cure it, but they used the wrong medicine. Your disease is caused by the rise and fall of yin and yang. Your yin fire is strong, and your yang fire is weak. However, the prescriptions for nourishing yin and tonifying kidney, nourishing yin and reducing fire, as well as clearing bones and steaming fatigue are prescribed for you, which aggravates your yin fire. Yang Sanhuo Decoction, you must know the way of yin and yang, yang is the root of yin, yang is born, and yin can grow. The imperial doctor raises yang fire for you, which indirectly causes your yin fire to become more prosperous, but aggravates your condition. After a few decades of treatment, His Highness will not even try to recover."

The eldest princess pondered her words to herself, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that it made sense. The dubious expression was gradually replaced by suppressed excitement, and she immediately softened her tone and asked, "Dare to ask the girl's name?"

"My surname is Lin, I'm a first-time doctor in the countryside, and I don't care." Lin Dan is not arrogant, but really thinks that his ability is still very shallow.

The eldest princess didn't dare to despise her at all, she quickly took off her cloak, put it on her shoulders, and respectfully invited people into the main courtyard, served hot tea, and then began to ask about the treatment method. She has been ill for more than ten years, and this girl has a way to cure it. If she wants to treat her son's strange disease, it shouldn't be a problem.

Xiao Shizi followed his mother in a dizzy circle, but he also faintly knew that he seemed to be saved!