The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 146: Physician 30


The Marquis of Wu'an has been ill for a long time and will not recover. Hearing the fame of Wu Hemerocallis, she will naturally pin her hopes on her. However, at this time, the other party was speechless for a long time, obviously not sure. She immediately became nervous and tentatively said, "Hemerocallis, my illness shouldn't be serious, right?"

Wu Xuancao immediately returned to her senses and said with difficulty, "Mrs Hui, I can't detect your illness, I'm really sorry."

"You can't detect it? Can't you?" Mrs. Wu'an Hou had a hard time accepting the reality. Her limbs are getting more and more paralyzed, and there are signs of paralysis gradually. If you can live well, who wants to be a half-dead cripple? It was hard for her to imagine such a scene, and the fear in her heart was even worse than the physical discomfort.

"Take a good look again," she said imploringly.

Wu Hemerocallis had to check the pulse again, and then shook his head with a solemn expression.

Mrs. Wu'an Hou's eyes were red, and she almost cried on the spot.

In order to cover up her embarrassment, Wu Xuancao immediately waved to several doctors in the hall: "You all come and see, Madam's illness is very strange, everyone brainstorms, maybe there is a way."

Several people immediately gathered around and took turns to take the pulse of Mrs. Wu'an Hou, each with a strange look on her face, and after the last one was finished, the room was completely silent, and she did not dare to speak.

No matter how sluggish Mrs. Wu'an Hou was, she could see the problem, and hurriedly said, "Doctors, what's wrong with me? Don't be embarrassed, just tell me, I can accept it."

A few people gathered together and muttered for a while, then shook their heads and said, "Madam, it's not that we can't find out what kind of disease you have, but that you don't have a pulse at all. It's the first time we've seen this kind of strange disease in our decades of medical practice. No Pulse, people should be dead, but you are still alive, this is really incredible."

Wu Helianthus has more knowledge than them, and naturally knows that it is not strange that there is no pulse, but he can't express his doubts. If she didn't say it, she could pretend that she couldn't be cured, and then shirk the matter: If she said it, and people saw hope, wouldn't they pester her and insist that she be cured? She is a general surgeon, and she doesn't know how to perform such operations at all. Even if she can, she has no conditions to perform it.

Thinking of this, she waved her hand regretfully: "Ma'am, I'm sorry, we can't cure your disease, you should hire another expert. The imperial doctor in the palace is very knowledgeable, so there should be a way."

"But the imperial doctor has treated me for more than a month, and I came to see you when it didn't get better. If you can't even cure me, who else can I go to?" Mrs. Wu'an Hou's face was full of confusion.

Wu Helianthus was speechless, but an apprentice standing behind her whispered, "You can go to Xing Linchun opposite. Doctor Xiao Lin's medical skills are very good, she may have a solution."

"Xinglinchun?" The Marquis of Wu'an had been ill for a long time, and she didn't have the heart to inquire about the outside world. Naturally, she didn't know about Lin Dan, who had only recently gained fame.

Her maid immediately whispered to her ear and said, "Mrs. Hui, Dr. Xiaolin rescued a patient with intestinal carbuncle a few days ago, and also rescued the patient who was almost killed by Dr. Zheng. For this reason, Dr. Zheng has left the capital, Go out to practice. Dr. Xiaolin's medical skills should be better than Dr. Zheng."

"Yeah, I haven't been out for two months, and there is such a goddess in the capital? Why didn't you say it earlier!" Madam Wu'an Hou rekindled her hope and immediately urged: "Hurry up and help me go to the opposite side to see a doctor, hurry up."

The two maids hurriedly crossed her arms and hurried towards the opposite side, not even bothering to look at Wu Hemerocallis.

Wu Xuancao felt extremely uncomfortable, but she still stood up and followed. She wanted to see how Lin Dan, a patient without a pulse, would treat this time. Can Chinese medicine really beat Western medicine? impossible!

The apprentices and the doctor in the hall of Hemerocallis also followed, their faces full of anticipation.

"Which one is Dr. Kobayashi? Doctor Kobayashi, let's take a look at my wife. She has been ill for more than two months, and she can't even walk." The two maids kept scanning the inner hall and finally found her in the corner Lin Dan was taking medicine.

"Oh? Help the patient here." Lin Dan wiped his hands and said in a calm voice, "The light here is brighter, which is convenient for me to see the doctor."

The two maids quickly helped Mrs. Wu'an Hou over there. Xinglin Chunnei's sitting doctor stood up whenever he had an empty hand and surrounded the two of them in a circle. Lin Dan has recently become obsessed with concocting traditional Chinese medicine. Unless the patient is dying, she usually won't take action, so everyone has a lot less opportunities to learn.

Now that critically ill patients are coming to their door, how dare they miss it, and they rush to watch it. Not only the doctor of Xing Linchun, but also the doctor of Hemerocallis Hall. It can be seen that Lin Dan's medical skills have been widely recognized by the industry, but Wu Hemerocallis' various deeds are more and more suspicious.

Lin Dan seemed to be used to the feeling of being in the limelight, and his expression was always calm. The Marquis of Wu'an was a little uncomfortable, but she didn't dare to protest.

"Put your hand up." Lin Dan took out a washed pulse pillow.

The Marquis of Wu'an immediately put her wrist on it.

"How long have you been sick, and what symptoms have you had?" she asked while probing her pulse.

Mrs. Wu'an Hou answered her questions one by one and observed her expression at the same time.

Lin Dan raised his brows slightly, but quickly calmed down again, explaining, "You have pulseless disease, which is caused by the weakness of kidney yang and blocking the meridians. You need to replenish blood and strengthen yang, remove blood stasis and clear the meridians. I will give you a prescription first. Drink black snake soup, and return to the doctor in seven days." Before she could finish her sentence, she had written a prescription and handed it to the apprentice.

Several apprentices hurriedly came to fight for it, but they were cut off by a few sitting doctors, who took away the prescription while researching and grabbing the medicine, with a hungry expression. The apprentices and doctors of Hemerocallis Hall were very greedy, but they had no face to make trouble in other people's stores, so they could only watch.

The Marquis of Wu'an said in disbelief, "Pulseless disease, this is the end?" The little girl was neither surprised nor confused, it was as common as treating a headache and brain fever.

Lin Dan explained in a gentle tone: "The pulseless disease, which is life-threatening, is caused by congenital disorders and deficiency of both the spleen and kidney. Madam has a deficiency of kidney-yang, and a deficiency of kidney-yang causes yin and cold to flourish inside, and blood vessels become stagnant when they encounter cold. The blood flow is not smooth and the movement is slow. Over time, the veins will become stagnant, or even blocked, so that the pulse is astringent or pulseless. The treatment of this disease is very slow and requires long-term medication to recover. ."

When Mrs. Wu'an saw her tone of voice was normal, the panic in her heart disappeared bit by bit, she touched her unconscious right upper limb, and said in a hoarse voice, "Can I really recover?"

"If you insist on taking the medicine, it will have good results." Lin Dan's tone was very determined. A disease like pulseless disease is not intractable for her.

Mrs. Wu'an Hou nodded again and again: "Okay, I will insist on taking the medicine, thank you doctor!" Lin Dan can point out the disease that others can't see, but if you don't believe her, who else can you believe? Even if there is no cure, Mrs. Wu'an Hou has been comforted by her calm and calm attitude.

After sending the patient away, Lin Dan continued to play the medicine, and the prescription she prescribed had already been hand-transcribed by several ladies in the hall and used for research.

Wu Xuancao quietly exited the door, full of doubts, but faintly shocked. She didn't believe that Lin Danguo could really cure Mrs. Wu'an Hou's illness. She didn't have sophisticated medical equipment and no pulse. How could she judge the cause? Can't find the cause, can the prescription she prescribed really work? But she looks so calm and confident, with a convincing charm all over her body. No matter how desperate a patient is, they will naturally calm down in front of her. This is an aura that only top doctors can form.

How long has it been since Lin Dan studied medicine? Is her medical skills really that superb? Wu Hemerocallis shook his head and said in his heart that he would see the results in seven days.

Seven days later, the Marquis of Wu'an came as promised, but without the help of a maid, she stepped into the threshold of Xing Linchun with a bright smile on her face. Seeing her in high spirits, the doctors and apprentices in the store were all stunned, and the doctors and apprentices from Hemerocallis Hall also crowded to the side of the street, watching with burning eyes.

A disease that others can't cure for more than a month, in Lin Dan's hands, it only takes seven days to have a miraculous effect. God, really God!

"Dr. Xiaolin, I feel something in my right upper limb, but my body is still a little tired, so I can't stand or sit for a long time. Please help me, do I have a pulse this time?" She stretched out her hand with a smile.

Lin Dan took a pulse, nodded and said, "Although the pulse is weak, it has greatly improved. There is no need to change the prescription, just continue to drink Wushe Tang, three doses a day, don't be annoying."

"It's not annoying, it's not annoying." The Marquis of Wu'an waved her hands again and again with a respectful expression. For a disease that can't be cured by the hospital, Dr. Xiaolin can take the medicine and it will take effect. How could she dare not to listen to her? If it was on weekdays, she would definitely not be accustomed to someone showing a cold face in front of her, calmly speaking, and speaking in a straight-forward manner. But when this person was replaced by Dr. Kobayashi, she could gain a steady sense of security from her. The colder she was, the more she showed that the patient's illness didn't really matter, which was really reassuring.

"Doctor Xiaolin, this is the consultation fee, please accept it." She personally handed over a purse with a few golden leaves hidden in it.

Lin Dan put the purse directly into the drawer, but he didn't even bother to look at it. Without her, she would not be disgusted, and if she had more, she would not be afraid, as if everything was justified.

This unusual attitude of hers made Mrs. Wu'an Hou feel more at ease, and her favorability for her soared. The group thanked them repeatedly and sent many gift boxes before leaving.

Wu Hemerocallis stared at the distant carriage, her face turning red and white, very exciting. Mrs. Wu'an Hou's condition has greatly improved, which shows that Lin Dan's medicine is suitable for the symptom, and she actually cured the disease that even surgery may not cure. Is Chinese medicine really that amazing? Or that the inheritance of the Lin family has its own mystery

At this moment, the desires that Wu Xuancai had suppressed in her heart surged again, but she did not notice that the eyes of the doctors and apprentices in the store had completely changed. They used to admire her very much, but now they have deep suspicion. Since Dr. Zheng left, she seems to have never seen anyone again. Is there no time, or no

Just thinking about this, Xue Jiming hurried in with a comatose child in his arms and shouted, "Hemerocallis, come and help!"