The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 147: Physician 31


Since his eldest brother's legs recovered, Xue Jiming seldom went to the military camp. Anyway, there is a big brother at home to support him, he is nothing compared to the big brother, why should he go to the army to make people feel bad. The elder brother's subordinates all looked down on him. They were respectful on the surface, but secretly said that he was an Adou who couldn't help him.

Wouldn't he be happy if he just continued to eat, drink, and swim as he did in the past? On this day, he originally planned to go out to meet friends, but when he passed by the second-bedroom compound, he heard a scream coming from inside, and no one answered after shouting a few times, so he ran in to check the situation. But it turned out that the youngest son of the eldest daughter-in-law of the second room suddenly fainted. No matter whether he was pinched or given medicine, he never woke up.

The eldest daughter-in-law of the second room asked the servants to invite the doctor, and then went to the mother-in-law and the old lady to be the masters, and then roamed the room like a headless fly.

Xue Jiming didn't care about the difference between men and women, so he walked over and touched his nephew's forehead, and exclaimed, "It's so hot!"

The eldest daughter-in-law Xiao burst into tears when she saw her brother-in-law, and said intermittently, "Jiming, you, think of a way! However, Er has been having cramps, and her body is getting hotter and hotter. If it goes on like this, something will happen!"

"Let's go, I'll take you to find Xiao Cao'er, Xiao Cao'er is very skilled in medicine and will definitely be able to save Ran'er. You send someone to ask the doctor, it will take a lot of time to go back and forth, so we might as well go directly. "Xue Jiming picked up his cousin and left, Xiao Shi quickly followed behind him.

Not long after, the old lady and the old lady of the second room also heard the news and rushed to the Hemerocallis Hall, and a large group of people crowded into the store, making the scene really spectacular.

Lin Dan came out when he heard the noise. Seeing that the old lady and others were in a hurry, he didn't go over to say hello. If people don't see her for medical treatment, they don't trust her medical skills. She leans forward with a sullen face. Not only will they not be happy, but they will also think that she is too troublesome and delays the child's condition. Why

She stood at the door and watched for a while, then turned back to the inner hall to continue processing the medicinal materials without asking too much.

Two quarters of an hour later, Xue Boyong and the eldest son of the second room, Xue Yangfan, also came from the barracks. One rushed into the Hemerocallis Hall and the other went to Xinglinchun just to check the situation outside.

Hearing the familiar footsteps, Lin Dan immediately raised his head and asked, "Brother, have you seen the other side?"

"I've seen it, it seems that I have caught the wind and cold, and I have a little fever." Xue Boyong frowned.

Lin Dan wiped his hands with his apron and said hesitantly, "Brother, I didn't go to see it just now, and I don't know what kind of disease the child has. Why don't I go over now?" If it is annoying, I will try my best to treat it.

Unexpectedly, Xue Boyong waved his hand slowly: "Don't go over, let Wu Hemerocallis take care of it. There are only two sons in the second room. The older one was rescued by Wu Hemerocallis from drowning, and the younger one got sick. Naturally, they still came to Wu Hemerocallis. They trust Wu Hemerocallis far more than they trust you. What's more, the second grandma also protected the matchmaker for Wu Hemerocallis and Xue Jiming. If you want to be a family with them, you won't be able to get involved, but you will be disliked by them, so forget it. ."

Brother, are you afraid that I will be wronged? Thinking of this, Lin Dan felt warm in his heart, and a sweet smile appeared on his face that had never been expressionless.

Xue Boyong glanced at her, and he couldn't help but twitch his lips. He only showed a gentle side in front of Lin Dan, and when he treated others, even relatives, he couldn't hide his coldness. He led the Qin army's iron cavalry to break through the surrounding countries, and his hands were stained with too much blood, and he even killed tens of thousands of prisoners. Isn't it good

Lin Dan was not afraid of such a big brother at all, but rather liked it. She took out a throat lozenge from the drawer and put it in her mouth, then took out another to feed her eldest brother, her eyes curved like two crescents: "Brother, this is my newly developed throat lozenge, it can cure dry throat and hoarseness. Big brother, you train all day, you need it most, I made a big box for you, don't forget to take it later."

"It's so sweet." When he said this, Xue Boyong stared straight at the other side, not knowing whether he was complimenting the candy or the little girl.

Lin Dan didn't notice, and explained slowly: "Of course, I boiled Sydney, pipa, and licorice into a very thick juice, then let it cool and cut into pieces. Thinking of my brother's sweetness, I added a few spoons of honey. , do you still like this flavor?"

"I like it." Xue Boyong smiled and nodded while taking off the little girl's apron, putting it on himself, and said softly, "Sit aside, I'll help you make medicine."

"Okay." Lin Dan stood up and was about to go to the backyard, but his elder brother grabbed his wrist and asked nervously, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the kitchen to prepare lunch." Lin Dan tilted his head to look at him, looking cute.

Xue Boyong was slightly itchy, and said hoarsely: "It's still early, what are you anxious about. Sit next to me to read the medical book, and don't leave."

Lin Dan didn't ask him why, just sat down and picked up a medical book to read. If there are no critically ill patients in the store, she usually does not take action, so she has plenty of free time. She has also recently started to write down her medical experience like her ancestors did, and she has also developed a strong interest in pharmaceuticals. She holds a book in one hand and a pen in the other, writing while reading, with a very serious expression.

Xue Boyong sat beside her and pounded the medicine, dressed in a strong suit and an apron. His appearance was a bit funny, and he frequently attracted the attention of others. But he didn't care at all. After brewing the medicine for a while, he glanced at Lin Dan and seemed to enjoy it very much.

Xinglinchun's time here is quiet, but the Hemerocallis Hall is in dire straits.

Wu Hemerocallis was surrounded by Xue's family three times and three times, so one can imagine the pressure. After taking the pulse, she checked Xue Ran's pupils and tongue, and listened to the noise in his chest with a homemade stethoscope, her expression became more and more solemn.

She had already seen that Xue Ran had acute pneumonia, also known as acute convulsion. It was a common disease in childhood, and the mortality rate was very high even in modern times, not to mention in ancient times when medical technology was extremely backward? Seeing the anxious faces of the Xue family members, looking at the young child whose face was already blue and purple, and was almost breathless, her mind was buzzing.

No antibiotics, no special medicines, no ventilator, no IV tools... She didn't know how to treat acute pneumonia.

"Water the child, so that the high heat will not evaporate the water in his body too much. Bring a basin of warm water over, and I will give him a bath first. Are there any ice cubes in the cellar? If there is any, bring it over quickly and chill the handkerchief for a while. Put it on his forehead, and put an ice pillow behind his head. Go!" Wu Xuancao ordered in an orderly manner.

A group of apprentices immediately split up, the one who drew water drew water, and the one who took ice cubes took ice cubes, and quickly prepared everything. Seeing Lin Dan's commanding Ruo fixed, his expression calm, as if he was 100% sure, Xiao Shi and the old lady of the second room were completely relieved. Xue Jiming and Xue Yangfan quickly retreated to the door, lest there would be too many people in the room and disturb the treatment.

Several doctors sitting in the Hemerocallis Hall shook their heads and looked worried.

One of them reminded: "Doctor Wu, these measures can only temporarily relieve the fever of the child. If you want to stop his convulsions, you need to prescribe medicine immediately! After a while at night, even if the child is rescued It will also leave serious sequelae.”

Acute convulsion is one of the four major diseases of children, and it is a critical condition. If the medicine is not given as soon as possible, the child will die at any time. What is even more frightening is that this kind of disease is threatening and changing rapidly. It is difficult for doctors to formulate the most suitable prescription in the shortest time. Even the doctor who is best at treating pediatrics dare not say that he will be able to cure convulsions, let alone Wu Hemerocallis, who has only learned a little bit of Chinese medicine

She was stunned on the spot with a look of embarrassment on her face.

Xue Yangfan was frightened by the doctor's words, and hurriedly asked, "What are the after-effects?"

"It will evolve into epilepsy, mental retardation, dementia, etc. I am not skilled in medicine and dare not prescribe medicine at will." Several doctors shook their heads and sighed, expressing that they could not help. The people who came had military power in their hands and their status was precious. They couldn't cure them, and they didn't dare to cure them. What's more, they didn't tell lies. The condition of Jijingfeng is too complicated. A little hesitation can cost a person's life, and the consequences are very dire.

A few years ago, the Fang Yuan of the Taiyuan Hospital was condemned and demoted by the emperor because of the failure to cure the seventh prince who had suffered from a severe convulsion. He is a leader in the industry, with extraordinary medical skills, but he is helpless with this kind of disease, let alone an ordinary doctor? Wu Helianthus and Zheng Zhe have long been as famous as him and should be able to cure them.

Thinking of this, several doctors in the hall were afraid that they would be pulled into the water by Wu Hemerocallis again. Wu Hemerocallis is very dissatisfied with the act of throwing the pot. If Dr. Xiaolin hadn't been able to cure the pulseless disease, I still don't know how Mrs. Wu'anhou would make a fuss about Hemerocallis Hall!

Hearing this, Xue Jiming immediately urged: "Xiao Cao'er, quickly prescribe medicine for Ran'er! If he doesn't prescribe the medicine, he will smoke it!"

Even in a coma, Xue Ran was still twitching, his nostrils twitched, his lips and fingers were blue and purple, his limbs were cold, his body was like charcoal, but there was not a single drop of sweat.

Wu Hemerocallis gritted his teeth and said, "I will cool him down first, and then prescribe medicine. If the high fever persists, it will burn his brain."

When Xue Jiming heard it, he hurriedly stepped forward to undress his cousin. Mrs. Xiao and her mother-in-law also ran over to help, and after tossing for a while, they placed Xue Ran on the ice pillow.

Xiao Shi touched his son's hot forehead and choked: "It's useless! These methods are completely useless, the heat can't be reduced at all! Hemerocallis, please think of a way!" She grabbed Wu Helianthus' shoulders and shook it vigorously, and it was already there. The brink of collapse.

Wu Xuancao was covered in cold sweat, holding a pen in his hand, but he couldn't write half a word for a long time. Prescribe medicine, what medicine? There are thousands of medicinal herbs that can reduce heat and clear cold, but she doesn't know how to combine them to form the best curative effect.

She really can't do it!