The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 14: cook 13


Speaking of Weiyuan Hou's addiction to alcohol, everyone in the country of Chu is unaware, and everyone knows that he can eat if he has alcohol for three meals a day. Xue Ye was so drunk that he almost froze to death in the wild and woke up. The first thing I do is drink, I really can't cry without seeing the coffin. He has made great achievements in battle, and has saved the life of the late emperor three times. Although he is recovering from illness in Beijing, he does not know when he will be able to return to the southeast station, but he is also a person that no one dares to provoke. He held a golden whip in his hand, which was bestowed by the late emperor on his deathbed.

In order to do what he likes, every person who comes to visit will bring him a jar of good wine. The wine is happy, and he speaks happily. If the wine is of poor quality, he can immediately shove the other party out of the house. The method of climbing Weiyuanhou seems simple, but it is not. He went off to war with his father at the age of eight, killed his first murder at the age of nine, and that night he drank the strongest alcohol in the world, so he got drunk and became addicted to alcohol. It has been 30 years since then. countless.

He has long despised the second-class good wine, and he has also drank a lot of Qiongye Yuye, and it is difficult to satisfy his appetite.

In order to please Weiyuan Hou, the bearded man secretly spent a lot of real money to buy wine, but it was always fruitless. Wine, the ecstasy in my heart could not be suppressed. He hurriedly hurried and arrived in the capital three days later, without looking for an inn to repair one or two, and immediately went to Weiyuan Houfu to pay a visit.

There are not a hundred or dozens of people who come to Hou's house to deliver drinks every day. The housekeeper can let them all come in, just pick up the wine jar and send the beard away. The bearded Qian explained and warned, saying that this is a thousand-day wine, which is very rare, and the housekeeper must deliver it to the Hou Ye in person. .

The jar was originally only the size of a palm, and the wine was not full yet, and it was fluttering in his hand. These gift givers are getting more and more ignorant! After leaving the warehouse, the housekeeper spurned the beard in his heart, turned his head and forgot about it, so the jar of wine was quietly placed on the shelf, and no one came to recognize it.

At the other end, Lin Dan's motorcade continued to march along the official road, and the three strong men were always guarding them in case of another accident. They ate breakfast and wanted to eat lunch. After lunch, they waited eagerly for dinner. After dinner, they ran to ask Manager Lin if he had a late night snack. They lived a really comfortable life. It was originally a very dangerous thing to go on a mission. The three of them went back and forth for several months, and they lost more than seven or eight pounds. Now they are all made up by the skillful hand of Manager Lin, and their faces are more rosy.

Four days later, the convoy had arrived in the suburbs of Beijing, and after a half-day journey, they could enter the West City Gate. Lin Dan stopped in a small town and said goodbye to a few strong men. A few people were reluctant to leave, saying that they would send the Buddha to the Western Gang to help them to the end, and they would definitely bring the shopkeeper Lin back to the capital.

Lin Dan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he refused, so he had to let them stay.

"Mother, I'm back!" She brought a group of people to a small farmyard, where some vegetables were grown, a group of chickens and ducks were raised, and red and white roses were blooming in the yard, which looked very warm.

"Dan'er, you're back!" The old-fashioned Mr. Qi ran out of the room with tears in his eyes. In the early years, she was still able to follow her daughter around to learn the arts, but later she was sent back to the capital to be raised when her health became weak. But although the capital is big, the people who should meet will meet sooner or later. Occasionally, one day she meets the second child's family on the street, and the second child informs Zhou Shi and Yan Shouye, and the two hire local hooligans to come to trouble every day. , forcing her to almost jump out of the well.

She couldn't understand why these people forced their mothers to death since they had already robbed her husband's belongings. However, the wickedness of people's hearts was unpredictable, so she could only retreat here and settle down. Happy birthday.

"Mother, pack up your things. Let's rest here for a few days and return to the capital later." Lin Dan picked up the gourd and gave everyone a scoop of water.

"Are you going back to the capital?" Qi was a little timid. She was really frightened by Zhou and Yan Shouye, and she no longer had the courage to take back her family property back then.

"Go back, of course." Lin Dan's tone was light, but his expression was very firm. She once swore that she would help the original owner lift up the Lin family, and also help Lin Baotian to clean up his reputation. How could she not honor it? After ten years of travel, this place has become her home and country, and the original owner's life is also her life, so the original owner's responsibility is naturally her responsibility.

"Okay, then, mother, I'll go and pack up. Those chickens and ducks have been raised outside for more than two months. You can grab whatever you want to eat." Qi turned back to the bedroom, and Lin Dan rolled up his sleeves and said, "Let's go at noon today. Just eat Dong'an chicken and Yongzhou blood duck."

The crowd responded enthusiastically, and then got busy.

Lin Dan put the slaughtered chickens and ducks into a bucket and scalded them with boiling water, which was convenient for plucking. The handsome man stood beside her, lowered his eyes and asked, "You and your mother have been wandering outside for so many years?"

"Yeah." Lin Dan put the plucked chicken and duck feathers into a bamboo basket for preservation. Chicken feathers can be made into chicken feather dusters, and the fine down of duck feathers can be stuffed into clothes to keep warm, all of which are good things.

The man stared at her woman's bun for a long time, and finally couldn't help but ask, "What about your husband, why can't you see him by your side?"

Lin Dan raised his head in surprise, as if he did not expect the man to inquire about his privacy. He seems to be the kind of person who is extremely taciturn and extremely cold and self-controlled, and should not be interested in other people's private affairs, but there is nothing to hide, so he said frankly: "I am not married, where is my husband, for the convenience of going out? I just combed my woman's bun. You can also see that I have only one relative of my mother. If I get married, what will she do if she is helpless? Besides, I have been studying abroad all year round. There's no way."

When the words fell, she smiled lightly, with an open-minded attitude: "It's good now, the hardest days are over, what are you afraid of in the future? As long as I teach a few good apprentices, I will not be afraid that no one will care for me in the rest of my life. ." Speaking of which, she seemed to think of something bad, the light in her eyes gradually dimmed, and finally she sighed in disappointment.

The man frowned tightly, as if he had a lot to say, but he didn't know how to say it. He took the chicken and duck over and plucked the hair carefully. Seeing that Lin Dan had nothing to do and wanted to make a fire, he immediately said in a deep voice, "Go back to the house and rest, and have a good talk with your mother. Leave it to us."

Lin Dan looked into the room and found that Qi was looking at him earnestly, so he agreed with a smile. This man looks very cold, but in fact he is very soft-hearted and a good man.

After lunch, Lin Dan sent Mrs Qi back to the house to rest, while he went out to visit with a small gift box. The handsome man was afraid that she would be in danger and immediately followed her.

Lin Dan heard the footsteps and looked back, and couldn't help but smile.

The man stared at her bright smile, his eyes flickering.

The two of them were speechless all the way, but they didn't feel dull and embarrassed, on the contrary, they were extremely relaxed. After going around a few detours and turning to an official road, I saw a post station next to the road, and a grass hut outside the post station. A middle-aged woman was busy in the shed, and there was a loud shouting sound. Can be heard from far away.

Lin Dan walked closer and asked, "Sister-in-law Wang, how is it that I haven't seen you for a long time? Why isn't Aunt Wang in the store?"

"Who are you?" The middle-aged woman was stunned for a while before she said, "Hey, I remember, you're the little girl who worked for my family for nothing! You've grown so big after not seeing you in ten years!" Lin Dan was short and short back then The small one is very capable of enduring hardships. He can lift a hundred kilograms of beans on one shoulder, which left a deep impression on middle-aged women.

Lin Dan repeatedly said it was me, and patiently asked about the old woman's situation. The middle-aged woman rolled her eyes and seemed to be very disdainful of her mother-in-law. No matter what Lin Dan asked, she would not answer. Lin Dan couldn't, so she had to buy two bowls of tofu balls from her, and gave five cents more. I found out that the old woman was selling food not far in front of me, and I walked there in a quarter of an hour.

The tofu balls still taste the same. It can be seen that the middle-aged woman spent ten years and finally learned her mother-in-law's cooking skills, but for some reason, she and her mother-in-law opened a store separately.

Lin Dan walked all the way to inquire about the situation of the pedestrians who passed by, and he felt unspeakably uncomfortable. Aunt Wang treats her son and daughter-in-law sincerely, but her son and daughter-in-law turn her face and don’t recognize anyone. After learning her skills, she proposed to split up the family.

Aunt Wang's restaurant has already made a name for itself, and since it was opened next to the inn, there are customers every day, so business is naturally very good. Now that she has opened a new store in a remote place, with the same taste and the same price, customers will of course choose familiar places to visit. Over time, her daughter-in-law has completely replaced her.

Now her income is meager, and her youngest son suffered a broken leg a few years ago and has no money for medical treatment. He has become disabled, and life is really difficult. When Lin Dan arrived, he saw Aunt Wang was carrying water, and her son limped forward to greet him, trying to put a heavy pole on his shoulders, but was stopped by the old lady. The two of you are fighting over each other, and their eyes are a little red, but their eyes are full of sympathy and love for each other.

Seeing this scene, Lin Dan couldn't help feeling sour. He walked over without saying a word, snatched the pole, picked up the bucket, and strode into the store. The Junwei man was stunned for a while before hurried forward, lifted the heavy bucket, poured it into the water tank, grabbed the pole again, and said in a low voice: "Where is the water source, I'll pick it, you rest."

"Just at the foot of that mountain, follow this path straight." Lin Dan stayed here for three months, and he had to pick hundreds of pounds of water back and forth every day, so he naturally knew where the water was coming from.

The man nodded and went away without saying a word. Aunt Wang, who was stunned, recovered her senses, and said with surprise: "Are you Xiaodan? Good boy, where have you been all these years, I can't find you anywhere!"