The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 142: Physician 26


The more he realized what he had done wrong, the more Xue Jiming couldn't let go of Wu Hemerocallis. He can't get nothing after making so many mistakes, so he has been entangled with Wu Hemerocallis recently, and the other party finally agreed to his marriage proposal.

With the old lady of the second room as a matchmaker, and the famous Wu Hemerocallis, the old lady could not refuse this marriage, so she could only recognize it with her nose. Wu Xuancao is an orphan, and the old lady of the second room will do everything she has decided. In a few days, the two will become a legitimate fiancée.

Xue Jiming sat in the hall, but his eyes swept to the opposite side from time to time, and he said in surprise: "I see very few Xinglinchun courtyards, why is this?"

The doctor who served him tea smiled sarcastically: "Why, the medical skills are not good. The second son is afraid that he doesn't know, just now that Dr. Lin stopped a patient and did not let people come to our Hemerocallis Hall for medical treatment, saying yes Doctor Zheng prescribed the wrong medicine. Who is our Doctor Zheng, and who is she? Really dare to say anything!"

"In order to grab business, do you have to rush forward with all your strength? Her medical clinic has been open for more than half a month, and there is no single business. Only a few people buy medicines. She can't earn ten coins a day. It’s long overdue. If we can be grandstanding and steal a patient from our Doctor Zheng’s hands, maybe we can make a name for ourselves?” Another doctor teased.

"Famous? I think it's a legacy! She dares to rob any patient, she's crazy! That sister-in-law's gastroenteritis is already very serious. It's no use, it can't be cured. She robbed people, but she was helpless, isn't this murder?"

"Yeah, after all, I'm young, so I don't know the severity. But then again, what is the symptom of gastric perforation?"

"Stomach perforation is the inflammation of the stomach that is completely ulcerated and a hole is opened. At this point, even if the Daluo Immortal comes, it will be difficult to save."

"It turns out that Dr. Wu knows a lot!"

The two doctors chatted with you one by one, but Xue Jiming frowned. Seeing Wu Hemerocallis leading a patient out of the cubicle, he hurriedly said, "Little Cao'er, Lin Dan can cure my elder brother's legs, which shows that his medical skills are definitely not bad. She said that you have misdiagnosed, you better investigate carefully. Let's talk."

Wu Hemerocallis was most tired of hearing Lin Dan's name, and frowned, "The patient drank the Baohe soup prepared by Master, and the abdominal pain disappeared on the spot. How could it be a misdiagnosis? You don't want to listen to the wind and it's rain."

When the two doctors saw that the person the second son was defending was actually Lin Dan, they didn't dare to speak up, but deep down in their hearts, their contempt and disdain for Lin Dan was even stronger.

What happened outside the Hemerocallis Hall was gradually spread by the people. Zheng Zhe added another story of "medicine is like a god", while Lin Dan became a clown to set off him, and was constantly mentioned and ridiculed. . The Xinglinchun business she opened became more and more deserted, while the threshold of the Hemerocallis Hall was almost broken by the patient.

Once the dignitaries in the capital have a headache, they will definitely send a carriage to the Hemerocallis Hall to pick up the two doctors for a consultation.

Zheng Zhe and Wu Hemerocallis were overjoyed, and while they took out the deed of life and death and asked the patient's family to sign, they said slowly: "We will cut open the patient's belly, cut off the rotten intestines, and then sew them up. In January, the patient will fully recover."

"Can this really be cured?" The patient's family hesitated again when they saw the words "life and death" written on the contract.

"It can be cured. If you look at the entire Central Plains, how many doctors can cure intestinal carbuncles? Dr. Wu and I previously cured a patient with a tumor in the abdomen using this method, and he is doing fine now. , if you don't believe me, you can go to his house and ask..." Before Zheng Zhe finished speaking, there was a commotion outside, a dozen strong men with sticks and hoes tried to rush into the day grass hall to smash them, and two others carried a piece of At the end of the door panel, a woman lay on the panel and kept vomiting blood.

The blood was spilled all the way, as if they didn't want money. Some passers-by who were splashed by the blood dodged, some cursed, and some followed to watch the fun. Someone with a good memory pointed at the woman and said, "I know her! Isn't she the elder sister-in-law who came to Hemerocallis Hall to see a doctor two days ago? At that time, because of her, the doctor of Xing Linchun even had a quarrel with Doctor Zheng, saying yes Dr. Zheng prescribed the wrong medicine, which delayed the sister-in-law's condition."

"Looking at this situation, could it be that Xing Linchun's doctor was right?" A few people next to him couldn't believe that Doctor Zheng could make a mistake.

"Who knows? Let's see."

More and more passers-by were watching, blocking the entire street. The woman had already turned into a bloody person, the ups and downs of her chest were indistinguishable, and she was already venting too much and not breathing in, and it seemed that she was going to die. Her husband and son rushed to the capital with a group of villagers, raised sticks and smashed the Hemerocallis Hall, cursing and swearing, very angry.

Lin Dan heard the movement and came out, his eyes swept over the woman, but his expression was indifferent. She persuaded and persuaded, blocked and blocked, and it really had nothing to do with her.

Zheng Zhe and Wu Xuancao arrived in a hurry, and their expressions suddenly changed when they saw the woman covered in blood.

"It shouldn't be! After eating my Baohe soup, her illness should have been cured long ago, how could it be so serious? Did you not continue to give her medication after you went back, or changed my prescription?" Zheng Zhe side Take the pulse and ask urgently.

"We take medicine three times a day, and we don't miss a single one!" The strong man said bitterly, "If my mother-in-law has three strengths and two weaknesses, I will ask you to pay for your life!"

"That being the case, did you get the medicine from my pharmacy? If you are greedy and go to another pharmacy to get the medicine, we can't guarantee that Baohe Tang will always be effective."

"Fuck you motherfucker! Back then, we caught enough medicine for seven days in the Hemerocallis Hall. After my mother-in-law went back, she took two doses, and her stomach started to hurt again. I insisted that she finish eating, but she started to vomit blood, which actually stopped. I can't stop it! Are you poisoned in the medicine? I'm going to the yamen to sue you for murdering people!"

The strong man came over with a hoe, and the two apprentices rushed to stop him, lest he hurt the owner. Wu Xuancao had already sent someone to send a letter to Xue Jiming, and the servants of Xue's house would come soon, so she was not afraid.

Zheng Zhe ran to the woman at the risk of being beaten to death, and took her pulse. The worried expression was completely replaced by fear. It's over, this person only had some inflammation when he came here, but now he is terminally ill, and his life is not long! If the hematemesis can't be stopped, she will die within an hour!

Seeing that his complexion changed greatly, the strong man was about to shed blood and tears from his already red eyes, and asked with the last shred of hope, "Is there any help for my mother-in-law?"

"I'll stop the hematemesis for her first." Zheng Zhe tried his best to maintain his composure.

"Then why don't you prescribe the medicine soon!" The strong man urged sharply.

Zheng Zhe hurriedly waved at several apprentices: "Go and decoct the filthy soup, send it quickly!"

Several apprentices rushed away. Seeing this scene, Lin Dan shook his head and sighed: "It's wrong again." Then he went straight back to Xing Linchun, too lazy to watch the excitement.

Unexpectedly, some good people have been observing her every move, shouting loudly: "Zheng Shenyi, Dr. Lin said you were wrong again!"

Zheng Zhe's heart jumped, but he didn't have time to pay attention to these gossip. Instead, he took out a set of silver needles and plunged them into the woman's key points one by one.

The strong man suddenly turned his head and looked at Xing Lin Chunnei, only to see that Lin Dan had opened the bamboo curtain and went to the backyard, and he didn't want to care about it at all. Thinking of her previous warning, the strong man was in a tumultuous mood, hesitating, but seeing that the silver needle entered the acupoint of his mother-in-law, she stopped vomiting blood and convulsed, and had recovered some anger, and this dispelled Xing Linchun's idea of seeking medical treatment.

Zheng Zhe wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, thinking that it was dangerous. Fortunately, he has some new insights into the combined application of Nei Jin and acupuncture these days, otherwise he would have been ruined today. The hematemesis has stopped, and this person will not die for a while.

Wu Hemerocallis saw his immediate acupuncture method, and his eyes flashed slightly.

The expressions of the passersby onlookers became more and more nervous, and it was obvious that they had already seen God. Only at this point did they let out a sigh of relief, and exclaimed, "It's the genius doctor Zheng, if you don't make a move, you will survive!"

"He vomited blood like that, and he could stop it after a few injections. The technique is really exquisite!"

"Resurrection from the dead, nothing more than this!"

In the praise of passers-by, an apprentice ran out with a bowl of soup and medicine, and shouted loudly: "Let's make it, Xie Hui soup is here! This is a life-saving medicine, who is responsible for spilling it?"

Everyone quickly stepped back to the sides and let him pass. Zheng Zhe took the medicine bowl and fed it into the woman's mouth in person, and said with conviction: "Jiehui soup can detoxify the poison, and after one bowl, the ulcer in her stomach will be suppressed immediately. When I pull out the silver needle , you will carry her in, we will treat her slowly, don't worry."

A group of villagers had calmed down and stared at the woman with burning eyes, but unexpectedly, the accident happened suddenly. The woman screamed and sat up in shock, vomiting blood on the top and feces and urine on the bottom, looking terrible.

The onlookers shouted and hurriedly retreated, commenting: "It was fine just now, why suddenly it's not good? It looks like this is not good, right? It was like this when my grandmother died, I couldn't control the feces and urine!"

"Sure enough, people have already passed by!"

The passers-by retreated further, their eyes full of horror.

The strong man jumped up and shouted loudly for his wife. His sons and daughters had blood-red eyes and murderous aura. Zheng Zhe was terrified, his legs were too weak to walk, he could only half kneel beside the woman, twisting the end of the needle, trying to make a final struggle.

Wu Helianthus repeatedly shouted to save people, but there was nothing he could do.

Someone shouted, "Doctor Lin will definitely be able to cure it! She knew at a glance that you were using the wrong medicine, and she has warned you twice in a row, but you just don't listen!"

Hearing this, the strong man was like a drowning man grabbing a driftwood, immediately picked up the woman, stumbled and ran to Xinglinchun's gate, kowtowing and shouting, "Help, Doctor Lin, help! I was blind before, no Knowing Mount Tai, I know I'm wrong. I beg Dr. Lin to save my mother-in-law! I'll kowtow to you, I'll give you money, please come out and take a look, please!"

The strong man slammed his head to the ground reluctantly, with a deep emotion that made people feel embarrassed. Several of his sons and daughters quickly took out all the copper and silver in their purses, placed them on Xing Linchun's counter, and knelt down and kowtowed together.

The bamboo curtain finally moved, and Lin Dan walked out slowly, also holding a set of silver needles in his hand. She held the woman's wrist in silence, carefully probed for her pulse, then pulled out Zheng Zhe's silver needles one by one, and threw them aside, then pulled out her own silver needles and plunged them into different acupuncture points one by one. With a flick of the fingertip, the tail of the needle continued to vibrate and hummed.

Amidst this humming sound, the woman slowly opened her eyes and let out a sigh of turbidity.

Seeing this scene, passers-by shouted, "Alive, immortal, amazing" and so on, but they were stunned by Lin Dan's superb medical skills!