The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 158: Gu girl 8


Gus have various uses, they can harm people, save lives, transport, and seek wealth... The uses of each type of gu can be roughly judged by their color. For example, the golden silkworm gu used to seek wealth has a golden color, like it is made of gold; the transshipment gu used for transportation is mostly purple, which symbolizes auspiciousness; the peach blossom gu used for mates is pink. The more powerful Emotion Gu is red... And the five-color Gu is the Gu King among the Gu Kings. If the Witch Gu Master is driven, it is omnipotent and has few nemesis. It is not easy to cultivate this kind of Gu, no matter how powerful a witch Gu Master is, it can only be obtained by luck.

Having cultivated a five-color Gu King in two months, it was obvious that Lin Dan was superior to others in terms of luck and strength.

The man leaned closer to look at Lin Dan's gorgeous face, inquiring, admiring, and a touch of burning heat in his eyes. This little girl really surprised him, she broke his stereotype of her again and again.

Lin Dan tilted his head to prevent the man from getting too close, then grabbed the colorful scorpion and stuffed it into his mouth.

Yu Yeying stared at her with round eyes and looked at her stupidly. After a few seconds, she swooped over and shouted anxiously, "You can't eat it, you will be poisoned to death!"

The man also sighed and said, "You are willing to eat the five-color Gu King, what a waste of money."

Lin Dan hugged Yu Ye Ying, patted her back lightly, and comforted: "Don't be afraid, I won't be poisoned to death. My body is very special, and only by eating these things can I feel full."

Yu Yeying groped her up and down, and when she saw that she was all right, she collapsed and lay down.

The two rested for a while in the cave, and seeing that it was getting dark, they cut two wooden sticks as crutches and slowly walked down the mountain. The dense forest was filled with steam and thick fog, blocking their vision. Yu Yeying hurried to hold Lin Dan's hand, but was horrified to find that the other party had disappeared!

"Little girl, your karma is coming, be careful." The man suddenly whispered in Lin Dan's ear, which made her nervous.

The man likes to laugh very much, and the laughter is extremely pleasant, which often makes Lin Dan feel numb in his ears. But his current smile is full of malice, as if he was expecting something.

Lin Dan looked around, only a thick fog caught his eyes, Yu Yeying had disappeared at some point, and the big trees were like ghosts, emitting an ominous aura. Lin Dan threw away the stick and ran two quick steps, but he couldn't see what was hidden on the other side of the thick fog. The quiet mountain forest had turned into an abyss, swallowing her up.

Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking air from the back of her head. Although she avoided it in time, a few strands of her hair were shaved off and fell erratically to the ground. She turned back suddenly, but found that there was no half-figure behind her, as if the previous fatal attack was just her illusion. She immediately took out the machete, with a rung in front of her, in a desperate stance.

"It's useless, hee hee hee!" A gloomy voice emerged from behind her, and she looked back quickly, but almost put on a grimace that was close at hand. That was Shi Gui, Shi Gui, who turned into a ghost after his death, came to seek revenge for her!

If ordinary people encountered such a thing, I am afraid that they would have been scared to pee, but Lin Dan did not even blink an eye, and slashed with a knife. Shi Gui's figure turned into a mist and dissipated, and then condensed behind her. With a wave of his hand, a yin qi burst out, overturning Lin Dan. She was like a puppet, swept away by Shi Gui's yin qi, constantly hitting tree trunks or rocks, vomiting blood again and again.

Ghosts are invisible things, and physical attacks can't hurt them at all. No matter how sharp the machete in Lin Dan's hand was and how strong his body was, he couldn't help Shi Gui. But in just a few minutes, she was covered in bruises and bruises, and her breath was dying.

The man was suspended in mid-air, watching this scene with interest, and enticingly said, "Little girl, lend me your body, and I will solve this trouble for you."

Lin Dan gritted his teeth and did not speak. She hated the feeling of being oppressed arbitrarily, and even more hated her own powerlessness. But in the back of her mind, there was a faint voice telling her that as long as she wanted to, she could easily kill this Specter. And all she has to do is to borrow a little Saint Gu's power.

She subconsciously urged the holy Gu, and then felt a scorching air flow from the place where the holy Gu was, that is, her dantian burst out, flowing through the limbs and bones, quickly healing the wounds all over the body. Her eyes were as black as ink, her skin was as pale as paper, and her lips were flushed red, which looked a little scary from a distance. Her fingernails began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then slowly dyed with a faint green light, the tips were thin and sharp, like a steel blade.

She slowly got up and spit out a mouthful of blood. There was no timidity in her eyes, only fierceness remained. When Shi Gui let out another burst of yin energy, instead of hiding, she went up to meet him, swiped away the yin qi with five fingers, and stabbed Shi Gui's eyebrows fiercely.

"It's useless, I'm a ghost, you're a human, you can't hurt me!" Shi Gui smiled proudly, but his eyes widened in the next second.

I saw Lin Dan's hand pulled out from his eyebrows and pulled away a bead that radiated gray light. Now, with the help of Saint Gu's power, she has transformed into a half-human, half-ghost form, so she can naturally touch femininity.

Shi Gui's body began to twist, and then scattered into pieces. The pain of his soul being torn apart made him raise his head and scream, almost going mad.

Lin Dan quietly watched him disappear into the sky, and then lowered his head to look at the beads in his palm, then stuck out the tip of his tongue and licked his red lips. This bead was exuding a strong fragrance, just like the pills she used to catch poisonous insects, which greatly aroused her appetite.

The man fell from the sky and said with a chuckle, "This is a soul bead. Only a ghost with a deep Taoism can condense. Shi Gui may have devoured the souls of the eighteen ghosts killed by him, and this is how powerful it is."

The depth of the road is equal to the abundance of energy... Thinking of this, Lin Dan did not hesitate any longer, and swallowed the soul orb as soon as he lifted his hand. This thing turned into a cold liquid as soon as it entered the mouth, and fell into the stomach. Because Lin Dan used the power of the holy Gu during the battle, the previous colorful scorpion had long been absorbed by the holy Gu. He was so hungry that he panicked, but the soul bead relieved his hunger in time. Its energy was even more than that of the Gu King, which was enough for Lin Dan to support him for a while.

Accidentally found a new food, Lin Dan's expressionless face swayed into a small smile.

The man looked at her with burning eyes and chuckled, "Is it delicious?"

Lin Dan didn't turn a blind eye to him like he used to, but instead looked straight at him and said, "You are also a ghost, and you have a deeper Taoism than Shi Gui, so you should also have a soul orb."

The man was stunned for a moment, then chuckled lightly: "Yes, I also have a soul orb," he suddenly approached Lin Dan, the tip of his nose pressed against hers, and his voice was hoarse and gloomy: "You want to eat me?"

The man's handsome face was close at hand, but Lin Dan didn't even catch his breath. She looked at him quietly for a moment, then nodded and said, "I will eat you one day."

Her expression was serious, her eyes were frozen, and she was completely unaware of the ambiguity of what she said. The man was amused by her, stroked her smooth hair with both hands, then pressed the back of her head, saying word by word, "Okay, I'll be waiting for you."

He had thought right before, if Lin Dan lived in the same era as him, he would definitely be his opponent. Now she is still immature, but she has sharpened her minions and is ready to kill.

"Little girl, I really like you more and more..." The man whispered in Lin Dan's ear like a lover, and then disappeared. At the same time, the dense fog quickly dissipated, revealing the original appearance of the dense forest. Yu Yeying was standing not far away, anxiously calling Lin Dan's name, with fear in her voice, but no despair.

She slammed the surrounding trees with a stick, trying to find Lin Dan as soon as possible, but her cute little face was full of hostility. Lin Dan had no doubt that if she met a stranger at this moment, she would definitely pounce on him without hesitation and tear him apart. Once a person who is depressed to the extreme becomes crazy, he will be unimaginable.

"Ye Ying, I'm here." Lin Dan shouted, and the manic Yu Yeying immediately quieted down and turned back slowly.

"Lin Dan, are you alright?" She took small steps and ran to Lin Dan's side, her eyes glowing red, like a harmless little rabbit, her sullen face was long ago replaced by worry and concern.

"I'm fine, I just met a ghost and hit the wall." Lin Dan squatted down and said calmly, "Come up, I'll carry you, so you can walk faster, and you don't have to worry about getting separated."

Hearing this, Yu Yeying immediately climbed onto her back, the corners of her mouth were raised high, and she looked very happy.

Lin Dan was catching insects and refining Gu while helping two oil bottles to heal. Two months passed before he knew it. Zhou Nan's broken leg has healed, and Yu Yeying's dark disease has also recovered. It is a coincidence that both of them are from Haicheng, so they can go back together.

Lin Dan originally planned to send the two away and concentrate on refining Gu, but the Insect Insect Powder she invented was so powerful that it had attracted poisonous insects from a hundred miles away. If she didn't leave, there would be no more insects here. Haunted, I am afraid it will become a barren place in a few years. On the contrary, the world outside the mountains is wider, which can not only broaden her horizons, but also update her recipes. Why not go out and have a look

Thinking of this, Lin Dan decided to go with Zhou Nan and Yu Yeying, first go to Haicheng to see, and then find a dense forest to catch insects.

Yu Yeying pulled the corner of her clothes and said, "Lin Dan, in fact, there are poisonous insects not only in the forest, but also in the city. Those large garbage dumps can breed thousands of poisonous insects, and they grew up eating chemical raw materials. It's far more poisonous than the poisonous insects in the forest. Just go and see."

Lin Dan's eyes lit up, and his attitude became more and more determined: "Well, I'll go with you."

Yu Yeying laughed immediately and rubbed her arm around her.

Zhou Nan's mouth twitched slightly, and he felt speechless. Lin Dan is a straight man, he can see through what he says at a glance. However, Yu Yeying has grown very fast, from being afraid of him to reject him, and has slowly developed to look at him with the eyes of dead things. If it wasn't for Lin Dan, Zhou Nan would have no doubt that Yu Yeying would kill herself with a knife.

Does Lin Dan know that when she was refining Gu, the little girl beside her gradually turned into a poisonous Gu.