The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 150: Divine Doctor 34 (End)


Knowing that Lin Dan had agreed to her eldest son's proposal, Mrs. Xue almost jumped up with joy. The old lady also said yes, and hurriedly sent someone to deliver a letter to General Xue, who was far away on the frontier, and then discussed the wedding. Now Lin Dan is not an orphan adopted by the Xue family, but a famous doctor in the Qin country. Her value is more valuable than gold and silver. Even if she doesn't have any dowry, Xue's family has taken advantage.

Not long after the wedding date was set, Xue Boyong was ordered to go out on an expedition. The effect of Xu Shi's treatment was very gratifying. She gradually gained the favor of Prince Su, and she often went in and out of Prince Su's mansion, which made Xue Jiming very unhappy.

Prince Su has a very bad reputation in the army. He once killed hundreds of border people and pretended to lead the army. As his subordinate, he had to charge into battle to kill him, but he didn't get the slightest benefit. He took other people's exploits as his own, and took it to the imperial court to please the emperor, causing the soldiers to complain.

He was also very cruel. He often drove the frontier people into the mountains to hunt them like wild animals, raped women from good families, and beat the servants around him. He is ruthless and small-minded. As long as he offends him, no matter how small it is, he will keep it firmly in his heart, think about it day and night, and take revenge at the slightest opportunity, regardless of the consequences. Over time, he suffered from cephalic rheumatism, which became even more manic and killed countless people.

I don't know what method Wu Hemerocallis used to curb his headache and became a guest of Prince Su's residence. Xue Jiming often quarreled with Wu Hemerocallis over this matter, and tried to persuade her not to get too close to such a person, so as not to set her on fire, but she did not listen.

Gradually, the relationship between the husband and wife became thinner and thinner, to the point of being strangers.

A few months later, the emperor, who was in good health, died suddenly in the palace, leaving behind an edict to pass on the throne to Prince Su, while Prince Yu, the most prestigious and virtuous, was unable to fight at the border. Come back in time for the funeral.

As soon as the news came out of the palace, Lin Dan frowned, and then hurriedly wrote a letter to his eldest brother.

After a while, Xue Jiming came on horseback and said, "Lin Dan, the emperor has passed away, and Prince Su wants to blockade the whole city and strengthen its defense. It is not safe for you to live here, so you should go back to Xue's house with me. "It's more comfortable for a family to get together."

Lin Dan nodded and agreed, but after getting on the horse, he stabbed the horse's neck with a silver needle, causing it to raise its hoofs in a frenzy and throw itself to the ground. Because she didn't release the reins in time, her right hand was strangled and severely injured. As a doctor, an injured hand is a disaster. If one is not well maintained, the person will be useless.

Xue Jiming hurriedly jumped off his horse to help her, sweating profusely all over his head. She whispered: "It's fine, I'm a healer myself, and I can take care of it." She walked into Xinglinchun, quickly dealt with the broken arm, and then instructed several doctors in the hall: "It takes a hundred days for a broken muscle to move a bone. I can't move my hand for three months, so you should close the hospital for now."

Several doctors nodded in agreement, and told her to have a good life. The incident of her injury was watched by the people on the street, and soon spread throughout the capital. Those who were seriously ill were very disappointed, and those who were not sick didn't care.

After returning to Xue Mansion, Lin Dan took out the set of ancestral medical books, turned to a few pages, melted the handwriting with a special potion, re-edited it, and then used sulfur fumigation to make it old. As soon as all this was done, someone came from the palace, saying that they wanted to invite Lin Dan and Wu Hengcao to see a doctor for the new emperor.

General Xue once impeached Prince Su for falsely leading the army, causing the other party to lose his military power and was imprisoned in the mansion by the late emperor. With his disrespectful character, can he let the Xue family go? After he ascended the throne, can he stand up to the Qin state, raise the people, strengthen the army, and unify the Central Plains

The answer does not need to be said, everyone naturally has a steel scale in their hearts. Before he actually ascended the throne, he had already executed more than a dozen important officials. If General Xue was still at the border and had hundreds of thousands of troops in his hand, he would have already executed the old and weak women and children in the Xue residence. If he is better, the Qin country will not be better, and the Xue family will not be better! In this case, how could the old lady be willing to let the two granddaughters go to see him

But the emperor's order cannot be violated. Even if there are thousands of people who are unwilling, the old lady does not dare to speak at this time, so she can only wave her hand and say, "Go and call Wu Xuancao and Dan'er."

Xue Jiming sat beside the old lady, looking like he was in a daze, but his eyes darkened slightly. How can it be so coincidental? Lin Dan broke her hand on the front foot, and the palace sent someone to ask her to treat the new emperor. Did she expect it, so she did it on purpose

Just thinking about this, Lin Dan walked in with his arms hanging and said to the two guards, "Sir, I'm sorry, I broke my hand and I can't enter the palace to heal the emperor."

"The emperor just called you into the palace, and you broke your hand, did you do it on purpose?" Wu Helianthus walked in with a sneer. She hadn't seen each other for a while, and her brows and eyes were full of anger, as if a different person.

When Xue Jiming saw her, there was a flash of disgust in his eyes, and he said coldly, "She had already broken her hand when I went to pick up Lin Dan. At that time, there was no decree in the palace, so how can you say she did it on purpose? Can she predict whether the prophet will succeed? If you don't believe it, you can go to the street and ask."

The two guards stared at Lin Dan's red and swollen fingertips and said sternly, "We will verify the truth. If anyone resists the decree and disrespects, we will definitely report it to the emperor and ask him to decide. Since Dr. Lin can't go, we will ask Wu Come with us, doctor."

The two were originally the personal soldiers of Prince Su, but now the chickens and dogs have risen to the sky and become the Imperial Guard, and their attitudes are naturally arrogant. However, when they faced Wu Hemerocallis, they were extremely respectful, because only she could control the emperor's headache.

Wu Hemerocallis combined the method of acupuncture and moxibustion left by Zheng Zhe with the method of internal energy in Xinglinchun, which had miraculous effects, and thus won the favor of Prince Su. But she has never forgotten Lin Dan's inheritance. If she doesn't take it now, when will it be? She rolled her eyes and went to the palace first, ignoring the Xue family who glared at her.

After she left, the old lady closed her eyes and sighed: "What a sin! You choose such a daughter-in-law. Our Xue family will be destroyed by her hands sooner or later!"

Xue Jiming was full of remorse, but he had to comfort his family: "Grandmother, don't worry, she is not good at studying medicine and can't cure Prince Su's illness at all. My Prince Guansu is pale and scrawny. Years. As long as he is dead, Qin will be able to establish another Mingjun. What's more, Dad and Big Brother are still leading the war outside, and he doesn't dare to do anything to us for the time being."

Mrs. Xue walked into the main hall slowly and worried: "I'm afraid that he will buy the front-line officers and soldiers, and secretly harm your father and your elder brother, so that they cannot return to the capital. If your father and your elder brother are defeated, Prince Yu will also be unable to get out of the quagmire. "

Xue Jiming naturally understood this truth, but he still tried his best to appease everyone: "Don't be afraid, we are in good health, and we boiled him to death." There were no servants in the hall, so he was not afraid of these words being spread.

Lin Dan ate the fruit without saying a word, and his face was completely carefree. When Mrs. Xue saw her hands tied with wooden boards and bandages, she immediately forgot all her troubles and came over to ask her about her condition. With Wu Xuancao's evil barrier as a comparison, she really likes this eldest daughter-in-law more and more.

In the evening, before Wu Xuancao returned to the palace, an eunuch came to the palace, saying that Lin Dan was asked to hand over the family medical book, because it recorded the method of treating the emperor.

"Doctor Lin, if your hand is not broken, the emperor will naturally not be hard on others. But now that your hand won't get better for two or three months, you can't let the emperor wait for you, right? You hand over the family medical book and let others learn it. It’s the same after you learn it and then go to the emperor for treatment. Don’t worry, we will send you back this book after you finish your studies, and you won’t be missing a page.” The eunuch smiled, as if very respectful, But it annoyed the Xue family.

Xue Jiming didn't have to think about who wanted to learn the medical skills of Lin Dan's family, it was undoubtedly Wu Hemerocallis. But it turned out that she was still thinking about Lin Dan's things, and then borrowed Prince Su's hand to grab it. Her methods are really better than the next one, making Xue Jiming disgusting.

At this point, Xue Jiming had no more affection for her, and was about to say no, but saw Lin Dan take out a brocade box, and said slowly: "This is what Wu Helianthus has always wanted, you can take it away."

The eunuch opened the brocade box and checked it carefully, seeing that the entire set of books was intact, so he hurried back to the palace to recover his life.

After Xue Jiming waited for him to leave, he suddenly overturned the table, gritted his teeth and said, "Grandmother, mother, I want to make peace with Wu Hemerocallis!"

The old lady and Mrs. Xue were too lazy to pay attention to him, they went back to their rooms to rest with their tired bodies, and fell ill the next day. Only Lin Dan should eat, drink, and be unaffected.

Wu Helianthus, who got the medical book, was overjoyed, and stayed in the palace that night, reading it hungrily. Prince Su's headache was already controlled by her using acupuncture and moxibustion, which had little effect on the body. The people outside were all looking forward to the early death of Prince Su, but they didn't know that with her around, this person would definitely live a long time.

After two months of study, she began to treat Prince Su according to the records in the book, and the effect was very remarkable. The physically strong Prince Su began to wantonly eliminate dissidents, and most of the important officials in the court were killed by him, and blood flowed in rivers every day on the Golden Palace. He also recruited beautiful women, built palaces, and levied heavy taxes, which made people's lives difficult. If this goes on like this, within two years, the mighty Qin state will be completely destroyed by his hands.

The courtier's death remonstrance was useless, and turned to Wu Hemerocallis, saying that she was a disaster to the country and the people, and that the evildoer came into the world and should be punished. Xue Jiming not only did not stand up to protect it, but instead wrote a letter of reconciliation and distanced himself from her.

After getting the book of Heli, Wu Helianthus was depressed for two days, then regained his energy and continued to treat Prince Su. She has abandoned her lover and friends, and where is there any way to go back? As long as Prince Su is well, she can live freely without worrying about anything else.

Suddenly one day, when she was doing acupuncture for Prince Su, the other party began to vomit blood, and then covered his head and shouted like crazy. The gold needle that had not been pulled out was still inserted into his head, and he accidentally pressed it into the flesh, causing more severe pain. In just a few breaths, he changed from a living person to a corpse with a distorted face and bleeding from seven orifices.

"No, the emperor is dead!" The palace servants screamed and scattered.

Wu Xuancao was trembling all over, with a horrified expression, but she couldn't come back to her senses.

After a while, the sound of swordsmen sounded outside the hall, and a tall and sturdy man with a handsome face walked in slowly, examining the body of Prince Su with plain eyes. Behind him was Xue Boyong, whose hands were stained with blood and his face was cold.

"Your daughter-in-law asked this palace to send troops today, did you expect this?" The handsome man turned his head, and it was Prince Yu.

Xue Boyong said with a light smile: "Doing a lot of injustice will lead to suicide. The ignorant ruler is not benevolent, and he has been condemned by heaven." He looked at Wu Hemerocallis, and said word by word: "You took something you shouldn't take, and now you should return it to the original. Lord?"

A flash of thunder flashed through Wu Hemerocallis' mind, causing her to jump up, rummaging through the medical books, smelling the sulphurous smell that was about to fade away, and suddenly laughed madly: "It's Lin Dan! She has tampered with the medical books, borrow mine. Kill the emperor with your hands, and then let me go to hell, right?! She is so vicious, any kind of benevolence and benevolence is all bullshit!"

Xue Boyong sneered: "You stole the medical book yourself, did she force you? If you don't covet things that shouldn't belong to you, nothing will happen. If you use medical skills well, you can save people, but if you don't use them well, you will kill people. , you should have known that."

Wu Hemerocallis slumped to the ground, unable to hear anything. After today, what awaits her is either smashed to pieces, or life is better than death...