The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 151: Gu girl 1


Lin Dan stared at the two red "pills" in the palm of his hand and was stunned. It seemed like a long time had passed, and it seemed like just a moment, she had changed a place and a body, but she didn't remember where she originally came from or who she was.

She subconsciously sorted out the memories in her mind and finally understood her situation. This body is also called Lin Dan. Her father is unknown and her mother passed away early. She relied on government grants and barely managed to graduate from the third year of junior high school. A year out of school.

The place where she is located is an ethnic minority area called Ali Township. Most of the villagers are Miao people, and there are also some Tujia people. They have made a living by farming for generations. external communication. If the children in the village want to study, they can afford to go to the only school in the town from morning to night. Due to the poor teaching staff, very few people can be admitted to the university. destiny. Gradually, this small mountain village, which was not very lively, became more and more empty, and the young people left, leaving only some old people and children.

The original owner also planned to leave, but he picked up a seriously injured young man on the road, delaying the trip. The young man was very taciturn and rarely communicated with her actively. During the day, he fiddled with his mobile phone in front of the sun, and went to bed early at night. Even so, the original owner became more and more interested in him, firstly because he was handsome and unique in temperament, and secondly because she lacked love and desperately longed for someone to accompany her.

The young man's name is Zhou Nan, from Haicheng, the same age as the original owner. If the original owner did not drop out of school, he would probably be in the second year of high school this year. Zhou Nan took advantage of the summer vacation to travel, but because he was not familiar with mountain roads, he fell off a cliff and injured his leg. If it wasn't for his luck and encountering the original owner, he wouldn't know what would happen at this moment, because this mountain forest is so desolate that the mobile phone can't receive signals at all.

Knowing the original owner's fortunes in recent years, Lin Dan looked at the things in his hand again, and his expression was a bit indescribable. But it turned out that these were not pills at all, but two love Gus, the big one was the mother Gu, and the small one was the child Gu. If Lin Dan arrives a moment late, the original owner will take the mother Gu by himself, and then plant the child Gu into Zhou Nan's body. I don't know when this child has a deep-rooted love for Zhou Nan. Seeing that the other party is always cold and indifferent to him, he has such a crooked mind.

Even though Lin Dan is indifferent by nature, he still understands the most basic truth - a twisted melon is not sweet. What kind of love is the love obtained by these ghostly tricks? It's just a means of self-deception.

Thinking of this, she put the two love Gus back into the camphor wood box left by the original owner's mother, and sighed silently.

The stilted building where the original owner lived was built on the outermost edge of the small mountain village, and it was almost integrated with the dense forest where wild beasts frequently haunted, while the stilted buildings of the rest of the villagers were scattered in the mountains. Looking down from the sky, you can see that the original owner's home is isolated by them. Although it is on the same plane, it seems to be two worlds by itself.

The Miao people have always been very united, and everyone is willing to help when the family is in trouble. The original owner became an orphan at a young age, and even nearly died of starvation, but these villagers never cared about it, just letting her fend for herself. In the end, the original owner's teacher couldn't see it and applied for a grant for her, which allowed her to survive.

The original owner did not know the reason, and did not dare to explore it, because whenever she appeared in the Miao Village, she would be scolded and driven away by the villagers, leaving her whole body bruised and bruised. They looked at her with disgust, as if she were a bug, only fit to live in the dark.

Over time, the original owner will no longer be close to the small mountain village, let alone get warmth from others. But Zhou Nan's appearance broke her defense and made her fall completely. The teenager just said "thank you" to her in a low voice, and smiled at her again. She was like a grass seed hidden in the cracks of the stone, frantically taking root and sprouting, trying to get out of the dark prison.

Zhou Nan is her light, her warmth, and the sublime and yearning in her humble life. But at the same time, she also realized more clearly that he would leave here one day sooner or later. So she thought of the relic left by her mother, the mysterious camphor wood box with a strange smell. Before she died, her mother said to her, "Lin Dan, if one day you are bullied, or you feel that you can't live, you can open this box and take a look."

She couldn't live without the original owner of Zhou Nan, so she opened the box and found this pair of love Gus.

Now that Lin Dan has replaced the original owner, she naturally wants to find out the secret of this box. There was only a small light bulb in the stilted building, and the light was very dim, but this did not hinder Lin Dan's sight. She found a stack of manuscripts, a sheepskin bag, a small copper stove, and a long wooden box.

The Miao nationality is a mysterious and ancient nation, with diverse and rich languages, but no written text has been passed down. The manuscript that Lin Dan found was written in a script similar to oracle bone script, which she should not have understood, but when she held it in her hand, the script seemed to come alive, rushing to her Drill in your mind.

Her temples jumped in pain, but she didn't even snort. It took about ten minutes before she let go of her teeth and let out a breath. It was not until now that she understood why the villagers avoided the original owner like a snake and scorpion, but it turned out that the original owner had the blood of a witch and Gu Master flowing in his body, which was the most feared existence by the Miao people.

The sheepskin bag contained the Gu eggs handed down from the ancestors of the Lin family. They were all sealed in small porcelain vases. Some were marked with their names and functions, and some were not even marked at all, and they didn't know what species they were. If Lin Dan has the talent of a witch Gu Master, she will naturally know how to cultivate her own Gu worms the moment she gets the handbook. Otherwise, the inheritance of the Lin family will be cut off in her generation.

The bloodline of witch and Gu Masters is very powerful and mysterious, but with the passage of time and the marriage of foreign races, their bloodline has become thinner and thinner, and they have completely lost their former strength. The original owner's mother was ostracized and oppressed by the villagers and left at a young age, leaving the original owner to face the cruelty of life alone. If Lin Dan didn't come, she might also follow her mother's old path, using affection to keep her beloved, and because of the backlash, she would end up with nothing.

Lin Dan shook his head, full of sighs. She went on to look at the other two things. The bronze furnace is beautiful in shape and has a long history. It should be an antique. If it is sold outside, it may be able to sell for a good price. But according to the records in the handbook, it is not used to burn incense, but to cultivate Gu worms, and in the hands of people who don't know how to do it, it will only lead to disaster.

Lin Dan put down the copper stove, opened the wooden box, and found a necklace lying inside. The shape of the necklace is very simple. A red silk thread wears a black bead. The surface of the bead is slightly textured, which looks like wood and jade. There is a letter pressed at the bottom of the wooden box, which was left by the original owner's mother, repeatedly admonishing the original owner to keep the necklace and pass it on to the next generation.

"... This is the treasure of the Lin family, and it must be passed down from generation to generation. If you, like your mother, have not inherited the talent of a witch Gu Master, put the necklace in the box and don't touch it easily. If you are lucky enough to obtain a witch Gu If you are a teacher, put it on. When you come to a dead end, it may be able to help you. After I leave, you should study hard, try to get admitted to university, and go to the outside world to see. Keep."

The letter was written very briefly and ended in just two or three lines, but it was not difficult to see that the original owner's mother loved the original owner very much. Lin Dan gently stroked the stationery, his expression seemed calm, but a soft light flashed in his eyes. She put the necklace on as she was told, then put the rest of the things back in the box and locked it with the lock.

There was a rooster crowing outside, reminding her that it was getting dark and it was time to make dinner. She stood up immediately and wanted to pick some greens from the vegetable field, but a fish-shaped jade pendant fell out of her pocket, making a slight crisp sound. Lin Dan picked up the jade pendant and looked at it, and then searched for a while in her memory, only to find out that the jade pendant belonged to Zhou Nan, and the reason why it was in the original owner's pocket was because she wanted to leave a memory.

The original owner thought that Zhou Nan would definitely leave before he found the love Gu, so he took his personal belongings.

Lin Dan put the jade pendant back in his pocket, walked to the brightest and most ventilated room, and knocked on the door.

"Come in." A very magnetic voice came from inside.

Lin Dan pushed open the door and walked in, and found that Zhou Nan was lying on the bed playing with his mobile phone, his red and swollen foot was tied to a wooden board, and he was not in a plaster cast. The original owner had no money and could not find adult help, so he could only use this crudest method to treat him. He just turned seventeen this year, but he is already tall and straight. He is over 180 centimeters tall and lies on a wooden bed that is less than one meter six.

"Did you borrow your cell phone to call me?" he asked.

"I didn't borrow it. People in the village won't lend me my mobile phone. I'll go to the town tomorrow to find my teacher and ask him to inform your family." Lin Dan was not the original owner, so naturally he wouldn't leave Zhou Nanqiang here.

The moment she saw the young man, she finally understood why the original owner had fallen so completely. It is completely different from the villagers with vicissitudes of life. The facial features of the youth seem to be carved out of jade, which is extremely delicate and gorgeous. He didn't dare to get close, but he couldn't help being attracted. There is also a tear mole under the corner of his eye, which adds to the melancholy.

Not to mention that a little girl like the original owner who has never seen the world will fall on him, even if a mature woman who has passed thousands of sails comes, it will be difficult to escape the temptation of beauty.

But Lin Dan didn't give him another look, just walked over and carefully checked his broken leg.

Zhou Nan couldn't help breathing a sigh of relief when he saw that the girl did not use all kinds of excuses to shirk the matter of helping her contact the outside world as she used to. His mobile phone seemed to be broken, there was no signal all the time, and his legs couldn't walk. If he wanted to get out of here, he had to rely on Lin Dan.