The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 144: Physician 28


How the Hemerocallis Hall got its current fame is unknown to others, only Wu Hemerocallis knows best. When she crossed over, the Hemerocallis Hall was already run down and unsustainable. She had free medical skills, but she was unable to use it in this backward age. She could only rely on some medical books left by the original owner's parents, according to the script, and try to support it.

Later, she rescued Xue Jiming and received hundreds of taels of silver. Only then did the owner not take back the shop, and she was lucky enough to save the farmer whose stomach was pierced by the horns. She shocked the world with the stitching technique, and was awarded the title of a genius doctor. If it wasn't for Zheng Zhe's admiration, she would have been exposed long ago, so how could she be so happy now

In her day, there was a very popular adage that went something like this - if you want to wear a crown, you must bear the weight. And she wears the crown of "Divine Doctor", but she does not have the strength to match it. She seems to be walking on ice, trembling and cautious with every step.

Physician is a very sacred profession. If you do it well, it will save lives and help the wounded. If you do it well, it will kill people. How did she not know how powerful it was? Because of this, she worked hard to learn Chinese medicine from Zheng Zhe, thinking that if she continued like this, she would have the confidence to live in this world sooner or later with her intelligence.

But now, she has just learned a little bit of fur, and Zheng Zhe decided to go out for a trip, which was like a bolt from the blue for her. Zheng Zhe is gone, where can she find a doctor who is skilled enough to support the Hemerocallis Hall? Who will help her realize her surgical plans

Now that the Hemerocallis Hall is well-known, there must be an endless stream of people who come to seek medical treatment, and these things that were originally considered honors have now become burdens, and Wu Hemerocallis can't breathe. She was afraid that her true face would be seen through, and she was even more afraid of losing her reputation.

She lives in anxiety every day, just holding the medical book Zheng Zhe left her, reading it without eating or sleeping, and cultivating her inner strength all the time, and she has really gained something. But before she could rejoice, a patient came to her door and begged her for help, stumbling her.

This person is not someone else, it is the patient with intestinal carbuncle. With the strong lobbying of Zheng Zhe and Wu Hemerocallis, he has signed a life-and-death deed and paid the consultation fee in advance. He was originally scheduled to have an operation today. Hearing the news of Zheng Zhe's misdiagnosis, his family originally planned to cancel the treatment, but before he set off, he suddenly had a seizure, and he was about to die.

The money was also paid, and the people were almost gone. His relatives did not dare to delay. Intestinal carbuncle disease is fatal in nine out of ten cases and is extremely difficult to treat. If there is another doctor, it will be too late and there will be no complete assurance. It is better to trust Wu Hemerocallis once.

Looking at the dying patient, Wu Helianthus' face turned pale, and it was difficult to ride a tiger for a while. She was the one who persuaded others to sign the life and death deed, and now she is the one who says it cannot be cured. If this person dies of illness, she may also be beaten to death.

The reason why the last tumor removal operation was successful was because Zheng Zhe prescribed Mafei Powder for the patient, which solved the pain problem during the operation, and sealed the blood vessels with acupuncture and moxibustion, which solved the problem of blood loss. He was also in charge of all post-treatment treatments. The prescribed drugs could not only promote wound healing, but also inhibit inflammation, which saved a life.

And Wu Hemerocallis is only responsible for opening the abdominal cavity, cutting off the tumor, and suturing the wound. Without the aid of high technology and special medicines, there is only so much she can do. Whether she can save people's lives depends on technology and luck. Zheng Zhe is a doctor in the old times, and he believes in the principle of cherishing the broom and not passing on the skills. It was very rare for him to give Wu Hemerocallis his original acupuncture method before he left. Where would he leave the prescriptions for Mafei San and other medicines

Without knowledge of anesthesia, hemostasis, and anti-inflammatory and blood stasis to promote wound healing, Wu Hemerocallis cannot perform surgery at all. What's more, an operation requires more than these three problems to be solved.

She looked at the patient whose life was on the line, and did not move for a long time, but the apprentices couldn't wait any longer, and urged: "Master, let's carry him into the operating room immediately, please prepare the equipment quickly."

"No!" Wu Xuancao shouted, struggling. She could hardly imagine what the consequences would be if this person died on her operating table. This is a barbaric era, the lack of legal system has caused social chaos, lynching is above national law, and doctors who kill people will definitely be beaten to death, even the government will not care.

Last time, Lin Dan helped Zheng Zhe to save his life. He later lost 100 taels of silver and completely ended the trouble. But this time, no one can save Wu Hemerocallis. Once the patient is sent to the operating room, the life and death will be borne by her alone.

She can't help but wonder: Can I afford it

The answer is naturally no...

She gritted her teeth and spit out a sentence with difficulty: "Doctor Zheng is gone, I can't cure this disease, you can ask someone else."

"It's you who said it could be cured, and it was you who said it couldn't be cured. Now my brother is sick and dying, so you asked us to go to another home. Did you do it on purpose?" The leader said: "Hurry up and cure my brother. If he has any troubles today, I want you to pay for it!"

"I really can't cure this disease." Wu Hemerocallis closed his eyes with helplessness. If she was given a sterile operating room and an intensive care unit, she would be able to cure this patient in twenty minutes, why would she need to be so embarrassed

"A few days ago, didn't you keep saying that only you can cure this kind of disease? If you told us earlier that you couldn't cure it, why did we delay so much time? Look, my brother has become so ill, if he If you die, you are a murderer! You are making a name for yourself, you are a quack doctor!" The man shouted angrily, and the patient lying on the bed was breathing weakly and was on the verge of death.

The apprentices of the Hemerocallis Hall looked at Wu Helianthus with suspicious eyes, and found something faintly, but did not dare to say anything. Master's medical skills don't seem to be as brilliant as rumored

The man walked back and forth in the hall, kicking and kicking everything he saw, panicking. His wife tried to soothe him, but he broke down in tears first.

The group was noisy and smashed the inner hall, attracting good people to watch. Someone shouted, "It can't be cured here, why don't you go to Xinglinchun to try it? Dr. Xiaolin's medical skills are no worse than Dr. Zheng's. She may have a solution."

Someone outside the door immediately echoed: "Yes, yes, Dr. Xiaolin is also very good!"

The man's eyes lit up, and he immediately shouted: "Hurry up, hurry up, carry my little brother to the opposite side! I was really blinded by the fame of Hemerocallis Hall, and I forgot about Dr. Xiaolin!" The patient rushed towards Xing Linchun.

Wu Xuancao looked at their anxious backs, feeling very embarrassed, but heaved a sigh of relief. The quickest way to treat appendicitis is cutting. In this era of backward medical skills, she is very curious about how Lin Dan will face this disease that can be called a terminal illness.

Xing Linchun's business was picking up, and Lin Dan recruited a few more doctors and apprentices, and only managed to cope. Seeing the young man being carried into the door, she could not help frowning, and she opened her mouth and said, "Intestinal carbuncle? How long have you been sick?"

"It's been seven days. In the first three days, I had bowel movements. Later, I couldn't even pass stool. The urination was extremely painful and unbearable. Doctor Xiaolin, do you think you can cure this disease?" The man wiped the sweat from his forehead, He looked at Lin Dan earnestly.

The patient's clothes have long been lifted, revealing a swollen and red abdomen. His mouth is constantly vomiting filth, sometimes mixed with some foul-smelling feces, and his legs are bent and dare not straighten, which must be an intestinal carbuncle. Lin Dan took the pulse carefully, turned the patient's eyelids and tongue again, nodded and said, "The intestinal stalk caused by the intestinal carbuncle can still be saved. Come here, prepare five catties of white radish, and another twenty-four qian yuan Mingfen, and put it in a pot. Fry the insides together, add the radishes in three times, cook one batch and remove it, then change another batch, boil two catties of water to one catty, and set aside for later use.”

Word Luo quickly opened a prescription and ordered: "This is the attacking poison Chengqi soup, add water for two inches, add white wine for five inches, soak for three quarters of hours to speed up the decomposition of the medicine, then fry it with martial fire for a quarter of an hour, take it out. Mix the radish juice, and feed the patient a bowl every hour, and continue to take it until his bowels are unblocked."

The apprentice didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly went with the prescription. Several doctors in the hall immediately gathered around and looked at Lin Dan with burning eyes.

Intestinal carbuncle is one of the terminal diseases. Nine out of ten patients die. Even the imperial physicians in the palace are helpless when they encounter this disease, not to mention the severe intestinal carbuncle combined with intestinal infarction. But Dr. Kobayashi's face was as usual, his command was steady, and his medication was unique, surprisingly infinite, and elusive. However, even though the doctors in the hall were full of doubts, they did not dare to ask questions at will, for fear of disturbing Dr. Kobayashi's thinking. Being able to practice medicine in Xinglinchun, they can learn a lot more than opening a medical clinic on their own!

After prescribing the medicine, Lin Dan took out a gold needle and punctured the patient's Jinjin, Yuye, Chize, and Weizhong points, leaking black blood, and then stuck the needle point into the appendix, Zusanli, Neiguan, etc. Needle tail, lift and insert twist, strong puncture to keep the needle. After doing all this, Gongdu Chengqi Decoction was ready, and she immediately fed it to the patient. Within two quarters of an hour, the patient's vomiting had stopped, the colic pain had eased, and she actually showed some serenity.

After another hour, the patient's symptoms further eased, and Lin Dan ordered him to drink a bowl of radish water mixed with medicinal water. After waiting for a while, the patient suffered from abdominal pain again, rolling back and forth, the sound of drum beating sounded one after another in the abdomen, and hiccups were frequent.

His eldest brother was terrified and said hurriedly: "It's clear that he has already recovered, why did he take the medicine, but the attack became worse?"

Everyone who was blocking the door to watch also showed nervous expressions.

"Nothing, this is a normal reaction. Continue to give him medicine, this time half a bowl." Lin Dan waved his hand, and the apprentice immediately brought two bowls of radish water to the patient.

At this moment, the patient clutched his stomach and groaned: "Brother, I, I want to give Gong! My stomach is so bloated!"

The man hurriedly went to see Lin Dan, but Lin Dan stepped forward, pulled the needle for the patient, and ordered him to go to the screen to solve the problem. A quarter of an hour later, there was a rustling sound behind the screen, followed by a stench. The onlookers covered their noses and retreated. Even the patient's family couldn't take it. They hurriedly closed their breath and turned their faces away.

Only Lin Dan regarded it as normal, with a calm expression.

After another quarter of an hour, the patient was finally resolved. Lin Dan then went around behind the screen to check his excrement, came back and touched his already swollen abdomen, and said, "I'll give him another bowel cleansing. Drink to clear the remaining evil, if you cultivate properly, three doses can heal."

The man stared at his younger brother's flattened abdomen and squeezed his fingertips that were gradually warming up, and burst into tears with excitement.

The passers-by who were standing at the door clucked their tongues, unable to believe that Dr. Xiaolin had cured the intestinal carbuncle in such a lighthearted manner! You know, it's a mortal disease!