The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 152: Gu girl 2


As soon as Lin Dan saw Zhou Nan's broken leg, he thought with disgust: who bandaged this wound, why is the technique so poor? Who found this medicine, it can't treat trauma at all! If you delay any longer, this person's legs will definitely be lame!

Dozens of ways to treat a broken leg appeared in her mind in an instant, and she quickly identified the most suitable one, and then her expression was slightly taken aback, and she wondered: Am I a doctor before

She didn't have time to think deeply, and immediately removed the wooden boards and gauze tied to Zhou Nan's legs, and wiped the mushy herbs.

Zhou Nan was covered in cold sweat from the pain, but he didn't even frown, he just asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm helping you heal your leg." Lin Dan brought a basin of hot water and scrubbed the boy's red and swollen injured leg.

Zhou Nan was forced to sit up and stopped: "Don't do it. When my parents are contacted, they will send me to a big hospital for treatment."

"Your leg bones are not properly connected, and they are a little crooked. If you don't help you straighten them now, you will become lame in the future. When your parents send you to the big hospital, they will still break your leg bones and restore them. Get it right, then you will definitely suffer more than you are now." Lin Dan explained clearly and went out to find herbs in the nearby mountains and forests.

Zhou Nan's injured leg hurt so much that he didn't dare to move at all, so he could only let her be at the mercy of her.

After about an hour or so, Lin Dan finally came back, holding a washbasin in his hand, which contained some green mud.

"I'm here to help you set your bones, it will hurt a bit, you bear with it." She rolled up her sleeves and spoke slowly.

Zhou Nan finally showed a flustered expression and decisively refused: "No need, really no need! You are not a doctor, don't move my legs casually. It's better to let professional people do these things."

"I'm a professional." Lin Dan grabbed his leg, pulled it hard at both ends, and quickly closed it. Her movements were very clean and neat, and almost the moment Zhou Nan screamed in pain, her bones were already fixed by her. She quickly smeared the mud on the affected area, then put the splint on, wrapped the cloth strip, and fixed it in midair.

After doing all this, she only spent half an hour before and after, but Zhou Nan broke out in a cold sweat and was lying on the pillow panting.

"Okay, take a good rest, I'll cook." Lin Dan washed his hands with the warm water that had been prepared, and his tone was very calm.

However, Zhou Nan gritted his teeth in anger, and his good self-preservation showed signs of breaking down in front of this daring little girl. He said solemnly: "Injuring a bone is a big deal. You don't know any medical skills. How can you treat me casually? If my bones are not properly connected, do you know what the consequences will be? I may become disabled!"

"No, don't worry." Lin Dan waved his hands expressionlessly, then went out with the washbasin in his hand, walked back after a while, and put the jade pendant on the bedside table, "This is your thing, You've got it."

Zhou Nan's anger was extinguished the moment he saw the jade pendant. His expression was unpredictable, his eyes were dark, and he stared at the jade pendant, as if he saw something terrible.

"This jade pendant is not mine." After a long while, he spoke word by word.

"It's yours," Lin Dan said, pointing to the pattern on it, "Look, it's a week character."

Zhou Nan was silent for a while, and then said: "Then I will give it to you."

Lin Dan gave him a deep look, and then went out without saying a word. The original owner was blinded by love and could not see how wary Zhou Nan was with her, but Lin Dan was different. Lin Dan didn't take this young man in his eyes at all, and naturally he would not mistake the rejection and trembling in his eyes. This is indeed his thing, but he doesn't like it, and even has some fear, so he will give it to others.

Fear of a jade pendant, why? Lin Dan was puzzled, but he didn't have the desire to go deeper. She was tired and hungry now, and just wanted to finish her meal quickly and get some sleep. As for what to do in the future, let her think about it when she is clear-headed.

When Lin Dan was busy in the kitchen, Zhou Nan picked up the jade pendant and threw it out the window. The jade pendant fell into the grass and disappeared without even making a sound.

The next day, Lin Dan got up early, ready to go to the town to find the original owner's teacher. She was the only one willing to help the original owner, but the villagers who were close to the original owner wished for her to die sooner.

"Are your legs better?" Before leaving, she went to check on Zhou Nan's injury.

Zhou Nan slept very lightly. He woke up when the chickens crowded outside. He was looking at his swollen legs in disbelief. "Much better!" He moved his toes, his expression even more surprised: "No pain at all!"

Lin Dan seemed to have anticipated it for a long time, and said firmly: "After the swelling and blood stasis are removed, the bones will grow quickly. You lie down and rest, don't move around, I will go to the town to find my teacher, and come back in the afternoon."

"Are you going to call me in town?" Zhou Nan was in a good mood, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, I'll ask my teacher to notify your parents for you. The phone numbers are 139XXXXXXXX and 139XXXXXXXX, right? Is there any other number to contact them? If it doesn't work, I can call instead." Lin Dan Holding a small note in his hand, he double-checked.

"Yes, there is another phone number to contact them. It's my dad's assistant. The surname is Liao. Please take a note." Seeing Lin Dan's very positive attitude, Zhou Nan's expression softened.

Lin Dan found a ballpoint pen and carefully wrote down the phone number before leaving. When walking down the path leading out of the mountain, he stepped on a hard object. He picked it up and saw that it was the one she gave to Zhou Nan yesterday. Piece of jade. The condition of the jade pendant is very good, the water head is also very high, and the complicated pattern is mixed with a few traces of blood red color. It should be a very valuable old object. It is a pity to throw it away.

She was too lazy to run back to find Zhou Nan, so she had to put it in her pocket, thinking about returning it to the other party when she came back. It was not yet dawn, and the mountains in the distance were shrouded in dark clouds, as if it were about to rain. Lin Dan tucked the umbrella under his arm and walked very fast. When he passed a water pool, he saw a figure dangling over from a distance. When he got closer, he realized that this person was an old man from the village, named Shi Gui, who had no children and no daughters. , destitute and living entirely on gambling.

He is one of the villagers who rejects the original owner the most. When he sees the original owner approaching the cottage, he will use a stick to drive him away, and his attitude is very vicious.

Lin Dan was not afraid of him, but he stood still, and then hid in the grass, so as not to conflict with the other party and waste time. But Shi Gui seemed to have discovered her long ago, and he ran over at a faster speed, followed by a strong smell of alcohol.

The original owner's body was very thin, and he was not an adult opponent at all, so Lin Dan didn't hide, and immediately ran into the dense forest. The two of you chased after me without speaking, and the atmosphere seemed very strange. In the end, Shi Gui caught up with Lin Dan, who was physically weak, and his big hands kept groping around her, tearing at her clothes.

Lin Dan didn't say a word, because she knew that even if she screamed, no one would come to save her. She bites with her teeth, kicks with her feet, scratches with her hands, and resists with everything she can use. But she is a thin girl after all, and because of malnutrition, her body is very weak, and she is quickly defeated. She was completely paralyzed, and allowed Shi Gui to strip off her shirt and pants.

Shi Gui's face turned red, his expression grim, and he was panting heavily, looking like he was burning with lust. When he was eager to unbutton his trousers, Lin Dan suddenly stretched out his finger and poked into his eye socket. He screamed and woke up completely, but instead of fleeing in embarrassment because he was blind in one eye, he quickly went to capture Lin Dan.

Lin Dan turned his head to look back as he ran, and suddenly understood that this is not an ordinary villager. Only a vicious person who has killed people and seen blood can have such a tyrannical gaze. If she hadn't escaped today, she would have lost her life!

She didn't look back, she just ran forward desperately, but she didn't expect Shi Gui to lift a big rock and smash it at the back of her head. The moment the sound of breaking the air came, she fainted in pain, and when she woke up, she found that her hands and feet were bound and abandoned in a deep pool of water.

Surrounded by lush green water plants, the turbid and icy cold water rushed into her nose and mouth, causing her to cough continuously. She immediately held her breath, stopped struggling, and allowed her body to slowly sink to the bottom of the water, while her mind was spinning at a high speed. Undoubtedly, Shi Gui had no intention of committing murder. He tied her up while she was in a coma, and threw her into a pond to destroy her corpse. She had to untie the rope as quickly as possible and swim to the surface.

It would be fine if her hands were tied upright, but they were tied behind her back, so even if she wanted to bend over to untie the ropes on her feet, it was impossible. In addition, there was a large rock on her leg, so that her body would not float up after being swollen by the blisters and be discovered. It can be seen that Shi Gui is a habitual offender, and his method of handling corpses is very sophisticated.

Lin Dan felt a chill in his heart, followed by boundless anger. But Shi Gui was tied too tightly, and no matter how much she struggled, it was in vain.

At this critical moment, a book called "Asura Sword" popped into her mind, and she intuitively told her that this might be her only way to survive. But unfortunately, just as the inheritance of witch and Gu Masters requires bloodline strength, the cultivation of Shura Sword also requires qualifications. The original owner's aptitude was so poor that he couldn't condense even a trace of inner strength, and the only way to survive was blocked in an instant.

Lin Dan closed her eyes and tried her best to calm herself down, but at this moment, the jade pendant in her pocket suddenly lit up, and the turbid pool water began to swirl, slowly forming an ethereal figure.

Lin Dan opened his eyes wide and was stunned by this strange situation. When he saw the figure clearly, a flash of surprise flashed across his pupils.

This man was wearing a black robe and had ankle-length hair. The green water plants and his black hair were intertwined, like a cloud, giving people a very ominous feeling. His face gradually became clearer, and his appearance was similar to Zhou Nan's, but his temperament was more gloomy. The mole under his eyes was red, while Zhou Nan's mole was black. His physique is also taller and stronger than Zhou Nan, and his facial features are very deep, giving people a thrilling feeling. If Zhou Nan were a few years older, he would have become like him.

His blushing thin lips were slightly hooked, and his smile was very charming, as if he was tasting the despair of Lin Dan's dying struggle.