The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 141: Physician 25


Zheng Zhe is an experienced doctor who has made breakthroughs in medicine recently, and has become more and more handy when administering acupuncture and medicine. He just took a brief look for his pulse and said, "Is this big sister-in-law suffering from abdominal pain and vomiting all the year round?"

The strong man who supported the woman nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, the doctor is absolutely right. My mother-in-law does have abdominal pain all the time, and it is often accompanied by vomiting. It took me three days and three nights to ask many doctors to help her, so I hurriedly sent her into the city on an ox cart for treatment. Doctor, I beg you to save her!"

Zheng Zhe waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, she is just a normal gastroenteritis. Just take a few doses of Baohe Decoction." The doctor shouted to the doctor in the shop, "Go and cook a Baohe Decoction immediately! Two more people. , to help carry this sister-in-law inside for placement."

Several apprentices agreed in succession, some went to decoction, some came to carry people.

Hearing this, Lin Dan instead took two steps forward, blocking their way, and warned cautiously: "Doctor Zheng, there is a big problem with your treatment, I just took the pulse for this sister-in-law, she does suffer from gastroenteritis. …”

Before she could finish her sentence, the woman cried out mournfully, as if in severe pain. Her husband pushed Lin Dan away and scolded: "It's all this time, what are you talking about, didn't you see that my mother-in-law is dying of pain? You hurry up, if you delay my mother-in-law's treatment, I will It will definitely smash your signboard!"

The passers-by onlookers sneered: "Yes, yes, you should give way quickly, don't delay other people's illness. You, a young doctor, dare to challenge Doctor Zheng, you really want to be famous and want to go crazy! You also said this What I got from beating my sister-in-law is gastroenteritis. As we all know, Nabaohe Tang is a magic medicine developed by Dr. Zheng. It has a miraculous effect on gastroenteritis. After one dose, the patient will be better. Can you make better than Baohe Tang? Can't the medicine work?"

Lin Dan shook his head and said, "It's true that Baohe soup cannot be used for this disease..."

Someone interrupted her next to her, "You can pull it down! This sister-in-law can't see it, you are murdering people, do you know?"

Somebody mixed in the crowd and muttered: "Yeah, I recognize her! She goes to our mountainous area to see a doctor all the year round, saying that she doesn't charge a fee if she can't be cured. Only received money twice. You can imagine how bad her medical skills are."

Lin Dan followed the voice and looked over, and the person who spoke immediately shrank his neck and hid, but the people around them all exploded, laughing at her for not knowing how high the sky is, and some people shouted strangely: "Your medical skills are so poor, what kind of medical center is there? What is the difference between what you do and the executioner? The executioner collects money for killing people, and you also collect money for killing people, but they won’t bear a life lawsuit, and you will be killed sooner or later!”

The woman gritted her teeth and glared at Lin Dan fiercely while moaning. Her husband was more straightforward, knocking Lin Dan away directly, and working with several doctors to carry the woman in quickly.

Before he left, Zheng Zhe said earnestly and earnestly: "What is the life of the people? You don't die of illness, you die of medicine. It is better to have a doctor than to have no doctor. If you are not good at studying medicine, it is better not to study medicine. Little girl, if you are not good at medicine, it is better to go out. Experience and experience, don't be too busy to open a hospital, what do you think?"

Lin Dan nodded and said: "You are right, you are not good at studying medicine, if you don't study medicine, I will also give you this sentence. Have you really investigated the symptoms of that person? Before taking the medicine, I advise you Let’s take a closer look. The elder sister-in-law is weak and sweaty, has a murmur in her chest, thick phlegm stuck in her throat, and her voice is intermittent. This is…”

Unfortunately, her words were once again interrupted by Wu Hemerocallis who hurried out: "Master, the patient is still waiting for you."

Zheng Zhe immediately walked towards the Hemerocallis Hall. Although something flashed in his heart, he didn't catch it. He also has a patient with cramping abdominal pain who needs treatment. Judging from the symptoms, it should be an intestinal carbuncle. In all likelihood, patients with intestinal carbuncle will die from abdominal pain, and the solution he and Wu Hemerocallis jointly came up with, although very bold, has a high success rate. If the patient can recover, the names of him and Wu Hemerocallis will be permanently recorded in the annals of history, and will shine in the medical world alongside Lin Chaoxian.

Thinking of this, Zheng Zhe's heart burst into flames, and he immediately walked into the inner hall to persuade the patient's family members to agree to their treatment plan together with Wu Hemerocallis. It's a pity that the patient is very timid. Even if he rolls all over the floor in pain, he still doesn't want to open his stomach. His family members don't dare to gamble with his life.

Zheng Zhe and Wu Hemerocallis were a little discouraged, and said: "You have been in pain for two days in a row, the heat and poison are too high, the rotten flesh turns into pus, and it may cause abdominal inflammation or even intestinal infarction. There is a solution. Go back and think about it, in this capital, there are no doctors who dare to treat this disease, except for the two of us. "

The patient was already bewildered by the pain, and the patient's family hesitated for a moment, but finally did not dare to agree.

Zheng Zhe and Wu Xuancao couldn't, they could only watch them leave. The elder sister-in-law had recovered after drinking Baohe soup just now, her stomach was no longer in pain, her complexion was ruddy, she walked over without the help of her husband, and thanked Zheng Zhe again and again.

Seeing that the woman was carried into the Hemerocallis Hall with a dying breath, but came out alive and alive, passers-by's evaluation of Zheng Zhe and Wu Hemerocallis climbed another level, saying that the two doctors have the art of bringing back the dead.

Lin Dan stood at the door and looked at the woman with heavy eyes. He wanted to step forward, but was stopped by some good people, and laughed and teased: "This girl, you said that Doctor Zheng is not skilled in medicine, you can look at it now. Look, who is not fine. If you stop taking the medicine, this sister-in-law is afraid to die of pain. "

"What nonsense are you talking about? Don't go to her house to see a doctor in the future. I don't know who gave her the courage to open the medical center opposite the Hemerocallis Hall."

Seeing that Lin Dan wanted to come over and pester him, the strong man hurriedly dragged his mother-in-law away. Lin Dan was stopped by a few rogues, and he couldn't chase after him, so he could only give up. Just when she was about to free up her hands to take care of these gangsters, several guards came over with big knives and asked, "What do you want to do?"

A few hooligans turned pale with fright, trembling like chaff, unable to speak for a long time. Seeing that these official swords were unsheathed, they suddenly screamed and ran away.

Xue Boyong went to the street corner to buy fruit for Lin Dan, came a step late, saw the backs of these people, and there was a chill in his eyes, but the moment he saw Lin Dan, he immediately suppressed the murder and smiled gently: "Today is over. In the afternoon, you didn't pick me up from the barracks, but you were entangled by these villains? The atmosphere of the capital is getting worse, and the night is rampant. It seems that I have to play the emperor and ask him to rectify the security of the capital. "

"It's not that they were entangled, it was a misdiagnosis." Lin Dan waved his hand, and the worried expression completely disappeared.

She practiced medicine in the countryside, and she said that she would not charge for the cure, so people from ten miles and eight townships came to see her for medical treatment, but no one was willing to pay. What's more, when she pretends to be sick, she will blackmail her, and then lead people to besiege or even beat her.

If it wasn't for Lin Dan being followed by guards and martial arts, he would have died long ago. She has only been practicing medicine for a year, but she has already seen the evil of human nature, and her expectations for the same kind have long since fallen to the lowest point. She never expects to be trusted, protected, or even loved, so she will not be saddened by being attacked, insulted, or suspected.

If the elder sister-in-law is in front of her, she will take care of it out of morality. But the other party had already left, so if the other party was dead or alive, he wouldn't care about Lin Dan's business.

Lin Dan had no expectations for this world, but Xue Boyong was the only exception. He didn't hate her because of those unbearable past events, but he trusted and respected her very much, and then he protected her wholeheartedly. Lin Dan saw this love in his eyes and kept it in his heart.

She took the frozen pear that Xue Boyong handed over and said calmly, "It's not that I misdiagnosed, it's the other side, and everything is fine now. Brother, what do you want to eat, I'll do it now?"

"I want to eat dumplings. You come to have the noodles, and I'll chop the stuffing." Xue Boyong rolled up his sleeves, not at all conscious of being a gentleman in the kitchen.

Lin Dan immediately became happy and said, "It's a coincidence, I also want to eat dumplings. Brother, let's make dumplings with cabbage and pork stuffing. There are still a few cabbage in the cellar, so I'll just chop them all today..."

The two walked into the inner hall side by side while talking. One tall and one petite back looked very harmonious, and there was a sense of intimacy that was difficult for others to integrate. Xue Jiming, who came to Hemerocallis Hall to find Wu Helianthus, happened to see this scene with a very complicated expression.

Ever since the eldest brother got better legs, he has rarely stayed at home for long, either in the military camp or in Lin Dan's place, as if he regards this place as his second home. The grandmother and mother asked him what he thought. If he fell in love with Lin Dan, they could ignore the previous suspicion, bring her back, and then marry them. But the eldest brother shook his head and said cautiously: "The matter between me and Lin Dan does not depend on what I think, but on what she thinks. If she is willing to accept me, I will propose to her, if she is not willing, I'll wait for her for the rest of my life. I respect any decision she makes."

Xue Jiming almost suspected that his eldest brother had been replaced. Back then, the eldest brother could even defy the emperor's orders, but he took Lin Dan's wishes more seriously than himself. To Lin Dan, has he really reached the point where Feiqing will not marry

Xue Jiming stared blankly at Xing Linchun for a long time, until Wu Hemerocallis came out to call him, and then quickly ran into Hemerocallis Hall. Now, he doesn't dare to meet Lin Dan at all, because she cured the elder brother and is the great benefactor of the Xue family, but because of that prejudice, he always belittles her and excludes her, which finally led her to leave the Xue family.

The person who should hate, despise, and even take revenge for saying something unpleasant has always been Lin Dan, but he is a big man, but he has no heart at all, and instead pushes all the mistakes on the other side. Big brother is right, he is a coward.